In a huge mansion, Eula Lawrence wakes up to a soft bed and comfy mattresses. "Good morning, young miss."
A maid greets her and gives her a cup of warm milk by the beside. "Good morning." (Eula) replied back thinking it was her mother... but it wasn't.
"I have already prepared your bath and your clothes." The maid pats Eula's head. "Come on, young miss let's go now."
Eula wipes her sleepy eyes before pouting. "I'm not a child anymore, don't treat me like one please I'm already in university." (Eula)
The maid could only smile at her young miss's rejection. To think back then she was as adorable clingy little kid when she was younger. "Of course, young miss. However we must leave in thirty minutes."
Eula yawns nodding, taking a shower, eating a breakfast and putting on her clothes.
Eula holds over her sports bag elegantly behind her shoulder, packing an umbrella. The maid behind her curtsies while holding a clipboard while opening the door to a fancy luxurious car.
"The schedule for today will be a long one, young miss." (Maid)
The blue haired girl frowns over seeing the long line of things she had to do. She had dancing lessons right after piano lessons, international language lessons, economics trade conference- the list went on and on.
"Even though it's a Saturday it seems that I don't have any room to breathe." (Eula) complains taking the clipboard and looking at the maid with her lips pursed. Her caretaker looks at her curiously, Eula looks down with a flustered face. "C-Can I reschedule for everything except fencing and piano lessons. I-I have to take my friend to a sunflower garden this evening and I know she's waiting for me."
The maid smiles. The young miss rarely asks for anything, especially when its to meet up with friends. The maid grabs a pen out of her pocket, taking the clipboard back and scratches a few things off the list. "I won't let your father know, young miss. Have you taken an outfit for the outing yet?"
Eula's caretaker was with her every step of the way. She has been taking care of her since she was a little child after all, the young miss before was not so different from the now. Eula shakes her hand smiling faintly at her only ally in this home of hers. "Not yet... I was hoping that you'd help me pick one for the occasion." (Eula)
The maid raises her eyebrows up and down grinning to her young miss. "Pardon me, Miss Eula but are you going on a date?"
Eula coughs loudly with a beet red face. "N-No! Absolutely not! I'm merely going with Amber who's a friend of mine on school!" (Eula)
The maid coyly giggles at her young miss's reaction. "Ah the Amber classmate you've been talking to me about lately. She seems like a nice girl, Miss Eula." (Maid)
Eula nods closing her eyes while playing around with a loose strand of her hair. "She's... tolerable. One of these days I could introduce you to her but be warned she's off limits." (Eula) crosses her arms while resting her back into the car seat.
"My of course, young miss I wouldn't even dare. I'm going to help you catch her attention I'm rooting for the both of you." the maid covers her mouth slightly giggling, happy that finally, her young miss has someone to lean onto once she's gone.
It was now time for fencing class, she gets off of the car waving goodbye to her caretaker who speeds off somewhere else. Planning to fetch her by the time on the afternoon where she'll need to get ready for her date- I mean friendly hang out with Amber.
She takes off to the locker rooms, placing down her sports bag and changing into her uniform.
Eula holds over the sabre before saluting to her opponent. The trainer announces for the two people to have a clean practice."En garde." she takes the stance to be on guard.
"Prêt." She readies herself tightening the grip on her saber sword not taking her eyes off the opponent.
Her feet moved as if she was dancing, left, right she parried and lunged at her opponent. She dodged the opponent's attacked in every way with the way she twisted her body it seemed like a beautiful snake was going to snack on her prey.
She hits the head of her opponent's helmet, the shoulder, and the chest.
The trainer nods approvingly at her star student and that is of course, the ever so perfect Miss Eula Lawrence. "Well done today Eula. You can get out early today because of your wonderful performance." The trainer compliments Eula giving her a slow clap of admiration.
"Everyone should take an example of what she did. You! Practice again give me some progress." the trainer yells to Eula's opponent who stutters and moves away to practice by himself on the corner giving Eula a jealous look.
Eula nods to the trainer, she takes off her helmet revealing her beautiful features. Those long lashes of her, soft white skin, and rosy lips. "Thank you, I will excuse myself for piano practice now."
Everyone looked behind the most exceptional person they've ever seen. Indeed they all thought Eula Lawrence was such an intimidating person.
Piano practice was just on the other side of the building. She changes into her casual clothing and meets up with her piano trainer there. "Ah Miss Lawrence, good day to you. Will you practice yet again?"
Eula nods politely to her trainer and sits on the duet bench of the piano. "I want to things to be a little difficult today. I want something challenging, give me the most difficult concerto there is." (Eula)
The trainer chuckles taking a music sheet and presents it to Eula. "La Campanella. Perhaps this would take your interest, young miss."
Eula takes the music sheet and spreads it onto the front side of the piano. She takes her fingers onto the keyboard notes and began playing. On every note she timed perfectly, her trainer that was beside her was even tapping his foot onto the music.
The trainer holds a huge expectation up to par with Eula and well, it was met. He was impressed, she has never played this piece but it seemed like she has her whole life. "My! Excellent playing young miss. I even wonder why do you need to practice for all this time if you're this talented already." the trainer mutters making Eula miss a note, she sighs and stops playing.
The trainer wondered if he crossed a line on personal questions but I guess that was a curious human mistake. Eula looks at her trainer who responds, "If its what my father wishes. It is what I do." (Eula)
The trainer awkwardly smiles at Eula's now depressed mood. He takes another music sheet and presents it to Eula, "Well... at least you have experience in piano concerts and who knows one day you can impress someone with it? After all we play for the people we love and want not for people who expects things from us."
He was running out of words and just muttered out what came to mind.
Fortunately for him Eula was on a lovestruck mood. She holds her chin in thought, "Do you have any music sheets for a romantic setting?" she asks and the trainer's eyes widened. He smiles walking to the music sheet shelf.
"Which kind of romantic setting are you planning?" The trainer begins to shuffle from sheet to sheet even taking out some modern songs. "I have some modern songs that might interest you as well."
Eula nods for the first time in a while, she smiles genuinely. Her tutor gave her a couple of few songs that she could practice right now.
Every note she played she thought of Amber.
Will Amber like this song? Or perhaps this one?
These words ran in her head thinking of the bunny girl's expression.
When piano lesson was over, it was time to meet this certain bunny girl. She collected her stuff placing it in on her sports bag and left the building. The maid and her driver was already waiting for her. Eula was somehow glad that she was already there, "Thank you for fetching me."
The maid curtsies giving her a grin, "As always young miss. I have the clothes you'll need for your date later."
Eula shakes her head. "I-It's not a date but thank you for bringing the clothes! I'll get my revenge on you later." she throws her bag into the side of the car seat. "L-Let's go already to the sunflower festival please."
The maid nods ordering for the driver to take them to the provincial side of the city.
Eula looks out to the window where slowly all the city buildings turned into trees, and into a sunflower terrain. There were people air gliding everywhere, with winged contraptions behind their backs. "A sunflower festival with people gliding everywhere. Young miss, this seems really dangerous will you be alright?"
"Relax, I won't be gliding. If my father finds out I'll be dead if he knew." (Eula)
Eula checks her phone and takes out the ticket from her pocket. Putting in her password, she smiles through the wallpaper of Amber smiling while holding a flower.
She scrolls through her contact list where she has saved Amber's contact name as [Amber <3]. The profile picture on the side made her smile, it was the two of them together.
It appears that Amber has already sent her a message that she was waiting by Good Hunter.
[Amber <3]: Eula! Eula! I'm here at good hunter where are you? (',,•ω•,,)♡
Eula chuckles seeing the cute emote beside the message, she immediately types back a reply.
[Eula]: I am almost there. Have you eaten yet?
[Amber <3]: Nooo. I'm waiting for you so we can eat together! (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
[Eula]: I'll be there as fast as I can then.
[Amber <3]: Be safe okay? I send hugs! ( つ'∀`)つ
Eula looks to her driver putting her phone to the pocket, "Can you drive faster please, to Good Hunter."
The driver nods at her young miss's orders and within a few minutes the car stops at good hunter.
Eula opens the door to reveal her really gorgeous blue one piece dress. She had her hair in a neatly braid, trying to look for Amber. "Eula~ Eula! Eu... la."
Someone familiar could be heard shouting in the distance and it was Amber. She was currently speechless after seeing the perfect princess in a really beautiful dress. Eula could feel Amber's gaze on her whole body, she looks away blushing while holding her arm. "Amber um... I have arrived. Did I kept you waiting?" (Eula)
Amber stood there with her really adorable red jacket with a black top. She was really flustered for staring at Eula's casual clothing. She has never seen the usual strict Vice president in anything casual- everything was just so formal with her. "A-Amber you're not saying anything." (Eula)
"Ah-! I mean hi Eula welcome! You didn't kept me waiting!" (Amber) quickly saves herself and walks up to Eula taking a more closer look. "You're really pretty in that dress! You even got your hair done! I like it!" she exclaims making Eula shy and really... flustered.
She has received many compliments like that in the past, many men, suitors that her father has chosen for her but none of them could ever make her feel what Amber can do. "Of course, I am someone from the Lawrence family. It is natural that I am naturally pretty in anything."
Amber smiles. "And I bet you're also naturally pretty even if you wearing nothing- I mean! Ahem wait who's that behind you?"
The maid giggles, she couldn't help but hear everything that her young miss and this little 'friend' of hers on their interaction. "Oh my. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Amber. I am merely her maid and to remind her that the driver will pick her up at five thirty." (Maid)
Eula smiles giving a nod of thanks to her maid. The maid leans in further to look at Amber, well she seems like a good girl. "Amber please take good care of our, young miss. She might be a little difficult but she's a good girl just like you now have fun in the festival."
The maid takes an umbrella from the sports bag. "Don't forget to take care of your skin and shade yourselves from the sun!" (Maid)
Eula rolls her eyes taking the umbrella. "Yes... we will. Come at once, Amber. I need you to lead the way to the festivities."
Amber holds Eula's arm. Eula almost steps back away from her but Amber wouldn't budge. "It's a date! Come on!"
"H-Hold on! Don't run I'm on heels! Amber I swear! Hahaha!" (Eula) sounded annoyed while Amber dragged her to the festival but really the truth is... she was having fun.
Amber made her experience things she's never done before. She's made her things she never expected, and she said things that made her heart feel something.
She has never smiled in her life this much.
Amber was a really touchy person, she offers her hand to Eula a consent to hold her hands. "For us to not get separated!"
Eula looks at the hand suspiciously before giving in. "F-Fine but it's only because we need to not get separated at this festival."
"Hehe." (Amber) mutters happily intertwining their fingers together as they went onto their date.
They walked together hand in hand finding their other classmates who was here by surprise.
Professor Lisa and Jean were scene taking a look at a book stall.
Amber raises her eyebrows up and down when she noticed those two together but didn't disturb their romantic shopping date together.
Even Professor Venti was here to take part of the wine drinking competition featuring sunflower wine made by the Angel share company brand. He was chugging a whole bottle before- bam!
He settles it down with a huge sigh of satisfaction. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Give me more wine! I'm not done yet! Mwuahaha! Another round my friends!" (Professor Venti)
Eula looks onto the rowdy competition and pointed at the professor. "Is he really our music teacher or a rowdy drunk man?" (Eula) sighs feeling disappointed in the school staff.
Amber laughs nervously but she reassures Eula. "You know you have to admit. Professor Venti might be a drunkard but he can teach well." (Amber)
"Ugh you have a good point. I'll have my revenge on that." (Eula)
Then there was a sword fight competition with sunflower sword props. Amber and Eula was walking over to the booth where the prize was either a high quality sunflower wine bottle or a fancy grape juice box that's worth for one year.
"I-Is that Kaeya and Diluc fighting with swords?" (Amber) looked surprised. "I expected Kaeya to compete but- Senior Diluc?!"
Eula looks over to the red haired boy and a dark blue haired Kaeya grinning who was at an advantage. "Hyah! Take that! I'll wine that fancy wine so get over it already!" (Kaeya) yells the crowd clapping for his fancy footwork.
Diluc dodges and swings the prop sword. "Enough talk. I'll win that one year card for grape juice so don't stand in my way." (Diluc)
Amber could only laugh quietly at his Senior while Eula felt only utter disappointment. "Kaeya is a member of the Council he should act like it."
Eula crosses her arms pouting, that looks fun... she wants to join but she doesn't want to look like a fool. If she participates in this dress and possibly messes up her hair it'll be such a waste!
Amber notices Eula's sudden little sour demeanor and wanted to fix it.
She looks around for any activities she and Eula might do.
"Hmm..." (Amber) looks left and right for any stalls she might have an advantage in. "Oh~ Jackpot! Eula let's go over there come on!"
Eula has a question mark over her head but nonetheless follows the little rabbit girl to wherever she wanted. "An... archery booth?" (Eula) looks over the stall where dozens of stuffed animal was hung onto the ceiling. Wooden bows and arrows were laid onto a long wooden desk.
In front was targets with a red circle in the middle.
The store owner seemed to recognize Amber and waved his hand. "Oy nice there evenin Amber. How are ya?"
"I'm doing fine chief! I want to take a game and win something for my friend!" she exclaims and motions for the store owner to lean in a little. "And um eh... between me and you I just want to impress her today. It's her first time in the sunflower festival so I want her first experience to be memorable!"
Eula can actually hear everything from how Amber was being too loud. She fiddles with her hands trying to calm down her heart. The storeowner covered his mouth for sympathy.
He sees it! A young maiden just wanting to impress another young maiden! What pure joy!
While Amber was busy conversing with the storeowner Eula stares at a cute bunny plush that was as big as her. It was colored red, with a silly grinning face like Amber's.
"Of course ya can take a turn however that'll be 100 mora for an arrow." (Storeowner)
"How many arrows can I land to win a prize?" (Amber) asks excitedly.
"There are three levels here aye. If you land your first arrow on Level A, you can only win a small plush with that one. Second arrow Level B gives ya the medium and of course three arrows to C gets you the big one." (Storeowner) explains handing over the wooden bow and arrow to Amber. "So how many arrows will it be kid?"
Amber looks at Eula who was staring at the ceiling. "The... red bunny?" (Amber) mutters while she looks at whatever Eula was staring at.
The storeowner overheard her and laughs pointing at the red bunny. "That's one a C. You'll need at least three arrows."
Amber gives a determined look and slams down 300 mora. "I'll definitely win it for Eula."
She holds the bow with precise. She breathes in, posture straight she takes the arrow and loads the bow. Eula stares at Amber who was part of the Archery club, although she was aware that Amber does archery she has never seen a game of her in it.
She was always in the bench for some reason... but right now, she looked so cool Eula was just stuck on Amber's confident figure.
"Fu...." (Amber) closes her eyes and opens them for concentration focusing it on the red target.
You can hear the sound of the string. The arrow was tightly pinched between her fingers.
The first arrow was deployed. Bullseye!
Whoosh! Whoosh!
Second and third! BOTH BULLSEYE!
Eula couldn't even see her load an arrow. Amber puts the bow down into the desk still looking serious. The storeowner shakes her head in disbelief. "One of these days I'll be needing to ban you kid. With your monster skills I might run out of business ya hear?" (Storeowner)
Amber scratched the back of her head looking guilty. "Sorry but I swear I'm only going to play one time! Now um the red bunny please!"
The storeowner chuckles having a stick to bring down the red bunny plush and hands it over to Eula. Eula blinks and smiles happily at the won plush. "T-Thank you, kind sir." (Eula)
He could only smile softly at Eula Lawrence. "You got a keeper miss. This kid might be a little hyper and a little nosy at times but she has a good heart. Is she being a nice girlfriend to ya?" (Storeowner) points at Amber who almost choked on her saliva.
Eula tightened her hold to the red bunny, "U-Um we're not-!"
Amber finishes her sentence for her. "Come on! As I told you before she's my friend! Don't be silly Eula will never be with someone like me." (Amber) waves her hand politely and Eula could only stand in silence.
"Right... friends." (Eula) mutters. What did she expect? For Amber to agree? She herself was already ready to deny but- to hear it from Amber herself.
It hurts.
The storeowner scratches his head in confusion looking at the two. "Sorry for the misunderstanding then kiddos. I hope you enjoy your prize and Amber I better not see you lingering on my shop anymore or else I'll have no prize to cash."
Amber salutes playfully and nods. "Aye! See you sometime then! Come on Eula let's go! I have to take you wind gliding! And are you hungry?"
Eula holds the huge stuffed bunny by her arms and tries to muster out smile. "Yes I am. Shall we go back to good hunter?" (Eula) responds weakly and Amber hasn't noticed yet at least.
"Yes lets! I hear they have sunflower themed foods!" (Amber)
They went to good hunter and had a good time. Sara, the storeowner was really kind when they served the two of their food. Eula didn't like it and decided to get some revenge for her kind service.
She leaves some extra tip under a plate. So that when she cleans it she'll have no choice but to accept.
"A well deserved revenge." (Eula) mutters to herself feeling accomplished.
Amber gave Eula all kinds of street food. Popcorn, some Dandelion chips, and Ice pop. Eula seemed to liked the cold best after all so she saved the best for last. "Ice cream tada!" (Amber) really knew Eula well.
They went wind gliding, Eula who was a first timer was nervous but once she took Amber's hand and soaked in that influencing stupid pretty smiles of hers.
She felt like she can do anything she couldn't before.
"Mondstadt Gliding Champion, yep, that's me! Gliding Champion!" (Amber) yelled happily onto the sky and Eula laughs at her silliness.
They took a walk in the sunflower fields, sharing an umbrella. The flowers were really beautiful, "I have fulfilled my revenge for you. Taking me into a good time to get our skin burned. I have prevented it." (Eula) mutters proudly smiling while having Amber by her side.
Amber giggles looking up at Eula's cute little blue umbrella. "I like this revenge thing that you do. Should I do more kind things so you can swear more revenge on me?" she couldn't stop giggling finding Eula's little banter for revenge something so adorable.
Eula pouts leaning in closer to Amber. "It looks like I'll be having my grudge of revenge for you everyday for the rest of my life. That's how kind you are, Amber." (Eula)
Amber's mouth went wide. The girl's ribbon twitches happily, but deep inside she could feel her whole body becoming hot.
"E-Eh?! Um! I-I'll um! What time is it?!" she covers her mouth for a bit looking away. Damn she was glad she was alive and lucky enough to receive such cute words out of Eula!
Eula realizes what she just said and facepalmed herself in shame.
Was she too bold? Corny? Flirty?! She takes the phone to check the time instead, calming herself down. "Quarter to five thirty. I think we might need to go." (Eula) says with a little disappointment in the tone in her voice.
Amber nodded and lead her away from the sunflower field walking together side by side in silence. It wasn't a bad one, they were just too shy to talk first after what Eula said. Amber was having some mixed feelings at the moment. Eula was holding the umbrella and the red bunny plush that's almost the size of her so she kept herself preoccupied.
Once they got out they waited for Good Hunter to wait for Eula's maid to pick her up.
"Young miss, I see you have an adorable bunny plush now. Hmm is it just me or does it look like your friend right there?" (Maid)
Eula shoves the plush on her quickly telling her to get inside the car. "I'll just need to say goodbye! Give me a moment!" (Eula)
Amber stares at the two having a weird moment before looking at Eula. "So... see you at school?" she asks Eula hiding her hinds behind her back to not show her nervousness.
Eula turns to Amber nodding. "See you... in school."
Eula gets in the car looking at the window. Seeing Amber's figure disappear as the car moved. The maid chuckles holding over the plush, "Young miss no matter how much you look at it the plush and your friend really do look alike." (Maid)
Eula rolls her eyes deciding to ignore the maid and look at her phone.
Her eyes widened when it was a message notification Amber.
[Amber <3}: I hope you had fun! Be safe when you get home and take care of the plush! See you on Monday! ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') ♡
Eula smiles with a hint of redness in her face. She types back her reply.
[Eula]: Mm, see you on Monday.
She hides her phone before resting her elbow by the car door. The maid watches quietly admiring the power of her young miss's friend. "Ah young love." (Maid)
Enjoy some sweet Eula x Amber action.
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