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25% Yuri One Shots / Chapter 1: Beidou X Ningguang (1)
Yuri One Shots Yuri One Shots original

Yuri One Shots

Author: Zerin_Lee

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Beidou X Ningguang (1)

The school bell rang around the school, Teyvat University, one of the most prestigious schools there is being home to many gifted and individual people of talents.

The student council president with blonde hair radiating an aura of a responsible woman was checking out the proper uniform being worn by the students. "Good morning." she says casually smiling to the other students.

"Oh! Good Morning! President Jean!" A student with a tied red ribbon on her head greeted the President with glee running off to be with her friend that seemed to be impatiently waiting for her at the middle of the pathway crossing her arms together.

Jean was rather expectant that this day will go off without a hitch but suddenly someone yawned behind her back. "Oh Jean. I see you're still diligent and punctual as ever."

The steps of her heels could be heard. Jean clenches her first knowing who's voice that belonged to. "Professor Lisa. A good morning to you too."

Lisa grins her hand landing on Jean's shoulders giving it a gentle squeeze teasingly. "A fine morning to read a book and drink tea all day don't you think?"

She holds her cheek giving a wink. "Of course, you know what they say. Tea tastes better with the right company."

Clearly Lisa was suggesting something else and the ever so serious council president caught it.

Jean blinks for a few moments before shaking her head trying to resolve herself to not be acquainted with this woman. She removes Lisa's hand that was on her shoulder giving her a neutral look. "I hope you find that company you're looking for elsewhere, Professor Lisa. If you'll excuse me I have to perform my other duties." she replies feeling rather unsettled after what happened last time with her alone.

"B-But Jean-" Professor Lisa calls out to her but it was still to no avail, useless. She reaches her hand towards her but still Jean walks away. "Are you still mad at me because you missed that one meeting?"

Jean stares at her saying nothing. Lisa gets the message and sighs. "I'm really sorry I didn't look at the time and lost track with how long we were in the library together." (Lisa)

"Then control yourself professor." (Jean) bluntly mutters before leaving Professor Lisa stranded all alone sighing to herself.

Many people raised their ears at this including the girl with red ribbons who was conversing with her friend with light blue hair and elegant poise with the way she holds herself.

The girl pulls her friend's sleeves. "Eula do you think they're at it again? Having a lover's quarrel must be hard huh."

Eula lets out a 'hmph' glaring at the two. "Flirting while on work? How scandalous. This is not how a council president should behave. If I was president I know I could hold a more precise ruling of this school with me leading. I am descendent of the Lawrence family after all."

She places a hand to her chest proudly saying, "This school will be mine."

The girl smiles at her friends enthusiasm and her impossible words to take seriously. "Mnhmm Eula, I bet you'll make an astounding president."

"Hmph. Indeed I would, Amber. How unfortunate that I was one vote behind before I would've achieved such victory." Eula tells Amber her voice turning a little disappointed.

The student election had just passed the results leaving Eula to be Vice president. Of course it hurt her pride, someone from the Lawrence family being beaten by someone from Gunnhildr.

Amber noticed Eula's creasing forehead so she decided to hold her arm to get her attention. "You know Eula being Vice President isn't that bad! I get to spend more time with you because you're not so busy unlike Jean! And... I really like spending my time with you together."

Eula looks at Amber in surprise from her sudden words. Her eyes wandering to where Amber was holding her, Eula panicked her face turning pink when she shook Amber's hold of her. She points a finger at Amber, "Y-You think flattery will win me over? If you think I'm easily fooled then your wrong. Mark my words, vengeance will be mine."

She marches off leaving Amber to follow her back to the classrooms.

School was already in session everyone was already proceeding to their own classroom.

Every student sat in their own respective seat including a very popular person with the ladies.

She had dark brown hair running over her waist standing tall. Her hands was gripping on her school bag and sports bag wanting to get ready for practice later when the team huddled up preparing for the next upcoming game with Honkai University.

"Captain Beidou good morning!"

"Oh my gosh it's Captain Beidou!"

Beidou the ace athlete adding that even though she's only new in the volleyball team she was adored by a lot of people. Not long after she was appointed to be the new captain after the old one quit, "Why hi there ladies!"

It was mostly women after coming out to her peers when they asked what preferences did Beidou have.

They were really supportive and understanding that made Beidou happy her motivation to play and win for the team sky rocketed being one of the most important athlete of Teyvat University.

Everyone in the classroom welcome her feeling cheery as she sat down into her seat. "Yo! Beidou! I have your lunch for today."


A girl with bun braided hair and hold eyes slams a lunchbox into her table making Beidou smile perhaps even hungry impatiently wanting to open up the bento box that was in front of her. "Xiangling, another one of your new creations?"

Beidou's jaw was open that a fly was ready to go inside at any moment.

Mao Xiangling, a classmate and a cook felt happy that Beidou asked puffing her chest proudly explaining what the lunchbox contained. "Fufufu~ as you can see here it's full of wonders and the greatness of seafood into a lunch box! I have found a way to take out the stench of the fish and a new sauce I made entirely from slime extracts, thyme, rosemary-" (Xiangling)

Xiangling rambled on and Beidou listened to her friend who was an eccentric foodie.

The two of them met when Beidou was planning on finding a part time job because of her lack in money, she couldn't buy food and she didn't want to trouble her friends on giving her pity so she swallowed her pride and didn't ask for help.

Eating instant noodles almost everyday.

Everything changed when she met Xiangling one time on economics class when their teacher told her what she made was inappropriate because it didn't fit the theme for work and the style of cooking she used for it was apparently too peculiar.

The teacher refused to taste what Xiangling made ordering her to throw it out in the trashcan.

Beidou heard everything clenching her first. Hating people who wastes food, instead of throwing it out Beidou held Xiangling's dish and ate it in front of the teacher chopsticks in hand ignoring the teacher that told her to stop.

She placed the bowl down with a heavy thud looking at the teaching straight in the eyes with no fear but hatred. "I hate people like you who wastes food." she licks her lips savoring the dish. It was honestly so good! She couldn't believe it was about to be thrown away!

Beidou smiles at Xiangling who was now looking at her in awe. "This girl will be a famous chef soon in the future and you'll regret what you did today."

The teacher was fuming mad that she sent Beidou into the principal's office but after that Xiangling was so touched that she decided to befriend Beidou and make meals for her after knowing about her financial situation and the fact Beidou only ate instant noodles that was flavored seafood- she couldn't just stand there and leave her savior to eat unhealthily!

That was last year now they just got into their senior year. They've become so close together Beidou worked part-time in Xiangling's family restaurant as a waitress. Having a cheerful and hardworking personality Xiangling's dad accepted her with no hesitation.

Beidou holds the lunchbox dearly in her hand, as if it was some rare treasure she'll never get again. Her face was full of flowers and smiles, "Aw shucks Xiangling you know you don't have to cook and make lunch for me everyday." (Beidou)

"Don't say that Beidou. I owe you a lot and this is how I'm repaying it. If you don't take it I'll just leave it in your table!" (Xiangling) insists making a happy Beidou who sets aside her food for later so it'll stay warm.

"You know Xiangling I bet you'll make a wonderful wife one day you know?" (Beidou) compliments her friend making her flustered but still thanked her for it.

She looks around the classroom and it seemed like everyone was gossiping about something. She got an earshot of the conversation from Xinyan her rock star classmate that was profound for making really loud music during music class. "Hey hey! I heard there's going to be a new transfer student." (Xinyan)

Xinyan tells Xinqiu and Chonyun who was reading a book together. Xinqiu smiles faintly nodding to Xinyan flipping a page of his book, "Indeed. An heir of a successful business trading facility will be transferring or so I heard." (Xinqiu)

Beidou's first thoughts were, she hopes that it won't be another stuck up rich arrogant person. She had to deal with enough of them trying to win her favor. Xiangling went back to her seat after noticing their philosophy professor as well as homeroom teacher came in. "Children, please go back to your respective seating where we'll shortly begin our class momentarily."

He had long hair paired with dark yellow sunset color highlights. This particular instructor was known to be handsome, elegent, a master of courtesy and rules. "Yes professor Zhongli~!" the class yelled in a playful harmony over the classroom.

Zhongli smiles faintly at his students before getting right into business. "Today we will have a new transfer student from now on, she'll be in our care." (Professor Zhongli)

Everyone looks towards the door where it was slowly opened gaining their attention . A tall refined girl came in with fair skin, red eyes and was just radiating elegance when she entered the room. Professor Zhongli motions her hand for the mysterious girl to introduce myself.

She clears her throat for a moment facing the whole class, "My name is Ningguang Tianquan. I will be looking forward to getting to getting to know you all."

Her voice was clear like the blue sky, deeply sweet like honey, it was nice to listen too.

Beidou fiddled with her pen lazily but her mind was elsewhere brimming with curiosity for the transfer student. "Please choose wherever you want to seat, Miss Tianquan." (Professor Zhongli) motions for the girl to pick her seat.

Ningguang nods walking to see if there's any empty seats. Her red ruby eyes glances towards Beidou's direction. "Hmm..." (Ningguang) notices there was an empty seat next to her.

"I would like to take this seat professor." she smiles faintly taking the seat, placing her bag next to her barely giving Beidou a glance right after that.

The tall woman whose beauty strikes one senseless- was perplexed.

Is she like one of those rich arrogant people? Or just a decent average person you'll see every time?

Beidou usually have a good sense of character in reading people but when it came to this new transfer student she was confused.

It felt like something was telling her to get close at the same time run away because something told her this woman was dangerous. Professor Zhongli clapped a little gathering his class's attention, "Now for our philosophy class. Our lesson for today is giving me your honest opinion for historical quotes of our many lore. Who can tell me what does, 'Osmanthus Wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memories.' mean? Anyone?"

The whole class after that seemed like a breeze. The Professor taught all the meaning of the quotes, making the other students a little bored with listening to the whole damn thing. Apparently this was the same lesson as last week-

Next period came. Everyone stood up from their seats stretching their bodies walking to the locker rooms to change into their P.E uniforms.

"Alright finally some sports!" (Beidou) yelled happily. Doing some simple stretches, feeling pumped to play some dodgeball.

The other students looked at Beidou like she was boar meat. Everyone in P.E wanted her to be on her team because surely, with her guide the other team will stand no chance when they fight for a higher grade.

"Beidou come with me!"


Two girls were at her arms on each side pulling her like a rope. Beidou only smiles in a panic at them but this woman made it in a charming way the two girls can't help themselves but having their hearts being pulled on like a string. "No need to fight over me I can take turns on each teams so don't worry! I'll be with you both." (Beidou)

The both of them glared at each other, wanting to keep Beidou for themselves but in the end they settled for a truce. They let go of her arms at the same time.


Xiangling laughs a little meeting her friend patting her back when the other two left leaving them in peace, "You sure are popular with the girls aren't you." she teased the bashful Beidou.

Beidou was not really comfortable when someone calls her popular or points her obvious high reputation around the school. "But it looks like you have another person to share that burden with but she's being fancied over by a lot of our guy classmates instead." (Xiangling ) points into a certain direction of the transfer student.

Ningguang was being flocked over by a lot of guys telling her how they would protect her, not leaving a scratch on her, and boy oh boy the things they said was really hilarious for Beidou. She holds over her stomach trying to contain her laughter, "One of them said they'll be her shield for her-" (Beidou)

Xiangling's face turned sour feeling bad for the transfer student. "Beidou can you do something? The poor thing looks like she's about to get trampled over by the guys." (Xiangling)

Beidou stopped laughing and nods, she can't say no to the request of her closest friends. "I'll be back in a jiffy then, Xiangling." (Beidou)

Xiangling gives her a thumbs up with a huge smile on her face. "Good luck!"

Beidou takes in her words walking towards the group of people that were crowding the beautiful and popular transfer student. "Alright break it up you guys, she's going to be grouped on my team." (Beidou) mutters to the group of guys who groans.

"Beidou come on we asked her first."

"Yeah get it line Beidou."

"You already have half of the girls in the school going for you-"

Beidou looked irritated at all the words they were throwing at her. "Come on can't you see you're making the girl uncomfortable." (Beidou)

"If she was uncomfortable she would've said something right- and we don't hear anything?" One person talked back and it left Beidou face palming at his words.

"What if she's just too humble to tell you guys she's uncomfortable now come on-" They all ignored Beidou and continued to ask Nigguang if they were willing to join on their team. "Oh come on-" (Beidou)

Ningguang stands there with her expression neutral. She stares at Beidou, those red eyes felt heavy when they met. Beidou felt something tight in her chest that she couldn't explain before she could say something again the gym door opened to reveal the p.e teacher.

"Alright everyone we'll play dodgeball take the balls that you need in the equipment room and Ningguang you can just watch over at a bench."

Everyone stares over at Ningguang who nods quietly. "Excuse me." (Ningguang)

The crowd parts in half where she walks towards the direction of the bench moving past Beidou.

The guys looked at each other awkwardly realizing she wasn't going to be part of the p.e class today. Everyone whispered to each other to think of a reason making a big deal out of it than it should be.

Beidou walked back to Xiangling who nudges her a little, "Why do you think she can't participate in p.e?"

Beidou shrugs, "I don't know. If you want to know we either wait for our dearest p.e teacher to explain or we ask her." they both look towards Nigguang who pays them no mind.

The two decided to focus on beating the other team after the p.e teacher explained that apparently Ningguang had a frail body and that she couldn't overexert herself because the classes are already taking a toll on her.

But why bother going to school instead then?

Sure for the experience but is the risk worth it?

Beidou's mind was a little messy wondering about who Ningguang is.

After p.e everyone changed their clothes on their respective class uniforms and went home.

Not for Beidou however, she changed to her varsity uniform and went to the gym and practiced hard for the upcoming game with Honkai University.

The sound of volleyballs being hit could be heard.

Every spike was strong, Beidou was determined.

You could hear the squeak of all the player's sneakers and when it was already quarter to seven they all decided it was time to go home.


Beidou went home after practice a little tired to a rundown apartment not too far away so she walked. After all that training her feet felt like there were nails pounding under but she couldn't complain, she was in a better condition now than in her old home.

It was only thanks to the Celestia scholarship program that she could go to Teyvat University without needing to pay anything.

Beidou doesn't worry about lunch much because Xiangling makes her bentos everyday.

She stood in front of her front door holding the key that had a small wooden ship keychain on it, "I'm home." (Beidou) mutters weakly with no one replying back, she opened the door.

The halls were a little dim, she turned on the lights and revealed a small three room apartment. She removed her school shoes, taking in some indoor slippers to wear.

Sighing she stretches her back a little feeling the soreness in her body.

She went to her bathroom to take a late bath, the apartment didn't have any hot water so she did a cold and quick bath.

After changing her clothes she went into her kitchen opening the cupboards and saw about five more cups of noodles.

Specifically seafood flavored instant noodles. She frowns a little sad that she doesn't have enough money to buy actual fresh seafood ingredients to cook a hot pipping meal. Nevertheless she didn't complain and just smiled faintly grabbing the cup. "Time for dinner then."

Beidou walked over to the small counter where there was a sink, she poured water over a boiler and plugged it in.

While waiting for the water to boil she sits down trying to calculate her monthly budget for the next few months. She bites her lip in deep thought, "Okay now I have to be careful with the money I have left. My last part time in summer would last me until... The first semester."

Beidou slumps back to her seat holding her temples.

She can't take a part time now because she still have to focus on her studies and volleyball training.

The financial aid from the Celestia scholarship program was all used for the rent. "I'll... I'll find a way at least I won't have to pay rent for another two months. I have time." (Beidou) mutters to herself hearing the boiler stop.

She poured over the hot water over her instant noodles and waited. After Beidou ate all she had to do was study, she strived to be on a ship one day.

She wanted to buy her own boat and sail it across the sea, exchanging goods to other countries.

And to do that she had to study well.

She opened up her textbooks and did her homework memorizing everything she can about the lesson.


After a few more days. Everything went well smoothly.

No one was making trouble other than Xinyan causing a whole rock performance on class. She brought her guitar today on break.

Xiangling smiles at her performance and even claps.

However Beidou couldn't take it anymore and decided to go out somewhere quite with her textbook in tow.

Anywhere but in there honestly, that Xinyan is too loud she swears that her eardrums are going to pop one of these days.

"Agh I'm going to complain to Professor Zhongli if she keeps it up. I can't study in peace in there."

She walked along the halls until she stops at the Jade Garden of Chambers.

Now the garden was definitely a quite place to read. The school was rich so they were able to build a really fancy one as well. It was a surprise that there's not much people today.

Must be her lucky day.

Beidou happily strolls along finding a nice gazebo that was made out of white marble.

Damn this school is loaded.

She steps up to the gazebo only to find someone she didn't expect. "You're here."

Beidou points a finger to Ningguang. She didn't notice she was also gone in class, probably because she was too busy reading her book but-

Ningguang laughs softly at her words, "Am I not allowed to be here. I don't see your name anywhere in these marbles, Miss Beidou." (Ningguang)

Beidou bites her lip and places a hand on her waist her pride feeling... stomped on. "Fine yeah my name isn't on here but I'm just surprised to see you, popular transfer student."

Ningguang shakes her head ignoring Beidou and continuing to fiddle with a chess piece that was in her hand.

Beidou just realized that there was a chess set in there. She sits down in front of Beidou smiling while she placed her book next to the chess set, "You play?" (Beidou) asks her voice curious if the rumored spoiled rich girl can play.

"I do. However, I only do play with the best." (Ningguang) replied lazily with her hair swaying down her shoulders beautifully Beidou couldn't help but admiring how long it is and how hard that must be to take care of.

Ningguang took notice of this intrigued because the rumors about her was right, she puts down the Queen piece back into the board. "Do you play?"

Beidou shrugs, "Kind of but only for fun and when it's with my friends."

Ningguang hums her red eyes landing on the board calmly saying, "Is that so. How about a game then."

Beidou laughs grinning from ear to ear. "Sorry but I don't play who's not a friend of mine. Besides I bet you don't know a single thing about me transfer student."

Ningguang holds up the pawn piece before looking at Beidou. "Beidou Crux, the captain of the volleyball team, rumored to be a lesbian and by the way you looked at me I would say it's true. You lived in the West Sea part of Liyue before deciding to live in the city because you got in the Celestia scholarship program, currently having a financial crisis-"

Beidou was taken aback and immediately asked Nigguang to stop, "Okay stop stop stop- how do you know all this- Did you stalk me?!" (Beidou)

It was Ningguang's turn to smile, "I call it information gathering. If it makes you feel better you're not the only one, you're not special." (Ningguang) smugly replies holding out the pawn chess piece in her view.

Beidou was speechless. How many other students have she stalked and gathered information from?!

"You're..." (Beidou) tried letting a word but none came out. This woman is too... weird.

Weirdly enough Beidou can't help but get see Ningguang as someone impressive then with all that connection of information. "If it's too much take your time to process all your thoughts. Oh and if you're not playing chess with me then I would prefer if you find another gazebo to read your textbook in."

Beidou shakes her head, then smiling widely thinking of a great idea. "No, let's play I won't back down from a challenge but don't you think having just a normal game of chess is boring?" (Beidou)

Ningguang nods indeed it's too boring if there's nothing to gain, "Are you suggesting... a wager? If so what are you suggesting." (Ningguang)

Beidou grins placing her chin into her hand teasingly, "How about you treat me for lunch?"

"And if you lose?" (Ningguang) asks bluntly.

"You can do whatever you want with me then." (Beidou)

Ningguang stops for a moment before putting a finger on her lips rather teasingly. Beidou suddenly felt uncomfortable by that motion and immediately regret her words. "Whatever I want? What a high offer, it's not everyday a volleyball captain offers herself to me so, I accept." (Ningguang) smiles feeling the rush of having something to gain exciting her.

"However it's not this chess that we're going to play. I brought my own." (Ningguang) reaches out for her bag to give Beidou the 32.6 edition of her rule book and the 'chess' game that she brought with many different kinds of pieces of Liyue Harbor.

Beidou was amazed and was gawking at every cool chess piece that there was. It was all really well made and she bets it was very expensive too.

She could tell just from the material it's definitely made from lapis core. "This is amazing! Whoever made this must be one awesome person!" (Beidou) holds over a counter piece of a little hotel that reminded her of back home.

Ningguang was a little taken aback with Beidou's fascination over the chess pieces she made but still she replied, "I made it myself."

Beidou continued to gawk over the pieces some more before going to the rule book and began reading it finishing in a few minutes. "This is a lot of rules."

Ningguang softly smiles at her before pointing out. "This is a special chess game that I made myself. New rules will be added when I want, the dices here will determine how far our pieces will move and landing on various locations will trigger events. Remember you agreed so is there any questions?"

Beidou cannot believe this woman. This is a game all for herself and that's... kind of expected of her but is her freedom worth a lunch?

Beidou you dum dum. Why did you agree again? Ah right, her pride.

Beidou sighs reading the rules all over again and decided to face Ningguang head on "None, now let's play." (Beidou)

Ningguang throws the dice and lands on twelve. Immediately her piece took off the claim a flower shop in Liyue while Beidou landed on an ice cream stall.

After ten minutes Beidou got the hang out of it and slowly she understood Ningguang's personality overtime. "No- a billionaire just can't buy your whole ice cream stall to turn it into a whole company-"

Beidou laughs throwing her dice having a lucky seven. Just the number she needed to get that billionaire daddy to buy her ice cream stall. "Oh but it just did." (Beidou)

Ningguang didn't show it but she was fuming with anger. Was she about to lose?!

No! She must confiscate all her property with that she needs to land on the lawyer firm to sue her!

Beidou already knew what she was thinking ahead and immediately thought of suing Ningguang first before she ever could.

And it did happen. Ningguang lost to the case and had to give up half of her properties to Beidou.

"Okay new rule. No more billionaire buying ice cream stalls." (Ningguang) crosses her arms adorably before looking away a little mad.

Beidou laughed at how this woman was towards losing. She honestly looked like a cute angry little hamster with how she was acting. "There there. Miss Ningguang I'll drop the case for you at the law firm and not take anymore of your properties except one." (Beidou) smirked taking in Ningguang's sudden soft gasp.

Ningguang's breathing stopped for a moment. "Not the Jade chamber. Beidou don't you dare-"

Beidou's heart stopped for a moment when she said her name in that manner of pleading and without the Miss in it.

She didn't knew this quite person could beg like this all for a game.

But it was too late. Beidou needed a three to get what she wanted and by the gods- she threw the dice and actually landed a three.

"Your jade chamber. Is now mine." (Beidou)

Ningguang clenched her fist glaring at Beidou. Honestly she wishes she can claim the jade chamber back in her possession but she haven't thought of a rule for that one yet. "Well played. It seems that you've won." (Ningguang)

Beidou shrugs feeling a little tired after all that rules and threats she's received. "I'm sure you've lost plenty of times right?"

Ningguang shook her head maybe a little forceful. "You are the only person who has beaten me in this game. I commend you, Miss Beidou."

Beidou almost fell out of her chair. She was the first one she's lost to- that explains why she was so pissed- Beidou broke Ningguang's winning record on her first try nonetheless.

Ningguang sighs before she began to pack all of her chess pieces in place. Beidou felt really guilty so she helped in silence.

After they were done cleaning up Beidou decided that maybe the lunch treat can just be forgotten and she can just go on her way. "I'll see you sometime in class then." (Beidou) waved taking her textbook in class.


Beidou stopped whatever she was doing looking to stare at Ningguang who was now a little red. "Tomorrow?" (Beidou) repeated like a dumbass.

"Meet me in the cafeteria tomorrow and then after school." (Ningguang) leaves quickly taking her bag. The breeze of the garden was cold and so was she.

Beidou soon followed to leave not knowing what going to happen tomorrow.

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