/ History / Yuanxi Biography

Yuanxi Biography Original

Yuanxi Biography

History 52 Chapters 29.8K Views
Author: kethekinetic

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The real Hu Yuanxi died before the draft and was resurrected by an actress named Lin Nuan who also died in the water. The actress, who jumped to her death in the river because she was in love, was a good dancer and quite a heartbreaker. Before Hu Yuanxi entered the palace, she first experienced the death of her mother by the second wife, and the Hu family was basically in a state of rupture. Before entering the palace, the emperor met Hu Yuanxi and fell in love at first sight. After entering the palace, Hu Yuanxi was in a state of misanthropy, and refused to serve her mother on the grounds that she was in mourning. After the mourning period, Hu Yuanxi still does not serve the bed, the emperor was furious, suffered cold treatment, and later Hu Yuanxi's courtesan died as a result. Hu Yuanxi felt guilty, in order to protect the people around him, began to serve the bed. Hu Yuanxi, who was favored by the emperor, suffered a series of assassinations.

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Author kethekinetic