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82.92% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 34: chapter 34

Chapter 34: chapter 34

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword ATK: 3600 - 600 = 3000/ DEF Points: 1600 - 600 = 1000.

With its job done, Break Sword leaped into the air and crashed down in front of its master, the horse's glowing eyes glaring right at Sylvio. "My turn is over. Make your move". Yuto told the Ritual Duelist, not move left to make.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword ATK: 3000 - 1000 = 2000.

(Music end)

Sylvio Life Points: 3400/ Number of cards in hand: 1.

Sylvio growled in rage as he glared at Yuto, before placing his right hand on the top card. "Nice move, but I'm gonna pay you back for that! I draw!" He cried out, drawing in a dramatic fashion before bringing the card to his face. Sylvio raised an eyebrow at seeing it was his Half or Nothing Trap. He then turned to look at the other card in his hand, which was the Ritual Spell; Super Soldier Synthesis.

Giving a small nod of the head, Sylvio added the new card to his hand. He then turned his gaze over to Yuto's Break Sword and then pointed at it with his left hand's index finger. "Go Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning! Attack that Xyz Monster and destroy it!" Sylvio commanded his monster, an order that Envoy of the Beginning obeyed as it charged forward to Break Sword. And once again, Break Sword powered up due to Xyz Territory's effect.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword ATK: 2000 + 600 = 2600/ DEF Points: 1000 + 600 = 1600.

Yet despite the power up, Break Sword was no match for Black Luster Soldier as it sliced the Xyz Monster into two. Yuto quickly stepped in front of Zuzu, much to her confusion, before Break Sword exploded. The shockwaves hit Yuto, yet he didn't move a single inch and protected Zuzu. (3000 - 2600 = 400)

Yuto Life Points: 3000 - 400 = 2600.

"At this moment, Break Sword's special ability activates!" Yuto declared, taking everyone by surprise at hearing this. Ragged Gloves' card slotted out of Yuto's Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone, before he took it and held it up. "When Break Sword is destroyed and if it has Overlay Units, I can Summon all the Monsters that were used to Xyz Summon it as Level 4 monsters!" The Xyz Duelist explained, then placed the card down in sideways position on his Duel Disk's blade.

With a small flash of light, The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves appeared and crossed its arms in a defensive position.

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves DEF: 500/ Level: 3 + 1 = 4.

Sylvio gave an annoyed grunt at seeing this, before rearing his right fist back. "Fine, I'll attack that thing instead! Since my Black Luster Soldier destroyed an opponent's monster, it can attack one more!" The brown-haired male explained, right as Black Luster Soldier swung its blade and destroyed Ragged Gloves.

Black Luster Soldier returned to Sylvio's side, right as he picked one of his two cards and inserted it into his Duel Disk. "I'll end my turn by placing one card face-down!" Sylvio declared, right as a single face-down card appeared on his field.

Yuto Life Points: 2600/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

From behind Yuto; Zuzu looked over the field with narrowed eyes. 'Sylvio's got a monster with 3000 ATK Points and a single face-down card, while this guy's got nothing. It doesn't look like he's gonna win, but I'll keep quiet and watch'. The pink-haired female thought to herself, wondering if her mysterious ally could turn this duel around or not.

"It's my turn now. I draw!" Yuto exclaimed, drawing the card and throwing his hand out to the side. He then brought the card to his face to see what it was, then looked at Sylvio. "I activate the special ability of The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves from my Graveyard!" The Xyz Duelist declared, much to the surprise of everyone at hearing this.

"Wait, from the Graveyard?" Sylvio questioned with wide eyes, which Yuto nodded to him. "That's right! By banishing this card from my Graveyard..." He began to explain, right as a black portal appeared in front of him and the card of The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves appeared above it. The Monster card then burst into yellow sparkles that was absorbed into the portal, before it closed.

"I'm allowed to Special Summon a Phantom Knights monster from my hand with its Level increased by one". Yuto explained, before holding up the card he drew and flipped it over. It was a Monster card with the image showing a light blue flaming spirit with silver glowing eyes, somehow wearing a purple wizard hat and purple black cape. And somehow a black metal staff with a silver gem at the top floating beside it. "I Summon The Phantom Knights of Magical Hat!" Yuto declared, before throwing the card down on his Duel Disk's blade.

(The Phantom Knights of Magical Hat/ ATTRIBUTE: Dark/ Level: 3/ Type: Warrior/ Effect/ ATK: 700/ DEF: 900/ Effect: If this card is Special Summoned; you can draw one card. Once per turn; if this card is face-up on the field, you can select one "Phantom Knights" or DARK Attribute monster in your GY, Special Summon it to your Field. If a Monster was successfully Summoned by this effect, its Level becomes the same as this card's Level.)

With a flash of light; The Phantom Knights of Magical Hat appeared in front of Yuto with its cape somehow blowing and staff floating right beside it.

The Phantom Knights of Magical Hat ATK: 700/ Level: 3 + 1 = 4.

"Magical Hat's special ability activates! Since this card was Special Summoned, I can draw another card!" Yuto explained his monster's special ability, then draw another card from his deck. He brought his new card up, then slightly widen his eyes at seeing what it was. He quickly added it to his left hand, then threw out the right one. "Now I activate Magical Hat's other special ability!" Yuto declared, right as the gem on Magical Hat's staff began gleaming a bright color.

Ragged Gloves' card slotted out of Yuto's Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone, before he took and held it up. "Once a turn; Magical Hat Summons back a Phantom Knight or DARK Attribute monster from my Graveyard and that monster's Level changes to match his! So come forth once more; The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves!" The Xyz Duelist explained, then placed the card down in sideways position on his Duel Disk's blade.

With a small flash of light, The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves appeared and crossed its arms in a defensive position.

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves DEF: 500/ Level: 3 + 1 = 4.

Sylvio narrowed his eyes at seeing this move, then took notice of something with Yuto's monsters. "He's got two monsters that are Level 4. He has all he needs to Xyz Summon a Rank 4 Xyz Monster". The brown-haired male said to himself, yet Yuto heard him perfectly. "Exactly. Prepare yourself, because now you face a beast unlike any other Xyz Monster you've ever seen!" Yuto exclaimed with conviction, catching Zuzu's full attention as she turned to look at him.

(Play Yu-gi-oh! ARC-V - Duel of Rebellion)

Yuto reared his right arm up, then thrust it forward. "I Overlay the Level 4 Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and Magical Hat! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!" The Xyz Duelist exclaimed, then threw his right hand out to the side. Both Ragged Gloves and Magical Hat transformed into bright darkish purple lights, before they shot up into the air.

A black and gold galaxy-like portal appeared on the ground in front of Yuto, releasing a powerful gust of wind that blew everyone's clothes and hair with Yuto's cloak blowing a bit wildly. The two lights descended into the Xyz portal, a brightly light emerging from within it once they entered.

"Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" Yuto chanted as his ace monster emerged from the Xyz portal. It was the Xyz dragon fragment of the Supreme King Dragon; Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with two purple overlay units circling around it.

Dark Rebellion growled, then spun around to behind Yuto and howled to the heavens, a sort of black smoke appearing out of nowhere around the beast.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 2500/ Rank: 4/ Overlay Units: 2.

Zuzu stared up at Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with wide eyes, feeling the intense aura it was letting out and taking in how different it was compared to the other Xyz Monsters she's seen. "Dark Rebellion... Xyz Dragon?" She uttered to herself, then took a step back. 'I've never seen an Xyz Monster like this before, but then why does it feel so familiar? I can't help feeling like this dragon's just like Yuya's Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon'. The pink-haired female thought to herself, wondering if this dragon had a connection with Yuya's one.

"Since Ragged Gloves was used as Xyz Material for Dark Rebellion, my dragons gains 1000 ATK Points!" Yuto informed his opponent, right as Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon powered up.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 2500 + 1000 = 3500.

"Oh man... 3500 ATK Points". Ootomo said with a nervous voice, a single bit of sweat dropping down the right side of his face. "And it gets worse. When that thing attacks, that Xyz Territory Field-Spell's effect will go off and it'll gain 800 more ATK Points". Yamabe remarked with a gulp, starting to lose confidence that Sylvio can win this Duel. "Sylvio will lose 1300 points, but that should be fine. He can recover from this". Kakimoto told his friends, certain that Sylvio can make a comeback and win.

Sylvio gave a gulp, then gazed down at his Duel Disk's screen. 'Calm down Sylvio, you still got this. When he attacks, I'll play Half or Nothing and he'll be forced to end his Battle Phase. Then when it comes my turn, I'll slay that dragon and continue on to him, ending this next round'. The brown-haired boy thought to himself, trying to keep himself from freaking out.

"I activate..." Yuto began, catching Sylvio's attention as he looked up at the black and purple-haired boy across him. "Dark Rebellion's special ability!" The Xyz Duelist declared, throwing his right hand out. Dark Rebellion's mechanical wings went into battle mode, followed by a surge of electricity appearing and surging through them, giving the appearance of wings made of energy.

"By using one Overlay Unit; Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon can halve the ATK Points of one Level 5 or higher monster my opponent controls and transfer that amount to itself". Yuto explained his Xyz Monster's effect, just as Dark Rebellion absorbed one of its overlay units into the gem on its wings. "Treason Discharge!" Yuto cried out, right as the electricity shot out and surrounded Black Luster Soldier, binding and absorbing the Warrior-Type monster's power. Dark Rebellion howled as it powered up from the energy it took from Black Luster Soldier.

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning ATK: 3000 - 1500 = 1500.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 3500 + 1500 = 5000/ Overlay Units: 2 - 1 = 1.

Sylvio, Zuzu, Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all cried out at seeing Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's ability. "5000 ATK Points!?" Yamabe cried out in shock at seeing the high number of points Dark Rebellion had. "It's enough to take out Sylvio and end this duel!" Zuzu remarked with a growing smile, amazed at how Yuto turned this duel around with just this one monster.

Yuto brought his right hand up, then swung it down and held it out towards Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. "Battle Phase! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, attack Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning!" The Xyz Duelist commanded his ace Xyz Monster, an order that it was happy to obey. Dark Rebellion's fangs became surged with lightning, all the while it growled at Sylvio's monster. "Xyz Territory's effect activates once more!" Yuto stated, right as Dark Rebellion powered up once more.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 5000 + 800 = 5800/ DEF Points: 2000 + 800 = 2800.

"Go! Tear right through that relic of the past!" Yuto exclaimed as Dark Rebellion flew off the ground, then charged towards Black Luster Soldier. "I activate my Trap card; Half or Nothing!" Sylvio exclaimed, throwing his right hand out. The face-down card on Sylvio's field lifted itself up, then began gleaming a bright light.

"The Trap gives you two options! Option number 1: all your monster's ATK Points cut in half until the end of Battle Phase! Or option number 2: You end the Battle Phase now!" Sylvio explained his Trap card's effect, something that didn't even faze Yuto. "I choose the option of cutting my dragon's ATK Points in half!" The Xyz Duelist declared, right as Sylvio's Trap card started glowing. Two golden axes came spinning out of the glowing card and cut the sides of Dark Rebellion's torso, weakening it.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 5800 - 2900 = 2900.

"Go! Revolt of the Lightning Disobey!" Yuto cried out, right as Dark Rebellion shot forward towards Black Luster Soldier with its fangs gleaming brightly. It tore right through the legendary monster and passed through, before Black Luster Soldier exploded 3 seconds later. The explosion's shockwaves hit Sylvio head on and even pushed him off of his feet and sent him slamming onto the ground on his back. He grunted with both eyes closed in pain. (2900 - 1500 = 1400)

Sylvio Life Points: 2600 - 1400 = 1200.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 2900 - 800 = 2100/ DEF Points: 2800 - 800 = 2000.

With its job done, Dark Rebellion returned to its master's side, the lightning surging through its fangs and wings disappearing. Sylvio sat up from the ground, then climbed up to his feet and glared at Yuto. "Okay, seriously... What the heck's going on here?! There's no Action Field activated, yet somehow things are too realistic for a normal Duel! Is this your doing?" The brown-haired teenager questioned Yuto with an irritated voice.

"...Unfortunately, this is something I have no control over". Yuto answered, before taking the only card he had in his left hand with his right one. "Main Phase 2; thus your Trap card's effect ends and my dragon's ATK returns". The Xyz Duelist stated, right as a red aura briefly appeared over Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon as its power returned.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 2100 + 2900 = 5000.

"I'll set one face-down card and end my turn". Yuto declared, inserting the card into his Duel Disk with a face-down card appeared on the field. "Since my turn has ended, my dragon's ATK Points return to normal now". Z-arc's Xyz fragment added, right as Dark Rebellion powered down.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 5000 - 1500 = 3500 - 1000 = 2500.

(Music end)

Sylvio Life Points: 1200/ Number of cards in hand: 1.

"Oh man... That was close". Kakimoto commented, then took a nervous gulp. "Right? If it hadn't been for Sylvio's Trap card, he would have lost". Yamabe remarked, glad that his friend had that single Trap card that saved him. "But now Sylvio's on the losing side. He's got nothing now, and that guy has a super powerful dragon on his field". Ootomo pointed out, a trace of sweat going down his face.

Zuzu was quiet as she stared at the back of Yuto's head with wide eyes. 'This guy is amazing... He was completely powerless and had nothing at the start of his turn, but turned it all around in just one turn. Now he's the one with the highest Life Points and strongest monster on the field. He's gotta be a famous duelist to be this strong, so why haven't I heard of him before?' The pink-haired female questioned inside her mind, wondering who Yuto is and where he's from.

Sylvio breathed in and out heavy, keeping his glare on Yuto's mask and goggle covered face. "I'll admit, you're not bad. But I'm the one that's gonna win this duel! I draw!" The brown-haired male cried out, drawing his card in a dramatic fashion by throwing the right hand out. He brought the card up to see what it was, then gave a massive grin at seeing what it was.

"I play Pot of Greed!" Sylvio declared, inserting the card into his Duel Disk. The green pot appeared on Sylvio's field, right before he gave a laugh. "What comes around, goes around as they say. Like you, this lets me draw 2 cards". The brown-haired explained his Spell card's effect, before drawing 2 more cards. The pot shattered, but Sylvio paid it no mind as he looked at his two new cards.

"Perfect. With this card, my victory is assured". Sylvio stated, before suddenly flipping the card in his left hand over, revealing it to Yuto. "I activate the Ritual Spell; Super Soldier Synthesis!" The brown-haired male declared, taking the card into his right hand and slotted it into the Duel Disk.

A large copy of the Ritual Spell appeared on Sylvio's field, before it gained a blue aura around itself. "This Ritual Spell allows me to Ritual Summon a "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster from my hand or Graveyard!" Sylvio explained with a confident grin as he added one of the two cards to his left hand, much to Zuzu's surprise at hearing this. "From the Graveyard!?" She cried out in surprise, having no card with an effect like that in her deck.

"To Ritual Summon it, I must sacrifice a LIGHT and DARK Monster from my hand and Deck, one each". The brown-haired boy continued to explain, right as a single card slotted out of his deck. Sylvio took hold of it with his right hand's ring and pinkie fingers, before holding it and the other card up for Yuto to see. "I sacrifice the Envoy of Chaos in my hand and the Beginning Knight in my deck". Sylvio declared his choices, before sending both cards to the Graveyard.

Envoy of Chaos and Beginning Knight appeared on Sylvio's side of the field, before they both turned around and flew into Super Solider Synthesis' card, followed by it transforming into a blue pillar of energy. "With these two tributes, I Ritual Summon! Level 8! Come forth; Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier!" Sylvio cried out to the heavens as the Ritual Monster; Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier floated out of the pillar of light and glared at Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon.

Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier ATK: 3000/ Level: 8.

Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all cried out in joy at seeing Sylvio Ritual Summon his best Ritual Monster again, while Zuzu narrowed her eyes in concern. "I'm afraid it gets worse for you, my friend! Beginning Knight's special ability activates!" Sylvio exclaimed, throwing his right hand forward. "When this card is used to Ritual Summoned; the Ritual Monster inherits two effects. To cut an explanation short, they're the same effects as my Envoy of the Beginning only there isn't a price when using the banish effect now". The brown-haired teenager explained, much to Zuzu's dread at hearing this.

"Oh no..." She uttered in dread, realizing what this meant. "Oh, yes. Go Super Solider, activate your inherited ability!" Sylvio exclaimed, pointing forward with his right hand's index finger. Super Soldier's blade gleamed with golden energy, right before the Ritual Monster pointed it at Dark Rebellion and fired a beam at it.

Despite the dangers, Yuto wasn't the least bit worried. "As I thought, I don't feel an iron determination or a steeled strength in your Dueling. And now, you'll see the difference between you and I". The Xyz Duelist said with a hidden glare, before throwing his right hand out. "I activate my Quick-Play Spell card; Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force!" Yuto cried out, right before his face-down card lifted itself and began gleaming a bright light.

Sylvio, Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all gasped at what they heard and see. "No way! Another one of those Rank-Up-Magic cards!?" Sylvio exclaimed in shock, mind flashing back to the tag duel and how Lulu played a Rank-Up-Magic card. "Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force lets me banish DARK Monsters from my Graveyard..." Yuto began to explain, holding up The Phantom Knights of Magical Hat's card, then put it away.

"Then it allows me to take one DARK Xyz Monster I control and Rank it up into a "The Phantom Knights", "Raidraptor", or "Xyz Dragon" Xyz Monster that's Rank is equal to the monster, plus the number of monsters I banished". Yuto explained the Rank-Up-Magic card's effect, before holding up Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's card with his right hand's fingers. "My dragon is Rank 4, and I banished one monster. Thus, I can now Summon a Rank 5 Xyz Monster!" The teenage boy told Sylvio, right before Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon was covered in a pitch-black pillar of energy.

The golden beam struck the black pillar, yet wasn't able to break though. "From the depths of purgatory, dedicate to the unsinking souls your song of rebellion! Appear and echo forevermore! Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!" Yuto chanted, his dragon undergoing a transformation inside the dark pillar of energy.

"Rank 5! Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon!" Yuto cried out to the heavens, throwing his right hand forward, reared it in and threw it out to the side. A whitish blue pillar appeared and overcame the dark pillar of energy, before suddenly clearing to reveal the evolved form of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon; Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon.

Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon threw its head up, swinging its tail around a bit and then howled, two darkish purple overlay units circling around it.

Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon ATK: 3000/ Rank: 5/ Overlay units: 2.

Everyone stared up at Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon with wide eyes, taking in how fearsome it was. "Dark Requiem...Xyz Dragon?" Zuzu uttered, feeling a strange sense from seeing this evolved version of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. "Whoa... Can everyone do that whole Rank-Up-Magic thing?" Kakimoto questioned, wondering if their school wasn't really the top when it came to Xyz Summoning.

Sylvio stared up at Dark Requiem with his teeth grit, mind flashing back to that Xyz-Pendulum Monster that Lulu used to defeat him. 'Darn it all! Calm down Sylvio, you still got this'. The brown-haired boy said inside his mind, before taking the only card he had in hand left. "I'll set a face-down card". Sylvio said, inserting the card into his Duel Disk. A face-down card appeared in front of Sylvio. "Then I end my turn!" He declared, no move left to make this turn.

Yuto Life Points: 2600/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

'My face-down card is Sakuretsu Armor. If he attacks, I'll activate it and destroy his attacking monster. If he attacks with that dragon of his, it'll just end in mutual destruction'. Sylvio thought to himself, certain that he still had this Duel under control. He turned his gaze over to Yuto, who made no move to draw and instead stared at Sylvio.

"Hey, are you gonna draw or not?" Sylvio questioned with a small frown at how Yuto was delaying things. "I'll be the one asking questions now". The Xyz Duelist replied, before holding up a Leo Institute badge with his right hand. "This badge is from the Leo Institute, is it not? What's your connection with Duel Academy?" Yuto questioned Sylvio, much to his confusion at the sudden question.

"Duel Academy? Sorry, you lost me". Sylvio stated, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "Don't play dumb!" Yuto snapped at the brown-haired male, much to his slight fear. "I'm not playing. Everyone who enrolls into the Leo Institute has a badge like that. As for Duel Academy, I don't know what you're talking about. Is that a place, thing, what?" Sylvio told Yuto with a confused voice, something that the Xyz Duelist could tell that he wasn't faking.

(Play Unleashed Force)

"I see. You are no use to me then, I have no more reason to prolong this anymore". Yuto stated, placing his right hand's fingers on the top card of his deck. "I...draw!" He cried out, drawing the card in a dramatic style by throwing his right hand out. He didn't even look at his new card, before pointing at Super Soldier with his right hand's index finger. "I activate Dark Requiem's special ability! Once a turn I can use one Overlay Unit!" The Xyz Duelist began to explain, right as Dark Requiem absorbed one of its overlay units.

Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon Overlay Units: 2 - 1 = 1.

"Until the End Phase I can reduce a Level 5 or higher monster's ATK to zero and add the lost amount to Dark Requiem's ATK!" Yuto explained his evolved Xyz Dragon's effect, Dark Requiem's gems on its wings lighting up in a multi-colored light with energy seemingly leaking out of it. "Say what!?" Sylvio exclaimed with wide eyes of shock at what he just heard.

"Requiem Salvation!" Yuto cried out, before Dark Requiem and cried as it released dark tendrils from the gems at Super Soldier. It wrapped around and immobilized the Ritual Monster with it groaning in discomfort, while Dark Requiem powered up.

Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon ATK: 3000 + 3000 = 6000.

Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier ATK: 3000 - 3000 = 0.

"6000 ATK Points!?" Zuzu cried out in disbelief at seeing the high number of ATK Points that Dark Requiem has. "No way..." Kakimoto uttered, now afraid for Sylvio. Yuto waved his right hand up and held it there. "Dark Requiem, take flight!" The Xyz user commanded his ace monster, a command it was happy to obey. Dark Requiem howled, before spreading its wings and took flight, crashing through the celling of the warehouse.

Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all gave a cry of surprise and horror, while Sylvio and Zuzu held up their arms to protect themselves from any debris. Once it was high enough, Dark Requiem ceased flying higher and stayed at that altitude, gazing down towards Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier with its wings out. "I'm not giving up just yet! I play my Trap card; Sakuretsu Armor!" Sylvio exclaimed, throwing his right hand out right as his face-down card flipped over.

Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all cheered at seeing Sylvio's armor, Zuzu grew worried, and Sylvio grinned with confidence. But that all stopped by one word that Yuto spoke. "Pointless". The Xyz Duelist stated, before throwing his right hand out. "I activate Dark Requiem's second special ability! By using an Overlay Unit...!" He began to explain, right as Dark Requiem absorbed its second overlay unit.

Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon Overlay Units: 1 - 1 = 0.

"I can Special Summon an Xyz Monster from my Graveyard, such as my Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon..." Yuto continued to explain, right as a black portal appeared in front of him and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon emerged from within it with a howl.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ATK: 2500/ Rank: 4/ Overlay Units: 0.

"And negate the effect of your Sakuretsu Armor!" Yuto finished, right as black lightning briefly appeared around Yuto's Trap card, right before it shattered. Sylvio, Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all cried out in terror at seeing this, losing all hope for Sylvio's victory now. "And through Xyz Territory's effect, my dragon gains 1000 points!" Yuto reminded his opponent, right as Dark Requiem powered up.

Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon ATK: 6000 + 1000 = 7000.

"Can't we be friends?" Sylvio asked with a scared and hopeful voice, hoping that he'll be spared. "No! Dark Requiem, attack!" Yuto exclaimed, swiping his right hand out to the side. Energy slowly emerged from Dark Requiem's wings, taking a mirror appearance within a church like they're made of pewter glass.

"This is the end! Requiescent Disaster Disobey!" Yuto cried to the heavens. Dark Requiem charged its power into its fangs, before flapping both wings and descended down into the warehouse straight into Super Soldier. The moment Dark Requiem struck, a mighty explosion went off.

The shockwaves spread out and blasted Sylvio, Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo, blowing all of them off their feet. Zuzu let out a scream as she brought both arms up to defend herself, but unexpectedly Yuto ran over and wrapped both arms around her in a protective hold, shielding Zuzu from harm. The shockwaves hit, yet he stood strong. However, a single stray rock rammed into the left goggle, cracking the glass.

The whole warehouse was hit hard by the explosion, destroying everything inside. All that was left were stray bits of fire around. Zuzu, in Yuto's embrace, opened her confused eyes and looked at Yuto, wondering why he protected her. Wordlessly, Yuto let Zuzu go and turned around to look at his opponent, where he saw Sylvio lying down on his back, groaning. (7000 - 0 = 0)

Sylvio Life Points: 1200 - 7000 = 0.

Winner: Yuto!

(Music end)

A screen appeared; displaying an image of Yuto with the words "Win" underneath, announcing him as the winner. Both Dark Requiem and Dark Rebellion dispersed in particles, before Yuto and Sylvio's Duel Disk deactivated. Sylvio groaned, before he sat up from the ground while his three friends all crawled away. 'Damn it, how?! How could this have happened again!' Sylvio shouted out inside his mind, angered at him losing again.

"Whoa... Is it just me, or did that dragon's attack kinda feel like it really just happened?" Ootomo questioned with wide eyes, staring right at Yuto. "Yeah, like it was an Action Duel. But there's no Arc System here". Kakimoto stated, wondering just how the damage was done without an Arc System activated. "I wanna go home". Yamabe groaned out, afraid of the Xyz Duelist and his dragons now.

Yuto took his goggles off his eyes and placed them on his head. Yuto's eyes were covered in shadows somehow, keeping his identity a secret for now still. "Why?! Why can't I win?! I'm using legendary cards, so why?!" Sylvio shouted out in frustration, no longer able to keep his cool anymore with how he's been losing recently. "Because you and that deck aren't synchronized". Yuto answered, catching Sylvio's attention as he turned to look at him.

"You're skilled and know how to use those cards, but the reality is that you don't suit them and they don't suit you. You've reached how strong you can become with that deck, so if you want to get stronger, change it to one that's more suited to you". The black and purple-haired boy told Sylvio, much to his frustration at how he's basically saying the same things that Cera said to him.

"Just who do you think you are, anyway?!" Sylvio questioned Yuto with an annoyed voice, slamming his right fist on the ground. "Very well then. I'll show you my face, so that you can remember the one that defeated you tonight". Yuto replied, before he brought up his right hand and pulled the mask off, revealing Yuto's face to everyone. A nearby flame even gave some light for everyone to see.

Zuzu, Sylvio, Kakimoto, Yamabe and Ootomo all gasped at seeing Yuto's face as it was completely identical to Yuya's face. Zuzu walked up next to Yuto, who turned to look at her. "Yuya? Is that you?" She asked with a surprised voice, thinking that this mysterious stranger was actually her childhood friend all alone. Yuto raised an eyebrow at Zuzu, but didn't speak just yet.

"This has...gotta be a bad joke". Sylvio uttered, before he collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness from the shock. "Sylvio!" Kakimoto cried out as he, Yamabe and Ootomo all ran over to their friend. "We all need to get out of here, now!" Ootomo stated, turning his gaze over to Yuto. Yamabe and Kakimoto nodded in agreement, before they placed Sylvio's arms over their shoulders to carry him. The three left the warehouse with their unconscious friend, leaving Yuto and Zuzu alone.

Zuzu stared at Yuto with a conflicted and confused face. "Yuya, I don't understand. How'd you get here so fast? And why...are you all dressed up in this disguise?" The pink-haired female questioned him, still under the impression that this guy was her childhood friend. "Who's...Yuya?" Yuto questioned her in response, much to Zuzu's further confusion.

A stray thought entered Zuzu's mind, stopping her from speaking. Now that she thought about it, maybe this man before her wasn't Yuya, but someone that had the same face as him. If she hadn't meet Lulu and Rin, she never would have thought about it, but maybe it was possible that she wasn't the only one with look-alikes. "Are you...really not Yuya?" Zuzu questioned with an uncertain voice, wanting to be certain that Yuto wasn't really Yuya.

At Zuzu's question; Yuto's face fell since it confirmed what he was hoping to deny. He had overheard everything Zuzu and Sylvio said before he interrupted them, and only hoped that Zuzu was Lulu, using a false name and changed looks to avoid suspicion. Now, however, he knew without a doubt that this girl wasn't his ex-girlfriend.

(Play The Rising of the SHIELD HERO OST - H U D)

"No... I'm not. Just as you aren't her". Yuto answered with a sad voice, tilting his head down. Zuzu slightly widen her eyes at Yuto's answer, then noticed the sad look in his eyes. Just as she was about to speak to give him some comfort, someone cried out from outside. "Zuzu!" A familiar voice exclaimed, catching Zuzu by surprise since that voice belonged to Yuya.

Someone else cried out from outside, one familiar to Yuto. "Hang on, we're coming!" A familiar voice shouted out, much to Yuto's shock because that was Lulu's voice. 'That voice...' He uttered inside his mind, suddenly finding it hard to stand.

Zuzu turned to the warehouse doors, heart filled with hope at hearing those two voices. "Yuya! Lulu!" She cried out with growing joy, much to Yuto's absolute shock at the second name she spoke. 'LULU! SHE'S HERE!' Yuto shouted out inside his mind, growing hope himself. He turned to look at the warehouse doors as well, feeling anxious to finally see his ex-girlfriend again after so long.

Suddenly without warning; Zuzu's bracelet began to glow a bright pink light, taking both her and Yuto by surprise. It illuminated the entire inside of the warehouse, forcing both teenagers to shut their eyes and raise their arms to block it out. Due to her eyes being closed, Zuzu wasn't able to see Yuto turn into particles and vanish.

The light quickly died down and Zuzu was able to open her eyes. She blinked at seeing Yuto was gone somehow, then lowered both hands. "Huh? Where'd he go?" The pink-haired female questioned, before she looked at her bracelet as she brought it up, wondering what exactly it did just now. 'What was that? How did this thing even do that?' She questioned inside her mind, wondering what this long held item of hers is that it could cause a lightshow like that.

At that moment; Yuya, Lulu and Rin all ran into the warehouse. "Zuzu!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, then grew a relived face at seeing her unharmed. Lulu came up to Zuzu as she turned, and place both hands on Zuzu's shoulders. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?" The Mistress of Birds asked in a worried voice, while Rin walked pass them and turned to look at her surroundings. "Where's that weasel Sylvio? I'm gonna introduce him to my fist!" She exclaimed, then cracked both knuckles with a loud snapping sound going off.

"I-I'm fine. Sylvio didn't do anything to me". Zuzu told her look-alike with an uncertain voice, too confused to think normally. Lulu gave a relived smile at Zuzu, while Yuya looked at all the destruction. "What the heck happened in here, anyway?" Yuya questioned with wide eyes, wondering what's responsible for all this. "Who knows. But whatever it was, it's gone now". Rin stated, giving a shrug of her shoulders.

"D-Did you guys see anyone else come out of this warehouse earlier?" Zuzu asked her friends, catching them all off guard with Yuya and Rin turning to look at her. "No, we didn't". Lulu answered with a confused frown, wondering if someone else was involved with the events that happened here. Zuzu brought her right hand to her chin as she thought about the boy that bore the same face as Yuya.

'If that wasn't Yuya, then who was he? It was confusing enough when it was just me with Lulu and Rin, but now someone else that has Yuya's face?! Just what's going on?' Zuzu questioned inside of her mind, utterly confused at what's even going on with her life nowadays. "Zuzu? What happened here?" Lulu asked her friend with concern, yet Zuzu didn't answer as she was too engrossed in her thoughts.

Yuya suddenly let out a loud sneeze, catching Rin's attention as she turned to look at him. "Gesundheit". The green-haired girl stated, placing both hands on her hips. "Thanks for that. But geez, it really wreaks of smoke in here". Yuya remarked, disliking the smell greatly. Rin gave a shrug of her shoulders as she really couldn't argue with that.

What the four didn't know that night was that this was merely the start of something that'll drag them all into the Dimensional War, and something even greater behind the scenes.

(With Yuto/ Music end)

In a random alleyway of Paradise City; a flash of light appeared but quickly died down, revealing Yuto with the Xyz Duelist's eyes closed shut from the harsh light. After a few moments, he opened them and blinked in surprise at the change of scenery around him. "What the!?" The Xyz fragment of Z-arc exclaimed in surprise, wondering how he ended up back here.

Yuto lowered his head and thought back to how Zuzu's bracelet suddenly started acting up. 'Does that bracelet have some sort of power that can teleport people away?' He questioned inside his mind, then gazed to the left out of the alleyway. Thankfully for him, he recognized the street outside the alleyway to be Paradise City's street, meaning he's still in Standard and wasn't flung to another dimension.

Yuto lowered his head, staring at the ground as he thought about the rather surprising turn of events. 'Could...Could Lulu really be here somewhere?' Yuto questioned inside his mind, thinking of the possibility that Lulu somehow escaped Duel Academy and came here to Standard. He's certain that was Lulu's voice he heard earlier. And since Zuzu said Lulu's name, the chances were very high and that the two knew each other.

'If Zuzu really knows Lulu, then she can help me. All I need to do is find her again, then she'll lead me to-' Yuto thought, only to stop dead in his tracks and grow a face full of guilt. He had been too excited to see her safe and sound that Yuto forgot about what happened between them before she was kidnapped. He broke her faith and terrified her with his actions, so much that she broke up with him.

Yuto doesn't blame her for that, he committed the greatest sin of all. He and his comrades sealed defeated opponents in cards just as Duel Academy does them, but he's the only person that's actually ripped a one that someone's sealed away in. It was basically murder, a feat that even Duel Academy didn't overstep. Even if it was out of anger for them sealing away his sister, Yuto was guilty of murder and now, he lives every day with that guilt.

"Yuto". A voice spoke up, snapping the Xyz Duelist out of his thoughts. He turned a little to see a friend and comrade standing 10 feet away from him. It is a tall young man with straight blueish-black hair that falls to his chin, and light green bangs in the shape of a wing partially tucked under some strands on the left. He has yellow-green eyes that was concealed by dark glasses he's wearing, and a red scarf signifying his allegiance to the Resistance, keeping the lower face covered. He wore a blue trenchcoat that is tattered at the ends; the coat is belted shut and is adorned with belted cuffs. He also sports grey pants and brown shoes.

This man is Yuto's best friend and Lulu's older brother; Shay Obsidian.

Yuto slightly widen both eyes, but quickly soften his expression. "Shay". He greeted, turning around to fully face Shay as he walked up to him. "Have you learned anything the Leo Institute and their connection to Duel Academy?" Shay questioned his best friend, crossing both arms as he spoke.

Z-arc's Xyz fragment shook his head. "No, I didn't. I encountered a student of the Leo Institute, but he didn't know anything at all". Yuto answered, much to Shay's frustration at hearing this. "Damn it. Fine, guess we'll have to go for those higher up in the food chain". Shay stated, before he turned around and began walking away.

Yuto watched his best friend walk away, considering telling him that his sister is here or not. After a moment or two of consideration, he decided to do it and tell Shay. "Wait a second Shay!" The black and purple-haired boy called out, catching Shay's attention as he stopped. He slightly turned to look at his best friend and saw Yuto's uncertain expression.

"What is it?" Lulu's brother asked with an impatient voice, yet Yuto didn't answer straight away. He remained silent for a few seconds, mouth opening and closing. After a few moments, Yuto managed to find his voice and spoke. "I...I think she's here, in Standard?" The Xyz fragment of Z-arc told Shay, which he just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Who?" Shay questioned, no clue on who Yuto is talking about. Yuto closed both eyes and let out a deep sigh to release all the tension he was feeling. The Xyz Duelist opened both eyes and gave a look of resolve at Shay. "...Lulu. I think Lulu's here in the Standard Dimension". Yuto told his best friend, causing Shay to let out a sharp gasp of shock and widen both eyes as wide as he could.

(Meanwhile/ Play Fairy Tail Final Series OST Vol.1 - Horror Corps (2020))

At the house that the "family" of Yusei, Lulu and Rin lives in; Satellite's Shooting Star just walked in through the front door, wearing the new casual clothes, carrying a white grocery bag with his right hand. Earlier in the day, he had dropped Serenity home after teaching her as much as he knew about Fusion Summoning and afterwards, went shopping for groceries. It was a safe bet to say that today's been a normal one for him.

Yusei closed the door behind himself, before he walked over to the kitchen table and placed the grocery bag down on it. He opened the bag, but before he could get started on unpacking, his mark of the Crimson Dragon's head started glowing brightly, catching Yusei by surprise. "My mark's glowing!" He exclaimed with wide eyes, looking down at the mark in confusion at why it's acting up right now.

'The time grows ever closer. Your days of peace are numbered, Yusei Fudo'. A familiar voice said from within Yusei's mind, much to his shock. 'Crimson Dragon? Is that you?' Yusei questioned inside his mind, quickly realizing that the dragon's communicating with him through telepathy.

'Yes Yusei, but that is not important right now. You need to know that the Supreme King's Xyz pieces have arrived in the Standard Dimension'. The deity informed its Signer, much to Yusei's shock at learning this. 'What!? Yuto and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon are here in Standard?' He questioned, wanting to be certain and that this wasn't a joke.

'I have no reason to lie. Their appearance, along with that agent of Duel Academy are a sign. A sign that the days of peace are soon to end'. The Crimson Dragon told Yusei, much to his frustration at hearing this. Despite the time he's spent here, Yusei hasn't made many allies that could help him in the battle against Duel Academy. The You Show Duel School and Serenity were the only allies he's made, and they all still so young and inexperience to participate in a war. Things were not looking well.

'There is not much time left. You must find the one named Declan Akaba and ally with him. He will be a great comrade in the Dimensional War'. The Crimson Dragon told Yusei, much to his surprise at the name he heard. 'Wait, Akaba? As in Leo Akaba's family?' He questioned once more, certain that it wasn't just a coincidence that this "Declan Akaba" shared the same last name as Leo Akaba.

'Yes Yusei. Declan Akaba is Leo Akaba's son, but you need not worry. Declan does not support his father and wishes to stop him instead'. The dragon revealed to its Signer, surprising Yusei once more at hearing this. 'What?!' He gave a low, but sharp gasp at hearing this, finding it hard to believe a family would be against each other, even if it was Leo Akaba's one.

'Declan Akaba does not know why Leo Akaba is invading the other dimensions, noir of the truth about his father or about his half-sister. Once you have made contact and formed an alliance with him, call on me and I shall assist you in showing Declan the truth about his father'. The Crimson Dragon told Yusei, much to his relief at hearing this. 'Thanks. It'll help a lot in getting Declan's trust'. Satellite's Shooting Star thanked the dragon, feeling a great sense that Declan should know the truth about his father.

'Your thanks are unnecessary. For now, get as much rest as you can. Once the time of battle starts, you won't get so many chances to rest properly'. The dragon said, right before Yusei's mark quickly lost its glow and returned to normal. Yusei was silent, staring at his mark with narrowed eyes for a few moments.

He turned his left hand into a fist and gripped it hard. 'I let myself enjoy the peace too much. I have to get my act together and start getting ready for when Duel Academy makes its move. I just hope this Declan Akaba can help me prepare'. The black-haired male said inside his mind, before looking out to the backyard towards the night sky. He wondered what the son of Leo Akaba was like, and if he could be trusted.

Only time will tell and hopefully, Yusei and Declan can help each other greatly in their goals.

(At the Leo Institute tower/ Play Overlord OST CD1 01 'Overlord ruler of death)

Inside of Declan's office; the young president sat behind his desk, looking up at Claude. The adult man was standing in front of his boss' table, holding a holographic chart with his right hand. Earlier today, their company's main frame had detected powerful Xyz energy in the city, then picked up a Rank-Up Xyz energy just like Lulu's Rank-Up Xyz Evolution a few days ago.

So now, Declan and Claude were talking about the Xyz energy released. "It is no coincidence, Mr. President. This is the energy of a Duelist from the Xyz Dimension, it perfectly matches Lulu Obsidian's Xyz energy". Declan's right-hand man told him, looking down at the chart he's holding with his right hand. "Indeed. Still though, to think that there were more Duelist capable of this advanced form of Xyz Summoning". Declan said with a small frown, then tilted his head down.

He wasn't expected the Standard Dimension's summoning energy to match the other dimensions' energy, but he was at least expecting to match them in their receptive summoning method. That, however, has changed the moment he witnessed Lulu's Rank-Up Xyz Evolution that day. He's had his team of developers work on creating their own Rank-Up-Magic Spell cards, but so far they've come up incredibly short.

As if reading his boss's mind, Claude spoke. "Our team hasn't made any progress with creating our own Rank-Up-Magic Spell cards. I'm starting to doubt that we can do it, even with Kaiba Corporation's assistance". The adult man informed Declan with a voice full of shame. "It would seem that for us to make progress, we're gonna need a Rank-Up-Magic card ourselves". Declan stated, adding another thing to his mental list of things to seek from the You Show Duel School.

"Understood". Claude stated, then slightly narrowed his eyes. "On a sidenote Mr. President, your mother's is returning from her overseas trip very soon". The adult man told Declan, reminding him of the return of the Leo Institute's chairwoman. Declan grew silent at Claude's words, yet the man knew that his boss was calculating inside his mind. Declan always thought ahead, 3 steps ahead to be exact. It's how he has managed to run the Leo Institute as the president, despite his young age.

"Sir, I highly doubt your mother is unaware of all that's happened here in her absence. What do you think her intentions towards Yusei Fudo will be?" Claude asked Declan with a curious voice. He had known Declan's mother for a long time, but Declan knew her better than Claude could. So, it was a safe bet to say that he'd know what the chairwoman's plans with Yusei Fudo will be.

Declan was silent for a few moments as he ponders Claude's question, wondering what his mother would want with Yusei himself. He had three possibilities in mind. Number 1: She'd form a contract or alliance with him. Option number 2: Force him to leave the You Show Duel School and work at the Leo Institute. And option number 3: consider him an enemy, lock him away and interrogate him.

But unfortunately, Declan already had his plans for Yusei and his mother wasn't gonna get in the way of that. "There's no need to worry about that, Claude. Even if she has heard about him, my mother is no match for Yusei Fudo. By the end of this, he'll be a comrade in the battle against my father". The young president told his trusted right-hand man.

He means it. Declan fully intended to recruit Yusei to his forces to battle against Leo Akaba. And if his calculations were correct, he'd also gain the abilities of Yuya Sakaki, Lulu Obsidian and Rin since the three were very close to the Synchro Duelist. Declan can only hope that their partnership is created on a form of trust and not of manipulation. What he didn't know was that the man he's thinking of recruiting, was more than happy to be allies with him in the battle against Duel Academy.

In time, the two will soon join hands. And Declan will learn the truth about his father and family when that time comes.

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