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31.7% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 13: chapter 13

Chapter 13: chapter 13

The sun shined high in the sky above Paradise City, bringing a day where history would be in the making. Across the city, the citizens of Paradise City were going about their day, enjoying the peace that they had. Outside in the outskirts of the city was a familiar three story house that housed three individuals. In the backyard of the house, three birds were gathering around a single birdhouse that was attached to one of the trees, where there was bird seed waiting for them to eat on the inside.

Inside the house in one of the bedrooms, Yusei was sleeping on a king size bed, wearing a black pajama top and pants. The room that was his is spacious; it had a TV on the wall in front of the bed, a desk at the side, where his Duel Disk, wrist dealer, deck and briefcase were. There was a building wardrobe with shelf draws and hangers, where Yusei's jackets hanged and where he kept his clothes. There were two doors, one that lead outside the room, and the other lead to Yusei's own bathroom.

Yusei slowly opened his eyes, waking up from his dream, before he lightly yawned. The Shooting Star of Satellite sat up from lying down on his bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his right hand. "That was some dream, dreaming about the past". The 19-year-old said as he finished rubbing his eyes, before he tossed his light blue bed sheets aside and got off his bed.

Yusei had dreamed about the past, or more exact, of when he started his mission to stop Z-arc and Leo Akaba, from when he first arrived to the Fusion Dimension, to his duel against The Sledgehammer. A month has passed since his duel against The Sledgehammer, and Yusei, Lulu and Rin have lived in Paradise City in peace with no threats or signs of Duel Academy.

During their stay in the Standard Dimension, Yusei, Lulu and Rin's bonds have grown much stronger, to the point where the two girls would call the 19-year-old their dad casually. Their bonds with their friends in the Standard Dimension have grown stronger as well, with them all having grown into stronger Duelists.

Yusei started stretching his arms out a bit, then stretched his legs out to get the sleep out of him. With his stretching done, Yusei started doing pushups, doing a total of 20 before he finished. Every morning, Yusei did pushups to get a little workout in the morning and to get the sleep out of his system.

Yusei then walked over to the wardrobe, before he picked his clothes for the day. With his clothes in hand, Yusei walked to the bathroom to take a shower, get dressed and brush his teeth. 10 minutes later, Yusei walked out of the bathroom, wearing a black long sleeve, high collar jacket over a dark purple shirt, gray jeans and brown shoes. This was Yusei's outfit that he wears on peaceful days, but he still mostly wears his old outfit.

"Dad, breakfast is ready!" A familiar voice called out from within the house, making Yusei smile lightly as he walked over to his desk. "I'll be right there!" Yusei replied as he placed his wrist dealer on his left forearm, slotted his deck in and finally attached his Duel Disk on. The Shooting Star of Satellite then left his room, heading downstairs, where his girls were.

Yusei walked down the flight of stairs to the hallway, before he walked into the kitchen, where he saw Lulu cooking breakfast, wearing a brand new outfit. Lulu now had her hair in a long side braid with a butterfly bow at the end. She's wearing an off the shoulder light grey nit jumper over a purple tank top, teamed with purple shorts, a pink leather belt, purple tights with brown high heel open toe boots with laces crossing to the sides. The only thing she had of her old outfit was her bracelet that was still around her right wrist.

Lulu had just finished cooking breakfast, and was placing it on the island bench. She had cooked 3 separate pancakes with strawberries and cream for her, Yusei and Rin. The purple haired girl took notice of the Shooting Star of Satellite at the kitchen entrance, making her smile with her eyes closed in joy. "Good morning Dad". The Mistress of Birds greeted the 19-year-old, making Yusei chuckle as he went to the island bench, grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Hey Lulu". Yusei greeted the girl that he's come to accept as his daughter as Lulu placed a cup of tea in front of him. "You're usually up earlier than this. Did you stay up late last night?" Lulu questioned her father figure as he took ahold of his tea cup with his right hand and took a sip of it. "Not really. For some reason, my dream was more like looking through my memories. I dreamt about how I started my mission to stop Z-arc and Leo Akaba, all the way up to the afternoon after my Duel against The Sledgehammer". The 19-year-old male answered the 14-year-old girl, who raised an eyebrow at him as she took her seat.

"Really? Sounds like quite the dream". Lulu said with a smile as she picked up her fork and knife, before she began cutting her pancakes into smaller pieces. "I'll say. Anyway, where's your sister?" Yusei asked as he looked left to look outside to see if Rin was cleaning the pool, or outside in the backyard, but didn't spot her.

"Hey Dad, you're finally up!" A familiar voice called out in a joyful tone, getting Yusei and Lulu to turn to see Rin walking up to them from the kitchen entrance, wearing her new outfit. Rin was now wearing a fitted long sleeve emerald green jacket over a pink flared camisole with a white frilled border, a leather band necklace with a clear crystal pendant, gray jeans and pink high-heeled boots. Finally, around her right wrist was her bracelet.

Yusei smiled at the sight of his second daughter as Rin joined him and Lulu, taking her seat around the island bench between him and her sister. "Hey Rin, how's your Duel Runner?" The Shooting Star of Satellite asked his daughter, getting Rin's expression turn into pure excitement. During this last month, Yusei and Rin have been making a brand new Duel Runner for the green haired girl after a little talk that they had. Yusei could remember the day that Rin told him that she wanted to become a Turbo Duelist.


Yusei and Rin stood in front of the shoreline side by side, looking at the ocean under the clear blue skies with Yusei's Duel Runner parked 5 feet away behind them. Earlier that day, Rin told Yusei that she wanted to talk to him about something important. The Shooting Star of Satellite could see in Rin's eyes that this was indeed important, so he decided to hear what she wanted to say. The two had been staring at the ocean for 3 minutes in silence now, and Yusei decided to break it.

"Alright Rin, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Yusei questioned his daughter as he turned his head left to look at Rin. The green haired female was silent as she continued to look at the ocean, before she turned to look at Yusei. "I… wanna become a Turbo Duelist". Rin confessed to her adopted father, making the Shooting Star of Satellite slightly widen his eyes in surprise.

Rin turned to look back at the ocean as she continued to speak. "Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of riding on my Duel Runner, Turbo Dueling with my monsters. Yugo and I created a Duel Runner back in the Synchro Dimension, but it honestly felt more like Yugo's than mine. I accepted the fact that Duel Runner was his, but my dream of having my Duel Runner never disappeared. That's why I was hoping that you could help me make my own Duel Runner". The Witch of the Wind explained to Yusei about her childhood desire of having her own Duel Runner and to Turbo Duel someday.

Yusei was silent as he listened to Rin and felt the longing in her voice, making him realize how important her desire of having her own Duel Runner was to her. The Shooting Star of Satellite turned to look back at the ocean as he answered. "Rin… I don't know how things are in the Synchro Dimension, but in my world, there's an age restriction to have your own Duel Runners". Yusei told the 14-year-old girl, making her frown in sorrow that she might not get her own Duel Runner.

"However…" Yusei continued, getting Rin to look back at her adopted father in slight surprise. "From what I've heard, your friend Yugo has his own Duel Runner and is an experienced Turbo Duelist. If he could have his own Duel Runner, then I see no reason why you can't". The Shooting Star of Satellite finished, turning his head to look at Rin and gave her a smile.

Rin grew a hopeful smile on her face from Yusei's words, starting to get excited. "Then, does that mean…?" The Witch of the Wind questioned in excitement, which Yusei nodded to her. "I'll help you make your own Duel Runner". The Shooting Star of Satellite told his daughter, making Rin cry out in joy. "Yay!" The green haired female exclaimed in joy that her childhood dream will come true, holding her hands up in delight.

"But still…" Yusei suddenly said with his eyes narrowed, getting Rin to look at him in surprise. "Until you've proven to me that you can handle a Duel Runner completely, both in and out a Turbo Duel, you're not allowed to use it. Consider this my special Duel Runner Riding Exam". The Signer explained to the 14-year-old girl, getting her to smile in understanding.

"I understand. I just need to prove that I can handle a Duel Runner to you, right?" Rin said to her adopted father, which Yusei nodded to her. "Okay, I'll take your Duel Runner Riding Exam and ace it! I promise you that!" The Witch of the Wind exclaimed with a smirk, thrusting her right fist out to Yusei, making the Signer smirk.

"We'll see about that. The final exam is where you Turbo Duel and I'm your opponent". Yusei told the 14-year-old girl, making her smirk grow even bigger than before. "That just makes me want to ace it even more". Rin told her adopted father, making Yusei's smirk grow even bigger than before. The two turned back to look at the clear ocean, enjoying their time together.

(Flashback end)

Ever since then, Yusei and Rin have been working on creating a brand new Duel Runner. They've taken parts from Paradise City's junkyard and bought tires. They've made great progress and were almost close to completely completing it. All that was left was the pain job and the installation of the Duel system.

"It's going great. I've finished up the paint job and now all that's left is installing the Duel system". The Witch of the Wind told her family as she picked up her fork and knife, before she began eating her pancakes, missing Yusei's smile and Lulu's amused smile. "Really? Then after breakfast, I'll get to work on the finishing touches". Yusei said as he slowly grabbed his fork and knife, before he began eating his pancake.

Rin's smile grew even bigger than before, something that Lulu took notice of. "Looks like someone's happy". The Mistress of Birds stated with an amused smile on her face, getting Rin to look at her sister. "What do you expect? I'm about to get my own Duel Runner!" The Witch of the Wind exclaimed in excitement as she threw her hands into the air, making Lulu giggle at her sister.

"Remember, you're not allowed to drive it just yet". The Shooting Star of Satellite reminded his daughter, causing Rin to lose a bit of her excitement and grow a slightly embarrassed look. "Oh right. Sorry, I got carried away". The Witch of the Wind apologized, making Yusei chuckle a bit, before he pat her on the head with his right hand. "It's perfectly normal for you to be excited for something like this. You'll be able to ride your Duel Runner as much and anywhere you want soon, but just not yet". Yusei told his daughter as he lifted his hand off her head, getting Rin to smile at her adopted father.

Rin turned to look at her sister as Lulu took another bite of her pancake. "What about you Lulu?" The Witch of the Wind said to her sister, getting the Mistress of Birds to look at her sister with a confused look. "What are you talking about?" Lulu questioned in a confused tone, having no idea what Rin just meant.

"What do you think? I'm talking about you and Yuya". Rin answered as she gave her sister a teasing grin, making Lulu blush bright red at the subject change. Over the month they've spent here in the Standard Dimension, Lulu and Yuya have grown much closer to each other. Because of the two growing closer to each other, Rin, Gong and the kids would tease them a lot, resulting in the two's embarrassment.

"W-what about me and Yuya?" The Mistress of Birds questioned in a nervous tone, knowing full well what this was about. "Well? Have you guys had your first kiss yet?" The green haired girl asked her sister with a teasing smile, making Lulu's face flush bright red again, only this time with steam coming out of her head. Yusei just gave an amused chuckle, having always enjoyed seeing Rin embarrass her sister about his student.

"R-Rin! Please, just knock it off already!" Lulu exclaimed in embarrassment as she waved her hands in front of her. However, she then lost her embarrassed look and replaced it with one full of sadness as she looked to the side. "Besides, I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship again. Remember what happened to my last one?" The Mistress of Birds said in sadness, instantly getting Yusei and Rin to lose their amusement and replace it with pity for her.

Even though they've experienced joy and happiness in this dimension, Lulu still held deep sadness, both for her home dimension, and for the boy who broke her heart. But despite that, Yusei and Rin could see that her heart was beginning to heal thanks to Yuya. Whenever she was with the tomato haired boy, she'd lose the sadness in her eyes and it would be replaced with a joy that only came out when she was with Yuya.

"You can't keep letting what happened between you and your ex-boyfriend get to you. You've got a chance now with a new boy to experience happiness again. I know you haven't known Yuya for long, but you really seem happy with him". Rin said to her sister as she placed her left hand on Lulu's right shoulder, getting the purple haired girl to look at her.

"Rin's right. Whenever you're with Yuya, you seem really happy. It's as if your break up with Yuto never happened". Yusei remarked with narrowed eyes, getting Lulu to look at her father for a moment, before she looked down at her food. "You're right about that. Whenever I'm with him, it's like all my sadness disappears and is replaced by this warm feeling. It's like when I was with Yuto, but different". The Mistress of Birds confessed to her family, much to their curiosity as they stared at her.

"Out of curiosity, what's the difference between Yuya and your ex? And why do you like Yuya so much?" Rin asked her sister in a curious voice, getting Lulu to blush again. Gaining control over her blush as she took another bite of her pancakes, the Mistress of Birds began. "Yuya and Yuto are so similar, it's almost like they're twins. They both care about their friends, family and they don't want to hurt anyone. But then there's the difference. Ever since Duel Academy invaded, Yuto became cold, serious, stoic, calm and collected, and he refuses to show his emotion". Lulu began in a sad tone as she thought about the boy she loved in the past, and how he broke her heart by using Dueling to hurt people.

Lulu then grew a happy smile on her face with her cheeks slightly turning red. "Yuya's different than Yuto, and is honestly a bit like me. He's not afraid to show his emotions to anyone, even if that includes crying. He wants to grow, both as a person and as a Duelist, so that he can understand people better. And most of all, he loves Dueling with all his heart. He used to just make people smile, but now he wants to understand people and connect with them through Dueling. He wants to have fun with his opponents and most of all; he's learned to accept other people's views on Dueling and accepts them. That's one of the many reasons I…" The Mistress of Birds continued with her voice full of life, before she stopped and widened her eyes in shock, having lost control of herself upon talking about Yuya.

Yusei and Rin listened to Lulu careful as she explained the difference between Yuya and Yuto, and why she cared for the Shooting Star of Satellite's student. The moment that Lulu slipped up, Rin grew a massive grin on her face that spelled trouble, one that Yusei sweat dropped at. "What was that, Lulu? That's one of the reasons you what…?" The Witch of the Wind questioned her sister with a playfully evil voice, refusing to allow this chance to go to waste.

Lulu's cheeks grew red as she placed her hands over her mouth, trying to think up a solution to stop her sister's teasing. "I…I care about him greatly". Lulu said with an anime nervous look on her face and her eyes closed in a nervous manner. However, Rin wasn't a fool as she kept looking at her sister with a grin on her face. "That's bull crap and you know it, Lulu. You were gonna say love, weren't you?" Rin questioned her with left eyebrow raised, getting Lulu's cheeks to grow even more red than before.

Lulu shot up from her chair, before she spun around to look at Rin. "N-no! I… I don't feel the way about him! I've just known him for a month and a week now! There's no way I could fall for him that quickly!" The Mistress of Birds denied Rin's claim, before she turned around and began walking up to one of the two three seat couches facing the giant flat screen TV with surrounding sound system.

"People have fallen in love in a much shorter time, Lulu. Remember Romeo and Juliet?" The Witch of the Wind told her sister with a grin and her eyes closed, making Lulu stop dead in her tracks, along with her facing turning bright red with steam coming out of her face. Yusei watched his daughters with an amused smile on his face, but decided that they've messed around long enough now.

"Okay Rin, stop making fun of your sister". Yusei told the Windwitch Duelist, getting both Rin and Lulu to look at him. "We need to get ready to head towards You Show. The ARC System is barely holding on, and who knows when it'll break". The Shooting Star of Satellite added as he went back to his pancakes and continued eating at a short pace. Rin cracked another grin as she went back to her pancakes, while Lulu retook her seat.

"I'd bet you guys anything that Zuzu's short temper is what breaks it". The Witch of the Wind joked, before she began laughing with Lulu giggling. Even Yusei cracked a smile as he knew that out of Lulu, Rin and Zuzu, it was the pink haired girl that had the biggest temper out of all of them.

"Who knows? Right now, just enjoy your breakfast. Knowing Yuya, he's probably already started another Duel". Yusei told his girls, knowing his student had probably started another duel with Gong. "He'd better not. Or else I'm gonna put him on ice". Rin said with a playfully evil grin on her face, making both Yusei and Lulu sweat drop as she's grown a habit of making Yuya's life playfully miserable.

The three continued to eat their breakfast together, ready to take on the day. But what they didn't know was that today, the Standard Piece of Z-arc was going to make history.

In an old Japanese style village, cherry blossoms were falling down from the sky. Standing on a bridge was Gong, who had a grey body Standard Dimension Duel Disk with an orange blade, holding four cards with his left hand and was holding his right fist up. On his field were two monsters, Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler and Superheavy Samurai Swordsman, both in DEF Mode.

Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler DEF Points: 2000/ Level: 4.

Superheavy Samurai Swordsman DEF Points: 1800/ Level: 3.

Gong Life Points: 2600/ Number of cards in hand: 4.

Gong took one of the four cards in his left hand and held it up with his right hand's index and middle fingers. "It's time for Gong to quit playing around and get serious! And Gong will show that by playing the Tuner Monster, Superheavy Samurai Fist!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist called out as he swiped his right hand onto his Duel Disk's blade, before swiping it out to the side. With a burst of light in front of Gong and between the two Superheavy Samurai monsters, the Tuner Monster, Superheavt Samurai Fist appeared, punching the air in front of it.

Superheavy Samurai Fist ATK Points: 900/ Level: 2.

"Now it's time for Blue Brawler and Swordsman to hit the road and say 'bye-bye' because Superheavy Samurai Fist is gonna give them a tune up!" Gong called out to the heavens as he swiped his right hand into the air. Both Blue Brawler and Swordsman flew into the air, while Fist turned into a flash of energy that transformed into two green rings. The green rings flew after the two Machine-type monsters, which the two lined up together.

The two green rings circled around Blue Brawler and Swordsman, scanning them with the two Machine-type monsters turning orange transparent as they were scanned. Blue Brawler transformed into 4 bright lights, while Swordsman turned into 3 bright lights. The lights lined up within the green rings, before a bright beam appeared and consumed the lights and rings.

"Gong Synchro Summons Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi!" Gong called out to the heavens as a white armoured, samurai machine monster with four legs, flames coming out of the back of his head and armor appeared. It was wielding a halberd-like weapon in its hands, which it spun around for a moment, before taking a hold of it with its right hand.

Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi DEF Points: 2500/ Level: 9.

To the side of the field, there was a square shape window that showed a mother and her child watching the Duel. The boy was a fair skinned young boy with blue hair and shoes. He wore a white short sleeved shirt and brown vest, along with a watch and short khaki pants. Finally, he had purplish-gray eyes. This young man's name was Tate. Tate's mother had darkish blue hair, had glasses and was wearing an emerald necklace and a yellow sweater. Her lower body was covered, hiding what she was wearing.

Tate gasped upon seeing Gong Synchro Summon, having never seen one before in his life. Gong spread his arms out to the side, looking up at the top of one of the buildings with the virtual moon shinning above it. "Alright Yuya, enough riding around…" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist began as he held up his right fist. "It's time to take center stage and show Gong what you're made of!" Gong finished, wanting to face his best friend with everything he had.

From behind the building, the monster, Performapal Hip Hippo, jumped onto the roof on the building with his Duelist, Yuya Sakaki riding on his back. But, Yuya looked completely different, having gone through a wardrobe change. Yuya was wearing a silvery white long sleeve and high collar open jacket that reached his wrists, over a red shirt. He had silvery white fingerless gloves on his hands, black track pants with white stripes to the side and black boots. The only thing that remained of his old outfit were his goggles and pendant.

On his left forearm was his new modified Duel Disk that Yusei had modified for him. Yuya's Duel Disk was now designed like Odd-Eyes Dragon's head with his deck in the mouth. The blade was now shaped and coloured just like one of Odd-Eyes' blades on his back. Ever since Yusei's Duel against the Sledgehammer, he's changed for the better, starting with the wardrobe change first. He's learned many strategies from Yusei, he even asked Yusei to give his Duel Disk a new look, asking him to redesign it to look like his ace monster, Odd-Eyes Dragon's head. It took 3 days, but eventually Yusei finished and give his student his new Duel Disk.

He has even changed his beliefs in Dueling a bit. He still believes it is meant to make people smile, but now believes it has another meaning. He now believed that Dueling is meant to bring people together, form new bonds with your opponents and to have fun. He's even learned to accept his opponent's view of Dueling, but still wishes for them to see what Dueling means to him now.

Right now in his Duel against Gong, Yuya only had Performapal Hip Hippo, two face down cards, two cards in hand and had 4000 Life Points.

Yuya Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

Performapal Hip Hippo ATK Points: 800/ Level: 3.

"Beast Kyubi can attack in DEF Mode, and can use his DEF Points for the battle instead of its ATK Points! Go Kyubi, attack that pink hippo!" Gong commanded his Synchro Monster as he thrust his right hand out. Beast Kyubi's flames burned hotter than before as it spun its halberd around, before grabbing ahold of it with his right hand and pointed it towards Hip Hippo. The Synchro Monster fired a stream of flames from its weapon towards the two. Yuya narrowed his eyes, before he jumped off of Hip Hippo's back, who let out a frightened cry, before he was struck by the stream of flames and exploded. (2500 – 800 = 1700)

Yuya Life Points: 4000 – 1700 = 2300.

Yuya fell to the bridge and landed in a forward roll to his feet. He lifted his head to look up at Gong and gave him a confident smirk. "Nice attack Gong, but Hip Hippo isn't done for the count yet! I activate the Trap card, Miracle's Wake!" The tomato haired boy called out as he swiped his left arm out to the side as a face down card appeared on his left, before it revealed itself to be the Trap card, Miracle's Wake.

"If a monster was destroyed this turn, Miracle's Wake can bring it back! So say hello again to Performapal Hip Hippo!" Yuya explained his Trap card's effect as the card glowed brightly, before Hip Hippo came out, looking downright jolly as he picked up his hat with his left hand and took a pose.

Performapal Hip Hippo ATK Points: 800/ Level: 3.

Hip Hippo floated down in front of Yuya on all four feet with his hat back on his head, while the tomato haired teenage boy rose up to his feet, still having a confident smile on his face, one that Gong returned. "For every Special Summoned monster ya got, Beast Kyubi gets 900 more DEF Points!" Gong told his best friend as a red aura surrounded Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi, increasing his DEF Points.

Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi DEF Points: 2500 + 900 = 3400.

"Gong ends his turn here. You're up, Yuya!" Gong declared his turn over, having nothing left to do.

Yuya Life Points: 2300/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - Sound Duel 1 - 03. Yuya Sakaki's Theme)

Yuya placed his right hand's index, middle and thumb fingers on the top card of his deck with his eyes focused on Gong. "My turn now, I draw!" Yuya called out as he drew his card in a dramatic fashion by swiping his right hand out to the side, holding the card with his index, middle and thumb fingers.

The teenage boy looked through the corner of his right eye to see what he drew, before his confident smile grew bigger than before. "Just what I needed". Yuya said as he added the card to his hand, before he picked another one and held it up. "To start off, I'm Summoning Performapal Sword Fish to the field in ATK Mode!" Yuya called out as he swiped the card onto his Duel Disk's blade. A blue portal appeared on the ground in front of Yuya, before Performapal Sword Fish floated out of it.

Performapal Sword Fish ATK Points: 600/ Level: 2.

Yuya then picked up the card that he drew earlier and held it out to Gong, showing that it was a monster card. The image showed a rainbow hues Quetzalcoatl dragon flying in the air. "By selecting a Wind Attribute, Dragon-type or Performapal monster I control, I'm allowed to Special Summon this card. Come on out, Performapal Changeling Dragon!" The teenage boy exclaimed, before he placed the card onto the blade. A rainbow portal appeared besides him, before a rainbow hues Quetzalcoatl dragon flew out of it and into the air.

(Performapal Changeling Dragon/ Level: 1/ Attribute: Wind/ Type: Dragon/ Tuner/ Effect/ ATK Points: 0/ DEF Points: 0/ Effect: If this card is in your hand, select one Wind Attribute, Dragon-type or Performapal monster you control, then Special Summon this card. If this card was Summoned through its effect, you can change this card's level and name to the selected monster's.)

Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi DEF Points: 3400 + 900 = 4300.

"If Changeling Dragon was Summoned through his effect, I'm allowed to change his name and level to the monster I selected before I Summoned him. I selected Performapal Sword Fish, meaning Changeling Dragon becomes Performapal Sword Fish now!" Yuya explained his monster's effect as Changeling Dragon shined brightly, before he transformed into an exact copy of Performapal Sword Fish, only still having the rainbow hues around it.

Performapal Changeling Dragon = Performapal Sword Fish/ Level: 1 + 1 = 2.

"But they won't be sticking around for long. The now Level 2 Changeling Dragon tunes with Level 2 Performapal Sword Fish, and Level 3 Performapal Hip Hippo!" Yuya called out to the heaves as he thrust his right hand out, before swiping it into the air. Both Hip Hippo and Sword Fish flew into the air, while the rainbow hues Sword Fish reverted back into Changeling Dragon, before he transformed into two green rings.

The two rings chased after the two Performapal monsters, circling around them as they turned orange transparent, being scanned by the rings. Hip Hippo transformed into three lights, while Swordfish became two lights. The lights lined up in the green rings, forming five lights, before a bright beam appeared, absorbing them and the rings. "It's time to swing into action! I Synchro Summon the lovely, the amazing, the graceful skater, Odd-Eyes Skater!" Yuya called out to the heavens as a brand new monster leaped out of the beam of light and landed in front of him.

The new monster was a humanoid female monster that looked exactly like the Fusion Monster, Cyber Blade, but had a few differences. Her skin was a beautiful pale white colour, green replaced the red and crimson replaced the purple. She had a blue visor that hid her Heterochromia eyes, which were red and green, just like Odd-Eyes Dragon. She had long crimson hair that reached the back of her legs and a white showgirl skirt. Around her neck was a red scarf and attached to her forearms were two blades similar as a Blade Skater's blades.

(Odd-Eyes Skater/ Level: 7/ Attribute: Wind/ Type: Warrior/ Synchro/ Effect/ ATK Points: 2400/ DEF Points: 2000/ Requirements: 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters/ Effect: When this card declares an attack on an opponent's monster, that monster's effects are negated until the end of the Damage Step. If this card battles a Special Summoned monster, that card's ATK is halved until the end of the Damage Step. When this card is destroyed, add one "Odd-Eyes" card from either your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.)

Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi DEF Points: 4300 – 900 = 3400.

Yuya swiped his right hand out and held it in front of him. "At this moment, I activate the Trap card, Synchro Strike!" The tomato haired boy called out as his remaining face down card revealed itself, before white energy came out and flew towards Odd-Eyes Skater. "This card powers up a Synchro Monster like Skater by 500 ATK Points for every Synchro Material used to Synchro Summon it! Since three monsters were used as Synchro Material, Odd-Eyes Skater gains 1500 ATK Points!" Yuya explained his Trap card's effect as the white energy surrounded Odd-Eyes Skater and transformed into an aura that surrounded her.

Odd-Eyes Skater ATK Points: 2400 + 1500 = 3900.

Yuya then picked the last card in his hand with his right hand's index and middle fingers, before he held it up, showing Gong what it was. It was a Spell card with the image showing a orange metal shield with the determination symbol on it with a single blade coming out of it. "Now I'll activate the Equip Spell, Determine Shield!" The teenage boy called out, before he slotted the card into his Duel Disk.

(Determine Shield/ Type: Equip Spell/ Effect: The equipped monster gains 300 ATK and can deal piercing damage. If the equipped monster destroys an opponent's DEF Position monster, it can declare a second attack, but if it is a direct attack, it loses 1000 ATK.)

The Equip Spell appeared on the field, before an orange beam shot out of it and flew towards Skater's left forearm. The beam struck, but didn't harm Skater as it formed into the same shield on the Spell card's image over the blade. "First, this Equip Spell gives Skater a 300 ATK Point boost…!" Yuya began to explain his Spell's effect as Skater's ATK Points went up.

Odd-Eyes Skater ATK Points: 3900 + 300 = 4200.

"But the best part of this little accessory is that it grants the monster it's equipped to, the power to deal piercing damage!" The tomato haired boy finished, before swiping his right hand out and pointed towards Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi with his index finger. "Skater, skate towards Beast Kyubi and tame him!" Yuya commanded his Synchro Monster, which Skater brought her hands up above her, before she began spinning at an incredible speed.

"When Skater attacks an opponent's monster, that monster's abilities are negated! Meaning Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi's DEF Points return to normal!" The tomato haired boy told his best friend his Synchro Monster's special ability as Odd-Eyes Skater blew a gust of wind at Kyubi, causing his flames to die down a little bit.

Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi DEF Points: 3400 – 900 = 2500.

She levitated off the ground, before she flew around the field, then towards Kyubi's face. Kyubi swung his halberd at the approaching Odd-Eyes Skater, while she spun her right foot out. The blade of Skater's skate collided against Kyubi's halberd, before the Machine-type monster's weapon was snapped off. Skater continued on and sliced Kyubi's armor with her skate's blade, slicing right through it and causing the Machine-type monster to explode, while Skater jumped back to Yuya's side. (4200 – 2500 = 1700)

Gong Life Points: 2600 – 1700 = 900.

The explosion was so powerful that it shook the ARC System underneath the Action Field. Gong looked over his right shoulder to stare at where his Synchro Monster was destroyed, before he looked back at Yuya and saw his confident smile that he still had. "And here comes the best part, Determine Shield's final effect. When the equipped monster destroys an opponent's DEF Position monster, it can declare a second attack!" Yuya told his best friend with a confident voice, making Gong widen his eyes in shock.

"Say what!?" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist exclaimed in shock, while Odd-Eyes Skater held up her left arm as the blade came out of her shield. "That's right! But if this attack is a Direct attack, she loses 1000 ATK Points". Yuya replied to his old friend as Odd-Eyes Skater's ATK Points went down a bit.

Odd-Eyes Skater ATK Points: 4200 – 1000 = 3200.

"That's still enough to end this duel. Skater, how about an encore?!" The tomato haired boy called out as he held his right hand out. Skater brought up her left arm to the side, before she swiped it down, hurling orange energy in the shape of a slash towards Gong. The Superheavy Samurai Duelist cried out as the attack drew closer to him, before it eventually struck and created an explosion that blew him off his feet.

Gong Life Points: 900 – 3200 = 0.

Winner: Yuya!

(Music end)

Meanwhile, in another room, Zuzu was sitting down on a chair in front of a circuit board, watching the Duel. However, her wardrobe had changed, just like Yuya's had. Zuzu was now wearing a white fitted sleeveless shirt with a collar and a red tie with a green music note on the left. It was tucked into a short fitted red skirt with navy over the knee stockings with white patterned trim at the top and pink combat boots. She also wore a sheer white sleeveless open jacket and a brown belt. All that remained of her previous outfit was her bracelet around her right hand's wrist.

Electricity started coming out of the circuit board's keyboard, before the screen exploded, much to Zuzu's horror as the whole thing began letting out explosions. The door burst open and Skip rushed in, looking horrified at what was happening to the circuit board. "Zuzu!? What did you do?" The principal questioned his daughter in horror, getting the pink haired girl to look at him.

"I didn't do anything! Yuya must have overloaded the ARC System with that attack of his!" Zuzu told her father, having learned a bit of mechanics from Yusei in secret when he was teaching Rin. That didn't ease Skip's horror, only increased it as he placed his hands on both sides of his head. "That doesn't make it any better! If this ARC System is destroyed, our Duel School's finished!" The principal exclaimed as the circuit board exploded more, before ARC System overheated and shut down.

Back in the Action Field, the ARC System underneath the field began shutting down. The Action Field and Odd-Eyes Skater started glitching, before they disappeared, revealing the You Show Duel School's Dueling arena. Yuya was standing up in the field, while Gong crashed onto the ground on his back, having been sent flying from Odd-Eyes Skater's attack.

Yuya looked around with wide eyes, before he looked down at the ground and at the Arc System underneath. 'Well that's not good. This thing was barely holding on, but those last attacks must have finally wrecked it. The Principal is not going to like this'. The tomato haired boy thought to himself with half lidded eyes, before he noticed something.

At the window screen, the boy Tate was staring at him with wide eyes of curiosity and amazement. Yuya gave a small smile, before he gave Tate and his mother a bow. Yuya turned his attention to Gong, before he began walking over to help him up.

(Standard Dimension Spirit World)

In a Standard Dimension Spirit World, the sun shined high in the sky. In this universe, the United World had its own Spirit World just like Yusei's world. Just like how the United World was split into four, the original Spirit World was split into four different Spirit Worlds. The Standard dimension's Spirit World held all kinds of monsters, like Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Ritual monsters living in it.

In the Fusion Dimension Spirit World, Fusion Monsters lived in that world. In the Synchro Dimension Spirit World, Synchro Monsters lived in that world. Finally, Xyz Monsters lived in the Xyz Dimension's Spirit World. These monsters that lived in the four separate worlds were the monsters that the duelists in the four separate worlds live in. In a faraway place in the Standard Dimension Spirit World, was an island for a special group of Duel Spirits. The island was far away from the mainland of the Standard Spirit World, having been created by the Crimson Dragon himself for Yusei's monsters to live in during their stay in the Standard Dimension's Spirit World and was very large.

On the island, there was a galaxy highway over a starlight city, a dark forest and mountains nearby. In the starlight city, Yusei's monsters all lived in peace, enjoying the temporarily peace that was granted to them, until the battle against Duel Academy resumes.

In the forest with the garden, Lulu and Rin's Lyrilusc and Windwitch monsters were flying around, enjoying themselves, but were playing magic tricks on each other. Just like their mistresses, they had been rescued from the Fusion Dimension's Spirit World by Yusei's monsters, and have become close friends with them. Two certain monsters of the two spices had grown a relationship with a certain monster, one similar as their mistresses' one with the other monster's master.

On an edge of one of the mountains, Stardust Dragon was looking down at the starlight city and forest with a pleased look on his face. Just like Yusei, he had built a life here in the Standard Dimension, and had created bonds with a few monsters of this world. He has even taken on a student, just like Yusei, and the student was someone he had wanted to see ever since he saw the Supreme King Dragon Z-arc.

Feeling the edge of the mountain shake and a presence suddenly appear behind him, Stardust Dragon looked over his right shoulder to see Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon right behind him. The Dragon-type monster gleamed as he changed forms into Odd-Eyes Dragon, before he looked up at the Signer Dragon in front of him.

Stardust Dragon turned around to face the smaller dragon in the eye. The two were silent as they gazed into each other's eyes, before Odd-Eyes Dragon knelt down to Stardust Dragon and lowered his head. "Master". The Standard piece of the Supreme King Dragon said to the Signer Dragon, revealing that it was him that was Stardust's student. The Signer Dragon grew a smile on his snot, before he flew slightly above the ground and over to his student.

He placed his left claw on top of Odd-Eyes' head, getting the Dragon-type monster to look up at his master and saw his reassuring smile. "I told you, there's no need to bow your head to me. Neither of us are above each other, we're both equals, remember that?" Stardust Dragon reminded his student, which Odd-Eyes Dragon nodded to his master with a grin.

The Signer Dragon lifted his hand from Odd-Eyes Dragon's head and flew back a bit. Odd-Eyes Dragon rose up from his kneeling position and lifted his head to look at his teacher. Stardust let out a sigh as he stared at his student's eyes, which were once filled with hatred for the world, but were now filled with trust and love. As he stared into his student's eyes, the Signer Dragon thought back to their first meeting.

(Flashback to a month ago)

Stardust Dragon was flying in the air above a lush green forest with no destination in mind. It has been a week since him and the rest of his comrades, along with the Lyrilusc and Windwitch creatures had arrived in this dimension's Spirit World, and 2 days since his and Yusei's battle against the Sledgehammer.

During Yusei's time in the Fusion Dimension, him and the rest of his comrades had their own mission to accomplish. Like how Yusei rescued Lulu and Rin, they had rescued their monsters, the Windwitch and Lyrilusc creatures and took them to safety on an island that his lord had created for them in the Fusion Dimension. It was there that he had met the ace monsters of the two girls that his Duelist had saved from Duel Academy.

He met Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale and Windwitch – Winter Bell. To his surprise though, the two were as young as their mistresses. Winter Bell, like Rin, had assumed that he was from the Synchro Dimension since he was a Synchro Monster like her, until he told her that he wasn't from her home dimension.

He revealed to them the truth about the United World, the four dimensions, the four dragons and their Duelists, much to Nightingale and Winter Bell's disbelief upon learning that their mistresses were once one person that was split into four. He learned that just like their duelists, the two female monsters had a history with the dragon pieces of their dimension. Winter Bell knew Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, and to Stardust's surprise, learned that the Synchro piece of the Supreme King was actually a female the whole time. She and Clear Wing were best friends and had high hopes that their Duelists would end up together.

Nightingale, just like Lulu, had a relationship with the Xyz piece, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. And just like how Yuto did to Lulu, Dark Rebellion broke her heart. The two had meet through Nightingale's older brother, Raidraptor – Rise Falcon, and had grown close to each other. The two had started a relationship like their Duelists, but didn't cross the final step, wanting to see how their relationship goes before they decide to become mates.

When the Ancient Gear and Fusion Monster forces invaded their home, it was just like with their Duelists as Nightingale didn't want to fight to cause pain. Dark Rebellion and Rise Falcon, like their duelists, had attempted not to fight their enemies to destroy, but eventually after losing someone important to him, Dark Rebellion snapped. He literally ripped through the Ancient Gear and Fusion monster forces with no concern, even tearing through his allies. The worst part, he had no remorse, no shame and no pity for those he destroyed.

Just like Lulu, Nightingale's heart shattered at seeing the Xyz Dragon destroy with no hint of remorse. She had flew away from the sight as far as she could. Eventually, she and Dark Rebellion had a talk, where Nightingale broke off their relationship. To her surprise, Dark Rebellion had no problem with it as he left very quickly, shattering Nightingale's heart even more than before.

A few weeks passed and then Lulu was captured, and sent to the Fusion Dimension. Bounded with their Duelist, Nightingale and her fellow Lyrilusc sisters were transported to the Fusion Dimension Spirit World, where they were guarded by the Fusion Dimension's forces, along with meeting the Windwitches. They were kept prisoners there, just like their Duelists, unable to leave. However, soon they were both rescued by Stardust and his comrades.

Upon learning what happened between her and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, Stardust felt great pity for Nightingale and Winter Bell. He decided to take the two under his care, just like how Yusei took Lulu and Rin under his. During their time together, the Signer Dragon grew to care for Nightingale and Winter Bell like they were his daughters. It was just like with Yusei, Lulu and Rin, the three Duel Monsters had become a family with the two female monsters confessing that they have begun to see Stardust like their father.

Like them, Stardust's comrades became close friends with the Windwitch and Lyrilusc monsters. They've all lived on the island in peace with any of them free to venture out to explore the Standard Dimension Spirit World. Out of all of them, it seemed like him, Nightingale and Windwitch were the ones that ventured out the most. He ventured out to explore the world, while Winter Bell ventured out to visit some friends she made in their time here.

Nightingale's reasons for venturing out of the island were unknown as she's kept them hidden. Stardust would have normally questioned what her reasons were, but every time she came back to the island, she always had a happy smile on her face and seemed to have forgotten about the Dimensional War. After seeing her beginning to recover, Stardust decided to leave Nightingale be and enjoy herself.

Right now, Stardust was flying around to enjoy himself. But if he was honest with himself, he was searching for his secret mission to find the Standard piece of the Supreme King Z-ARC, Odd-Eyes Dragon. Ever since he saw Odd-Eyes Dragon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon merge with Zarc, he's had this desire to meet them all and use one of his new powers on them.

One of his lord's gifts to him had been designed just for them, and he was eager to use it. He had met Starving Venom Fusion Dragon in the Fusion Dimension, but he wasn't eager to sit down and chat. The moment they made eye contact, the Fusion Monster had downright attacked him with hostile intent. Of course, Stardust had defeated him, but before he could use his new powers, more Ancient Gear forces had arrived and he was forced to retreat.

Now that he was in the Standard Dimension Spirit World, he was taking the chance to search for the Standard piece of the Supreme King Z-ARC, Odd-Eyes Dragon, but still no luck. He has been searching the whole Spirit World, but hasn't even found the younger dragon yet. 'Finding the youngling has proven to be more difficult than I bargained for. But I can't give up just yet. I need to find Odd-Eyes Dragon'. The leader of the Signer Dragon thought to himself with conviction, refusing to give up his quest to find Odd-Eyes Dragon.

Suddenly, a sparkle of red shined in the corner of his right eye, getting Stardust to stop mid-air. He looked towards the right and, to his surprise, saw Odd-Eyes Dragon standing in an open flower field. Stardust Dragon widened his eyes in disbelief as he fully turned around to look at the Standard piece of the Supreme King, who seemed to be waiting for something as he looked both left and right.

The Signer Dragon narrowed his eyes, before he took his chance. He flew down to the open flower field and crash landed on his feet behind Odd-Eyes. The rather loud landing caught Odd Eyes' attention as he shot around to look at who it was, before he widened his eyes in shock upon seeing it was Stardust Dragon.

Stardust Dragon walked up to Odd-Eyes Dragon with the shorter dragon looking up at the Signer Dragon in awe. Stardust Dragon looked down into the eyes of the standard piece of the Supreme King Z-ARC with narrowed eyes, as if he was looking into his soul. "You're... Stardust Dragon!?" Odd-Eyes Dragon exclaimed in surprise to see the Signer Dragon, who knelt down to the ground, before he scratched the ground with his right claw. Suddenly, a glowing scratch wound appeared on Odd-Eyes' stomach, making the smaller dragon growl in pain as darkness erupted out of his wound.

Stardust repeated his action, causing more scratch wounds to appear with more darkness with Odd-Eyes closing his eyes in pain. The Signer Dragon repeated his action one final time as more glowing wounds appeared on Odd-Eyes' body with the darkness coming out. The darkness merged together and formed the head of Supreme King Z-ARC, who unleashed a terrifying roar at Stardust Dragon, but the Signer Dragon showed no fear.

Stardust Dragon took a deep breath, before he unleashed an earthshaking roar far more powerful than the Supreme King Z-arc's roar. The roar was so powerful that it blew the darkness away and disintegrated it.

With the darkness gone, Odd-Eyes collapsed to the ground. Stardust Dragon looked down at the unconscious dragon, looking as if he was smiling. "You're free now, youngling". The Signer Dragon told the unconscious dragon, before he knelt down in front of him. "Now, what were you doing here?" Stardust questioned in a curious voice, wondering why the younger dragon was here in this flower field.

Sensing a presence approaching, Stardust Dragon raised his head and looked at the sky. Soon, a familiar Duel Monster flew into sight, making Stardust Dragon widen his eyes in surprise upon seeing who it was. "Nightingale!" The Signer Dragon exclaimed in shock to see the female that he's grown to love as a daughter, here.

Like Stardust, Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale had wide eyes as she looked down at the Synchro Monster from the sky. "Stardust!? What are you doing here?" The Xyz Monster questioned her adopted father in surprise, having thought he was exploring the Spirit World somewhere else. Stardust opened his mouth to answer, but then Nightingale noticed Odd-Eyes Dragon lying down on the ground, unconscious.

She gasped in horror as she covered her mouth with her wing covered hands. "Odd Eyes!" Nightingale exclaimed in concern as she flew down towards the red armoured dragon and landed besides his face. Stardust looked at his adopted daughter with wide eyes as she gently picked up Odd-Eyes' head and placed it on her lap. The Xyz Monster stared down at the Dragon-type monster's face in concern, before she raised her head and looked at the Signer Dragon with a frown on her face.

"What happened to him? Did you do something to Odd-Eyes?" Nightingale questioned her adoptive father in a protective tone, much to his fascination. The Signer Dragon could clearly see in Nightingale's eyes the protectiveness she had for Odd-Eyes, yet it raised the question on how the two knew each other. Stardust Dragon shook his head at his adoptive daughter, answering her question.

"Don't worry, he's unharmed. I've only purified him from the Supreme King's darkness". Stardust told the Xyz Monster as he walked over to Nightingale and Odd-Eyes, before he knelt down in front of them. Nightingale widened her eyes in hope, before she looked down at Odd-Eyes Dragon's face. "You've cured him of Z-arc's darkness? Is that even possible?" The Winged Beast Xyz Monster questioned in a hopeful voice, getting Stardust Dragon to look up at her face, getting even more curious at how she knew Odd-Eyes.

"It is. It appears that one of my lord's gifts to me was the power to purify the darkness inside Odd-Eyes, Dark Rebellion, Clear Wing and Starving Venom. To be honest, this was my first time using my new power". The Signer Dragon told his adoptive daughter, before turning to look down at Odd-Eyes' face. "It seems like my power worked its magic. I can no longer feel the darkness of the Supreme King inside of him". Stardust Dragon added, getting Nightingale to smile in relief as she placed her left wing hand on Odd-Eyes' cheek.

"Thank goodness. Now, he can live his life without any influence from that monster". The Xyz Monster said in relief for the Dragon-type, getting Stardust Dragon to raise his head to look at her. "I've answered your question, now answer mine". The Signer Dragon requested from Nightingale, getting her to look up at him and saw his curious look. "How do you know Odd-Eyes? You're acting as if he's been your friend for some time now. Have you two met before?" Stardust Dragon questioned his adoptive daughter, getting her to widen her eyes upon realization.

Instead of panicking, Nightingale grew a soft and happy smile on her face as she looked down at the Standard piece of the Supreme King. "I met Odd-Eyes sometime after we arrived in this dimension. We met when the moon hung in the air. I was practicing singing a new song of mine. I was so caught up in practice that I didn't notice that I had an audience. When I finished my new song, I was applauded, much to my surprise. I turned to look at who caught me singing, only to instantly be willed with fear upon seeing it was Odd-Eyes Dragon…" The Xyz Monster began, laying her right wing hand against the Dragon-type's face, gazing upon him with a smile.

Stardust Dragon listened and watched Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale greatly, getting more curious as he saw no hint of fear in her eyes as she continued her story. "Yet, you're showing no fear now". The Signer Dragon stated, getting Nightingale to give a small chuckle. "At first, I was so scared of him that my legs and mouth couldn't even move. Odd-Eyes noticed my discomfort and actually apologized for startling me. At first, I was honestly a bit surprised as he showed kindness and care for me. Eventually, we introduced ourselves to each other. He noticed that I was a bit nervous around me, so he told me that he'd leave me alone. But he told me that he'd like to hear me sing again and if it was alright with me, asked me to come back here the next day". The Xyz Monster began with a fond smile on her face, thinking back to when she met the Standard piece of the Supreme King.

"Later on that night, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He just didn't seem like the monster that hurt so many humans, and was feared in the United World. You could say that I was curious, so I decided to go back and see him tomorrow. To my surprise, he was already there when I arrived, and he acted like a child on Christmas when he saw me. We got to know each other a lot that day, and I realized that was the real Odd-Eyes Dragon, not the one that became the Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC. Ever since then, I've gone to meet with him weekly". Nightingale finished with a smile, but Stardust was saw her cheeks slightly flushed, much to his further fascination.

"…Is he the reason why you leave the island? To see him?" The Synchro Dragon questioned the Xyz Monster, getting Nightingale to lift her head to look up at him and nod. "Yes, that's why I leave the island. Odd-Eyes and I have become close friends, just like Lulu and Yuya". The Xyz Monster answered her adoptive father, who continued to stare at her in fascination.

A groan had caught both their attention as they looked down at Odd-Eyes' face and saw him beginning to wake up. He groaned as he opened his right red eye, before he gasped as he shot up from the Xyz Monster and leaped back 10 feet away, much to Nightingale and Stardust's surprise. The Dragon-type monster breathed at a fast rate as he looked down at his chest and placed his claws on it. "…It… it's gone. Z-arc's darkness is no more". Odd-Eyes said with disbelief in his voice, causing both Stardust and Nightingale to widen their eyes in surprise.

Stardust Dragon rose to his feet, before he turned to face the Standard piece of the Supreme King. "You remember your old master, and your combined form?" The Signer Dragon questioned Odd-Eyes Dragon, but was really stating a fact. The Dragon-type monster looked up at Stardust Dragon and nodded to him, no form of anger, hatred or darkness in his eyes.

"Yes. Whatever you did to me, it somehow restored my memories as well. My memories of Z-arc, my brothers and sister were sealed away because of those Nature cards, but at last, they've been freed". The Dragon-type monster told his fellow Dragon-type monster, much to Stardust's curiosity upon catching something he said. "Your brothers and sister?" Stardust Dragon questioned Odd-Eyes Dragon, although he had a pretty good idea who they were.

Odd-Eyes Dragon nodded to the Signer Dragon, before he looked down in sadness upon thinking about his siblings. "That's right, my brothers; Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. And our sister, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon". The Standard piece of the Supreme King told the Signer Dragon, revealing his hidden connection to the other three dragons that rained down destruction on the United World.

Nightingale widened her eyes in surprise upon hearing Odd-Eyes revealing Dark Rebellion was his brother, while Stardust Dragon narrowed his eyes. "I see. So, tell me? Now that you have your memories of the United Dimension, your old master and siblings back, what will you do now? Will you attempt to bring the Supreme King back into existence?" Stardust Dragon questioned the young dragon, his tone deadly serious to show how personal this was. Odd-Eyes Dragon lowered his head with his eyes showing untold guilt.

"No… I don't wish to become that… monstrosity again". The Dragon-type monster answered the Signer Dragon, which took Stardust and Nightingale back at how guilty he sounded. "Why is that?" Stardust questioned his fellow dragon, wanting to hear from him why he didn't wish to become the Supreme King again. Odd-Eyes Dragon remained silent as he continued to stare down at the ground, before he lifted it up to look up at the Signer Dragon.

"My time with Yuya was much like how my time with Z-arc was, before things changed. I was consumed with anger at the humans for wishing violet battles where we hurt each other. Even now, it still fills me with rage at thinking about their cheers at such pain. But, my time with Yuya has greatly calmed me. Yet, I still worry about Yuya and if a similar fate will befall him". Odd-Eyes Dragon said in concern and in guilt, concerned for Yuya and guilt for his past actions. Stardust Dragon looked at the younger dragon in understanding, knowing that he'd be greatly concerned for Yusei if something similar happened to him.

"Do not worry. My master, Yusei, will look after Yuya. He will make sure that he will not follow the same path as Z-arc. You have my word". The Signer Dragon told his fellow dragon, causing Odd-Eyes to grow a hopeful expression. "Truly?" The heterochromia eyed dragon asked in a hopeful tone, which Stardust nodded to him, causing Odd-Eyes to sigh in relief. "Thank goodness". The Dragon-type monster said in relief, relived to hear that his new master won't end up like his old master.

"And what of you? What sort of life do you wish to live?" The Signer Dragon questioned the younger dragon with narrowed eyes, getting Odd-Eyes to snap his head in his direction, before he lowered it in uncertainty. "I… I… I don't know". The young dragon answered in an uncertain tone, getting Stardust Dragon to narrow his eyes at him. "And why is that?" Stardust Dragon questioned Odd-Eyes once more, wanting to know why that was his answer.

"I wish to battle alongside Yuya and bring smiles, but I'm afraid that because of me, the cycle that started Z-ARC on his path will begin again for Yuya. I was the one that first hurt a duelist in the United World, thus I'm responsible for what happened to my master". Odd-Eyes confessed to the Signer Dragon, revealing that he felt guilty for what happened to his master and that he felt responsible.

Nightingale gave her friend a deeply concerned look at his confession, while Stardust Dragon looked at him with a natural expression. All was silent for a few moments, until Stardust Dragon broke the silence. "That settles it. From this day forth, you are my student now". The Signer Dragon told his fellow Dragon-type monster, getting both Nightingale and Odd-Eyes to look at him in shock. "Father!?" The Xyz Monster exclaimed in surprise at her adoptive father's words, honestly a bit shocked.

Stardust Dragon ignored his adoptive daughter and walked up to Odd-Eyes Dragon, who was shorter than him. "I will help you move on from your past, and become both a better dragon, and partner to Yuya". Stardust Dragon told the young dragon, getting him to stare up at the Signer Dragon in disbelief. "You would… accept me?" Odd-Eyes said in disbelief, having thought that Stardust would want nothing to do with him since he knew of his past actions and hurt so many people.

"The very fact that you're showing guilt for your past actions is proof that you're not a monster. That is the reason why I want to take you under my wing, and help you. Not just you, but your brothers and sister. I wish to help you all move on from your past". Stardust Dragon answered Odd-Eyes with pure conviction, showing that he was serious about his decision.

Odd-Eyes continued to stare up at Stardust Dragon in disbelief for a few moments, before he began crying tears of joy and disbelief. "Thank you… thank you". Odd-Eyes thanked the Signer Dragon repeatedly as he lowered his head, getting Stardust Dragon to give him a gentle smile. The Synchro Monster raised his left claw and placed it atop Odd-Eyes' head, before he then gave a comforting rub. "There is no need to bow your head. This is what I want as well". Stardust Dragon told his fellow dragon in a comforting voice to help Odd-Eyes, but he continued to cry in happiness.

Nightingale watched her adoptive father and friend with a soft smile on her face, happy to see that Stardust wished to help him. She hoped that this was the beginning of a beautiful relationship between teacher and student.

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