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59.01% Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX / Chapter 36: Regroup - A6

Chapter 36: Regroup - A6

A/N: Don't take this fanfic volume seriously; it's just a writing exercise for me and to help me. Butttttt it's also an Artiferia fanfic with some Yugioh elements on the side.


Hajime and Yue were speeding past us on their motorcycle. Suddenly, Hajime hit the brakes hard, his eyes locked onto an astonishing sight: Black Magician Girl, bearing a striking resemblance to Anam. Without hesitation, he opened fire at the massive dinosaur charging towards her and Shea. At the same time, Dark Magician Girl sprang into action, summoning a card into her hand, which vanished as swiftly as it appeared. Meeting Hajime's gaze, she began chanting incantations while aiming her hand at the dinosaur.

"Dark Burning Attack." With that single move, the dinosaur disintegrated, and the card vanished. Shea's jaw dropped in amazement.

Naturally, Hajime and Yue found this scene incomprehensible. Such powerful magic was unleashed in an area designated as a no-magic zone.

'The chant, that card, even her appearance and voice... It's all her. But why is she dressed like that? Is she cosplaying?'

'She cast magic at that level—Wait, why is she looking at my man like that?' Yue eyed her warily.

For Dark Magician Girl, seeing Hajime stirred memories of him falling into pits, leaving her feeling guilty.

"Long time no see, ne Hajime-san?" Dark Magician Girl broke the silence.

Shea, who seemed to pick up on the tension in the air, noticed that Anam's relationship with her saviors was far more complicated than it should be. Sensing the awkwardness of the moment, she remained quiet for what seemed to be a strange reunion.

Hajime squinted at her, then eased his guard, seeing the sadness in Anam's eyes. He dismounted the motorcycle and greeted her, his tone distant and cold.

"Long time no see," he replied.

"You've changed and gotten stronger too," she said.

"I could say the same to you…Black Magician Girl?" Hajime asked, even though he has changed, his inner weeb may have not.

A/N: Just a heads up, in Japan they call her Black Magician Girl rather than Dark Magician Girl.

"Yep, that's me. I just happened to change it upon arriving in this world," Anam smiled at him.

Yue and Shea exchanged a glance before turning their attention back to the scene, looking somewhat out of place.

"Well, this was a nice meeting and all. Let's never meet again. I have to get going now. Yue, let's go," Hajime said, his tone as cold as ever, quickly bidding farewell before indicating his desire to leave.

"Let me join your group, your plans of going back home will accelerate," Dark Magician Girl quickly and calmly stated her purpose.

Hajime stood still as he heard that.

"I don't need your help," he coldly replied.

"Please, I also need to go back home too. I came from a completely different world than yours, a world that is based on card games. My husband told me to keep it 'lowkey,' and if I were to ever mention this, it would have to be someone like you who has the power to do so. My abilities will be of great help to you."

Hajime paused when he heard that. Even Yue was making a complicated expression. They seemed to know what she was talking about.

Hajime recalled his back pocket dropping the blank card in the middle of their fight against the Hydra. Yue was the one who retrieved it, revealing it to be nutrient Z and emitting its colors. The blank card had saved his life against the Hydra from blood loss. Because of that, Yue was able to save Hajime's life a lot faster. He contemplated for a moment, then glanced at Yue.

Anam has something that can recover just as effectively as the divine water. This was something even Hajime had to acknowledge, but he still needed approval from his beloved partner, Yue.

"It doesn't matter to me. My name is Yue. You are the one who gave Hajime that weird card, right? You have my thanks." Yue got off the motorcycle to greet Anam.

"Uwaaa. Yes! Nice to meet you, Yue." Dark Magician Girl quickly went to her and shaked her hands.

"My name is Anam Gojo! Good job of taking care of Hajime in the pits of hell. He is a very stubborn guy, but I pray for you two for success. I bet he can't live without you from now on, seeing how close he is to you."

Yue who took this in surprisingly well and smiled smugly and nodded her head agreeing with that statement.

"But who would've thought you'd look like this? White hair, lost an arm, ditched an eye, and got jacked," Dark Magician Girl remarked, smiling as she glanced at Hajime.

Hajime couldn't tell if that was an insult or a compliment.

'She hasn't changed at all has she?'

"I worked hard." Hajime kept it short and simple.

"Awawawawaw, thank you for saving us. My name is Shea. Now hear this! No, I mean please listen to my story." Shea, seeing that things ended well for their reunion, immediately tried to jump in the conversation and jumped onto Hajime's arm and got her face held onto by his hand.

"Huh!? Who saved who exactly?" Hajime's face twisted as he looked at this strange newcomer. Before elbowing her, making her fall to the ground.

"She is a friend of mine," Dark Magician Girl said, trying to introduce her.

"I'd like it if you could help her with her problems, though I have a feeling you're going to say no," she added.

"Of course I ain't going to help her. I have no reason to." Hajime bluntly replied.

Shea was rolling on the ground trying to recover. Then she immediately latched onto Hajime's leg, not letting him go. She then proceeded to quickly explain her situation, that her tribe is being targeted by both humans and demi-humans because of her.

Shea was born as an anomaly among beastmen, with mana running through her body, mana manipulation and the use of special magic like most monsters. Fortunately, she had been born into a race that valued family above all else, treating an entire village of hundreds as one big family. That's why the entire tribe fled from their own country.

Dark Magician Girl was a bit weirded out by this. Why didn't Shea beg for her to protect them then? Then again, it wasn't her problem anymore. But as she watched, she began to grasp what her husband meant by "canon." It looked like this was how the original plot was supposed to go unless someone like her stepped in and changed things a lot.

"Why didn't you ask her for help then?" Yue pointed her finger at Anam.

"I did, I also saw it in the future! I have a future vision, you see! You guys all helped me and my tribe!" Shea explained.

Shea's Future Sight was a special magic ability that let her see what future outcomes would result from certain choices. However, it consumed a great deal of mana, enough to usually leave her exhausted after use. It also activated automatically whenever Shea was in danger. Whether or not this danger was a direct threat to her, or something that would indirectly harm her didn't matter.

[A very broken-ass ability if you ask me.] Gojo mentioned.

Hajime bent down and placed his hand on her head, thinking he'd finally agreed, Shea breathed a sigh of relief. In reality... Hajime simply activated his Lightning Field. He was doing this while he comfortably smiled.

"Ehhh?" Dark Magician Girl was a bit surprised by his cold action.

"Abababababababababa?!" Hajime had controlled the voltage so it wouldn't kill Shea, but it would at least leave her paralyzed for a while. The shock made her rabbit ears and fur all stand on end, like a looney toon character. After he released the spell, Shea fell to the ground, twitching all the while.

"Okay. Let's go—" Hajime was about to head towards his motorcycle and inject mana into it.

"I-I'll never let you get away!" Like a zombie, Shea dragged herself to Hajime's foot and clung to it for dear life.

"What are you, some kind of zombie? I made that shock extremely strong... So how are you still able to move? You're seriously starting to creep me out."

"...Yeah. She's creepy." Yue agreed.

"Hic... why do you two have to be so mean... First you elbow me and now you shock me! Don't you think you're being a little cruel!? I'm against violence! If you want my forgiveness, then please save my family!" Even in her anger she didn't forget to throw in her request once more.

It actually was a little scary how she seemed completely unharmed. That wasn't the only weird thing about her, either: she also kept muttering odd things like "If I mess up here, the future will change." to herself.

From the sound of it, Shea had seen a future where Hajime, Yue, and Anam were protecting her and her family. Which was why she set out to find them.

"If you've got a future foresight ability like that, how the hell did those Verbergen guys find you? Shouldn't you have been able to avoid them because you can see the future?" Hajime asked, annoyed.

Hearing that Shea just smiled. The smile Shea gave Hajime was one he couldn't read. He couldn't tell if it was self-deprecating, sad, or simply her trying to act tough. But to Gojo and Anam, it appeared more like a broken smile, forged from enduring tragedies and not giving up that shred of hope.

"The future is something we always have the power to change. At least, that's what I always wanted to believe. But there are some things you can't change no matter how hard you try... I realize that again and again every time I fail to change something. I couldn't change that one future I really wanted to. Maybe if I'd just tried a little harder, I could have…" Shea explained while slowly tearing up.

Dark Magician Girl couldn't stand to watch this anymore. She spoke up to help Shea, trying to put it as beneficial to Hajime and Yue, although she hated this method.

"You two, don't discard her completely. She mentioned she has a future vision, right? Isn't that what we need to see which path we should take? We could use her," Dark Magician Girl spoke up.

Dark Magician Girl here already provided substantial help, but it wouldn't solve the entire root issue. As Shea explained, Hajime and the three could provide the help she needed.

Hajime could not imagine how it must feel to know the future. If it was something they wanted in the future, they would cheerfully count down the days until it arrived. What if the future one saw was filled with tragedy? Could they honestly just sit there and accept the inevitable? He couldn't tell previously because of her intensely unpleasant nature, but Shea might have been holding out against it all along.

And up until now, there must have been countless other visions she couldn't prevent. That was the burden that this bunny girl had to carry. Even now, her cherished family is still being possibly taken away and slain in front of her eyes because she was powerless to change the destiny she saw.

That explained why Shea tried so hard to enlist their help, no matter how much Hajime hurt her. She was trying to achieve that "little harder" she couldn't before. Shea Haulia was literally betting her life and the fate of her entire tribe on being able to enlist their help.

For the first time, Hajime's expression became cloudy. He could understand the feelings of someone crawling hopelessly forward in search of their desired future, attempting to survive in the only way they knew how. However, when he considered his own goals, he became a little conflicted. This was how much Hajime had changed.

Finally, he decided that no matter how much she begged, he would simply leave her behind. This was, in the end, a guilt trip, not a matter related to him. But before he could deny her, Shea had gotten an unexpected ally.

"...Hajime, let's help her."


"Oh! I knew you were also a good person when I first saw you!" Shea's eyes sparkled excitedly, while Hajime's were filled with feelings of bewilderment, as everyone looked at Yue. But before anything else could happen, Shea earned herself a slap from Yue.

Yue was feeling a little petty, from jealousy at Shea boasting her big boobs in front of her and her man, making her feel a bit inferior, and she didn't like that.

"...She can guide us through the sea of trees."

"Aaah, you've got a point there."

It was a known fact there was a dense fog that permeated Haltina Woods, the location in the beastman country and only the beastmen could navigate their way properly through it. Having a bunny girl guide would certainly be a great help.

Hajime was still hesitating thinking about this, because it doesn't really align with his main goal of going back home and this was a ridiculous troublesome request. Until Yue's next words blew away all of his hesitation.

"...Don't worry. Together we're the strongest." 


[Shush. They are having a moment.] Dark Magician Girl reprimanded her husband.

Hajime had no intention of purposely sticking his nose into trouble, but avoiding the simplest option because it came with some obstacles that went against his personal creed. Enemies that stood in his way were to be killed.

"You're right. You're absolutely right, Yue. We'll use everything we can too." Hajime's mind became clearer as he stared at Yue.

"Yeah." Yue replied with her trademark smile as Hajime gently patted her head.

"Did they forget I'm still here?" Shea muttered to herself as she watched the two of them flirt.

"If only my husband was here." Anam pouted as she watched the two flirt.

"Rejoice, stupid rabbit. We're hiring you as our forest guide. In return, we'll guarantee your family's safety. And…Anam you had better not hold us back." Hajime agreed to this request but he phrased it made him sound completely like a mafia boss.

"Could you not look at me when you say it like that?" Anam felt uncomfortable being labeled somewhat weak.

"O-Of course not! Thank you so much! Hic, really, dank you shoo mush!!" This time she was crying tears of happiness. But for the sake of her comrades, she couldn't afford to celebrate for too long. She quickly regained her composure and stood up.

"So Hajime-san, Anam-san, Yue-chan then." Shea repeated them to herself a few times to make sure she didn't forget. However, Yue didn't seem satisfied with the way she was being addressed.

"...Call me Yue-san, you stupid rabbit."

"Fweh?" It was rare for Yue to order anyone around, and Shea clearly hadn't been expecting it either. But once Yue explained that she was an ancient vampire princess, Shea got on her knees and started begging for forgiveness.

Hajime had returned his motorcycle and taken his car out of his spatial inventory from his ring he looted from the Oscar Labyrinth. While that was going on, Anam briefly explained her reasons why she was in this location.

"You two are going after the Labyrinth for the seven ages of god magic, right?" Anam asked.

"...Yes." Yue answered as she turned to look at her. 'She knew we were after those?'

"There is technically one labyrinth here. But I have been looking for so long, and for the entire time since I got here, I have not even found it."

"Mmhm?" Hajime prepared the car and took a look at Anam.

"There is actually one in Gorge?" He asked.

"Yep. I have been looking for it alone for the past few months ever since I left the Hero's group. It was how I found Shea and saved her tribe from an army of humans."

"If you can't even find it, we might as well ask the demi-humans from Verbergen. After all, we're heading there to get the Age of God magic now." Hajime explained.

"Feels like my time exploring here was pointless then!" Dark Magician Girl complained as she settled into the back seat.

With Shea joining her in the back, Yue took the front seat beside Hajime, who then started the car.

As they drove towards the location indicated by Dark Magician Girl, Hajime and the others engaged in conversation, exchanging summaries of their recent experiences.

"Anam...How is Kaori?" Hajime asked, breaking the silence while driving.

"Unnnn… I left the same day you fell." Dark Magician Girl replied.

"Really?" Hajime looked at the rearview mirror to look at her.

"Not before preparing supplies, setting up a new identity, and doing some information gathering. Since then, I've been staying in this place."

"I told you I was planning on leaving anyway. Seeing the group in shambles when you fell off that bridge, I took it as my cue to leave as soon as possible on the very same day. So, I don't know much about Kaori or the hero group." Dark Magician Girl recounted her tales of that day.

"Right. You told us that day…" Hajime remembers that day.

"Oh, speaking of that day, you remembered the contract, right? Promising to make me anything?" Dark Magician Girl shamelessly brought up the topic, smiling mischievously.

Hajime, who was driving, remained silent. After a moment of silent driving, Yue turned to face Hajime, curious about the details of this.

"What contract?" he spoke up, pretending not to know.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I have it all here if you lost specific memories of that day. You signed a contract that you will help me create 100 things with only 10 being free of charges as per my request. I even have it recorded" Dark Magician Girl happily chirped as she revealed a phone with the recording of Hajime and Anam signing the contract in the library that day.

The video reveals a timid black-haired Hajime and Anam signing a contract in the library.

Yue then turned to face Anam who was holding the phone for others to see. '...She is dangerous.'

Clicking his tongue, Hajime sighed. "Yeah, I remember. Fucking hell."

"Woahhhh!" Shea turned to look at Hajime then and Hajime now.

Yue was also staring hard at the young and timid Hajime. How unfortunate she didn't get a taste of weak Hajime.

Eventually, the group began discussing their own histories while Hajime focused on driving, occasionally running over imperial soldiers. The sound insulation allowed us to ignore their screams.

Despite the bumpy ride, we eventually found the tribe of Haulias that Anam protected. Numerous swords of light covered them, shielding them from harm. Outside, Imperial soldiers were attempting to break in and capture the trapped rabbit clans. However, swords of revealing lights were protecting the Haulia tribe and that was Anam's plan.

Hajime parked the car in front of the group of imperial soldiers terrorizing and trying to threaten the Haulia tribe. Once he got out of his car, he shot fire at all of the imperial soldiers, causing a gore scene.

Dark Magician Girl activated a lightning storm, disintegrating the remaining parts of the human bodies.

The rabbitmen, frozen stiff with fear, suddenly heard a noise completely alien to them. Their sensitive ears picked up strange gunshot sounds and the crackle of lightning. As they turned as one to see the source, they saw a strange black four-wheel vehicle with four people beside it.

One of them was a girl they all recognized. She had disappeared earlier that morning with Anam, and the entire clan had been anxiously waiting for her return.

There she was, standing at the back of the weird black vehicle, waving happily. Her usual innocent smile was plastered on her face again. Everyone stared at her in disbelief.

"Everyone... I've found help!" Her familiar voice brought them all back to reality, and the realization that they were truly saved finally hit them. As it did, they all yelled out her name in unison.

After eliminating all the enemies, the Sword of Revealing Light dissipated. The Haulia tribe and Shea happily reunited.

Hajime and Anam watched as Shea spoke with her father. Anam walked closer to Hajime and made small talk about the situation.

"We might have to go on foot," Hajime said as he made a headcount.

"Can't we just pull the imperial carriage that carries the rabbitmen?" she shrugged, went ahead on setting up the carriage behind the black vehicle with ropes.

Once Shea and her father were done reaffirming each other's safety, they both turned to face Hajime.

"You must be Hajime-dono. I'm Cam Haulia, Shea's father and chieftain of the Haulia tribe. Thank you for saving my daughter and our tribe. We're grateful you're helping us escape." Cam bowed deeply, followed by the rest of his tribe.

"Thanks are fine, don't forget, you're guiding us through the sea of trees, got it? I'm surprised you trust me so easily. Humans and beastmen don't usually get along, and you're being persecuted by humans. Yet you're bowing to me, a human, without resentment," Hajime replied, puzzled by their trust.

Cam smiled awkwardly. "Shea trusts you, so we do too. We're one big family..." Hajime was half amazed, half dumbfounded by their lack of wariness.

"Whatever," Hajime muttered before turning away to wait for the group to get ready.

Once all forty-two rabbitmen were prepared and got on the carriage, he started driving to the gorge exit.

They encountered many monsters along the way, as the caravan of defenseless rabbitmen made for an easy target. But not a single monster got past Hajime. Whenever a threat appeared, Hajime would promptly shoot it down without mercy.

Dark Magician Girl left the defense to Hajime, finding it so much easier than using her abilities. The rabbitmen were all astonished at how easily he dispatched monsters. Before long, they all respected him for his overwhelming strength. The little bunny children all stared at Hajime with glowing eyes, like he was their hero.

The party reached the staircase leading out of Reisen Gorge. They were switchbacks cut into the cliff face, each about fifty meters long before turning. Beyond the stairs lay the sea of trees, partially visible from the gorge. It would take an average person half a day to travel from the gorge exit to the entrance of Haltina Woods before entering Verbergen.

With no choice but to drive slowly, Shea asked Hajime, "Ummmm, Hajime-san, Don't you feel anything after killing your own kind?"

"The fuck? You're asking that now? I'm just doing my job. Protecting you and your tribe as long as you guide me. Anyone who gets in my way dies, whether they're monsters or humans. That is all." Hajime 

"I see..." Shea smiled bitterly at his harsh reasoning.

"It's okay, Shea. Killing shitty humans isn't the same as killing humans," Dark Magician Girl said with a happy smile.

"...What?" Shea's jaw dropped.

"Those imperial humans think they're the superior race. They even enslave their own kind," Dark Magician Girl explained with an annoyed expression. "People like them must be exterminated."

They cleared the last switchback and escaped from Reisen Gorge, only to find more imperial humans waiting for them.

"Seriously? They're still alive! This'll make a nice present to send back home," one soldier sneered.

All the soldiers here were making disgusting perverted faces.

About thirty imperial soldiers had set up a makeshift camp near the staircase, armed with swords, spears, and shields. They were clearly surprised to see Hajime and the rabbitmen but quickly recovered, appraising their new captives.

They were clearly surprised to see Hajime and the rabbitmen. But they quickly recovered from their initial shock. Smiles erupted on their faces as they began appraising the stock they would soon sell.

"Boss, the witch bitch is with them too! You were eyeing her before, right—"

Anam stepped forward, aiming at them with her right hand forming a gun shape and a card held between her index and middle fingers.


She conjured a homing lightning attack, obliterating the soldiers instantly, not holding back after receiving an OK sign from Gojo.

"…No matter how I see it, I still find it unbelievable. She is just like me fr." Yue murmured.

"She was a close combat specialist the last time I checked," Hajime said, glancing at Anam briefly before leading the way again.

"...A battle mage? That's extremely rare." Yue nodded.

There was a collective intake of breath as the Haulia gasped, taken aback by her merciless attack. Despite killing a group of humans, the party continued walking as if nothing had happened.

For once, there was fear in their eyes. Even Shea looked at Anam a little timidly now.

She single-handedly destroyed them in less than a couple of seconds.

"Come on, let's continue!" Anam happily chirped, marching forward.

In the distance, Haltina Woods came into view. Deep within its recesses lay Verbergen, the beastmen country, housing one of the Seven Great Labyrinths. Riding forward steadily, the woods grew larger on the horizon with each passing moment.

We were back in the car, hauling a carriage behind us.

"Anam, you said you were here for months, right?" Yue asked.

"Yeah!" Anam chirped.

Hajime, silently driving, seemed to be aware of what Yue was thinking.

"Why didn't you kill all the imperial humans that were here while you were staying at the Gorge?" Yue asked.

Anam sighed. "At first, I wanted to leave them alone. But when my rations ran out, I had to attack them. Still, I didn't kill any of them. Raiding for supplies would have been suspicious. So, I had to make an image of myself freeing the slaves and helping them escape in order to establish a reputation."

"So, whenever I see an imperial caravan I would raid it, steal their loot, free the slaves and then run away leaving the imperial people alive."

"Now hear this! This was totally my idea! If the imperial soldier were to go back alive and tell the tale about me. They would send more men and supplies to capture me!"

"... So, you were the main reason why the army was here." Hajime had run over a couple of dozen men today, but he didn't give a damn about killing them since they were trying to damage his car.

"Hehehehe. Tee hee?" Anam chuckled nervously, trying to brush it off.

There was still some time until they reached the sea of trees. With nothing else to do, Hajime and Yue began to talk about their past to pass the time. Anam shared what she had been doing while Hajime was in the Abyss with Yue. By the time they finished their tales, Shea was in tears.

"Uweeeeh... Hic... That's terrible. You poor things. Hajime-san, and you too, Yue-san... Compared to what you suffered, I've been so blessed, just like Anam. Uweeeh, I can't believe I was so pathetic." Shea sobbed uncontrollably, muttering things like, "I can't believe I was so spoiled," and, "I'll never complain again."

She continued crying for a while but then suddenly made a fist and looked up resolutely.

"Hajime-san! Anam-san! Yue-san! I've decided! Allow me to accompany you on your journey! I'll be the light that illuminates the darkness in your lives! There's no need to be shy. The four of us are comrades linked by a shared bond (mana manipulation). Let's overcome the trials ahead together and achieve your dream!"

Both Yue and Hajime gave her cold looks as Shea worked herself up with her own delusions. Anam gave Shea a thumbs up first, then a high five with both hands.

"Yay!" They cheered together.

"And what gives you the right to say that, you worthless rabbit? Need I remind you that we're still protecting you right now? You'd just get in the way," Hajime said coldly.

"...What a shameless bunny," Yue added with a sigh.

"Y-You don't have to look at me so coldly... You're going to break my heart... Also, could you please call me by my name already?" Shea was a bit shaken at how coldly they'd refused her heartfelt proposal.

"It's okay Shea." Anam comforted her by patting her on the back and head patting her. "Didn't you work hard today to get Hajime and Yue-san to help you?" Shea immediately nodded her head agreeing with that statement.

'Holy crap, her bunny ears are awesome.'

However, Hajime wasn't done reprimanding Shea.

"...You just want comrades to travel with, don't you?" Hajime said.

"Wha—!?" Shea jumped, startled. Looks like Hajime was right on the mark, as Shea suddenly jumped.

"Once your family's safe, you were planning to leave them, right? And since three 'comrades' showed up, you thought you'd travel with them. A little rabbit like you wouldn't last long on her own," Hajime continued.

"Umm, that's true, but... I also really want to help you guys..." Shea admitted, flustered.

Shea had already decided to leave her tribe to keep them safe. As long as she was with the tribe, they'd always be in danger. In this incident too, she'd lost many of her precious family members. The next time she got them into trouble, they really might all die.

Traveling with Hajime and Yue seemed like the perfect solution, as her clan would worry less if she was with them. Despite appearances, Shea was earnest and desperate about her plans. She also felt a deep connection to Hajime and Yue, seeing their meeting as destiny.

As Hajime had said, she was happy to have finally found comrades, which was why she felt inexplicably close to them.

"I'm not blaming you, but you need to let go of those hopes. Our goal is to conquer the Seven Great Labyrinths, which will be full of monsters as strong as us. You'd be killed instantly. That's why we can't take you."

"..." Shea fell silent at Hajime's blunt explanation.

"I will train her to be useful when we are free. This time I will not hold back on training like we were in the church." Anam suggested openly.

"...Oh. Good luck then." Hajime immediately replied.

"Really!? Oh! Thank you, thank you!" Shea happily cried as she hugged Anam, who accepted her hug with a smile.

Hajime essentially knew this was a death sentence for Shea so he didn't bother. It's not his problem.

"But do you mind if I ask Yue for help? I'm not entirely knowledgeable about mana manipulation in others and would like her guidance on training Shea. Well, I wouldn't mind having her use her skills against Shea for training either," Anam said.

??? Shea didn't know what this meant but it's for her. So this must be a good thing!

"That's fine, I guess. Yue, if you want to, you can join them," Hajime answered with a shrug. He then looked at Shea with pity.

"..." Yue turned to face Shea and Anam. Anam understandably is mysterious and useful, but Shea... She doesn't find much use in her except for that foresight of hers. But if she thinks Anam can make her useful, then this is interesting in itself.

"..." Yue hesitated. "I will give it a try."

'Shea is dead.' Hajime sincerely thought as he drove.


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