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57.37% Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX / Chapter 35: Dark Magician Girl's Curse Technique Reveal- A5

Chapter 35: Dark Magician Girl's Curse Technique Reveal- A5


[Chippy Chippy, Chapa Chapa, Dubi Dubi, Daba Daba, Magico Mi Dubi Dubi, Boom Boom Boom Boom] Gojo and Dark Magician Girl telepathically sang together as she walked towards her destination alone.

Gojo was singing a partial song to pass the time during their journey. The catchy rhythm instantly lifted Dark Magician Girl's mood, and she couldn't resist joining in. Fortunately, it was enough to distract her and bring a smile to her face.


[A/N: Lyrics Loop: Chipi chipi chapa chapa Dubi dubi daba daba Mágico mi dubi dubi bum bum bum bum, Chipi chipi chapa chapa Dubi dubi daba daba Mágico mi dubi dubi Bum]


Dark Magician Girl's destination was none other than the Reisen Gorge. A canyon that divides the south and the north portions of Tortus' mainland. There is a secret in the Reisen Gorge: there exists an entrance to Miledi Reisen's Labyrinth and the exit to Oscar's Labyrinth, although their precise locations were still unknown to them.

On top of that, this is where they will be meeting Hajime's group and the awesome bunny girl Shea.

Despite the uncertainty, they chose to explore the area for the time being. Because it was so hot there, she changed back into her original clothes and put Gojo's clothes away in her small inventory.

Reisen Gorge was known for being an execution site, as magic couldn't be utilized within this location (unless one possessed exceptionally strong magic), and it was home to an abundance of strong monsters. In a world capable of magic this location was deadly.

Dark Magician Girl had long abandoned the path of being a magician when she bonded with Gojo before coming to this world. She is a Jujutsu sorcerer. Nevertheless, she still cherished the name Dark Magician Girl very dearly.

As a horde of giant dinosaurs recklessly pursued her, intent on devouring her, she casually used her curse technique.

"Dark Burning Magic."

A card materialized between Dark Magician Girl's index and middle fingers on her right hand. As it began to glow, its effect activated. In the next moment, the card vanished, and her right hand unleashed an arcane blast, killing all the dinosaurs. This process took approximately 1.1 second.

Dark Magician Girl's curse technique wasn't even considered magic, as it uses curse energy than mana.

She continued her way as if nothing had happened, happily humming the "chippy chippy chapa chapa" song that Gojo introduced.


Dark Magician Girl is considered strong in this world, though she isn't strong enough to take down that fake god, she stands around the level of Apostles. However, facing enemies capable of moving at the speed of light, and then boosting that speed threefold with 'limit break', is a bit too much even for her.

But nonetheless this is her at the moment who came from the world of GX, who is to say she can't be stronger since arriving in this world?

Since the start of this Yu-Gi-Oh! GX world Gojo dedicated some of his rare time into teaching Dark Magician Girl how to fight in close combat. He instructed her in martial arts techniques, reactions in various combat scenarios, and effective movement in fast-paced fights. He even broached the grim reality of killing moves. This was a frightening prospect for her, but she went along with it each time, because she thought what Gojo was teaching was important.

Once every three days, just before evening, Gojo would engage in a 50-minute sparring session with Dark Magician Girl. It became one of his ways of coping being in that world. However, this routine always left Dark Magician Girl feeling uneasy, especially since she sensed that Gojo felt most 'real' when he was fighting.

The idea of physically attacking her husband, with the intention to kill no less, sounded insane to her. Yet, Gojo's strangeness pushed her to cooperate. When Gojo mentioned that he was willing to fulfill any of her desires to the extent of his abilities, she couldn't resist. There were so many things she wanted to try…in bed. Additionally, she knows she wouldn't be able to win against him in a fight and that means she can go all out, giving Gojo the fight he so wants.

Ultimately, Dark Magician Girl's deepest desire was to bear his child, though that was the one thing he consistently denied. But she was willing to push herself beyond her comfort zone to achieve it. She will have that baby. She just knows it is just a matter of time!

Similar to Gojo Satoru, our main character Gojo was dog shit at teaching, which is why he had to settle with sparring. Dark Magician Girl, on the other hand, had an innate talent for learning and was remarkably independent. She had a natural aptitude for absorbing knowledge and understanding theoretical concepts, which Gojo was able to explain.

During her time within Gojo's body, with consent she can access his memories, particularly his vast knowledge of jujutsu sorcery. Like a sponge, Dark Magician Girl effortlessly absorbs every piece of information, seamlessly integrating it into her own understanding.

The reason Dark Magician Girl was learning Jujutsu sorcery was because of their special condition. At first it was pure curiosity, since Dark Magician Girl is fundamentally a spirit. Can she use curse energy? How different is she from a cursed spirit? Normally it would be impossible to unlock curse energy in their world. But due to the number of overlapping circumstances between her and Gojo has caused a miracle.

Firstly, their spiritual connection, specifically the soul bond (Ka) mechanic in the yugioh world. Secondly, a heavy binding vow regarding their "marriage" solidified their connection even further. And thirdly, through an unexpected turn of events—Dark Magician Girl's inside being repeatedly filled to the brim with Gojo's white splash—miraculously granted her the ability to harness curse energy.

Much like how Yuji ingests Sukuna's finger to gain curse energy, Dark Magician Girl, through her own unique method, was able to tap into curse energy.

A/N: I wanted to add on to the soul bond thing; you could interpret it like what you call a fusion, with their soul. Like how Kisara and Blue-eyes White Dragon are one and the same, or you could see it as Dark Magician Girl as Gojo's exclusive "ka." Either interpretation works fine; it isn't that important.

While initially problematic due to curse energy's affinity with negative emotions, by recalling her previous experience under the seal of Orichalcos, Dark Magician Girl was able to wield curse energy within half a day when Gojo first started teaching her how to operate curse energy.

Upon unlocking curse energy, Dark Magician Girl initially possessed only a decent amount, comparable to that of a semi-grade one sorcerer in terms of curse energy reserves. However, through a binding vow, she made a significant transformation. By converting all her 'magic reserves' into curse energy, she effectively augmented her curse energy reserve to match that of Gojo's level.

According to Gojo's assessment, Dark Magician Girl's strength is that of a Grade 1 sorcerer. But if she were to be evaluated as a curse spirit she would be ranked semi special grade.

If we're talking about techniques, Dark Magician Girl's curse technique is something most would have probably never guessed. It's called Heart Of The Cards. She can materialize a Yu-Gi-Oh! card to life and bring their effects to reality. She can activate it through her hands, set it face down on the 'field' / floor, or she can loan a card. There can be any set number of face down cards. But some card effects have been altered to fit in with reality.

All cards can have its effect amplified by using short incantations (Chanting the names of the card). Yet, there are set limitations on this power; she can only utilize one card at a time, and this is unchangeable with the exception of her domain expansion. The speed of materialization of the cards depends on the individual's original speed and technique when drawing a card. 

On average, the time it takes to draw a single card from a deck typically ranges from about 1 to 3 seconds.

For Dark Magician Girl it takes one second for her to materialize the card, and she is unable to use monster cards with this curse technique. Moreover, she's confined to using cards solely from what she has experienced in her lifetime.

But what about reverse curse technique? As hilarious as it sounds, Dark Magician Girl, a spirit entity at the time, can perform Reverse Curse Technique—a skill typically lethal to spirits.

Dark Magician Girl, despite her remarkable talent as the sole disciple of Dark Magician, doesn't possess the ability to perform a domain expansion, which is a skill beyond her reach. While she is exceptionally gifted, even being considered a unique genius, she lacks this specific capability. Instead, she opts to use a simple domain. By maintaining a specific hand sign with her left hand, she can continuously maintain simple domain and attack like a certain swordsman.

A/N: Kusakabe.


Mini flash back.

Meanwhile, Hajime Nagumo, trapped in a cave with only one arm remaining, struggled against the encroaching madness of isolation. He was mending himself with the properties of the divine water that he happened upon by chance in the cave he dug himself. He was alone, on the verge of madness, and the agony of hunger was almost overwhelming him. To die or not to die in this situation? But through all of the confusion, one separate thought eventually reached his mind.

"I want to go home."

With this newfound clarity, everything clicked into place, or rather, everything became even more clearer to him. He resolved to eliminate anyone obstructing his path. To him, this world doesn't mean anything, his former companions are worthless, and anyone hindering his return home was considered a mortal enemy deserving only death.

Having embraced this resolve, he shed his former self and adopted a cold, merciless demeanor. He slowly got up and meticulously analyzed his situation and the amount of planning he would do to get out of this place alive. Until, by chance, he felt something in his back pocket.

Retrieving the contents, he couldn't recall putting anything there. Hajime discovered a note, two pieces of jerky, and an unexpected card—a blank Yu-Gi-Oh card?

As an otaku, Hajime recognizes this card as a Yu-Gi-Oh! card. He has knowledge of this series. Which was why he quickly understood the content in the note.

The note was filled with a drawing of a pot of greed, a small penis? and a smug chibi Dark Magician Girl… Strangely, the Dark Magician Girl looked similar to Anam.

"This doesn't change anything." Hajime coldly remarked as he put the note and card pack into his pocket before chewing on the jerky to stave off hunger.


Two weeks passed without encountering anyone besides monsters. Dark Magician Girl was sitting on a boulder on the top of the raven looking around while dangling her legs sighing. The first few days were enjoyable, actively using her abilities to kill monsters left and right. However, it quickly grew monotonous, as her abilities proved to be too strong.

Even the song that Gojo was singing got boring after a week. However, to pass the time now, they were repeatedly going over plans on how to effectively use age of gods magic once they got their hands on it. While Gojo may not be able to use it, Dark Magician Girl might. As she leveled up, she could feel a strange source of mana inside her emerging and increasing. She could use a binding vow and convert it into curse energy, but for now, she needed it for the age of god magic, so she was stockpiling it.

Now that she was regaining her mana, her status plate revealed that she possessed mana manipulation and magic affinity.

The age of god magic is in the end magic, and magic requires innate talent and affinity. Even Hajime wasn't able to effectively use the age of god magic. Instead, he could only apply it to his inventions. That was how he became the known best craftsman in this story.

'With this age of god magic, wouldn't this help Dark Magician Girl become potentially even stronger than Ehit? Well, I hope,' Gojo secretly thought in the back of his mind.

Gradually, a new scene unfolded: a carriage drawn by a pair of horses approached, resembling a traveling caravan. Knights and soldiers occupied its interior, and a symbol was engraved on the side.

[Finally something new! And that symbol, it's from the empire!] Dark Magician Girl chirped, watching everything below.

[Yes, and those people are here to abduct demi-humans and sell them as slaves.] Gojo dropped the cold news.

If they were here, then that means the rabbit Haulia tribe should also be here. But we've never spotted them. Why?

Then it clicked in Gojo's head as he realized that they had left every monster they encountered dead without bothering to dispose of the corpses. The blood stench attracted more mobs, which Dark Magician Girl happily continued to dispatch.

This meant that the rabbit tribe hadn't encountered any monsters yet and were still on their way to finding a safe area to settle.

This is exactly a case of fuck around with the plot and find out.

'Ah god fucking dammnit.' Gojo facepalmed.

'No no, it's too early to judge this. In the canon storyline, Shea discovered Hajime and Yue after they had been outside for some time. However, we need to consider that Hajime and Yue spent a minimum of 2 to 6 months in the labyrinth before heading. We're just here ahead of schedule. The empire goonsquad has routinely captured demi-humans in specific areas near the Sea of Trees, the demi-humans' home. It just isn't time yet, but the fact they are in the Gorge means they are after stragglers.' Gojo calmed down and quickly rationalized his options.

Dark Magician Girl, who was ready to use Raigeki, stopped.

[We're only here to scout. We'll deal with those trash at another time. Please.] Gojo reiterated.

Dark Magician Girl coldly looked at the knights who were doing reconnaissance for any signs of demi-human. She sighed heavily and plopped back down, pouting. Dark Magician Girl and Gojo could easily change the entire storyline if they wished, yet they deliberately refrained from doing so.

Yes, that's right. They were cautious not to disrupt the early stages of the plot until Hajime potentials awakened and joined forces with Yue and encountered Shea. But for now, they were more focused on finding Miledi's labyrinth. It's tough without any leads. And even Shea was only able to find it by sheer luck.

We've been searching through numerous mountains and cliffs lately. I have an idea of what the entrance looks like, as it's marked by a small signboard. We're utilizing the vantage point because of my enhanced vision, although Dark Magician Girl doesn't possess six eyes like me, I can still see the landscape clearly with my six eyes when I'm watching it through her vision.

To be honest, I've wanted to incarnate so many times. However, I wasn't sure what would happen to Dark Magician Girl. I even discussed this with her, but she wanted me to hold off, just in case she was in danger or there was a need for my intervention. She actually enjoyed being 'alive', and I wholeheartedly respected her wishes.

So far, my time within the domain while inside her body has been just using reverse curse technique to put myself in a high state. That's right I been fucking drugging myself with curse energy. The feeling of euphoria when 'Gojo Satoru' first learns reverse curse technique when he was dying. I've been trying to recreate that exact sensation. And let me tell you, it feels incredible when I pull it off. It's like reaching the perfect high, almost identical to the feeling of hitting black flash for the first time.

But that's not all. I've also been experimenting with using curse energy to create music. I've been exploring whether it's possible to manipulate curse energy to produce vibrations and sound. After some trial and error, I found that it does work to some extent. I've been crafting beats and tunes, then attempting to recreate sounds in my original world. After tinkering with it, I've managed to recreate a soundtrack using only curse energy. While it's basic, it will suffice. After all, I want to help my wife in any way I can.

Telepathically I was sending sounds I made while singing a song.

The only song I was able to recreate, while basic, was the "Chipi Chipi, Chapa Chapa," tune. It's extremely hard, but it was good enough for my purposes.


A month later, Dark Magician Girl found herself running low on food. It's unfortunate but it was bound to happen. Eventually, they resolved to raid an Imperial caravan for supplies. Justified by their belief in their own righteousness, Gojo convinced her that they were the good people taking from the bad. Not only that but she gets to rescue demi-humans in the process. She happily complied with that after all it can't be helped. Yep, they were simply punishing those who deserved it.

"Evil doers be gone!" Dark Magician Girl happily shouted with a smile on her face as she used her curse technique to blast away the caravan's occupants while looting. Yet, she followed Gojo's command to spare their lives. It was crucial; the empire soldiers calling for reinforcements meant more supplies to plunder in the future and more punishment for them.

They are what you called it? Robbing the hood? Robinhood.

Additionally, after freeing the demi-humans from the empire's soldiers, Dark Magician Girl promptly departed, feeling no obligation to extend her assistance further, despite the emotional toll it took. She simply provided them with some supplies and provisions before moving on.

Among the demi-humans, there were numerous animal-like races, but not a single one of them were the timid and docile rabbit demi-humans.

When the empire soldiers got back to their country, they spread rumors about a sexy crazy woman in a skimpy outfit that looked like a witch and was rescuing demi-humans from them. A lot of warriors were interested in this news and departed to find this witch to claim for themselves. However, the mages showed little interest in these tales.


Around the four-month mark, we began to witness some developments, although they weren't exactly what we had hoped for. On one hand, we encountered the Haulia tribe, while on the other, we encountered a battalion of 1,000 soldiers chasing after them. And we still haven't found any signs of Miledi's Labyrinth.

Dark Magician Girl went ahead and rescued the Haulia tribe, stealthily guiding them to evade the empire's army and taking on the temporary responsibility of protecting them. After finding a location to settle temporarily, Shea, filled with gratitude, introduced herself and pleaded for help. Following Shea's lead, the entire tribe opened up about their predicament, recounting how they had been ostracized and chased by the demi-humans in the Sea of Trees of Verbergen (the beastmen country).

Due to Shea's unusual abilities, they were marginalized by the demi-humans. As Shea possessed mana which shouldn't be possible and mana manipulation. Moreover, she possessed the unique ability of future sight, enabling her to foresee potential outcomes of various choices. Shea requested Dark Magician Girl to accompany her to meet her potential future saviors somewhere around Gorge, a request that was gladly accepted. We had our own reasons for agreeing to this.

"Wow, you were summoned by the church?"

"Mhmm," Dark Magician Girl happily conversed with Shea, they quickly hit it off, becoming fast friends.

After securing a safe location, Dark Magician Girl and Shea went to find the individuals whom Shea believed could rescue her tribe based on her future sight. While Dark Magician Girl provided temporary shelter, she recognized its limitations and acknowledged that she couldn't defend everyone for an extended period.

During their journey, Dark Magician Girl shared details about her past and current circumstances.

"So, you are like a true hero?" Shea exclaimed, her eyes bright with admiration.

"The greatest hero there is, and happily married, too! My hubby is even inside me as we speak!" Dark Magician Girl cheerfully responded revealing a secret.

'??? What does that even mean?' Shea didn't question it.

As the two discuss they are interrupted by a giant dinosaur who enters the scene. The two looked at each other before running away. Well, Dark Magician Girl wasn't going to do anything about it. We followed Shea's lead who was frantically running away from the dinosaur, hoping she would lead us to Hajime and Yue.

Shea clearly panicked, running, screaming, and calling for help, forgetting the fact that Dark Magician Girl's ability to handle the situation. But this is fun in its own way.

[Hubby, that wasn't funny.] Dark Magician Girl inwardly pouts as she hears Gojo laughing heartily telepathically.

[Oh, no no. I'm not laughing at Shea. I'm laughing at how the time has finally come.]

Suddenly, a duo on a motorcycle was heading our way. Shea, filled with relief, began shouting for help. We fled from the giant dinosaurs as Shea continued to shout loudly with tears on her face.

"I FINALLY FOUND YOUUUUU! PWEASSSE HEEEELPPA USSSSSSS" Shea was quickly getting tired from running.

Finally, after four long months — things were starting to get interesting from here on out.


The atmosphere in the class was always sour. Ever since Anam's abrupt departure, leaving only a note behind, coupled with Hajime's presumed death and Shimizu's unexplained disappearance, cast a heavy cloud of depression over the group. These unsettling events deeply affected both the kingdom and the church, prompting them to mobilize all available resources to closely monitor the remaining heroes.

This heightened surveillance strained the relationship between the heroes and the authorities, creating an uncomfortable divide. Despite the discomfort, the students understood the necessity and endured it as it was for their own safety. Some students, unable to cope with the pressure, chose to join Aiko in helping with farming duties—a decision accepted by both the kingdom and the church. Aiko, focusing on agriculture rather than dungeon diving, didn't mind lending her abilities to help the kingdom. With her skills, she could contribute to feeding everyone in the kingdom.

However, Kouki's group stood out as the exception, actively striving to become stronger despite the circumstances.

Led by the hero Kouki, the remaining group of heroes tirelessly ventured into the dungeon, determined to grow stronger even under the watchful eye of Captain Meld. Some viewed this as motivation to push themselves further, while others harbored ulterior motives. Additionally, some sought to confirm certain matters.

Kouki didn't concern himself with Shimizu or Hajime; instead, his mind was constantly thinking about finding Anam Gojo. It's possible that his narrow-mindedness will ultimately be his downfall, but he didn't seem to care. Convinced that Anam Gojo, whom he acknowledged as close to him, had entered the dungeon alone to search for Hajime, Kouki's sole desire was to locate her and reintegrate her into the group. He clung to the belief that he was the perfect match for her, relying on his own virtues and ideals, and he wanted Anam to be by his side.

During this period, he had made significant improvements, feeling confident that Anam would be astonished by his progress and rush into his arms. Kouki smiled at the idea of such a reunion.

After returning from their expedition, the group of heroes took a well-deserved break. During this time, they caught wind of a peculiar rumor of a heroic-like witch near the Gorge was freeing demi-humans from the Empire's soldiers; she looked to be wearing short revealing clothings. Kouki, who first heard the news, disregarded it and believed it to be unrelated to her.

Kaori remained depressed and often spoke in a monotone voice, but she maintained a strong will to find and confirm Hajime's body. Shizuka, feeling uncertain about how to assist, visited Kaori regularly, hoping to uplift her spirits.

To distract themselves from their troubles, they passed their days engaging in discussions with the prince and princess, addressing political matters, and nurturing diplomatic ties with the kingdom as a formality and to maintain composure.

Today was different, though, because the Empire was here to visit. The Empire has heard news about Kouki's party clearing the sixty-fifth floor of the Great Orcus Labyrinth, something no one else had managed to do before.

The Empire sent a message to the kingdom right away to let them know they wanted to meet the new heroes. Both the king and the Holy Church agreed that it was the best time to let them meet.

During the meeting, the Empire's envoy displayed astonishing martial skills by thrashing Kouki, followed by some verbal abuse. However, the Pope intervened, shutting down the envoy's tirade. It turned out, the envoy was the Emperor himself. His purpose in meeting the heroes was to evaluate Kouki's abilities as a Hero, but he left deeply disappointed.

However, he had another reason for being there. Who the fuck was that witch disrupting his plans? Calling herself Dark Magician Girl. He wanted to find out if it actually came from the kingdom. It was starting to get on his nerves.

Normally, the Emperor Gahard would have loved to personally intervene with the witch, but pressing matters demanded his attention within his own empire. These included addressing the decline in slave transactions and handling reports of heroes summoned by Ehit, which were of paramount importance. Despite this, the emperor had initially shown minimal interest until news reached him of hero parties successfully vanquishing the Behemoth.

"What exactly are you up to, Lord Gahard?"

"Well well, if it isn't His Highness Eliheid. I apologize for not greeting you earlier. I apologize also for this disguise. I simply wished to ascertain this hero's strength with my own eyes. After all, his existence will play a vital role in our battles to come. Do please forgive my insolence."

Though he apologized profusely, Gahard didn't seem all that sorry at all. Eliheid simply sighed and shook his head as he said "Forget it" in response to the man.

Kouki and the other students were utterly confused. Even putting aside the emperor's combat skills, everyone was treating his surprise appearance like it was an everyday occurrence.

"Ishtar, Your Holiness. As you so wisely discerned, my words were nothing more than advice for our young hero. I would never dare dream of belittling Ehit's chosen warrior. I apologize if I seemed too brusque; it's simply a bad habit I picked up from my countrymen."

Gahard's reply was so insincere that it could hardly even be considered an apology. Still, Ishtar's calm expression never faltered, and he bowed his head ponderously.

"As long as you understand," was the only response he uttered.

The whole event was then smoothed over, and the three rulers (King, Pope, and Emperor) began discussing the affairs of state. Eliheid managed to extract at least a flimsy promise from Gahard that they would support the new hero "based on the promise he'd shown,".

However the King could not express his disbelief upon learning of the Emperor's worries. It surprised both him and the Pope to learn the question of whether the Kingdom and church supported the rumored Dark Magician Girl who was aggressively stopping his soldiers in the Reiden Gorge. The Emperor quickly left after receiving the desired response. He only intended to stay for the day, and tomorrow he will undoubtedly leave.

'A third party? As if. Probably a chosen hero who went rogue. Those old geezers are hiding something.' Gahard clicked his tongue. He had a subordinate spy on this kingdom covertly and was able to acquire access information to some of the heroes. But it's weird, the leaders in question just recently knew about this.

The emperor knew that the church would never allow anyone to defend the demi-humans. It's against the rules that people in this world normally follow. Human supremacy.

"Those monkey hybrid tree lovers will never understand human compassion. Don't they understand we are trying to help them? Only by serving us, the superior race could they truly find their purpose in life."

Yes, the Emperor is a human supremacist and a racist. Though he claims to be helping the demi-human, he has just adapted to his environment because the founding empire has always enjoyed keeping slaves.


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