/ Sci-fi / Youth World

Youth World Original

Youth World

Sci-fi 0 Chapters 7.0M Views
Author: Alexanderctn

4.84 (29 ratings)

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ワカモノ ノ セカイ (Title in Converted Katakana because of WN restrictions) - WPC#242 Silver Winner

Since I'm not greedy unlike some people on here *cough cough*, hundreds of future chapters will be free FOREVER!!!

Apocalypses are usually one and the same. Zombies, aliens, viruses, you've seen them all. But what if one of them was different from the others?

Waking up after fainting for no reason at all, atypical teenager Alexander Ruan finds himself lying stark naked on a grassy field. He finds out that although he's in the exact same place that his house once stood, all traces of human existence are gone. There are no buildings, no bridges, no roads, only endless nature as far as the eye can see. Worst of all, every single adult has disappeared without a trace!

Stuck in this hopeless situation, Alexander brings it upon himself to gather up all the adolescents he can find and build a camp to survive the night. After being unable to spot any adults in this formerly densely populated area, he comes to the conclusion that no adults will take charge and rebuild society. This can only mean one thing. Alexander will utilize his numerous skills to create the greatest empire in human history!

Of course, building an empire from scratch isn't a piece of cake. From power struggles to external enemies, from internal issues to technological issues, Alexander must navigate them all to keep his nation together. But, that's exactly what is needed of a great leader. In times of turmoil, it is their job to lead them out of it and claim their rightful place in this world of youth!

Cover by me!
Disclaimer: Youth World (Wakamono no Sekai) is a work of fiction, since no such apocalypse has ever happened or will happen in human history. An resemblance to actual events of persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any opinions expressed by any characters throughout the course of this novel are purely for narrative purposes and do not in any way shape or form reflect the thoughts of the author.

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. Alexanderctn
    Alexanderctn Contributed 128
  2. SadlySmiling
    SadlySmiling Contributed 79
  3. Pathetic_Uchiha
    Pathetic_Uchiha Contributed 10

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If you ever have any questions about the story, please reply to this comment and I will answer all of them to the best of my ability! ......................................................................

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Love this story! It's like Dr. Stone but without adults, like Lord of the Flies! Hope author continues with it!.......................................................

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Overall it's the best book on Webnovel about the apocalypse, period. A really well thought plot and developed marvelously. It's a hidden gem, for real, recommend this one hundred percent.

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Genuinely a good story. It's not my genre and I won't lie I only read this because someone posted about their first chapter of their novel piquing my interest. I am looking forward to the coming chapters and the MC makes me laugh while also making me want to read more.

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Youth World is a unique story that keeps you on edge. The main character, Alex, doesn’t just recieve everything on a silver platter or collects harem members like Pokémon, instead he works and tries his best to keep everyone alive. The writing quality is far better than most other webnovels with little grammatical errors and characters that feel alive or rather more “human” with more interactions than with the last story the author wrote “The Reimagining of the Bow Hero” The world building is done well and doesn’t seem to cause much confusion. The update stability? Well I have come in contact with the author and he is currently preoccupied with a very special project related to “Youth World” I hope that you enjoy “Youth World” as much as I did. Until next time. Goodbye!

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LV 1

Top notch story! I read this author for the fics, but his original stories are so much better! Not throwing any shade at the fics, by the way. Keep up the good work!

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This story is so good! Since I need 140 characters, here I go........ ........................................................... .....................................

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Read your Shield Hero fanfic so I read this! Liked it a lot, and it retains a lot of the elements of your fanfictions! Hope this story turns out as well as your fanfics did!

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LV 1


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Awesome book no wonder it won wpc. I like the main character he cracks me up. The author did Incredibly well in the book. So you should definitely read it.

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I've been reading this story for a while and gotta say I love it! No OP MC, he's actually human and the story makes sense for once. 5 out of 5 must read!

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The story is pretty good and the writting at the first person is really well done. Sometimes it seems really surreal though, as they're just children. For exemple, they are all following orders without asking anything; they make weapons and train themselves, but it's seems rushed as I ask myself why do they need to do that. So for me, the characters are not enough "alive". But the developement is good, and I like gestion of armies, well done for that. Keep up the good work !

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I do love this books far. However, the charecter almost comes off not real at times because at a young age he knows so much. But I understand that is part of his upbringing and makes sense in this setting. A solid read and I will deff come back for more as more chapters are out. I love the internal monologue!

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The synopsis of this novel is quite intriguing, I love your idea for the novel story and I hope you continue writing... Can't wait to read more!

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Liked it a lot. Ironically enough, this story happens very close to where I live! Would recommend!……………………………………………………………………….:.:..:…,…………:……………………..,…..

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This story has elements of two very popular stories, Lord of the Flies and Dr. Stone, but it doesn't feel like a crossover of both. It's very obviously its own thing, touching on topics that neither of the two covers.

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Love it! Keep up the good work is this 140 characters yet????..........................................................................................

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I ran into this story while reading through the WPC #242 novels and I've got to say that this definitely deserves 1st place. I mean, I don't want to be rude, but there isn't much competition and the rest of them are definitely botting.

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the kid does wonder, story has crazy mystery vibes giving it strong reason to keep reading it u love this genre I really enjoyed n will keep forward to read more just a bit grmatical erros here n there characters all r nicely devoloped

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Creo que la novela es muy buena. De todas los cuentos en webnovel, esta es sin duda una de las mejores, si no la mejor. Si esto no gana el WPC # 242, no sé qué ganará.

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The story is coming soon

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Author Alexanderctn