/ Sejarah / You win or you lose

You win or you lose Original

You win or you lose

Sejarah 7 Chapters 7.4K Views

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Story based on real events about a boy who is in love and does not know how to confess his feelings because every time he sees her he is short of breath and the words do not come out correctly he will have to hide his feelings but a few events will change his life and it will give you the necessary courage to declare yourself because in this life. IT IS TO WIN OR LOSE with that he has the necessary value and also thanks to the advice of his friend that he has given him every day and takes the risk of doing it and having that opportunity with the girl with whom he has been in love for months just that It is what he most wants on that occasion to have the opportunity to make the girl happy, although he knows that due to the age difference he will not know how others will react if they find out, he only has to do the aforementioned win or lose.

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