His time was being wasted, and opinion he believed his brother would agree with. Superboy was only left with the league that day for two reasons. To meet Superman because he felt like he owed the sidekicks for freeing him. But the man of steel had been avoiding him every chance he got. And eventually no matter how much he may feel like he owes them, he...well he couldn't leave without his brother, but he knew his brother felt like his time was also being wasted.
But his brother spent his time either training or going through the system data of the cave to read through whatever he was allowed access to. When asked why, he said "A warrior should never remain ignorant of the environment they find themselves in. This is new to us brother we must adapt...and for now be patient"
He was watching his brother spar with Aqualad...if he could even call it a spar. He and his brother were made to be living weapons and his brother utilized that better than he did. While he was prone to use his strength to overpower and destroy, his brother used every part of his body to take his enemy apart.
Aqualad and Spartan exchanged blows. Aqualad was using a stance heavily influenced by boxing. He unloaded a flurry of punches in succession. Spantan either blocked or dodged while maintaining his guard. When Aqualad shifted from offense to defense after noticing his assault proved useless, Spartan was on him far faster than he could anticipate.
Aqualad struck out with a wild blow. Spartan slipped into his guard and delivered two gut punches within a moment before the Atlantean could process the pain from the blows. Spartan was behind him, his arms around his waist, as he leaned back, lifted Aqualad in the air, and delivered a German suplex.
A whistle was heard Robin who was watching from the sideline winced at the impact. "Damn, that's gonna hurt"
A holo image saying that Wonder Boy wins appeared, indicating that the match was over. Seeing this, he helped his opponent up. "You fought well, Aqualad. But you're too rigid. You did well and kept up with me in the beginning. But the moment I increased my strength and speed, you failed to react in time even though I was still moving and hitting within range of what you should be able to handle."
Aqualad pondered for a moment before replying."You're right my friend, I allowed myself to be caught off guard by the sudden increase in strength and agility, which is no excuse, as the enemy will not let such an opening go as you demonstrated by ending the match quickly after my folly. But that is why we rain to find our shortcomings and overcome them." he said as he extended his hand.
Wonder Boy looked at it before smiling and grasping it. "Indeed my friend.".
Suddenly, Superboy smells smoke, sending Miss Martian flying off to the kitchen, where she removes a tray of carbonized cookies from the oven. Kid Flash chomps one to console Miss Martian, prompting a faint smile from her.
Aqualad praises her gesture and introduces himself by his civilian name, Kaldur'ahm, dispensing with formalities, and insisting she call him Kaldur, the name his friends use. Kid Flash follows, introducing himself as Wally and claiming to trust her with his secret identity, while Batman forbears Robin from revealing his identity to anyone. Miss Martian says her name is M'gann M'orzz, but she also goes by an Earth name now—Megan. Superboy, though, remains silent, having nothing to contribute on this topic. As he walks away, Megan telepathically reassures him that they'll find him an Earth name too. He lashes out and tells her to stay out of his head. Confused, Megan explains—still telepathically—that everyone on Mars communicates like so.
Wonder held his head, but instead of her voice, he heard white noise that decreased in frequency slowly until it suddenly stopped and he could hear his thoughts again. He shook his head to get rid of the somewhat sluggish feeling he was getting. ' Hmm have I grown immune to psychic abilities' he thought to himself.'No, a stronger resistance is more likely, this...Martian abilities are clearly above those of the G-Nomes, so more than likely my resistance to psionic abilities that delve into the mind has increased. More than likely she won't be able to read my surface thoughts without me knowing or feeling her mental presence.'
He clenched his fist, but then relaxed it.'This is good, exposure telepathy reveals it's still a weakness, but a weakness that will one day become redundant.'. However, while that's well and good a teammate who comes from a world where peering into your mind is seen as commonplace and natural, would be an issue.
-Small Timeskip-
Wonderboy stood on the beach behind the mountain, his eyes locked onto those of the person who asked to speak with him. He and the rest of the team were on their way to see Miss Martian's ship when Wonder Woman arrived via the zeta-tubes and asked to speak with him in private.
Wonder Woman is a noticeably tall and fair-skinned woman with straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. She is ageless and attractive, sporting a slender and athletic frame with a well-toned yet muscular build.
She initially wore a strapless red bustier held up by a brace of gold resembling two W's. She has a large golden belt and blue briefs with five white stars on them. She wears red boots with a white stripe on the front side. Wonder Woman wears silver bracelets around her wrists, red star earrings, and wears a golden diadem with a red star on her forehead. She also has a golden lasso, which hangs from her belt when not used.
Aqualad suggested that the team continue and follow Miss Martian to the hangar. Superboy was going to refuse but the nod of reassurance from his brother convinced him otherwise. Although he didn't see the grateful look from the bubbly maritan girl.
"You look well. I'm glad you're adapting to the team," said Wonder Woman, finally breaking the silence...but not the tension. That was the same. He said nothing, in response, he just stared at her, his eyes impassive.
She sighed. This truly wasn't her thing. She had a younger sibling by blood, and many Amazon sisters led by her mother. But this...he was different. A part of her and the way he looked at her...hurt. Why she couldn't understand, they were strangers his gaze should affect a seasoned warrior like herself in such a way.
She took a step forward, causing him to raise a brow, as he kept his arms folded. "Look, son, I—" she paused, feeling the atmosphere change as his gaze became cold. No longer were his blue eyes—the eyes he got from her impassive, no—now they were downright frigid.
He tapped his headpiece, causing his helmet to form. He then took his shield off his back, with his sword sheathed in it. He placed it on the ground and entered a fighting stance. His intentions to use his bare hands were clear.
But it was more than that. He was telling her to show him how she felt through her fist. It may seem harsh to others, but if he were her blood, then he understood that this method was far easier than mere words. He was also telling her she had to earn the right to call him a son.
She disarmed herself as well, tossing her sword. shield and lasso on the sand nearby. But she didn't stop there as she took off her armor, leaving her naked form bare to him. Her toned abdomen, rear, and legs, Her trimmed snatch, and her bosom. All was exposed. She looked at his eyes and saw confusion.
"Wrestling naked is how an Amazon settles disputes. We do not need shame. We show our sincerity by being in our most vulnerable state: no armor, no weapon, just bare fists and exposed bodies. I will show you my sincerity in earning the right to call you my son here and now." she stated with determination burning in her eyes. No longer the weakness and hesitation she saw earlier.
Seeing her resolved, he smiled and relaxed his stance, Before taking off his close as well. What she saw she appreciated, she looked at footage from the cameras in The Mountain that Bruce provided her with to give her some into on him when she made her intentions to interact with him. He never slack off on training since his arrival. Every with or without a training partner he was actively keeping himself sharp. A toned body, compact muscles, and from what she saw below and third leg some of her sisters would certainly appreciate.
Now in the same state as her, he got closer before stopping in front of her and getting into a stance. Not one for boxing like earlier, but one clearly for grappling. See this she smiled and did the same. Today was the day she'd earn the right.