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Yarya: God's Jester Must Rebel Against God Yarya: God's Jester Must Rebel Against God original

Yarya: God's Jester Must Rebel Against God

Author: Kalinth

© WebNovel

The Yarya

It was a dark night on the asphalt. Without a doubt, many people felt they were being followed at that time. The young man felt the same way. Someone had been following him for three streets, but he didn't believe it.

He was heading home, thinking he had enough fresh air when the street lamp, which was barely lighting up the area, exploded. The area became darker. As he reached for his phone, he passed out.

"Look, he's waking up. Are you sure you tied him up properly?"

"We're on the 11th person, and you keep asking the same question. Yes, I'm sure. Speak quickly before anyone comes."

"Good morning, friend."

The young man looked around without making a sound. He was quite agitated.

"Have you lost your tongue? Don't worry, we're doing this for your own good. Our God has blessed us! We've been trying to make his voice heard for two months now."

The woman took out a bottle from her bag, drank first, then forced the young man to drink as well.

"That voice echoing in my ears is gone. I think we've done it! The thirteen of us will be reborn in heaven!"

The young man didn't understand what was happening before the man and the woman passed out one by one. By then, the young man had already realized what was happening. He would die soon.

Two months ago, a serial killer appeared, randomly binding and killing people for religious reasons. According to his beliefs, when they sacrificed thirteen people, God would accept their worship and take the thirteen people to heaven.

This madman had convinced his wife as well, and they believed they could easily go to heaven if they were the twelfth and thirteenth victims. That's why they drank the poison along with the young man.

"Oh, creator of the lofty mountains, Valturin, the highest of the high! I heard your shadow and believed. Me and my twelve friends believed in you and sacrificed ourselves. May our souls rest in peace! To the Almighty God be the sacrifice! Hear our prayer and illuminate us with your eternal light!"

Those were the madman's last words. It sounded like there really was such a religion. As the young man took his last breath, his mind was still full of fear and horror. When he decided to walk on the street that night, he never thought his life would end so quickly.

When the young man opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark place. His head hurt, and he was still confused. He started to remember slowly. He thought he was dead, but he was still alive. Maybe he had been found in time.

No matter how much he looked around, this couldn't be a hospital. He continued to observe until the dizziness caused by the deep purple fog passed.

The fog suddenly began to dissipate and gather again. A small child emerged from it.

"Who are you?"

The young man had never had such a stern expression before. His pupils looked pale. He didn't even feel scared anymore, even if the person in front of him was God.

"Well, it worked."

Looking up slightly, he stared at the mysterious child without interruption. A questioning voice came out of his mouth.

- I know I'm the one who turned you into a wild beast when I redesigned you, but at least you can try to control yourself.

- I'm waiting for an explanation.

Who was this? He was defying God in a strange, mysterious place he didn't know. Yes, he had already realized that the one in front of him was a god. After all, this child, who had no eyebrows, eyes, nose, or even mouth, could speak.

- You've probably already figured it out, but let me tell you again: I am Him. I am older than time, but also a child, that entity some of you call God and others call the Devil. So I ask you, what problem could I have that is not measured by age?

- It must be boredom, since we haven't had any events like the Great Flood lately.

- Exactly! I'm so bored, my child. No matter what I do, I have nothing left to do. Sometimes I convinced people to believe in me, sometimes I had my own prophets killed and created another religion. Sometimes I got angry and left the world underwater, sometimes I burned it to ashes. Neither good nor evil interests me anymore.

As the young man listened to what he would call "Existence", he remained in a dilemma. Was God good or bad? Maybe neither.

- So what does that have to do with me?

- Initially, I was planning to create a paradise for you, but things have changed. Since the first "13 Sacrificial Cases," two immeasurable times have passed for you and for me. You worked too slowly. It's time to destroy the universe.

- So is this the "Why we can't give you your reward" explanation?

- No, quite the opposite. When I created the world, I didn't pay much attention to time settings. But Yarya is not like that. Every corner of this universe is advancing with my time. I'm also thinking of sending you there.

He continued his speech, speeding up.

- Young man! Use the gifts I've given you carefully, take my place, and save your universe!

When the mist grew to a suffocating size, the young man woke up again. Was it all a dream? It couldn't be.

Kalinth Kalinth

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Writing in English is very difficult for me because I am Turkish. So I use a translator. Thank you for reading.

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