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Prologue: Death & Truck-kun

"Maaaaaaaan… ending kind of sucked! They could've expanded more on people exploring the uses of their powers than always making the world go BOOM!" <Steine Wayne>

Exclaimed Steine Wayne after watching the reboot on one of his favorite fiction based TV series Heroes Reborn.

After finishing all the requirements and exams in his studies, Steine Wayne all alone in his dorm whiling away the hours being a N.E.E.T waiting for the graduation to arrive within a few months. Unlike other students who is slowly leaving the university dorms finding part-times and internship to make proper use of their time to gain experience, and money, his thinking a little bit unique than his colleagues for he is trying to relax his nerves after going through hell that is COLLEGE and now going to a more harsher world, that is called REALITY after finishing studies. And by currently sitting around playing games, reading manga, novels, watching movies and TV series thinking the rest is what he deserves so he's just busy bumming himself out until graduation.

While looking in the kitchen cupboards for something to snack on before going through another movie marathon, he noticed both fridge and cupboards are all empty for he already ate every stock of what he had that was supposed to last a month within a week. (A/N: Yeah reall glutton..)

"Ahhh… guess no choice but to go out then.."<Steine Wayne>

While putting on a jacket and pants cause can't be going out only on boxers you know. Before crossing the road after coming out of the nearest grocery store with all the snacks and drinks ready for another session of Netflix and Chill alone, his mobile rang and looking at the screen noticing it's from his mother who always ask how he is doing everyday even though she knows he's not doing anything besides bumming out at the dorm he felt warm in his heart in this cold winter.

Upon checking that the coast is clear, crossing the road talking to his mom in the phone he didn't notice that there is a speeding truck with no truck driver visible due to the glaring light he thought the driver falling asleep because of overworking and being sleepless in this cold night coming straight to him. Then recalling the things he read regarding isekais it hit him right in the balls...

`Are you fucking kidding TRUCK-KUN!!!!??? WHYYYY???`<Steine Wayne>

Was the last thing that was on his mind before everything went black.

-A few moments later- (Spongebob voice)

In the darkness of the void a small globe of light desperately clinging to life.

"Fuck, fuuuuuck!! Even though I had moments where I'd like to be isekai'd after reading so many of such novels and fanfictions I DIDN'T REALLY MEANT IT TRUCK-KUN!!!" <Steine Wayne>

Shouted Steine's slowly flickering soul on the verge of fading.

"Snore… snore…"<Unknown>

Hearing some light snore in the void, Steine's hope ignited and kept shouting in the void in order to gain the attention of anybody out there hoping to get some help and after awhile maybe the guy got pissed that somebody dare disturb his quick nap shouted.


Shouted the voice. Not regarding the complaints on him Steine snapped back at him shouting

"DFQ truck-kun you killed me and just left me hanging here while you're enjoying your nap?!"<Steine Wayne>

Taking a moment to completely wake up, did then Truck-kun noticed that there was a small globe of light in the void that wasn't supposed to be there because he just finished delivering the last batch of people who was supposed to be isekai'd in the current year. Scanning the small globe of light to verify the moments that happened for it to be within the empty void of space between universes, did then he apologetically said,

"My apologies… You really weren't supposed to be dead as I have already sent the last batch of my quota for the year of the people to be isekai'd.."<Truck-kun>

Said Truck-kun to the small globe of light while slowly showing his form which can be only seen as a huge ass plain silver planet. Then within a minute came Steine's retort

"Then why the fuck am I here then?! Can you just send me back? As I still have a lot of unfinished TV series, Anime to watch while Manga and novels to read.." <Steine Wayne>

"Welp sorry can't do that as your physical body on earth has been destroyed beautifully by yours truly. And we can't put your soul in another body as it would look like the walking dead in a morgue and you just die back faster.."<Truck-kun>

As he apologise to the unwanted visitor for the second time. As he heard this, Steine's heart sank (A/N: not that he still has one ^^) while letting everything slowly sink in that he can't return and have a proper goodbye's to his loved one especially his family where his parents might have a heart attack after hearing the news and his two brothers who were waiting for him to put them through college. His mind ran at fast speeds thinking how he can take advantage of the situation and put his grief to the back of his mind to be taken care of once he is reborn.

Watching the small globe of light go silent, Truck-kun is also thinking on how he can properly apologize to the unwanted victim of transmigration due to his carelessness from overworking just so he could have a rest as soon as possible which he won't mention to the guy cause it'll just make the situation worst and infuriate the other party. Calming his mind slowly and recalling all the isekai situations that he has read and watched from novels, manga and anime he carefully planned out the best scenario he can take advantage from the drowsy tired Truck-kun who is already exhausted and just want to get everything over with.

"Since sending me back is not possible, can you send me to another universe with cheat skills?"<Steine Wayne>

He asked in a heavy serious tone to Truck-kun.

"Of course as my apologies you can even customize your looks in adult form just like in Skyrim, and even the universe you want to go too. But for skills there is a huge limit for I am already exhausted and can't give you anything that reaches Godhood powers only peak superhuman powers. But the power you'll be gifted is only limited from the last fiction movie, TV series, anime, manga or novel you have watched or read before the moment you died as that is one of the GOLDEN RULE of isekai"

<Truck-kun> in a "as a matter of fact" tone.

Thinking things over and over again now that he was given the base line of his situation to be transmigrated he carefully planned everything down to the last details. Due to this being the void without sun and moon to track the passage of time, Truck-kun was slowly getting pissed himself because the guy he is apologizing to likes to overthink things down to the very last minute detail of his transfer process and he is missing he beauty sleep because after a very hard working session if isekai'ing people he just want to rest. He find the situation peculiar because usually people who get transmigrated doesn't much have of a choice with the exception of the cheat skills they want to use on the other world.

-More Moments Later- (Spongebob Voice)

"Have you made your decisions yet?"<Truck-kun>

He asked because this SOB is really taking his time and not even noticing that the dudes soul orb is within minutes of flickering out because he wasn't supposed to be staying in the void for too long before being isekai'd. Making up his mind, Steine slowly stated his specifics of being transmigrated to Truck-kun.

"Yes, I have thought things through:

1. Since my powers is based on the last fiction show I've watched might as well pick {Peter Petrelli Shaw – Empathic Mimicry} from Heroes that goes with a Card System to sort out properly the list and types of abilities that I absorb, while showing me and other people's status for me to pinpoint the ability that I like and not overloading like Peter who just absorbs everything without control.

2. I'd like my appearance to look like Tyki Mikk from D-Gray Man without the cross scars in the forehead and with purple colored eyes with a tinge of gold around the irises.

3. The universe I'd like to pick is the variation of Marvel Universe from Earth-616 and Earth-19999(MCU), wherein I want the body I transmigrate to keep the surname of Wayne cause it'll serve as a keepsake of my past life and that it came from Batman's name according to my parents which I believe with my whole since childhood even though I know it's just a coincidence and I want the era to be near the information era where there are cellphones and PC cause I won't be able keep my sanity for anything earlier than that with nothing to pass time by." <Steine Wayne>

Stating the last one with a bit of melancholy in his voice regarding his current situation, and throwing the grief back again the deepest part of his subconscious to be dealt with once he is reborn. Absorbing all the request his unwanted visitor listed for him he couldn't help but give a relieved sigh for he can finally get his most longed for sleep.

*Sigh*..."Alright, I accept your terms but know that there'll be some modifications to them for I'm already exhausted and sending you out with the last bit of my strength… Such as:

1. Emphatic mimicry will be sealed for a while and will only activate once your body is good enough to be able to adapt from absorbing abilities. And there will be limited in the abilities you can use at the same time (Cause he might break the balance and be way too OP).

2. You won't be transmigrating in an existing body and I can't create a new body for you because my power is not enough and your first requirement took most of it. So you'll have to go through the baby process. *Smirk*(that's for taking a long time to think and wasting my precious beauty sleep)

3. No problem, as such universe already exist and there is a variation where you can be easily placed without any ROB(Random Omniscient Being) noticing you so you can slowly can enough strength to protect yourself and loved ones which is called Earth-61999996 for it has an Easter egg from Stan Lee. ( ^ o 0 ) *wink*<Truck-kun>

"Whaaa…" <Steine Wayne>

Before Steine Wayne can even complain of having to go through the hellish baby process that goes beyond imagination he disappeared from the void of space where Truck-kun slowly disappeared going back to sleep before letting out a

"Thanks to you I got my nap extended for being commended as a hard worker. I guess opportunities really go together with misfortune…"<Truck-kun>

With that he also disappeared from the empty space.

In a labor room in New York-Presbyterian Hospital, a baby was born screaming at the top of his lungs surrounded by a smiling couple grinning ear to ear for the blessing that came to their life as he is being handed to them. Unknown to them that the baby they are holding is busy cursing the being the transmigrated him as a baby.

AceCard10 AceCard10

Hi new author here! ^_^ Decided to make my own fanfiction since I got tired of being the one waiting for any updates and wanted to try create my own universe to pass the time. If there are any grammatical errors or any suggestion just leave a comment and review on the book.


1.Mental thoughts = ` asdf`

Dialogue = "asdf"

2.Further dialogues in later chapter will be abbreviated or just the first name.

3. Chapter updates might not be stable in the coming days cause i'm just new on this things and alone in editing for grammatical errors.

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