/ Adolescent / WTF: CHANGES



Adolescent 3 Chapters 5.9K Views
Author: margassi

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#2 of WTF
When The Fate Changes.

Ylexis Prishia "Yshia" Ramos Scott just turned eighteen, and she's almost a few steps closer to her dream, her dream of becoming a medical student. She's smart, got it probably from her parents, who are undeniably an epitome.

She's living her life comfortably, she has good friends, a loving family, a spoiled but cute young brother, and a childhood friend turned into a lover.

Before Yshia was born: fate already loves to play and loves to change the wind blow. The fate changes as she met someone, the guy who'd be a big part of her dream, except it is jaundice on her side at first.

From almost a few steps closer to her dream, it became numerous, but she became closer to a different one, to Kai Immanuel "Kima" Jalil, a first-year medical student.

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Author margassi