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68.75% Writing Reality / Chapter 7: Episode 2 (2)

Chapter 7: Episode 2 (2)

Deciding there was nothing else to be done now, everyone agreed to process and discuss this later.

Getting back on the road, Max decided to go grocery shopping. 

Once they reached the store and parked the RV, Arthur hopped out of the Rustbucket and stretched his back.

Behind Arthur, Kim stepped out while watching him. 

They all began heading toward the store with Arthur and Kim lagging behind. Suddenly, she piped up, "So your grandpa was some sort of secret agent who fought aliens to protect the world. And I thought my family was cool."

"It still is," Arthur countered.

"I know, it's just…a lot to take in, I guess…So, what was it like? Turning into that little, gray thing?"

At this, Arthur stopped to consider the question. "…Natural? That might be the best way to put it." He resumed walking as he explained. "Nothing really felt any different. I mean, I was smaller, I had less fingers, my senses were different, and I think that alien was some sort of super genius because I was definitely smarter and knew things I definitely didn't before and could not even repeat now. But none of it felt off or unnatural to me. I'd like to brag and say it was all me, but I'm pretty sure the Omni-whatever is responsible."

"So, you can turn into who knows how many aliens and just know how to use them," Kim said rhetorically as they stepped into the supermarket. While Max got a shopping cart, she asked, "So, what are you going to do with it?"


"I mean," Kim looked down thoughtfully as they followed behind Max. "This whole sitch. What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing, I guess," Arthur said honestly. "What am I supposed to do in a situation like this?"

"You could try to help people. You said that that little alien was some sort of super genius, right? And, you might be able to turn into others? Who knows what they could do."

"So, what, I'm supposed to become some sort of superhero?"

"I don't know if I'd say superhero, but…"

Arthur continued to talk with Kim as she debated different things he could potentially do - ranging from scientist to just about everything else. He argued reasons - petty as they may be - why he would not want to do any of those things, but he did consider her words. He knew exactly what the aliens he had given himself could do and considered potential fields their powers could be used in - such as Heatblast as a fireman. 

However, all the while, Arthur was waiting patiently. On the drive here, he had written in the Notebook on the next course of events. Now, he waited patiently for the star to arrive and set the wheels into motion. 

At the same time, Arthur considered this to be Gwen's debut. Seeing as he would have a part in it, he needed to make sure he played it well and picked a good alien to go along with it. "Heatblast would be too destructive. Diamondhead I'm not sure would work. Fourarms seems too clumsy. Graymatter is dumb for a fight like this. Ripjaws is stupid away from water...Hmm. For simplicity, I want to stick with the originals for this fight. If needs to be one who can handle itself but also will lend into Gwen's debut with a certain *pizzaz*."

This continued. Arthur narrowed down the list of potential alien transformations but could not come to a decision. However, as they stood in line to checkout, he began to worry. "Where are you, you D-list loser? I clearly wrote 'Supermarket is attacked by Animo.' and 'Our group saves the day.' He should have been here by now!"

"Hey, Ben, what's the sitch," Kim asked. "You seem nervous."

Startled by the sudden question, Arthur was unsure how to respond and began stammering. However, as if to rescue him, there was a loud crash nearby that sent people screaming in shock. 

To the side of the store, something burst through the wall. What appeared was a giant toad the size of a car with moss-green skin, four big red eyes, two small and horn-like protrusions on its forehead, a second pair of thick horns made of bone growing upward from its temples, and orange welts covering its limbs and lower body. 

Riding the toad and using the horns on its forehead like handles was an older man with discolored yellowish skin and greasy, slicked-back, graying hair that reached past his shoulders. He wore red goggles, a sleeveless black shirt, black gloves, brown pants, and black wet-boots. However, the man had a strange device strapped to his chest that connected to a mechanical helmet with two strange horn-like attachments protruding out. 

The man looked around before spotting something on the opposite side of the store. Giving a grin full of crooked teeth, he took hold of the horns and yelled, "Onward my pet!"

As the giant toad obeyed, people began panicking at the bizarre creature. This only grew worse as it leaped forward and landed on one of the checkouts - crushing it. People began fleeing as the creature made another leap forward. Landing by the electronics department, the old man dismounted and began searching through the electronics.

Two security guards rushed toward him pulling out their tasers. One of them yelled, "Stop right there and step away from the…frog?"

"I will do no such thing," the man barked. He then turned and remounted the creature. "This way," he instructed, and the beast began moving deeper into the store. 

While the two guards radioed their coworkers, the Tennysons and Kim had managed to duck down.

Raising their heads, Gwen was the first to say, "What do we do now, Grandpa?"

"You kids get back to the Rustbucket," Max instructed while giving Gwen the keys. 

"What about you," Kim asked.

"I'm going to make sure everyone's getting out safe." The man then got up and ran deeper into the store.

Watching Max go, Gwen looked at the keys in her hand. "And he expects us to just run for it?"

"Let's go, maybe we can help," Kim said. 

Seeing Gwen nod, the two began running deeper into the store themselves with Kim yelling back, "Come on, Ben."

"R-Right," Arthur called as he tried to follow after them. 


The old man had reached the pet department of the store. The employees fled, but as if there were an audience, the man began to monologue, "Now behold as I - Aloysius Animo - demonstrate the brilliance of my transmodulator!"

Aloysius then adjusted a large dial on the front of the device strapped to his chest. It lit up with energy that circulated through the wiring and into the helmet. The horn-like protrusions lit up before releasing twin beams of energy that washed over one of the animal cages containing a hamster with brown and tan fur.

The hamster began to transform. Rapidly growing in size, it broke from its cage and hopped to the ground. It quickly grew to about the same size as the toad creature. It had a pair of large red eyes with three smaller eyes surrounding them on either side. Its teeth now protruded like fangs with a prominent pair of tusk-like teeth protruding from its lower jaw. 

Then, Aloysius repeated the process - this time targeting a birdcage with a cockatiel inside. Once again, it began to rapidly increase in size to the point of breaking out of its confinement. The feathers of its light gray body became more pointed and sharp looking. Its crest grew prominently larger, its legs became longer, and its beak became bigger and sharper.

"Marvelous," Aloysius cheered as his new beasts surveyed the surroundings - adjusting a dial as they did. However, hearing a whimpering, he looked curiously toward it. Spotting a cowering child and mother, he grinned. "Go, my pets! We will show these people our superior might, and how they'll rue the day they challenged Aloysius Animo!"

As ordered, the transformed hamster lunged toward the mother and child. 

The pair stood and fled with the mother pulling the child by the hand. Successfully evading the hamster, they ran down the aisle – leaving it to crash into the adjacent aisle.

However, the hamster quickly collected itself and scattered the pile of items that had fallen on it. The hamster lunged at the pair again.

Between the aisles, the child tripped and slipped from his mother's hands.

"Barry," the mother yelled. 

The small boy screamed as he looked back to see the hamster descending upon him.

Fortunately, Kim managed to run in, grab the smaller boy, and roll out of the way as the hamster landed. It tried to regroup and pounce on them again, but she was just as fast. She held the boy and leaped to the side, evading the beast once again. 

Running up to the mother, Kim handed her the boy while yelling, "Go!" 

The mother then took her son and carried him as she ran - being directed by Arthur and Gwen toward the exit.

Hearing the beast's roar, Kim turned to see the hamster getting ready to jump again and braced herself. However, Max suddenly came running in and tackled the beast. The force of the impact knocked the larger creature aside and into one of the aisles. 

"Grandpa Max," the children cheered as they regrouped.

"What are you three doing here," Max demanded. "I told you to go to the Rustbucket."

"And leave you," Gwen countered. 

Max opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted.

"What do we have here," Aloysius growled as he stood opposite the group while riding his toad - cockatiel behind him. "Some snot-nosed brats and a withered old man trying to play hero?"

"Have you looked in a mirror lately," Kim quipped. "You're not exactly young either."

"And I'd like to see your noodle arms tackle a huge monster away like that," Gwen agreed.

Ignoring or not hearing their insults, Aloysius grinned. "Do not think I will show mercy just because you're children?"

"You just attacked a scared mom and her kid who was younger than we are," Gwen said.

"Do you truly believe you can contend with the genius of Aloysius-"

Ignoring the madman, Max spoke quietly to the kids as he stood in front of them, "You three get out of here. This is too dangerous."

"We aren't leaving you," Gwen argued.

While the two quietly argued - completely ignoring Aloysius monologue - Kim bumped into Arthur to get his attention. "We could use some help here. Now would be a really good time for an alien to show up."

Arthur stared at Kim blankly.

Incredulously, Kim said, "Try using the watch to turn into something to beat these guys."

"O-Oh, right," Arthur said nervously. He would forever deny that in all the excitement and terror, he had forgotten his planned role in this. 

Lifting his arm, Arthur pressed the buttons on either side of the watch face and watched it rise. The hourglass icon shifted into a diamond and featured the silhouette of an unknown creature. Gently gripping the watch face, he began to turn the dial thinking, "Okay. An alien. Something to fight three monster animals. WHY AM I BLANKING RIGHT NOW!?"

Unfortunately, Aloysius realized he was being ignored. Adjusting the dial on his device, he barked, "Attack my pet."

The monster cockatiel then spread its wings to gain air and deftly maneuvered around Aloysius as it charged at the group.

"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT," Arthur panicked. 

Feeling as though time slowed, the cockatiel seemed to move at a walking pace as it flew towards them.

"Fuck it! Whatever!! Alien number one - GO!" Arthur slapped his hand down on the dial and there was a flash of green light. 

Something orange suddenly barreled forward and tackled the cockatiel. Twisting it around in mid-air, the orange creature pinned the cockatiel to the ground before biting the bird's throat. Amongst the monster bird's defiant screeching, the creature's teeth successfully pierced the bird's neck and elicited a spurt of blood. Soon after, there was a sickening crunch, and the bird stopped its resistance - falling limp on the ground. The creature then got off the cockatiel and stepped back among the shocked gazes of those present. 

"Ben," Kim asked aloud. 

The creature looked back and barked in acknowledgment. It was a large dog-like creature a head shorter than Max that lacked eyes, ears, nose, muzzle, or tail. Possessing a slight underbite, pronounced canines jutted out from its lower jaw. Three, gill-like nostrils were located on either side of its long neck. Spines mixed in amongst its vivid orange fur were visible along its back and arms. Seeming to have opposable thumbs, its bearing appeared somewhat ape-like. A black and white brace was worn on its left shoulder that bore the Omnitrix's emblem. 

"Just what is this thing supposed to do," Gwen inquired. "It doesn't even have eyes."

Angered by the death of his minion, Aloysius adjusted the dial before ordering the hamster, "Attack!"

The hamster had recovered from Max's earlier tackle and charged forward. It opened its mouth wide, but Arthur was able to catch it. Struggling some to hold it back, he managed to twist the hamster's head and slam it into the adjacent aisle. He then let go before hopping back and then leaping up on top of the aisle. Using his weight, he proceeded to lean to one side and cause the aisle to fall over. The monster hamster was not able to move in time and became pinned under the fallen aisle - too exhausted to exert much effort in freeing itself. 

Arthur then retreated to his family's side. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but good job, Ben," Gwen said.

"Well done," Max agreed. 

"I told you, you could do it," Kim said.

Arthur preened at the acknowledgement.

However, Aloysius had grown contemplative. "Just what is this? That boy…He had some sort of device that transformed him. But how? It doesn't seem he's lost any intelligence. This isn't a mutation - of that, I can be sure. My transmodulator doesn't have the power to transform all the animals here, and even if it did, I wouldn't be able to control them all…Hmm…Perhaps now is as good a time as any to try some human testing - or whatever this thing is." He subtly adjusted the dial of his device and it lit up with energy that was transferred into the horns of his helmet. 

Distracted by his own ego, Arthur failed to notice what was happening. However, his family noticed the light generated by Aloysius's device. 

Seeing the device shoot out some sort of ray toward Arthur, Gwen suddenly sprung forward. "Ben!" Unlikely to be able to move the vulpimancer, she threw herself in the way of the ray and had it wash over her. She let out a terrible scream and collapsed to the ground seemingly unharmed. 

"Gwen," Max and Kim yelled.

Arthur moved to catch and hold his cousin. Inhaling through his gills, he was able to detect something was changing. 

Arthur moved to catch and hold his cousin. Inhaling through his gills, he was able to detect something was changing.

Gwen weakly opened her eyes to look up at Arthur over her. She tried to reach up toward him but her hand fell limply to her side.

Arthur let out a canine-like whine in concern. However, he then noticed green veins beginning to spread across her hand.

Arthur smiled. "Show time."

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