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52.63% Worm: Horror Master / Chapter 10: Real Nightmare

Chapter 10: Real Nightmare



In her office Piggot is reading through the report on the update of all the locations under the control of Horror Master since she took out all the gangs and all but taken over the city. Her robots are patrolling the streets and keeping them safe, taking care of all the remaining elements of crime left in the city. Which the only real villains left are the videogame-themed supervillains Uber and Leet, who Horror Master hasn't bothered to take care of like all the others. In fact neither of them have been seen or heard since Horror Master been triggered. 


All of the old buildings that came when Horror Master first triggered and the new strongholds that use to belonged to the old gangs that have been taken over, all are protected by automatic defenses. There are warning signs telling people not to enter the properties, the defenses ranged from automated sentry guns, ranging from simple minigun turrets to laser, containment foam, or missile-spraying variants. Tesla coils that fire bolts of lightning at targets that enter their range, walls of light, both turn anything into ash. 


Then there are the robots that patrol the city, all but replacing the police and the heroes. The city has never been safer thanks to Horror Master, which is gaining her lots of support from the people of the city, who were just tried of living in a cesspool of crime and villainy. The other gangs and villains in other cities are staying clear of Brockton Bay, and avoid Horror Master.


Piggot has been trying to figure out what Horror Master is planning. There are lots of activity going on around the city with the minions of Horror Master having a firm hold of the city, which is safer which older people say it's like when Marquis was still around. Which unlike said villain, Horror Master can't be lock away, she simply has too many minions. It would take calling in other Protectorate branches and the Triumvirate to even stand a chance. And even if they did win, it would only take one of Horror Master's minions to free her. Seeing how the clown Pennywise can appear anywhere and other monsters who can do the same could just appear in the Birdcage and free her. 


They couldn't risk putting a kill order on Horror Master, or risk having all of her minions no longer having anyone controlling them, be able to be the horror monsters that they are. It be a complete bloodbath in the city, then it will spread as the monsters spread out from the city. The only thing they can do is to try to reason with her and keep her minions from doing what they like. She had released the video of her culling her minions numbers of the ones who are just uncontrollable or went behind her back.


The problem is that Piggot doesn't know if Horror Master understands the consequences of what she has done in taking over the city. She was already a S class threat but with all of this she is now a more active threat then most of the others. But Piggot does have faith that Horror Master can be reasoned with, even if it's for her own good.


One of the only good news is that the 3 who had caused this to happen are now dead. They had all died one after another from all the stress they been putting their bodies through. Piggot is keeping an eye on Horror Master and her minions but so far nothing untoward has happened. The city is quiet and calm, which is something that she wishes could last forever. And Horror Master seems to be more focus on fixing up the city and expanding her legitimate businesses that she owns. She has been making the effort to make sure the people are happy, even though most of them don't realize that it's her that's making the city better.




Elsewhere -


Horror Master Walks into the room containing the real, Emma Barnes, Sophia Hess, and Madison Clements. The ones she gave to the PRT are just sacks of meat she had cloned with brains that can only repeat words of white room torture and just screaming. While the real ones are hers to torment to her hearts content. She had them turn into data and trap them in a digital world where they must survive every single piece of horror fiction ever created, even the sci-fi ones with aliens and robots.


Like a video game they have to survive to the end of whatever fiction they're in, even the ones where it ends with everyone dead. They replace the main characters and must survive to the end where they're still alive of complete the plot, while everything is trying to kill them. With the reward of if they managed to complete every single horror fiction, they get to leave. 


And overseeing the entire thing is AM, from the story 'I have no mouth, and I must scream'. AM is allowed to attack them with whatever is available in the fiction the girls are currently in, cheat in anyway it can but that the girls must be given a way to survive and win. Which AM being what it is, a supercomputer whose programming prevents him from thinking in any other direction than war and death, meaning that he can never use his vast, almost godlike powers to do or create anything original — and he knows it. 


Which is why the computer system AM is hooked up to has no way to connect to anything, even the power supply is just a gas powered generator that needs to be refilled, and a backup battery that only last for an hour or so. Seeing that AM hates everything and would had caused the end of the world if Horror Master hadn't just turn off AM's power, leaving it just a hunk of machines. So as punishment Horror Master trap him in the cut off digital system that's little more than a game console where the 3 players can die horrible and painful deaths each time and have to restart it all over again. And that there is a time limit for the girls to finish all of the horror fictions, which there is a timer counting down the seconds until AM dies and the girls need to escape before it gets to zero, and then they're trapped forever in the digital world. Or die when the power goes out and she personally smashes the machine. She really has no idea what will happen but till then she will enjoy their torment as they try to beat the horror plots they're forced to live through.


The girls are now going to experience some of the most horrific things possible, such as being eaten by a monster, being chased by a zombie apocalypse, being kidnapped and tortured by evil scientists, being stalked by a serial killer, having a ghost haunt them, being attacked by a giant alien from outer space, being hunted by a demon, being forced to kill each other, being forced to kill themselves, being possessed by an angry spirit, being turned into a vampire, being ripped apart by a werewolf, being shrunken down to microscopic size, being eaten by a mutant creature, being possessed by a demon, being chased by a psychotic clown, being torn limb from limb by a carnivorous plant, being thrown into a deep pit of spikes, being trapped in a dark forest full of monsters, being locked inside a coffin, being forced to fight to the death against a pack of demons, being trapped in a room with a naked mannequin, being hunted by a zombie horde, being infected with a disease, being locked in a tomb with a mummy, being haunted by a psychopathic ghost, being bitten by a zombie, being turned into a vampire, being killed by a werewolf, and all the other horror fictions that people had created. 


Horror Master manually turn off the machine by flipping the off switch, pausing the digital world of whatever the girls were currently surviving through, which also turned off AM. For while in his old computer system that somehow allowed him to have god like powers, when all he should had been able to do was control the defense systems and not somehow being able to make people immortal or anything else he was able to do. With this new system when she wants to she can just turn AM off by cutting off his power. Which she made sure off by pulling the cord that connected his system to the rest of the machine. As she made sure that to make sure AM can't do anything is by having his entire system that houses his data be able to be turned off, and unplugged. And that he can't download himself into the other system that contains the data of the horror fictions and the digital forms of the girls. (1)


With AM safely off, Horror Master turned on the screens that showed her former bullies standing in their separate safe rooms. Each of them could only talk to each other when they're in their safe rooms which is only there so that they could have a break from facing whatever horror awaited them in the next digital world. Which has a time limit to how long they could stay before it sent them to the next horror world. (2)


Horror Master turned on the mic that would allow her to speak to all of them but they couldn't talk to her.


"No you're not free, I'm only doing this to tell you all that the clones, I made of you 3 are all dead. Just like I made them so that with them dead, no one will think that any of you are still alive. Not that anyone cares to fight through all of my minions and defenses to save any of you. You're families never even tried to get you back when I took you. Now there is only one way to escape and you only have 2 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 14 days, to complete all the horror worlds. Only then you can be free, also the worlds you all have faced are just the silly ones first, the kid friendly horror and comedies. I did put erotic horror and good old hentai horror from Japan, and yes monsters with tentacles that rape young women are going to be some of the future worlds you all be facing. You all thought it was fun to torment me for 3 years. So I'm doing the same to you all. And once the countdown ends the digital machine that can turn you all back will automatically self-destruct trapping you all forever in the digital world where AM will have free reign to do what it wants to you with it being able to use all the horror monsters at once on you," Horror Master informed the girls who openly cried hearing what's in store for them. 


Horror Master turned off the screens and reconnect the systems, plugging AM back in. Then she flip the power back on, allowing AM to continue to torment the girls. She left the room which is a stone room with a old fashion vault door and the only light coming from the machine. There are also bombs in the room that would blow up if they detect anything that happens in the room once the vault door closed.


This was the place that Horror Master was keeping the girls, so that she could keep track on when each of them will die and what horrors they face. And to see how many times they all manage to actually finish a horror story and escape. She is a villain after all and making them suffer, brings a smile to her face.


Author's Notes -

1 - The short story 'I Have No Mouth And Must Scream' is a classic but it does have a big plot hole. How can a computer be able to have that much power where it can have god like power in creating a vast world contain underground and be able to turn humans immortal. When it's just a defense computer which would be able to use the nukes but the internet wasn't even a thing yet and microchips weren't everywhere yet when the story was written. 

Would make more sense if the humans in the story are just trap in a digital world by having their brains hooked up to computers. 

2 - Don't care how powerful a evil computer is, if it has a power cord that's the only thing that powers it. Once the power is cut, the evil computer is just a hunk of junk.


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