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50% Worldly Cultivation / Chapter 1: YOU DARE JUNIOR!
Worldly Cultivation Worldly Cultivation original

Worldly Cultivation

Author: I_L_tehking

© WebNovel


Amidst the tumultuous storm that raged above Great Pill City, two figures engaged in an intense battle. A youthful warrior, enveloped in a radiant golden aura that eerily mirrored the majestic presence of a golden dragon, swung his formidable greatsword with unmatched vigor.

"YOU DARE, JUNIOR?" roared his opponent, his voice echoing amidst the roaring winds.

Retorting with equal ferocity, the silver-clad old knight unleashed a mighty sword slash, causing the very fabric of the surrounding space to tremble in response. It seemed as if he sought to quell the audacity of the young challenger with sheer force alone.

Their fierce clash wreaked havoc on the outskirts of Great Pill City, yet the formidable rune dome formation stood unyielding, ensuring the city remained shielded from the ensuing chaos.

Meanwhile, within a quaint pill shop nestled in a quieter corner, a middle-aged man named Long Tian gazed intently at the celestial spectacle above. The sheer power and audacity of the young warrior, whom many referred to as the 'golden dragon kid,' had startled even the most seasoned spectators.

"Damn it," muttered Long Tian, his eyes narrowing with a mix of admiration and concern. "That golden dragon kid truly has the audacity to disrupt the Pill Lord's auction." Shaking his head in disbelief, he retreated deeper into the confines of his shop.

Long Tian — once a name that held promise and aspirations of greatness. In his younger days, he harbored dreams of making a significant mark, even stirring ripples within his influential family. Yet, reality painted a different picture. His innate talent, while not negligible, paled in comparison to the vast potential of the renowned territories. Lost in thought, a nostalgic sigh escaped his lips as he turned his attention back to the pill cauldron before him.

"Once this spirit pill batch is complete, perhaps I'll muster enough to cover this month's rent," he murmured, his fingers deftly channeling his spirit force to levitate the essential supplementary spirit plants required for his concoction.

The atmosphere inside Long Tian's pill shop was thick with anticipation, not just because of the celestial battle outside but also due to the delicate process of pill concoction that was underway. As the spirit plants danced above the pill cauldron, their energies intertwining in a delicate ballet, Long Tian's expertise shone through. Each movement, each modulation of spirit force, was a testament to his years of dedication and refinement.

Suddenly, a sharp explosion resonated from outside, shaking the very foundations of the shop. A shockwave emanated, causing several vials on Long Tian's shelves to rattle dangerously.

"By the heavens!" Long Tian exclaimed, steadying himself. "Their battle is intensifying."

He took a moment to regain his composure, adjusting the flame beneath his pill cauldron with precision. As the flames grew more vibrant, so did the concoction inside, emitting a soft glow that seemed to harmonize with the chaos outside.

Moments later, the cauldron, now bathed in a pulsating low blue light, voraciously absorbed a vast amount of the surrounding Qi. Observing this, Long Tian furrowed his brows in concentration, swiftly introducing the Qi-absorbing flower — the quintessential ingredient for the spirit pill. Almost immediately, the cauldron erupted in a brilliant display, with the vibrant hues intensifying until a radiant flash illuminated the room. The cauldron's lid, unable to contain the energy within, burst open, revealing nine nearly flawless, light blue pills, each possessing an almost perfect circularity.

"Of advanced purity," Long Tian murmured, scrutinizing the pills with a mixture of pride and disappointment.

Shaking his head ruefully at the sight, he released yet another weary sigh. "I suppose it was overly optimistic to expect perfection. After all, I'm merely an ephemeral stage alchemist."

Before he could dwell further on his thoughts, the shop quivered violently once more, causing Long Tian to brace himself, anticipating yet another unforeseen event.

Swiftly transferring the newly-formed pills into a jade bottle, Long Tian hurriedly moved towards the entrance, eager to witness the unfolding spectacle outside. However, what greeted him was beyond his expectations. The audacious youth, fueled by burning his blood essence, had managed to push the venerable silver knight elder to retreat. Employing some enigmatic bloodline escape technique, the young warrior vanished into the distant horizon, leaving behind a trail of astonishment and questions.

High above, the silver-clad knight, a stalwart protector of the city and the esteemed Pill Lord of the Celestial Core level, hovered with an aura of profound dignity. Nearly reaching the pinnacle within the Grand Quicksilver Dominion, he now bore the indelible mark of shame. A mere newcomer to the Celestial Vein Realm had audaciously disrupted the city's auction, pilfered a creation of the Pill Lord, and despite the considerable difference in realms—being a realm above in the Azure Pulse Realm—the young upstart had eluded him.

A tumultuous blend of shame and fury contorted the knight's visage. Resigned to the situation, he realized his immediate recourse: issue an expansive manhunt for the audacious youth and bar him from entering any of the six illustrious pill cities. Pursuing the young rogue was not a viable option. To abandon his post would leave the city vulnerable—a risk far graver than the indignity of a stolen pill.

Within the confines of his shop, Long Tian pondered the recent events. While the audacious escape of the young warrior would undoubtedly become the talk of the town, he discerned that such matters were beyond his sphere of influence. Resolving to set aside the chaos, he began the arduous task of cleaning up the remnants of shattered vials and debris. The shop needed to reopen; after all, even amidst the city's temporary lockdown, the demand for pills persisted, and he had a livelihood to sustain.

A sense of introspection washed over him as he contemplated his modest standing in the realm of spirit cultivation. The figures battling outside wielded authority and prestige, but in this grand domain of the Grand Quicksilver Dominion, individuals like him, positioned in the second spirit realm, were far from extraordinary. While they might command respect in mortal kingdoms, here they were but grains of sand in a vast desert of power and potential.


As evening approached and the day's business concluded, Long Tian meticulously inventoried the raw materials within his shop. Assessing his stock, he weighed the necessity of procuring specific plants against those he could harvest from the verdant expanses beyond the city walls. The northern forest, a coveted destination for alchemists and opportunistic cultivators alike, teemed with a diverse array of spirit plants. Although venturing into its depths carried inherent risks, the outskirts remained relatively safe. Periodic patrols by the city guard ensured that any menacing beasts lurking within were kept at bay, thwarting the formation of dangerous beast hordes.

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