/ Anime & Comics / World Trigger: The Azafurian
In a world where Trion warriors and Neighbors threaten the peace of Mikado City, a new and enigmatic character has emerged: Hoshizora Kurenai, a Neighbor known as The Brimstone Shogun, who has a Trion signature that resembles brimstone energy, setting him apart from normal Neighbors. With an otherworldly Trion body and a reputation that sends shivers down the spines of A-Rank agents, Kurenai is a force to be reckoned with.
As the story begins, Border HQ is abuzz with rumors and speculations about this mysterious new fighter who has been taking on Neighbor incursions single-handedly, with unmatched finesse and power. Some view Kurenai as a vigilante, a rogue agent unaligned with any official squads. But little is known about the true motives and allegiance of this enigmatic figure. His origin remains a mystery, as they don’t know how or when he arrived on Earth or the circumstances surrounding his existence.
Meanwhile, Osamu Mikumo, Yuma Kuga, Chika Amatori and Hyuse continue their everyday duties as members of Tamakoma Branch. They are intrigued by the stories of The Brimstone Shogun but are cautious, not knowing whether this new player is friend or foe. Some agents view Kurenai with suspicion, unsure whether they can trust another Neighbor. However, he has proven himself by taking down powerful Neighbor incursions with his unique abilities.
One day, Kurenai's path crosses with Tamakoma Branch, setting the stage for a complex web of alliances and betrayals, as the true threat to Mikado City becomes more apparent. As the Neighbors unveil a sinister plan that threatens both the human world and the Neighbor universe.
Tamakoma Branch and The Brimstone Shogun must decide whether to join forces to protect their home or remain as rivals in this dangerous new era.
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