Khaleel was uncertain about how to handle these individuals. He pondered whether his actions were truly so terrible.
He was simply trying to temporarily forget someone. He believed that he hadn't really changed at all, as he was still the same person he had always been. Yanarym had only entered his life two days ago, and he couldn't have changed so drastically in such a short span. He considered this to be an unrealistic notion.
"I'm not dying, Cain," Khaleel spoke to soothe Cain's exaggerated response.
"You spoke more than five words, you are smiling, you wanted to eat with us, you cooked breakfast, and you are talking to everyone," Cain said with counting fingers. "Aren't those enough reasons for you? Your heart is beating fast despite the fact you are just sitting there. You are sick, brother! First drink this potion, it should calm you down—"
"I'm calm, Cain," Khaleel spoke and avoided the potion that Cain was attempting to give him.
Hey hope_hope,
Thanks a ton for the massage chair gift this week! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity. It's amazing, and I am so elated. You're such a great person, and I'm lucky to have you in the Sixth World. I would like to dedicate the chapters of Love Sickness Day One! to you.
Thanks again,
Ran Barbasa.