Xue Ning's heart was about to beat out of her chest! What on earth was Sun Jingwei trying to pull! Even if he was in love with her (big if still), how did he expect her to marry into his family when he's outright making sure he pisses off his father as much as possible?
Sheer insanity. If they weren't right in front of his father, she would have elbowed him in the gut.
Meanwhile, the room was enveloped in tense silence. The staff continued to watch dumbly as one of their Young Masters straight up held the hand of his woman right in front of his disapproving father, daring him to react.
"They're all over the Internet," Sun Haowei spits out. Xue Ning pales immediately, does this mean her family back home will see it?
When your fake lover has 0 self-preservation :'D
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