When the full moon shine bright with star, the scenery may be called as lovely yet near the edge of the forest, blood scattered on the ground as scream and howl echoed out. The wounded bodies of human fall as the viscous wolves surrounds the cabin.
"Once you finish them all, you can join our pack.!" A voice full of authority sounded from a man who seated in nearby big rock.
The glint on the eyes of the wolves turned even more viscous. The wolves' fangs and paws teared the flesh of the human and easily claiming their life's, the presence of the sinister and blood wrecking creatures turn to demon of deaths upon the remaining struggling humans.
They still need to struggle with all there might. They need to fight with all cost.
A man holding a pole near the cabin, swayed it to keep the wolves away. It may be meaningless but he will fight with all his remaining breath to keep all this wolves away from the cabin. As he form this resolution, he let go the pole and draw his long saber. The wolves quickly attack him yet the man's saber danced as he give the wolves deep cut wounds.
"So they are quite capable ~" the man on the big rock. He whistle out as another half dozen wolves approach the man holding a long saber. The wolves' eyes look at him with additional ferocity as they surround him.
The first wolf attack yet to the man's surprised he was pinned down and the other wolves follow up by there paws and fangs. This struggles comes to deaths lock as he try to be compose. On the flash, a memory of a woman with curly waist length hair in black and white dress, a picture of simply village woman yet blood drips from her hands as corpse littered at her foots.
Anger surged from his heart as he forcibly throw the wolf hovering over him to the incoming wolves in the right side and swayed his saber to the wolves on the left sides. Still there's an opening, a wolf avoid the incoming blade and jump before opening its mouth and direct in the man's head.
"Arch." A forceful whine was heard from afar before a spear pierced the pounding wolf. "Marcel! Go!" A commanding shout had echo out as the man with saber turn. There was a strong build man which is half kneeling on the ground as blood flowed from his arm and teared flesh on his face. The horrible appearance of his comrade add fuel to his anger. This man once a foundation and model of strong and liveliness in their village. Yet after those entity came, not only they lose thee significant peoples but they are force flee like homeless dogs from their own village.
"Leave! You must do it!" Another shout from a man holding a pair of bloody knives staring at him firmly. Those eyes showed both tiredness and perseverance. Telling him to do what must and don't bother with others. Since young, all of them is discipline, they are all trained and had embedded a single task. Serve a single person.
With a final glance on his comrades, dead and alive, he turn around to the cabin just to see the door is already opened. Fear showed in his face as force his way to the cabin yet been obstructed. That fear intensified as he heard breaking things inside. All of them heard it clear.
Every remaining human stared at the cabin with fear and tears involuntary appeared to them. Time seems to slow down as a single thought form appeared to their minds. PROTECT
Shouts quickly spread as human furiously attack the wolves to get near the cabin. Yet before they close a meter in the cabin, the glass window shattered by a body fly out. This cause both the humans and wolves to stop. Staring at the body, its a wolf with ripped jaw followed by a painful growl and another rolling wolf head from the door. Everyone's heart skipped a beat before a clear footsteps resounds.
Under the moonlight, a very young man appeared. He is handsome yet pale and look very tired. He also looks lanky but once he step out, the moonlight reflected on his blood stained double swords. The man on the big rock squint his eyes as he intendedly stare on the young man.
With his senses, this little guy is just an early teen but the savageness that comes from his little creature cause a feeling of danger.
As the metallic smell of blood lingered on air, the clear image of misery and agitation of his village men reflects on the young man's brown eyes. When a large cloud cover the moon the young man appeared in Marcel's back and block the pounding wolf with his left hand sword before stabbing the wolf with his another sword. Still not contented, the sword he used to block he pierced to the wolf's skull then quickly exchanging the angles of his swords to cut the wolf in two.
Shock was written in wolves around before turning grave. Mere moments yet three of them had fallen because of his young man.
"They're just human! Go kill them!" The man on big rock shout. He too, was shock. A mere human killing them? Don't be ridiculous?!
The other wolves stare venomously on the young man as their fangs showed up and their pangs digging the ground. As the human saw this, they aided their weapon as they quickly surround the young man.
"Marcel! Quickly! Go!" The man holding a spear command as he gripped it tightly. Marcel, the man with long saber, nodded and approach the young man but before he could touch him, he stilled. He saw tears flowing from the young man's eyes as he stare way in front of them. There, is a motionless body lying on the ground. Her hair scattered as her peach color dress dyed with blood. Her face has clear pained expression yet she smiling while she look at the wooden butterfly bracelet on her hands. Marcel quickly cover the young man's eyes with his hand as he hug him.
"Riza!" The mournful shouted of the young man gained the attention of others. After seeing the young lady, whose age was not much than the young man, they feel so much pain to the point of suffocation. "Leave!" Someone shout as the human tried to open an escape path for the two.. Both side engage on another fierce life and death battle. But the wolves are clearly have the upper hand as they quickly block Marcel's escape route.
Marcel brandished his weapon to protect the young man but he was bite at his leg and pulled down. He lost his balance as he was being pulled away yet before he was drag away from his comrades, a rather massive force jolted the wolf back. Before the wolf stand again, a figure stand in his front. The young man with no expression raise his sword and hunk off a limb of the wolf. Next it sword draw a half inch deep line on the wolf's neck then he plunge his other sword from the skull to its chest, before swaying it downwards. Nearly cutting the wolf into two.
The young man didn't stop, he charge forward to the wolves that's going to attack. This seems to be foolish yet under the petrified look by the man on the big rock. The young man killed every wolf that charged to him, either had been cut to half or there head cut. This young man was like farmer harvesting his plants with both sharp scythe and mastery.
As the moonlight had scattered again, the wolves that was killed by the young man was nearly twenty with none had been able to touch even the hem of his clothes. Clearly displaying that amongst this humans, HE WAS THE STRONGEST.
He stand straight inside the circle of dead wolves, blood continuously drip from his two swords. Giving the impression of reaper under the moonlight. Unfortunately, the destiny had it's pattern. Under everyone's attention, the young mab kneel as mouthful of blood sprayed from his mouth.
"Young Master!" Everyone shout except Marcel, whose expression was much more graver because of the injuries he gain. A visible claw mark was on his torso yet his eyes show more concern for the young man. Under the attention of everyone, blood started the young man's white polo, this blood was from a wound which he received while protecting everybody he could two days ago.
"Young master's wound had opened." The man who hands have a knife said as try his fastest to be at the side of the young man, but he failed as a wolf pinned him down and start attacking again. The man use his forearm to push the neck of the wolf away then stab it's skull before throwing it away and try to stand again. This young master had suffer enough, he had already done too much, he had already loss much. He wouldn't let this young master to die on this place, even it means to sacrifice his own life. When he saw that there are three wolves that going to pound on the young man he use his own body to push him on the ground and cover him from the merciless fangs and claws of wolves.
"Ricardo! No!" The young man shouted underneath him.
"Don't worry on me, young master." Ricardo said with smile on his tired face. He forcefully receive the fangs and claws of the wolves as he try to counter attack. He won't gave up even he give his life. How could he gave up, if thus young man had done more unimaginable things with his frail looking body and a younger mentality than himself? Pointless be pointless, but he swear to his soul that he will ensure that the young master will be alive.
Even though they had scattered in different places, he know everybody is alive. All because this young master had give it his all to fight those monster in the forest.
Ricardo had successfully killed one wolf yet the young man under him stilled made his move and chopped the back legs of wolf making the rolled on the ground. With a better much angle of the wolves, the young man raised his swords on both sides of Ricardo before putting much force to hack off the wolves' head.
Looking at his right, Ricardo watched the rolling head of the wolves before staring at the young man. His eyes was turning more moist because of his tears and now he was bitting his lower lip to prevent himself crying out loud. With the young man's appearance, Ricardo couldn't help but to smile. He might be the strongest in their group, in fact he was rank third a strongest on their village yet a youngster was a youngster.
"I am fine. Don't cry." He said as he tried to stand up on his own. He make sure that the young man won't see his injury and make it look likes he was totally fine. He help the young man yo stand as well and reunite to their comrades.
With the young man attack, the wolves had decrease the wolves' number but that goes the same for the human, the other three of them had fallen and the less than 10 was injured.
"Young Master, you must get away. Take Marcel and escape." When the two get back to their comrades, Dennis, the man who held spear, spoke in low voice.
"No." The young man trembling voice reach the others that make them look back at him. They try to convince him to escape but no avail when the young man's word was been heard everyone.
"If you stay! I stay here! I'll protect you no matter what! That's what I promise them."
The moonlight was again showering the features of the young man whose eyes full of resolution and determine to wave his swords in order to protect everyone from his village.
"I won't fail anymore." He whispered to himself. Raising his head, he stared at the man on the big rock. "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you want our life's? Come and get it! Shameless retard!!" He spoke loudly as a chilling aura could be sense around him.
"For a human, you sure had a ton of confidence." The man retort with same chilliness lingered in him.
"Mark my words, even I die now, I'll drag all of you with me." He said as he raised his swords and attack like a ragging bull to group of wolves. His attack casualty have rise after just few breaths and 5 other wolves laid lifeless on the ground.
Staring at the dead wolves, the man on the big rock clench his fist as a low growl escapes his throat. "Kill! Kill them all!" He shout angrily. He also jump to from the big rock and landed at the 10 meters away of the young man.
"You pest! I'll shred you in chunks!" He shouted as he charged to young man's direction. Sensing the danger the young man turned around to see the other man's finger grew inch longer as he approach him.
"Come! You retard! Be my guest!" The young man respond as quickly forming a stand.
"Anton! Rio! Ramil! Criston! Dennis! Marcel! We shouldn't let the young master die here."
As the two collides, their respective groups also engaged on even more savaging fight where defeat means death.
On the other side of the forest, two figures a re quickly running in the woods, one if them landed on a spiky rock while the other land on a branch tree.
"That little rascal of mine, all he know is give the pack a headache. I swear I'm gonna beat him down once I saw him." The man on spiky rock howl as he smell the air.
"Your son will meet his demise if he won't stop acting like a rogue wolf." The other reply him. The two's appearance are both top less and both have many scar on there upper body. Yet the most eye catching is there tails. The one on the spiky rock has a noticeable brown fur and white tip tail while the other one has a pure black tail. They look around smelling the air trying to figure out the location of their target.
Once they reach the edge of cliff they started smell blood.
"Awooo!!!" A loud howl was them heard on the whole forest.
"That's him!" The brown fur, white tip tail man said as he run to the direction of the howl. After running and jumping through the forest they reach the other edge of the forest.
They wrinkled their brows as a more fresh blood smell lingered at air that make them accelerate their speed. Upon arriving at a big rock the cloud shadowed the surrounding for few breaths before lighting the scenery in font of the two.
Corpse littered everywhere, humans and wolves, obviously they gravely injured to the point of death. In the middle of the corpses a very big shadow stand. It have a noticeable wolf features yet it stand in two feet.
"Son?" The white tip tail man called from a far yet the shadow didn't seem to heard him because it didn't even bulge a bit.
"What may have happen in here?" The black tail man asked as surveyed the surrounding before noticing quiet few humans is still alive and crawling in the direction of the very big shadow.
"You little rascal! Have you gone deaf to not hear me!" The white tip tail man shouted but still didn't get any respond before a strong wind blew and shadow started to fall on it's back.
The two man's eye widened as they saw the shadow's horrifying appearance. It's lower jaw is missing while a big whole was present at its forehead and chest.
"Son?" The white tip tail man shouted as he ran at side of the shadow's body. He stared intently on his son's eyes to be greet by lifeless brown orbs. His breathing hitch as he couldn't believe what's before him. He know his son will meet trouble because of his smelly personality but he know his son can absolutely protect his self no matter what. Yet what kind of creature did he encounter to die like this.
He look at his side to see a very young man standing near them. His clothes was drench of blood and there are noticeable bite and claw marks in his arm. The young man also holding two blood drench swords while the moonlight shines to him.
The white tip tail man look at the face of the young man just to see blood tainted handsome face and a slowly closing eyes. The young man then starts to fall on his back while releasing his two swords.
"Young master..." A low muttered from the right get his attention before he notice a man with a spear crawling to get beside the young man, he also notice the other five crawling human on this direction.
"Rico." The black tail man called as he stand beside him. He stared at the appearance of his comrade's son before tapping his shoulder.
"It look likes my son got very mischievous and fallen this time." Rico sadly smiled as he look at the surrounding.
"He might entice this wolves of a promise to join the pack and command them to attack the humans." The black tail man whispered before looking at the figures who successfully crawled near the young man.
"I know, Alpha, I know." He lowered his head before taking a deep breath.
"The present problem now, is what are we going to this littered corpse. We want to our presence to be conceal but with these many corpse at the edge of the forest, where are predestined to be found." After taking a short while to adjust himself, Rico ask Alpha.
"Let's just buried them in the deep forest." He commanded before his eyes focused to the humans.
"Looks like they will become one of us." He commented before walking forward.
"Let's just throw all the dead one's and bring the recovering ones back to pack." He said before sitting down near the young man.
He close his eyes and he can clearly heard heartbeat of young man. Which is slowly beating till a moment it's stop.
"Humans are humans, you already exist your limits." He said as he stands up.
"Let's go." He said before turning to his comrade.
On the ground, Marcel reach the young man hands and clenched it tightly. Before looking at young man's face.
"You need to live. For the sake of revenge. For the sake of sister's death. You must live, young master Jheya." He begged in his mind and everything started to blurred before he lose his senses.
~chapter end
[Writer's/Author's note: Sorry for all wrong grammar and spelling. I just want to give a shot if I can write something about my fantasies.]