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50% Woke up in The DC universe as a Greek god / Chapter 1: The Reincarnation
Woke up in The DC universe as a Greek god Woke up in The DC universe as a Greek god original

Woke up in The DC universe as a Greek god

Author: Legttg_3445

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Reincarnation

(First Person Pov)


'Man I fell asleep with a huge headache...I actually don't know what happened,much of yesterday was such a blur because of this goddamn headache'

Man I feel really light I actually don't feel like I'm on my bed at all? I open my eyes and I see a gigantic beautiful woman staring back.

"Eros I see you have awoken,out of all my children you were definitely a tough nut to crack" she giggles

All her children?you made that sound like you have thousands lady! and what do you mean tough nut to crack?what type of third rate fan fic isekai story is thi...oh shit I might just be the Main character of a third rate fan fic isekai story

"WAHHHHHHHH" I cried out,I had my whole life cut out for me I was fresh out college with job offers lining up for me now I need to redo it again.

"QUIET DOWN THAT CHILD APHRODITE" a man appears in full armor and a sword to placed to his side.

She turns to the man and says "WOULD YOU SHUT UP" then she looks back at me with the most tender eyes and says "he is only a child he doesn't know any better Ares"

Ares and Aphrodite? like the Greek gods does that mean...I'm a god?

Ok maybe I could get used to this?

(15 years later)

So it turns out being a god is great especially with The beauty of my mother Aphrodite,and the body of my father Ares,along with a pair of giant white wings,my trusty bow and love arrows Women and goddess alike are swooned by me, I am very much enjoying the fruits of youth I only got a whole eternity ahead of me so no need to settle down yet

but as of recent I've been having a bit of a dilemma, in only 15 years of god hood I've gotten bored of the same old same old.So I decided I want to be a god told in legends but I don't know how.So I got to thinking how were some of the other gods known in my previous life?

I decided that I will participate in a lot of stories there are a lot of tragic ones in Greek mythology anyways so I can most definitely fix them you know make them happier endings I guess.

I was in my tunic my wings were tucked in my back I was currently heading towards an exit from my chambers in Olympus to the mortal world,specifically Ancient Greece,I wanted to start messing around with the mortals, yes they know of my existence but only as the child of Aphrodite they won't worship me unless I do something to make them. So as I descend to Greece I see a big beautiful city...yes this will be a good place to start my legacy.

(Angelina 'random citizen of this city')


I wish I never agreed to that arranged marriage, but father said this would be good for me since 'I probably won't find a lover on my own anyway'...yes I may not be the prettiest or the skinniest but I know I could do a lot better then that aloof who just fancy's the whores at brothels but still...

I lean out the window and pray to the gods "please just give me a little beauty oh just please" I plead but there was nothing but silence 'sigh' just as I was about to lose hope I hear a commanding but seductive voice "Do you want beauty Angelina"? I turn around to see a tall man dressed in a tunic, long blond hair,an Inhuman body,and a face that could make everything beautiful in the universe curse it in jealousy...he is perfection "wh...who ar...yo...yo.." he interrupts saying "Oh sorry how rude of me,my name is Eros son of Aphrodite and I have come with a proposition M'lady how would you like to be as beautiful as a Queen" I couldn't believe it,the gods have actually answered me OH! I thought the day would never come "YES YES YES OF COURSE" I yell with joy "Oh well all you need to do is shake my hand." he holds his hand out but right before I shake it he pulls it back to the side of his face and says "but let me make this clear I do want something from you,I do something for you,you do something for me,in exchange for your beauty, you spread the word of Eros and within a year I want a statue build right here in this city" that would be quiet troublesome I have no type of authority to do that,well that sounds like a problem for another time "sure" I respond, he smiled and stuck out his hand and I shaked it.

Immediately I felt my body slim down I released my hands from his and touched my face to feel no extra fat I checked my mirror immediately and even though I was naked from not fitting in my old clothes and slipping right through them I didn't care I WAS MAGNIFICENT I look towards Eros and he smiles at me "you see now that I have gracefully bestowed on you your beauty,you are going to hold up your end of the deal,correct?" Oh shit..."ye...yes" I stammered "good because if you don't I will turn you into a three headed pig with the bottom half of a goat and force you to forever wander the earth as the most hideous thing known to mankind" he says with such coldness I would have thought hades was in our presence "well good bye now I have things to do" and he disappears in a flash of bright yellow light...

(100 years later,Eros Pov)

After that first meeting over this pass century I did the same thing to more and more mortal women till statues and temples in my name and honor were made.Women from all over the world prayed to me and at first I bestowed them all beauty with the same consequences but that became too time consuming so Nowadays every woman has to bring there most precise,prized,beautiful item and leave it in one of my temples and if I deem it worthy I give them beauty but they need to come back every five years with another item of the same value for there beauty to be Maintained, it also goes the same way with men but women are mostly the ones visiting my temples.

In time I became known as Eros the god/personification of beauty, not the most intimidating title if I'm being honest, but it could be worse. I been so busy with the whole god thing I forgot to take a break so I went to my chambers in MT.Olympus,as I was flying there I was greeted by the sight of Hermès he appeared in a bolt of lighting yes you heard that right this version is a speedster like the Flash,Wasn't he like that in the DC version also?...anyways I greet him as I land on the ground to meet him face to face"Hermès to what do I owe the pleasure to" I say "well Eros I don't think your gonna like this one" I chuckle "Hermès there is nothing I fear but Zeus and her..." he cuts me off and says "Hera wants a personal meeting between you and her" my throat drys up instantly,and my eyes bulge out,I know for a fact this is not in any means sexual I met Hera twice and she is the strictest,meanest,most Sadistic,Queen ever and whatever she wants it can't be good "listen keep your head up also it took me a while to find you so your about 15 minutes late now...see ya" he speeds away

I am fuming with anger and confusion


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