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14.28% With the bois in Teyvat / Chapter 1: I don't like to lose whether it be for plot or not
With the bois in Teyvat With the bois in Teyvat original

With the bois in Teyvat

Author: Dragonskater_194

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I don't like to lose whether it be for plot or not

In a expansive plane of white light four figures could be seen waking up. The first figure a boy no less than 17 years old with brown unkempt hair and an average build was the first to wake up.

Tristan the first boy to wake up called out to his friends" Ay Rushdiy, Craig, Keaghan what you guys doing here?" after calling them out he realised that he was was not in his usual house, no he was in the white room and upon realising that he exclaimed in surprise "This is not my home, where we?! Ay bois wake up! There is something you guys need to see."

Rushdiy the first boy to be called was the first to wake out of his stupor and stretched his small body while scratching his head and putting his long hair in place. After getting enough clarity he said silent and obserevd his suroundings.

Keaghan the second boy called, a thin boy with frail looking arms, looked for his glasses with great difficulty due to the white space confusing his eyes and causing him strain. After a great deal of pain he finds it and after puting it on he saw where he was and was confused, remembering that he went to bed at his own house not here. He sits and analyses where he is.

Craig the final boy called was a medium sized boy, stretching his thick arms to wake them up he glanced around and noticed where he was, where we all are and with that he realised he was in deep shit.

"Are we in the backrooms or some shit like that?" asked Rushdiy unsure of where he was but still able to make a joke in this situation." Ay Keahgan, Craig do you guys know where we are?" Rushdiy asked the other two guys.

Still in a daze Craig awswered "Me? I don' know, maybe kegahan knows if not him then Tristan." In respone to Craig redirecting the question to him Keaghan merely shrugged and replied "I can't see jack my eyes are still adjusting to whatever this is. I'm even fine here as long as its far away from my sister."

Faced with Keaghan"s reply the only thing craig could say was "Okay." and divert the topics by asking someone else "Tristan do you know where we are or what this place is." After asking his question Craig along with the other two faced an akward silence, waiting for Tristan's reply.

When sufficient time had passed Craig and the other two looked for him. they found him lost in thought and Craig asked him "Tristan what you doing? Didn't you hear the question?" in repsonse Tristan replied "Yeah I heard but I'm busy thinking" thenthey heard him mumble "No its not that.... but maybe."

After that akward moment Craig tried to set a goal for the group " Aight bois we need to fin-" but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Tristan "I got it!, It was so simple hahahaha!" after Tristan's interruption Keaghan asked "Got what Tristan, what do you have?" Tristan stopped laughing and immediately said "I got the answer. Keaghan and Rushdiy I know what happened to us. Rushdiy its isekai Rushdiy, isekai"

Immediately all three perked up on what he said and Rushdiy asked "What isekai, where?" and Keaghan commented " Oh no isekai, anything but this." while folding his hands over his head in panic.

After Listening to all the others talking craig had only one thing to ask "Yo bois, whats isekai." Silence, complete utter silence overtook the space as the three stared at Craig with a mix of shock, disbelief, disapointment and understanding.

The first to speak up was rushdiy who informed Craig of what it was "Craig although you are a massive idiot that does not need to know, i will tell you you answer you see iseaki is a genre in anime and manga where a guy from our time or relatively close goes to another world, sometimes just appearing, sometimes sent by a god as a hero or as compenstation for accidentally killing him/her it mostly involves a god."

After hearing Rushdiy's answer Craig asked this "So your telling me a god can kill you and compensate you with going to another world" "Pretty much" answered Rushdiy and he added "Oh also you get boons which help you in the other world."

"Aight" said Craig and asked " If a god or whatever is responsible for your death or something like that where is the one for ours."

"I think I can answer that question for you" said an unknown voice. Immediately after hearing the voice they all looked in the direction behind them.

What stood before them now was an old man dressed in a white linen robe reaching all the way from his shoulders to his ankles stopping just a bit short from his leather sandals.

Although looking like a man, all three collectively understood that this is no man, this was a divine being as proven by the aura surrounding him a calm and tranquil one. Only after making his presence known did they feel his aura and with that the simply waited for him to speak understanding what would happen should they anger him.

"My dearest apologies for this mistake on my side young ones" the god spoke with a calmness befitting of his role "You may call me god, for this mistake I would like to make it up to you in any way possible."

Before the god could speak futher Tristan asked "Uh god can you tell us what exactly happened to us" with Rushdiy adding "Yeah i wanna know how we ended up here."

"Very well young ones, seeing as your curious I shall explain" at the mention of an explaination the four perked up and waited for the god to explain.

" Young ones I, although powerful, I have my own role as a higher being, I am overseer of of the infinitely expanding multiverse as such there are other beings in charge of aspects."

The god waited a bit for them to adjust to the information.

" One aspect, which is the reason you are here, is karma for you see the newly appointed overseer of the world karma noticed you all together, when you all were together the ratio of positive karma to negative karma was suspicious and therefore under that pretense he killed you."

"What he killed us?!!!" shouted Tristan in shock "Thats not far how could he just do that". Rushdiy shouted in anger .

"If I could I would let him have a taste of my fists" Craig a said while grinding his teeth in anger.

"Craig his a higher entity your puches would do jack to him" Keaghan said trying to bring reason to Craig, unfortunately he is as stubborn as the get.

"So? I don't care, that won't stop me from trying to attacking him or trying at the very least." Exclaimed Craig dead set on not changing his mind.

"Firstly Craig your an idiot, secondly god can you please continue" Tristan spoke bringing everyone's attention back to the god, where the other two found the god with a wide smile.

" Uh you okay god" asked Rushdiy concerned for the groups wellbeing.

In response to Rushdiy's question the god merely chuckled and said "Don't mind me young ones, you merely reminded me of the past. Coming back to your question Tristan yes I will continue firstly addressing you concerns about the person that killed you, he actually was supposed to take over from the previous Karmatic Watcher who was going to retire."

"Before retiring a successor had to be trained. Due to some complications he had to be put on the job without proper formal training albeit he did well he was not informed of a case such as yours so-"

"So are we just supposed to forgive him?!!!" exclamed Craig angered by the situation "Craig calm down" "lets hear the rest of the story before jumping into conclusions" Tristan and Rushdiy said diffusing the situation. Tristan gave the god a look that asked of he could continue.

"Ahem as i was about to say he was serverly punisheed for his blunder and is currently being serving a sentence of 100 million years."

"Before you ask what is the punishment, trust me you don't wanna know." the god said with a scrunched face as if remembering something unpleasant.

"Anyway the main reason why your all here, you all have a choice now either go back to your own world and live your normal life with some perks as a sorry for the inconvenience or..." the god purposely paused to build tension for his next words

"Or you can go to any world of your choosin-"

""Genshin!!"" Shouted all four boys in unison

"Huh?" god was dumbfounded by the quick decision the four made "Do you not want to think things over or finish what i was saying?" god asked unsure if he was to proceed with that option

"Ok you can go on" replied Tristan with enthusiasm over the prospect on going to Teyvat.

"Ahem, so as i was saying you can go to any world of your choosing and are able to get special perks of your choice. There, now atr you sure of your choice" god asked to make sure that they know what they are getting into.

"Can we have sometime to think about it" asked Tristan. "Go ahead and think about think it leaving or returning home is not an easy choice" god said in calm demeanor expecting such a question, but what he heard next dumbfounded him.

"Nah we've already decided to go to Genshin now we're just discussing our boons." Keaghan chimed in. "By the way how are we getting the boons or perks" asked Rushdiy eager to choose his stuff.

"Huh what of your family, friends or your life back at earth would you not miss it?" god asked confused by their behaviour.

Shrugging his shoulders, keaghan the first to respond "Nah i hate my sister and a free all expenses paid trip to another world far away from her I'm happy with it".

"Yeah life kinda was boring there, not much could be fun anymore, sure I would miss my family but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity" Tristan explained with a solem look on his face.

This melancholic atmosphere was ruined by Rushdiy "I just want to rizz up yae miko or raiden".

"I fee-" right before Craig was about to continue he was interrupted by Rushdiy" No one cares about your opinion Craig".

"Yeah didn't you soft lock your life by helping cyber psychosis huh Craig? So you gotta come with us" Tristan chimed in with his two cents.

The final nail in the coffin was keaghan coaxing him "Come join us Craig 'join us' ".

Faced with the pressure from all sides Craig gave in " Fuck it, I'm in".

God watching all this could only shake his in a sigh "Alright seeing as you made your choice choose your boons".

"God how much boons can we get?" Asked Tristan unsure about that clause.

God thought for a moment before finally speaking "Oh that well normally one person would get four wishes, but seeing as you are four, each one would get one wish."

"God can I interest you in an idea" Tristan spoke folding his hands as if he was scheming something.

"Mmm what is your idea?" God asked curious what the mortal is thinking. "Well you see god since we are four that get each one wish, if we add four plus one we get five so therefore shouldn't we get five wishes." Tristan asked clearly nervous and with seeing the god quiet only made it worse.

Before he could retract his statement the god started laughing " Hahahahaha, that's some sound logic, you know what I'll allow your request fpr making me laugh" god stated wiping a tear under his eye.

"Guys we got permission let me me use your wishes for the group." Tristan asked and they could see him scheming something. "Aight as long as you don't do something stupid""I trust that you" both Rushdiy and Keaghan agreed the only one not to agree was Craig.

"Craig bruh lemme cook, I know what I am doing." Tristan tried persuading Craig "Fine but if you give us wack shit-," "Relax Craig" Tristan reassured Craig then turned to god.

"God any of the choices I make apply to all of us okay?" God thought for a moment then agreed "Alright I see nothing wrong with that."

After getting approval Tristan laid his choices "Firstly give us essences of the blank and essence of the archmage, two wishes down, next give us a system that has both an Omniveral shop where anything can be bought there and by anything I mean anything, along with quests and a daily quest similar to sung jin woo's system and an inventory that will not drop every thing, contents are send to another inventory finally give us a training manual of combat styles of our choice."

After hearing Tristan's demands god thought about it while the other were silent as they waited for god to finish thinking.

"After a bit of thought there are only two things that I will have to change firstly giving you access to the omniverse is fine but I'll have to make it extremely expensive to get even basic stuff so that you don't destroy the world or causes trouble for me."

After hearing god's changes all four nodded their heads on agreement "God what was the second thing you wanted to address."

"Oh that, well you only have four wishes their and you need to use all five if you want to make the best of this situation" god expressed concern if we were ok with using only four.

"Oh yeah that,well seeing as we're almost set for Genshin give us a book only we can read that give us both current past and future revealed lore as well as an updating story plotline so we know what is happening before time." Tristan embarrassed that he forgot about that.

"Wait a moment what are you planning with all that detail Tristan" Keaghan asked suspicious of Tristan.

"Yeah why do you specify everything so detailed" Rushdiy asked curious what he was thinking.

"Yo Tristan what you plan with all that stuff." Craig asked following the lead of the other two.

Under the intense gaze of everyone, even god, Tristan finally explained his motive" Yo guys remember when we talked on what we would do if we were in genshin?" "Yeah" all three agree but the first to catch on to what he was doing was Keaghan who exclamed in surprise "Don't tell me your planning on-" " Stealing the gnosis yep"

After that revelation they only had one question on their mind 'Why?'

Sensing their interests in his reason Tristan decided to explain "In the game I felt cheated anytime we lost the gnosis so now we'll be taking them first, don't worry I will give them the gnosis but unti I know what They're doing with it besides playing chess I'll keep it"

"But why, why do all this" asked Keaghan confused why Tristan is going to such lengths.

"Keaghan I am a prideful person and I don't like what had happened to the gnosi , the only gnosis safe is Nahida's she used it well" Tristan explained his reasons endimg with " Losing the gnosi felt like a loss especially sinces it's plot and I don't like to lose whether it be for plot or not".

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