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100% Witchcraft Academy / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 (new)

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 (new)

"Uh oh, I think we overdid it." Virginia says, peering at the unconscious girl they had moved to the empty bed in their room.

"You think." Joseph said, pacing around the room. "I should have known that you two were the reason room 101 sounded familiar, you know she was a nice girl."

"She's not dead, you know." Violet scoffs from her desk, feet propped up on it.

"I know she's not but was the smoke bomb really necessary, you could have welcomed your new roommate in a way that wouldn't scare her off."

"Why are you getting so upset about this, you always enjoyed my pranks before… oh wait, you like this new girl don't you?." She says, smiling smugly at him.

"Guys that's not important right now, we need to make sure she's okay. We can't get another injury ding in our record Violet, they might suspend us this time."

"Relax okay, it wasn't a smoke bomb and she didn't hit the wall that hard, she's fine."

"What do you mean it wasn't a smoke bomb." Virginia says, both her and Joseph turning to look at her. "I asked you for a mild surprise smoke bomb, if that's not what that was then what was it?"

The sound of the argument causes Luna to start to stir, her ears twitching as she awoke from her nap. Wait ears, since when has she had- Luna's eyes fly open and she sits up straight startling everyone. Her hands fly up to the top of her head, where they land on soft furry, cat ears.

"W-what the, what is this?!" She says, her voice pitching in a confused and startled manner.

"So that's what the potion did." Joseph said quietly.

"Violet, how could you give me a potion like that, you know we aren't allowed to use those on people without consent." Virginia scolds Violet.

Luna looks around the room, even more confused, and then she spots Joseph standing near the door, the only familiar sight in the room.

"Where am I?" She says, her voice quivering in confusion.

"You're in your door room, these are your roommates." He says gently, coming over to her and sitting at the edge of her bed.

"W-why are there fuzzy things on my head?" Her hands still on her new cat ears.

"Well that's because Violet over there thought it'd be a funny prank, she didn't realize that the smoke bomb would knock you back so much that you'd pass out."

"Ya sorry about that, it was really just meant to be a harmless prank." She says, sliding the chair across the room and next to her bed.

"It… it's alright, I forgive you, just how do I make them go away."

"What, you don't like being a Meifwa?" Virginia teases, also coming over to sit on her bed.

"A me what?" She says, confused.

"Meifwa, we're humans that have cat ears and a tail, and some can turn into cats." She says, gesturing at Violet's ears and tail and then at her own.

Virginia is a fair skinned girl, her pink eyes glimmer with friendliness, and her long purple hair matches the color of her ears and tail. Violet's skin is slightly darker, her eyes are a lighter brown than Joseph's, her orange hair is shaved on one side, and her black ears are pierced in several places.

"Oh, no I have nothing against Meifwa, I just don't really want to have features that I didn't have before, it feels weird."

"No I get it, I'm just teasing you. Violet, when will she be able to return to normal?"

"When it wears off or the reversal spell is used." She says, starting to lose interest in the matter and starts rolling around the room.

"Well then what's the reversal spell?" Virginia says.

"Not telling." She says, staring right at Virginia as she pushes herself off the bed and propelling across the room.

"Violet!" She says, giving her a look.

"Seriously Vi, just tell us how to reverse it." Joseph says, changing his tone from asking to something more like demanding.

"Fine," She says, stopping her chair. "I was feeling lazy so I went with one of the most basic of reversal spells, because the potion itself will wear off in a few hours."

"Just tell us, stop prolonging it." Virginia says, sounding like a mother scolding a child.

"Fine, the way to reverse it is true loves kiss, there are you happy now Virginia."

"True loves kiss…" Joseph says quietly.

"Oh, that's an easy one, my boyfriend should be arriving soon." Luna says happily.

Joseph's shoulders visibly tense as he flinches when the words my boyfriend leaves her lips, Virginia and Violet both giving her pitying looks, Luna unaware of the change.

"So you have a boyfriend then?" Virginia gingerly inquires.

"Ya, we've been dating for about a year or two now I think. He practices magic too, and he also got into Witchcraft Academy." She says excitedly. "Maybe he might end up as your roommate even." She says to Joseph.

"Ya no, I don't think so, my room only has two beds and I already know who my roommate is." He says, his voice sullen and distant as he sulks.

"Oh, that's too bad, he's a really nice guy, I'm sure you all will like him." She says, standing up and stretching.

"Maybe, but girlfriends aren't a good judge of their boyfriends character, they're biased." Violet says, starting to roll around on her chair again, back and forth across the room.

There's a knock at the door.

"Wonder who that could be-" Virginia says.

"That must be him!" Luna says excitedly, cutting her off.

She dashes towards the door, and in her excitement isn't paying attention to what she might run into, or who, Violet still rolling around the room is head straight for a collision course with her. Joseph realizes what's about to happen, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her towards him, her body turning towards him as she stumbles, falling hard against him causing them both to crash to the floor.

"Luna are you okay, I heard a crash." A man says, opening the door after the crash but freezing when he sees the scene in front of him.

Luna and Joseph lie on the floor, their limbs tangled together, Luna laying under Joseph, their lips pressed together in a haphazard accidental kiss. The man storms over, grabbing Joseph off of her and pulling him roughly to his feet.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to my girlfriend." He growls, his voice low and deep.

"Zethe wait it isn't what it looks like, it was an accident, he pulled me out of the way." Luna says, scrambling to her feet.

"Out of the way of what, it looks like this guy was harassing you while your roommates watched, I told you you should have asked for a private room." He growls, his fist clenched around Joseph's shirt.

Joseph stands up straight, rising to his full height, now at an equal level with Zethe. He pushes his fist off of him.

"Look man I wasn't trying to do anything, Violet was rolling around on her desk chair and when you knocked she carelessly ran towards the door. The only thing I was trying to do was pull her out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt, and I misjudged my own strength and how light she is and ended up pulling her a little too roughly in my haste. She toppled onto me and we ended up on the floor, nothing else was happening."

"You kissed my girlfriend, I don't care if it was an accident." Zethe says, glaring at Joseph.

"Zethe wait…" Luna says, touching his arm.

"Dude, chill out, seriously it was just an accident. I'm sorry for what happened Luna, I didn't mean to kiss you like that."

"It's alright, I understand, it was just an accident." She says, tenderly rubbing Zethe's arm to try to calm him.

"Fine, I guess I can drop it, but only because you want me to kitten." He says, pulling Luna in for a kiss, showing off that she's his girl.

"Oh hey the potions effects are gone." Virginia points out.

"Oh I guess they are, told you it'd be easy once he got here."

"What are you talking about?" Zethe says confused, his face contorting subtly as he tries to hide the fact that he doesn't like being in on something.

"It's a long story." She says, not seeming to notice the glares that Joseph is giving Zethe.

"Yup, such a long story that we'll give you two some privacy so you can tell him." Violet says, grabbing Virginia and Zethe and pulling them out the door.

"I don't like that guy." Joseph grumbles once they're out in the hallway and the door is shut.

"Neither do I, I don't like how immediately got violent with you without even checking to see if she was okay first, nor did he even try to listen to what actually happened." Violet says, leaning against the wall. "I also don't like the aura coming off that guy, he feels like bad news compared to the kind innocence I could sense coming from Luna."

"Guys it's not like we can do anything about this, he's her boyfriend and we just met her, so we can't really say anything bad about this guy yet if we want to be friends with her."

"It's still our room and I don't think that I want someone like that hanging around."

"Hey guys, what time is it?" Joseph says, looking around for a clock.

"Five past two." Virginia says, checking her watch. "Why do you ask?"

"Crap, I was supposed to meet Kibishī outside the student council room after her meeting to discuss something. I gotta go, see you guys later, and if you don't see me, well then you know what happened." He said, taking off down the hallway.

"If she kills you I'm gonna help her bury the body!" Violet calls after him.

"Screw you!" He shouts back, not even glancing back as he gives her the bird, Violet's cackles following him down the hall until he vanishes out of sight.

They wait a few more minutes before heading back into their room. They find Zethe stroking Luna's brown hair now fading to silver, her expression sullen as she plays with her hair. Virginia glances at Violet, unsure if they're still going to go through with their plan.

"Ahem" Violet coughs to get their attention. "Alright lover boy, you've exceeded your minutes for the year and are promptly being asked to leave. There's no PDA in this room without my express permission, so buh bye." She says, pulling Zethe off the bed and pushing him towards the door.

"You can't make me leave." He says, planting his feet firmly so she can't push him.

"Sure I can, this is our room, and we've taken a poll saying that you aren't allowed on our premises."

"What, that's ridiculous, you can't do that. Besides, it's Luna's room too, and she wants me here."

"Ya that's still a no, the rules for our room were agreed upon by me and V, so if she wants to change them then we can discuss it later. But right now, all of our rules are still in effect, and everyone has to follow them, no exceptions. Unless you want me to turn you into an object or animal for the rest of the day."

"What, you can't do that, that's against the school rules!"

"Okay, first of all does it look like I care about school rules, and second they recently changed the rules for the dorm rooms. Students are allowed to make their own rules for their dorm room and have them approved by the student council, it's a part of their new system to try to keep things orderly and safe. So sucks to be you cause we had our rules approved by them yesterday, so I can do whatever I damn well please in my room if it follows the rules that me and V agreed upon. Now get out before I turn you into an animal and send you towards the potions department, they're always in need of fresh ingredients."

"Luna, are you seriously going to let them treat me this way!" He says, getting frustrated.

"I… I'm sorry Zethe, but it's their rules, and saying as I just got here I think we should follow them, we can hangout later okay."

"But Luna." He whined.

"You heard the woman, gotta follow the rules, so get off your high horse and leave."

Zethe grumbled, mumbling things under his breath as he stopped angrily towards the door. But just before he left the room, he turned and looked over his shoulder right at Violet, his purple eyes briefly flashing red.

"You're just lucky that I don't use my powers in front of her, just know that I hold grudges." He said, using telepathy to talk to her alone, glaring at her, a smug smirk on his face.

"Is that a threat?" Violet said, raising an eyebrow as she glared back.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, you must be hearing things." He said smugly. "Anyways, see you later babe." He said, waving to Luna before shutting the door behind him.

"I'm sorry Luna, but your boyfriend is an ass." Violet said, flopping down onto her bed.

"He really isn't such a bad guy once you get to know him, he was just having a bad day and got into one of his moods." Luna said, looking around the room.

Joseph was right, the rooms are much larger on the inside than they are on the outside. The room was large enough to house three beds, desks, and wardrobes. There was a door that led to a bathroom on the side, and a small couch and chairs pushed into a far corner. The room was at once cramped and cozy, the girls having done a good job arranging everything nicely. Two of the beds were already decorated, one sitting next to the window, that didn't make any sense when compared to the outside of the building, this one was decorated in pink cherry blossom sheets and pillows. The other bed was in the corner, the black sheets looking even darker in the shadows of the corner. The middle bed was left untouched however, the sheets left in the ones provided by the school, this was the bed she woke up on.

"You want some help setting up your things?" Virginia said, coming up behind her.

"Oh um sure, I'd love some help." She said, smiling at the thought of these girls becoming her new friends, her excitement still yet to wear off.

That night she never did meet up again with Zethe, instead she stayed in her dorm room getting to know her new roommates as they helped her set up her stuff and decorate the rest of their room. Once they got talking the girls quickly realized how compatible they all were despite their differences, so the rest of the day was spent telling stories and giggling with each other late into the night.

A man stood in a dark alley crammed between two buildings, the sun just starting to set in the twilight sky. A brief bit of light flashes as he lights a cigarette before he puts the match out and takes a long slow drag. He exhales the smoke, enjoying his cigarette break until his phone starts ringing and he lets out a frustrated sigh.

"What do you want?" He said, answering the phone. "I'm trying to enjoy a nice cigarette break here."

"Oh it's just a check up, couldn't this have waited?" He said after listening to the caller's response.

"I know you're impatient but she's doing just fine, although I'd think you'd be able to see that for yourself. No, she still doesn't suspect anything about our plan yet, she's too excited to see the details in front of her." He says, taking another quick drag before exhaling again.

"Her roommates might become a problem in the future though, especially if they start getting too attached to her. They kicked me out of their room because they didn't like my behavior." He said, running his fingers through his dark blue hair as the caller lectured him.

"What else was I supposed to do, I walked in on some guy pinning her to the floor in a kiss. He seemed to be one of her roommates' guy friends, and he claimed that it was an accident, but he shouldn't be a problem anymore after I made sure to show him that she's mine." He said, a devilish gleam in his purple eyes.

"I'll be sure to let you know as soon as she's ready for us to start implementing the plan. Of course I can convince her, she already does everything I say."

"That was just a one time fluke because of her roommates." He says, starting to get aggravated, before letting out a sigh to calm himself. "Even if I can't convince her, it's not like your little prophecy ever said that she had to do it willingly."

"Well anyway, I'll see you later hot stuff. Right, sorry, I know I'm not supposed to call you that, but it's not like there's anyone else around, fine I promise I won't next time. Just trust me alright, she'll be ready when the time comes, whether she likes it or not."

The man dropped his cigarette, smashing it under the heel of his boot as he walked further into the darkness of the alley. The light of the mage world's two moons briefly caught his face as Zethe walked off, smoke still pooling off of the crushed cigarette, now spot lit in the wash of light.

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