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Winx Club: Lost King

Author: unfound_tear

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Fading Echoes

In the magical realm of Magix, where enchantment once thrived and mystical energies danced on every breeze, the kingdom of Sapphirus stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of magic. The air itself shimmered with the echoes of ancient spells, and the very essence of the land pulsed with the enchantments of old.

Within the resplendent walls of Sapphirus Castle, Queen Selena, a fair and regal ruler, labored in the throes of childbirth. The castle, adorned with enchanting tapestries and glistening crystals, bore witness to the ebb and flow of magical energies. The chamber where the queen gave birth was no exception, its walls resonating with the power of creation and the echoes of centuries past.

As the queen's voice, marked by the weariness of childbirth, sought assurance in breaths heavy with both exhaustion and anticipation, the air itself seemed to hush in reverence. "Hah, hah, how is it?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on the bundle cradled in the arms of the aged nurse.

The nurse, a repository of the kingdom's magical lore, wore a comforting smile as she reassured the queen, "He is doing fine, my queen." The baby, swathed in a blanket woven with threads of magic, exuded an otherworldly aura. In the soft glow of the enchanted chamber, the infant's features were illuminated, revealing hair as white as newly fallen snow and eyes as blue as the deepest sapphire gems.

A newfound radiance graced Queen Selena's countenance as she extended her arms, yearning to hold her newborn son. "Let me see him," she requested, her voice a melody intertwined with the magic that permeated the room. With utmost care, the nurse placed the baby into the queen's awaiting embrace.

"What will you name him, my queen?" the nurse inquired, her eyes reflecting the centuries of knowledge she held. The queen, wearing a gentle smile that bespoke both love and destiny, replied, "I will name him Theodore White, for he boasts hair as white as the pristine snow and eyes as blue as the deepest sapphire gems—a reflection of the magic that courses through his veins."

Suddenly, a thunderous bang echoed through the castle, resonating with a foreboding quality. BANG. The very foundations of Sapphirus Castle shuddered, as if protesting the intrusion of an unseen force. The abrupt noise stirred the infant, who responded with a distressed cry—WAHHHHHH—his cries harmonizing with the fading echoes of the magical realm.

The entrance of a man, sword in hand and fatigue etched upon his countenance, marked the onset of an unforeseen event. "My queen, we are under attack!" he exclaimed, his eyes mirroring the gravity of the situation. The queen, a blend of shock and composure, turned to the nurse with an unspoken urgency.

Entrusting her with the baby, she directed the nurse to find a secure hiding place. With an incantation unknown to those present, the queen, fueled by maternal instinct and latent magic, froze the baby in place—a protective spell to shield the heir to Sapphirus from the impending threat. Swiftly, the nurse enveloped the infant in a royal blue cloth adorned with the pendant of the royal family—a talisman resonating with the magic of generations.

With her precious charge nestled in her arms, the nurse, guided by an age-old instinct, rushed through the castle's hallways. Down into the throne room she descended, where the echoes of the ongoing turmoil resonated, and within the hallowed space, she vanished within a blinding white light—a beacon of magic leading the way to an uncertain sanctuary.

Prepared and regal, Queen Selena emerged onto the balcony overlooking the kingdom of Sapphirus. Chaos reigned below—buildings consumed by flames, wreckage and scorch marks marring the once-stately landscape. The air itself bore witness to the cacophony of anguish—screams, the clash of swords, and the chaotic dance of magic.

Simultaneously, beyond the kingdom's borders, a harrowing battle unfolded. "The Kingdom of Sapphirus will never fall!" proclaimed a bloodied King Roberts, his crown askew, wounds bleeding with the essence of dark magic. His adversary, a malevolent force cloaked in shadows, spoke in an icy tone, "Well, King Roberts, I'm pleased to tell you that it already has." Undeterred, King Roberts smiled sadly and replied, "For now, it has, but time will reveal its verdict."

With a solemn nod, King Roberts commanded his army to set ablaze a mystical blue fire—a beacon that sought to rally the defenders against the encroaching darkness.

"Light the fire!" resonated across the blood-soaked fields. Wizards, with a deft wave of their hands, cast blue fire upon a stack of wood, igniting it in a mesmerizing blaze. Observing the ethereal blue fire, Queen Selena, standing on the balcony, felt a tear escape her eye—an unspoken connection between the magic of the kingdom and the anguish that enveloped it.

As the planet succumbed to the temporal suspension initiated by the queen's spell, the nurse, having sent Prince Theodore through a portal just before her own entrapment, felt the chill of the freeze enveloping her. The portal sealed shut, leaving the nurse, the baby, and the remnants of the kingdom suspended in haunting stillness.

Unbeknownst to all, as the icy tendrils of time encased the kingdom, a cosmic dance unfolded within the frozen realm of Prince Theodore. The royal pendant, still aglow with a soft blue light, initiated a symphony of elemental forces. Ice crystallized around the infant, freezing him in a delicate yet resilient embrace. Yet, in opposition, a fiery red glow emerged, seeking to thaw the icy restraints. A third power, a rhythmic energy, intervened, calming the elemental clash.

In this otherworldly ballet, a fourth glow, a soothing green, materialized, mending the burns inflicted by the red light. A fifth radiance, a regal purple, encased the baby, offering protection amidst the cosmic turmoil. As this celestial display unfolded, Prince Theodore remained untouched by the relentless march of time, suspended in a paradoxical state—a testament to the enduring magic that coursed through his being.

A millennium passed—a silent journey through the cosmic expanse. The portal, fueled by the queen's unwavering determination, reopened, guiding Prince Theodore's descent towards a vibrant planet. He landed near the door of a small house in a bustling town, accompanied by a gentle chime—Ding da ding ding.

Startled, a resident rushed to the door, drawn by the magical resonance that accompanied the prince's arrival. Scanning the surroundings, the person discovered the baby, wrapped in the royal blue cloth, and decided to take him in, cradling the child in her arms.

Three years later, laughter filled the house as the once-sleeping baby, now a lively three-year-old

unfound_tear unfound_tear

Just to let you guys know this is my first fan-fic.

I hope you guys like this.

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