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82.5% Wild Card In MHA / Chapter 33: Ultimate Moves

Chapter 33: Ultimate Moves

"Dratini, wake up." whispered Tobias to the sleeping Pokemon.

As to why Tobias was whispering, well he didn't know just how soundproof the rooms were and didn't want to risk waking up any of his neighbors/dorm mates.

"Dra." said Dratini as he groggily lifted his head to look at Tobias.

"Come on. Let's go." said Tobias.

"Dratini." said the Pokemon now fully awake as he jumped out of his tank and into his spot behind Tobias' neck.

Tobias was used to waking up early to train and just because he had moved into the dorms didn't mean he would change his routine. But the reason for this particular early wake-up was that he had finally been able to create a card that he had been thinking about for a long time. The Super Soldier Serum.

Tobias had been buffing his stats, so to speak, for a while now, but it was a slow and steady approach. If he was compared to his previous self then he was miles apart but if he was compared to someone that had taken the SSS, he was still a ways away. Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do to speed it up since permanently buffing himself with no repercussions is taxing on his stamina and his body.

However, Tobias had always been testing to see if he could create the SSS, a variant, because it would cut down on the time needed to get to that level through buffing alone. Even though most people with quirks in this world seem to have more durable bodies than normal, they're not on the SSS level in other aspects. Unless their quirk gives them a boost in that aspect of course.

Like Tobias whose quirk gives him infinite growth potential for his stamina. At least he thinks so because his stamina has never stopped growing and he feels like he could outlast All Might when it comes to stamina alone. Unfortunately, bending reality and creating something from nothing takes up a lot of stamina so it balances out.

Anyway, a day before he had to move into the dorms, he was testing to see if he could make the variant of the SSS. A variant in that it would be a liquid he would drink that would have all the same effects, minus the physical appearance change and without the complicated procedure needed for it to work. Because of all that, the stamina cost was quite high but with the right conditions on it, he had just enough.

Now with Dratini around his neck, Tobias took out the invisible cloak he had used with Kyoka before wrapping it around himself.

'Feel like that wiz-kid from that one series. Even sneaking around in the middle of the night just like him. I just need the scar on my forehead. Nah, can't ruin the moneymaker.' thought Tobias as he opened his window and climbed down the side of the dorm.

First making sure no one had spotted him, he then started to make his way to the forest area that was around the P.E. grounds. Thankfully there were no teachers around but he did see a few robots with cameras like the ones from the Sports Festival. Thanks to this invisibility cloak, however, he continued unbothered.

After walking for two minutes into the forest, Tobias stopped in a small clearing before taking out four cards. Placing them on the trunks of the trees to make a square, he then activated them.

A transparent cube, that only he could see, appeared linking the four cards together and enclosing the small clearing with Tobias at its center.

"Portable soundproof and invisible room, one of my less used ideas, but clearly useful. Especially considering what's going to happen." said Tobias as he took off the cloak before taking out a vial of neon blue liquid.

"Dratini?" said Dratini looking at the vial.

"Yeah, it's gonna hurt. And remember to wake me up if I pass out. I don't want to be late for the meeting." said Tobias to Dratini, who nodded.

One of the conditions for creating the SSS was the pain that accompanied the transformation would be unbearable. More than what Captain America felt. Tobias would feel his body grinding to dust before rearranging itself to be much better. Unfortunately, it wouldn't do much for his stamina considering it's far more than what the SSS could give him.

"Okay, let's get this over with." said Tobias as he took out an old t-shirt to bite down on before sitting down on the ground. Dratini got off his neck and stood to the side as a guard.

"Cheers." said Tobias as he slammed the vial.

"Ooh, tastes like chocolate. That's weird I don't remember add-" was all he said before he curled up like a shrimp and all his veins started to bulge out. He didn't even manage to bite down on the t-shirt before the pain started.

A pain like nothing he had ever felt before was currently assaulting his senses. A pain so intense he couldn't even scream from every inch of his body tightening up. After a few seconds of pain, he passed out before coming back to consciousness due to the pain not allowing him any quarter.

Then his body started changing and the pain intensified. His muscles were being ripped and reborn, his bones were being crushed and restored. Every inch of his body was being transformed. And that went on for ten minutes. For ten minutes, Tobias experienced a hell he didn't think possible.

Once those ten minutes were up and his body was done changing, the pain disappeared like it was never there. And the second the pain was gone, Tobias passed out.


Tobias' eyes snapped open as he got drenched in water.

"Dratini." said the pokemon as it came up to Tobias with a worried look.

"That was awful." said Tobias as he remembered the pain he experienced as he sat up.


"I'm okay, thanks Dratini. And yes, it should've worked. I feel good." said Tobias with a smile as he clenched his fist and felt a sense of power he only felt when he buffed himself.

Taking a look around the area, Tobias noticed he could see better and farther than before. He could hear Dratini's heartbeat when he focused really hard. He could smell the sweat and blood that his body released while transforming.

"Oh yeah, it worked." said Tobias as he stood up. Then he did a basic routine of punches and kicks that he had learned way back when, just to see how different his body felt.

"Phew, I'm glad it worked. Although the pain was unbearable. I should wait to get more stamina before giving the serum to Kyoka. Don't really want her to experience that kind of pain. Also, I know there's a quirk-boosting drug, but why isn't there something similar to the SSS? Maybe there is and I just don't know about it.

Anyway, I should do a deep cleaning of the area. Don't want Hound Dog to catch me." said Tobias before pulling out a card and activating it. Bubbles appeared all around the area as they started to clean the surroundings. Even going so far as to wipe out the smell in the air.

"There we go. Now to train before I go take a shower. You ready, Dratini?" said Tobias.


"Good. Let's work on Draco Meteor."


"What's that smell?" said the sleepy voice of Denki as he walked into the dining hall.

"Morning." said Tobias as he cooked breakfast.

"Tobias? What are you doing awake so early?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"I always wake up early to train." he said.

"Eh? Even on summer vacation?"

"Of course."

"Wow. Wait, you're cooking?!" he said, now wide awake because of the situation in front of him.

"I am. You want so-"

"Yes, please!" he said now with a plate right next to Tobias.

"Haha, here. Hope you like it. It's a little different than what you're used to." said Tobias as he filled up Denki's plate.

"What is it?" asked Denki as he looked down at his plate.

"Mexican Migas. Fried corn tortilla strips mixed with scrambled eggs and coated with salsa."

"Whoa. I've never had Mexican food before. Is it spicy?"

"Not a lot, the salsa is more tomato than pepper."

"Okay then. Thank you for the food! Itadakimasu!" he said as he took a bite.

"Wow! This is good!" he said before he devoured the rest of the food.

"I'm glad you like it. There's more if you want some. Help yourself." said Tobias as he served himself a plate before eating.

"Uhh, I want some more but I also want everyone else to taste it."

"Don't worry, I can make some more pretty easily." said Tobias as he took out a card and activated it before another batch of food appeared on the stove.

"I'm so jealous. Oh well. I'll help myself then."


After Denki had a second serving, more people went down to the dining hall to check out the smell before serving themselves a plate of food. Of course, they all enjoyed it and thanked Tobias for cooking breakfast. Except for Bakugo who just ate toast.

After that, they all went back to their rooms and got ready to go to a class meeting that Aizawa called for.

"Alright, settle down." said Aizawa as he walked into the class.

"Morning, sensei." said Mina.

"Mm. As I mentioned yesterday, our primary goal now is to get your provisional licenses. Hero licenses are inextricably tied to the saving of lives, so one must be properly qualified for such a heavy responsibility. Naturally, the test is difficult. Even for provisional licenses, on average we only see a 50 percent success rate." he explained.


"That's why, starting today, each of you needs to come up with at least two..." said Aizawa as the door opened.

"Ultimate Moves!" said Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementoss before the class cheered.

"Ultimate moves! These are your finishers. Your most unique techniques!" said Ectoplasm.

"Internalize these moves. Make them your own until they become unparalleled. Combat is all about finding and making use of your particular strengths." said Cementoss.

"Your moves symbolize who you are! Nowadays, Pro Heroes without Ultimate Moves are a dying breed!" said Midnight.

"Let's move on to a more detailed explanation and practical demonstration. Change into your costumes and meet us at Gym Gamma." said Aizawa as the class went to change.


"Training Kitchen Lab. TKL for short!" said Cementoss.

The TKL was a giant open warehouse made of cement.

"This facility was my idea. Here, I cook up the perfect terrain and objects to fit each student's needs. Hence, kitchen." explained Cementoss.

"Question! Why must we create ultimate moves in order to acquire our provisional licenses? Please explain the intention behind such a requirement!" said Ida.

"Heroes deal with accidents, catastrophes, and disasters, both natural and man-made. It's our job to save people from any situation imaginable. In the licensing test, your ability to adapt in those situations will be tested." said Aizawa.

"Intelligence gathering, decision-making, mobility, combat prowess, communication skills, charisma, and leadership abilities. The test itself varies from year to year but the applicants are always tested on these various criteria. Among the criteria, you can be sure that combat prowess will be heavily prioritized for potential heroes. Be prepared, and you've got nothing to fear! These moves could have a big impact on whether or not you pass." explained Midnight.

"If you can keep a cool head and act with decisive, stable moves that means you have a high level of combat prowess." said Cementoss.

"There's nothing that says your ultimate move has to be an attack. For example, Ida's Reciproburst. That sort of extreme speed boost on its own is intimidating enough to be called an ultimate move." said Ectoplasm.

"So, we have to come up with a move that will give us a big advantage in battle." said Tobias.

"Exactly. Take for example, Kamui Woods. His Lacquered Chain Prison is a cookie-cutter ultimate move. It's simple and easy to understand." said Midnight.

"Even though your summer camp training was cut short, the quirk training we began there was part of the process of creating your ultimate moves. In other words, until the second semester starts you'll be using the ten remaining days of summer vacation to enhance your quirks and put together your ultimate moves through some extra-intense training!" said Aizawa as Cementoss created multiple platforms with Ectoplasm clones on each one.

"And as your quirks grow and you start to formulate your ultimate moves think about whether you need to alter your costumes. Use that Plus Ultra mentality to go beyond your limits. Ready?" said Aizawa.

"This is gonna be good!"


"So, do you have any ideas, Tobias-kun?" asked Ectoplasm.

"Too many." said Tobias as he rubbed the part of his mask where his chin would be.

"Mm. I suppose that is one of the weaknesses of your quirk. You have too many options."

"I wouldn't necessarily call it a weakness though." said Tobias.

"Of course not. But having too many options can lead to indecisiveness in the heat of the moment."

'Ultimate moves, huh? I guess Monster Equip and Character Equip would count as Ultimate Moves. I could also do something like Mass Summoning as an Ultimate Move. I would have to be careful though, don't want to run out of Monster Summons. To be fair, most of my cards could be ultimate moves. But I'll try out one that I've been wanting to test.' thought Tobias.

"So?" asked Ectoplasm.

"I have one."

"Good. Let's try it out, shall we?"

"Okay. Here we go." said Tobias before taking out a card and activating it.

"Nothing happened." said Ectoplasm.

"Mm, that was just the setup. Now, here we go." said Tobias before looking at Ectoplasm.



"Oops." said Tobias as he looked around the gym to see that all the Ectoplasm clones had been knocked out.

"What happened?!" said Aizawa as he checked on Ectoplasm.

"Sorry, sensei. That was my fault." said Tobias from atop his platform, a little embarrassed.

"What happened?" asked Midnight.

"I used my Ultimate Move on Ectoplasm-sensei but I didn't think it would knock out his main body and all his clones." said Tobias as Ectoplasm woke up.

"Are you okay?" asked Cementoss.

"Groan, I'm fine." said the main body.

"Was that your ultimate move, Tobias-kun?" asked the clone on Tobias' platform as he held his head.


"What's it called and what does it do?"

"Conqueror's Haki. And it allows me to exert my willpower over others, knocking them out. If they don't have strong willpower or if they have a weak mentality, it should be unblockable."

"Good job. You have one down, I recommend you come up with another. But don't stop training that one either." he said as he stood up.

"Sorry, about that sensei."

"Don't worry about it. Let's continue."

"Well, I already have my second ultimate move. It's the one I used at USJ." said Tobias.

"Ah, when you turned into that skull monster?"

"Yes, that one."

"Okay then. Seems like you're done. Feel free to spend this time training your quirk." said Ectoplasm before undoing the clone.

"Guess I'll go help Kyoka." said Tobias before going to where Kyoka was.

"What if you used your vibrations to break the ground? Making an opponent lose their footing is always advantageous in battle." said Ectoplasm.

"I was thinking of something similar but for more rescue-oriented purposes. Use my jacks to plug into rubble before using the vibration to reduce it to dust. But I would have to train more before I can get there." said Kyoka.

"Sounds like you have a good grasp of how you want to train your quirk." said Ectoplasm.

'Looks like they're doing their own thing. Uh, guess I'll think of more ultimate moves. I could also ask Aizawa-sensei if I could go train with Dratini instead.' thought Tobias before going back to his platform to think.


And so the days passed, where Tobias would train with Dratini instead of coming up with ultimate moves, with permission of course. Until the day of the exam arrived.



Sorry about the no upload this past week. It was the first week I've had off from school and I also had to travel home, and that just got me in a lazy mood. But I'm back, and since my main novel is on hiatus, this novel will be 3 times a week. I'm thinking MWF. Things could change in terms of release schedule, but 3 chapters will be released a week no matter what, even if it is a triple upload.

Anyway, I've been wanting to implement the SSS for a while now, and I felt this was as good a time as any, but let me know what you think.

RubberPeen RubberPeen

Thirty-third chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

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