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White Knight (DxD) White Knight (DxD) original

White Knight (DxD)

Author: Liteisat

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Butler

Underworld, the Gremory family's castle, where everything finally seems to be over.

The civil war is over, and the formation of new Satans began with a member of the Gremory family being chosen to take over the Lucifer seat.

Sirzechs, now a Satan Lucifer, forfeits his right as the future leader of the Gremory family, which passes that right on to someone else. Fortunately, the wife of the current head is pregnant, allowing the nobles once again to have an heir to trust.

With the knowledge that his mother was pregnant, Sirzechs imposed a new order on one of his servants, Yamato, his knight who works as a butler. The order was to take care of Venelana during her pregnancy, not that Sirzechs thought she was dependent on it, quite the contrary, but having someone around to make sure the pregnancy goes well is essential.

Yamato? Who is he?

A devil found by Sirzechs long ago became a knight of his Peerage shortly before the war. Considered a member of the family, even working primarily as a butler, the difference in appearance did not stop the noble family from being so receptive to him.

The Gremory is known to be so affectionate towards their closers, regardless of whether they are servants or below, Permitting that Yamato could feel himself at home.

Yamato still remembers well the day Rias was born, his hand crumpled in immense pain thanks to the Mother's gigantic grip strength with contractions. Yet he remained firm and showed no weakness as he helped Grayfia complete the service.

A baby girl was born with tiny red hair, showing the genes of the Gremory family.

Now all that was left was the work of taking care of this little child...








"Young Lady, where are you?" Yamato walked into the room, looking from side to side, looking for the little brat he was ordered to call. Aye, he felt her presence in the same second but preferred to keep the theater of not knowing where she was.

And in the next second the small noise of something moving, Yamato smiled slightly pretending not to have heard anything. He walked a few steps slowly until he get close to the bed, turning his face from side to side as if looking for her.

"My lady?" Yamato forced a tone of fear, distrust, and doubt, he didn't need much because a child could easily be tricked.

Then as if a predator had found the perfect opportunity, a small figure swooped behind him but on the second left, he would be caught his body disappeared and appeared behind such a small figure. The person who jumped on it passed right by and fell on the bed, she laughed cutely when it landed, turning quickly.

"I swore I had caught you this time!" The little red-haired child Rias Gremory, next head of the Gremory family, laughed and looked at the butler in front of her and Yamato replied with a smile.

"You came pretty close this time, Young Master. Perhaps in the future, you will succeed in surprising me." Yamato teased lightly, enough to make the little child pout.

"You do not fool me, Yamato! A knight of my brother will never get caught that easy." Rias pointed at him in a small posture of pride, Yamato found this amusing, somehow already predicting a future trait of hers.

"I must remind you, Young Master, that I am no longer a knight of Sirzechs Lucifer." Yamato closed his eyes, memories of an unpleasant event running through his head when Rias was a little younger.

Unfortunately, the security system was flawed, allowing a breach large enough for a terrorist group to have gotten their hands on Rias in a kidnapping. The reason is unknown, it was believed that the group that kidnapped Rias were supporters of the Old Satan faction.

Gathering information is important but the desperation to save Rias overcame any idea of ​​gathering information and only prioritized her safety. She didn't spend a day missing as the kidnapping was easily discovered and tracked, by none other than Yamato himself.

Yes, the unpleasant memories were still in his head, and the reason they still torment him is precise because he believes that Rias remembers them too...





A dark underground area, the place is cold as if it is isolated from any heat in the world, the light just provided by certain slightly magic spots seemed cliche, something you'd easily look at and think some strange cult would do crazy things here.

However, this idea usually comes as a joke which removes suspicion of a really strange group committing some crime. Perhaps that's what the group responsible for kidnapping Rias thought when they used this location, a hideout hidden in the far reaches of the world.

Rias was curled up, hugging her knees and shivering, not from the cold, but definitely from fear. Taken in by people she has never seen in her life and treated so aggressively, the little princess could only cry in fear.

Yamato took a deep breath, once, twice, three times, his chest moving according to his breaths as he scanned the environment looking for an enemy. Dead bodies, some frozen, others simply sliced, all thrown around, the environment was also wet, both with water and blood.

Two swords made with water magic were in the knight's hands, ready to swing aggressively against anyone who entered his zone of perception. But it all seemed over, each opponent easily destroyed.

Realizing that there was no one else to worry about, Yamato let the sword's magic fade, now turning to the small child.

"Young master?" Yamato approached slowly, getting on his knees in front of the child, she still didn't move, too afraid to even take her eyes from the safe corner between her knees. "Rias it's me, it's ok, Yamato kicked out the bad guys, they won't mess with you."

Yamato held her gently, bringing the child into a small hug to try to comfort her.

"Why did they do this to me?" Rias asked through her tears, Yamato couldn't answer, not to a child, how is he going to explain all the intrigue and possible people who want her dead because of a war of succession? Yamato couldn't speak at all, he chose not to speak, he just whispered several times that everything will be fine.

Grayfia appeared at the scene, her maid's clothes stained with blood, easily implying that she participated in this cleanup of opponents. Watching the girl secure in her fellow's arms made Grayfia finally feel safe, just a little.

"Is she hurt?" Grayfia asked trying to find any wounds on the little child, even though she didn't find any.

"Not physically." Yamato sighed as he answered, just letting little Rias vent her fear into his chest. Using a little force to lift her while supporting her on his arm. "Let's go back, this day has been too long for her."

Grayfia nodded, the situation that occurred here should be used for investigation, but not with little Rias still present. The maid turned and started walking out, being followed by Yamato, both avoiding the organs, blood, and bodies scattered across the floor.





Since that time, Rias has become attached to Yamato, after returning from the castle she hugged his leg and didn't want to let him go.

Sirzechs, as any older brother would do once his sister became attached to something after a traumatic event, let Yamato serve her as a butler in an attempt to alleviate the trauma. He was theoretically a knight mounted on a white horse to save her, of course, Rias became attached to him.

A few years passed, and the trauma that Rias went through seemed to have been overcome, even so, care was great, after all, a relapse can always happen, however, the fact that she is attached to Yamato doesn't has changed, leaving Sirzechs no options.

Rias is close to be gifted with her pieces, where she will finally be able to have her Peerage, with that in mind Sirzechs has retired Yamato from his rank as a knight so that he can be available to Rias once she receives her pieces.

Yep, Yamato now it's just waiting to become the Young Master's knight.

"You were still someone chosen by my brother to be a knight. So you need to be pretty strong!" Rias sat up in bed, looking at the man who is already many things in her life, savior, butler, silver knight. "But why did my brother retire you?"

"Who knows, your brother is always acting strangely in the shadows." Yamato tried to deceive, with a comical smile and a shrug, but Rias is too smart to fall for it.

"Don't hide things from me, Yamato!" With a typical childlike tone, she pouted again and crossed her arms. Yamato laughed again, placing a hand on his chest and bowing.

"Young Master, surprises cannot be discovered early, now come, you need to do your hygienes." Yamato withdrew his hand from the chest and extended it to his master, Rias uncrossed her arms and held his hand, jumping off the bed so she could follow the steps.

"Hey, Yamato, if my brother doesn't want you then when I have my pieces could you be my knight?" Rias looked at him with pleading dog eyes, the childlike cuteness adding to the charm of the request.

"Are you sure about that, Young Master? I will cost your two knights." Yamato said this in the form of a joke, but it was answered by Rias.

"If you are my knight then I will spend all my pieces if I have to!" Rias' determination took the butler by surprise, but he smiled again.

"Just two pieces will be enough, Young Master."

That's not entirely true, as a big surprise is on the horizon for Rias' pieces thanks to a deal between Sirzechs and Ajuka.

But until then, leave little Rias wondering how things will turn out, with a smile on her face she hopped up beside him. Yamato, accompanying her to have another day, maybe play with Sona again.

Yes... It will be a fun day.

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