/ Réaliste / WHISPER.

WHISPER. Original


Réaliste 1 Chapters 2.1K Views
Author: Silen_Aiolis

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Dr. Julian Hayes, a detective in the labyrinthine shadows of New York, becomes entwined in a series of crimes that defy logic. The city, a living entity, whispers its secrets through echoing footsteps and crime-riddled alleyways. High-profile figures succumb to inexplicable acts, revealing a city gone rogue, dancing to shadows' tunes. As Hayes delves into crime scenes, the city's whispered confessions weigh heavy on him. These crimes aren't just violence; they are manifestations of a deeper malaise, threatening to drown the metropolis in its own darkness. Amidst towering structures, Hayes, a mortal detective, seeks answers to a pervasive puzzle, discovering that the crimes are interconnected, urging him to unlock the secrets within the city's concrete heart.

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Author Silen_Aiolis