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37.93% Where The Night Flowers Bloom (BL) / Chapter 11: Rest Stop Pt. 2

Chapter 11: Rest Stop Pt. 2

The room was quiet for a minute after the two had listened to the woman's story when Hai Yin suddenly spoke, "Madam, has your Father ever done anything like this before?"

"He's tried to leave the house before, but I'm always able to stop him.", the woman responded.

"I see, besides bare feet, how would we recognize your Father?", said Hai Yin.

"Well he's bald, unlike you two, I don't think he's had a full head of hair since before I was born.", the woman chuckled.

"Would there happen to be a graveyard nearby Madam?", asked Kang Lei.

"There used to be, but all the bodies were moved to Gu years ago, the next big town over.", the woman replied.

"I see.", said Kang Lei, as he allowed a small smile on his face before he and Hai Yin stood. "We will return your Father to you in one piece.", said Hai Yin and the two young master's left the cabin.

"This is most certainly mind capture.", said Kang Lei as they walked.

"So, it seems, but why here? There is no graveyard nearby.", said Hai Yin.

"That is where I am lost as well, what is the casters angle?", said Kang Lei.

"Kang Lei.", Hai Yin suddenly said as he stopped walking, Kang Lei stopped as well, turning to Hai Yin, "what is it?"

"What would one do with the dead?" Hai Yin asked, his brows furrowed as his face was serious.

Kang Lei turned away and continued walking, Hai Yin following behind, "I am not sure.", Kang Lei replied.

Hai Yin sighed softly, he could tell that Kang Lei most likely knew the answer, truthfully this was a touchy subject, but necessary in this case. "Do you still not trust me?", Hai Yin suddenly said and Kang Lei glanced at his traveling companion for a moment, before looking at the ground, "I..", young Master Kang began to say, but there was suddenly a rose tinted glare in the sky and a yell in the distance. Hai Yin and Kang Lei quickly glanced at each other before nodding and taking off in the direction the noise had come from.

At the other end of the forest, young master Vu and his following disciples were staring in the face of death.

"Young master Vu!", one of the Vu clan disciples called out as Vu Zhan sat on the ground, anxiously backing away from the long red tongued ghost woman inching closer to him as he moved away. Mortified, young master Vu clutched his drawn sword, but was to terrified to pick it up. Tightly clutching their swords, the disciples charged toward the ghost, but with one fierce glance from the woman, the disciples were quickly thrown in the opposite direction.

"Join me, join me.", the woman spoke perfectly despite her long tongue hanging out of her mouth, as she crawled closer to young master Vu. The ghost woman's entire eye was completely black, her long dark hair tangled, matted together and her tone was sweet, somewhat calming. Closer the woman crawled, and suddenly her dark eyes grew wider as well as Vu Zhan's, he could not move!

"Join me, join me.", the woman urged and slowly Vu Zhan began to lift up his sword. With a shaky hesitant hand, Vu Zhan brought his sword to his neck, he tried to stop his hand, but did not seem to be in control of it.

"Join me, join me!" the ghost woman's voice began to intensify as a sinister grin appeared onto her face. Tear's began to stream down Vu Zhan's face as the sharp edge of his sword neared his throat. With a few more inches the sword touched his neck, little streams of blood trickling down, but suddenly the long tongue ghost woman screamed as a talisman touched her forehead, Vu Zhan was now free!

Out of nowhere a black figure darted from out of the trees with a white figure right behind it. To his surprise, Vu Zhan looked to see that it was the heir to the Hai clan and the heir to that sacrilegious Kang clan.

Quickly glancing behind him Kang Lei yelled, "Vu Zhan, the talisman will not hold for long, make yourself scarce!". Hearing this, Vu Zhan jumped up, immediately backing away from the ghost woman. Stuck in place from the talisman placed on her forehead, the ghost woman shook frantically, letting out a scream as she watched her target escape.

When Vu Zhan was at a safe distance, Hai Yin locked eyes with his traveling companion, silently giving the okay for Kang Lei to do what he pleased.

Momentarily Kang Lei's eyes grew wide before he drew his sword, sliding his finger down the sharp end of his blade. Quickly, he cautiously walked closer to the ghost woman, it letting out squeals as he neared. With his brows furrowed, Hai Yin watched the long-tongued woman closely, as she was focused on Kang Lei, her head and neck bobbing awkwardly. With his own blood, Kang Lei drew on the talisman that was already placed on the ghost woman's head, drawling a symbol. When the symbol was drawn, Kang Lei raised his pointer and index finger, closed his eyes, and muttered to himself. The ghost woman shrieked one time and the indignant energy surrounding her seemed to dissipate. An innocent smile made its way onto the ghost woman's face as a bright light glowed around her. Lowering his hand, Kang Lei allowed a smile onto his face, he then nodded to the woman and with that same smile, she disappeared.

When the ghost woman had gone, Hai Yin walked over beside Kang Lei as he realized Kang Lei had done something other than what he expected, "I thought the Kang did not believe in liberation.", he said.

"The Kang do not however, I do not believe in trapping spirits who have become malicious because of how they left this world. Red tongued spirits have usually died in a tragic way, they must at least be allowed to find peace after death.", said Kang Lei with a smile. Hai Yin lowered his head as a small smile graced his face, this Kang was most certainly different.

Hearing groans and throat clears behind them, Hai Yin and Kang Lei turned around to see the Vu Clan congregating as they bowed in unison, everyone except for Vu Zhan.

"Vu Zhan, what are you doing in these woods?", said Hai Yin.

"Night hunting and what are you two doing out here? Are you best friends now?", Vu Zhan asked with a raised brow.

"We're something like that.", said Kang Lei and Hai Yin stared at the ground as he couldn't help, but to let a small smile grace his face.

"Hai Yin and I were night hunting as well when we heard the commotion, don't make needing a savior a habit young master Vu, won't you lose face if people were to learn that a Kang saved your life tonight?", said Kang Lei.

"Don't expect me to thank you, we would've been just fine even if you hadn't shown up!", said Vu Zhan rolling his eyes. "Anyway, we are done for the night. Whenever you are done hunting, there's an extra room that we have no use for at the inn in Gu, use it or don't!" said Vu Zhan as he turned to leave. The Vu disciples bowed respectfully and followed behind their clan heir. Hai Yin and Kang Lei glanced at each other with a smirk, perhaps there was more to young master Vu after all.

After young Master Vu and his disciples had disappeared into the night, Hai Yin and Kang Lei ventured off for their original objective, to find the man whose mind had been captured.

With his index finger, Kang Lei tapped the hilt of his sword as he walked, "If I were a baldheaded, shoeless man whose mind had been taken over, where would I go?"

A smirk made its way onto Hai Yin's face momentarily before he responded, "Gu is only the next town over, he could be walking there now."

"I thought that as well, but one thing seemed amiss."

"What is it?"

"If I were the caster, I wouldn't pick someone who didn't live in Gu. I'd want the person to do their job as quick as possible and be back home before anyone noticed.", said Kang Lei.

"I see.", said Hai Yin, agreeing with Kang Lei, what was the castors angle? The two continued on looking for any clue, when Hai Yin suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" said Kang Lei, stopping and turning around as he noticed Hai Yin was no longer beside him.

Hai Yin pointed to the ground in front of him, "There is a river nearby." Kang Lei looked down at the ground, for a second and raised an eyebrow, surely he was not blind or death to have missed an entire river.

"The ground here is a bit muddy and it has not rained. Foot-steps start where you stand, if a river overflows, it will make its way to land.", said Hai Yin, explaining further when he saw the look on Kang Lei's face.

"Ah!", said Kang Lei, momentarily pointing up his index finger as he suddenly understood. Hoping off of the prints, Kang Lei squatted down to get a closer look, although some were hidden by grass, these were indeed the prints of a human without shoes. Nodding to each other Kang Lei stood up, he and Hai Yin making a left deeper into the woods, following the direction of the prints.

The two young cultivators quietly and cautiously made their way through the woods. They walked for a moment more when the sound of the running water could be heard. Glancing at each other for a moment Hai Yin and Kang Lei nodded, before pushing on past the bushes to see a moderately sized stream. Hai Yin held up his index and pointer fingers, and a small glow started swirling around them. He kneeled to the ground, shinning the light this way and that way before furrowing his brows, "The prints are gone.", said Hai Yin and as he stood a voice sang in the distance, but it could only be faintly heard over the sound of the water.

"The footprints aren't gone, they've just reached the other side.", said Kang Lei, as he suddenly jumped over the noisy stream to the other side. Not bothering to turn back, Kang Lei began to walk forward, "Come Hai Yin, the river isn't so loud on this side." Without hesitation Hai Yin leaped to the other side of the river stream catching up with Kang Lei, getting separated in the dark was a recipe for disaster.

Cautiously, the two followed the faint voice they had heard singing, although it was a little clearer as they had gotten closer. When the voice was loud enough as though they stood beside it, Hai Yin and Kang Lei stopped to peak through the bushes to see a bare foot, old baldheaded man sitting on a rock singing his heart out. Hai Yin and Kang Lei watched for a minute quite confused, mind capture caused men to act strange depending on the casters level of cultivation, but singing was an oddity in itself.

Growing impatient, Kang Lei hopped out of the bushes and the old man suddenly stopped singing, quite startled as he fell off the rock. Clicking his tongue, Hai Yin too hopped out of the bushes, walking past Kang Lei to help the old man up, but the old man swatted his hand away.

"Go away! Go away creepers! Who dares watch an old man in the night!", the old man complained as he struggled to get up while Hai Yin simply watched unsure what to do. Not only couldn't people with mind capture sing, but they most certainly weren't able to casually throw insults when they could not speak! Letting out a sigh, Kang Lei walked over and kneeled in front of the old man, who was still yelling and trying to stand.

"Grandfather, I promise we will not harm you; your daughter has sent us to find you, let us take you home.", said Kang Lei letting a warm smile grace his handsome face. Suddenly the old man stopped yelling as he noticed this blue-eyed person kneeling in front of him.

"Your eyes, they are just like my Maomao's.", said the old man bringing his hand to Kang Lei's cheek. With wide eyes, Kang Lei froze, things had certainly gotten stranger in the last two nights. Gently grabbing the old man's hand Kang Lei stood, "Let us help you up, Grandfather.", said Kang Lei.

The old man raised his head to look at Kang Lei, "Mn.", he said nodding, his own eyes still fixated on those blue orbs. Gently, Hai Yin and Kang Lei reached down to help the old man to his feet and placed him back on the rock they had found him on, but the old man was still fixated on Kang Lei.

"Grandfather, why are you out here at night?", said Hai Yin.

Without taking his eyes off of Kang Lei the old man spoke, "I am waiting for my wife. We meet here every day after work and walk home together, we have to pick up our three-year-old daughter from my Mother."

Hai Yin and Kang Lei glanced at each other for a moment, both of them realizing what exactly was wrong with this old man, and it was not mind capture. Kang Lei turned back to the old man, "Grandfather, her name is Maomao was it?", he asked.

"Yes, her eyes are just like yours, prettiest I have ever seen.", the old man responded with a smile on his face. "She was the sweetest woman who had the most angelic face, there is no one prettier than my Maomao. You'll see, she'll be here soon and then I can introduce her to you.", the old man continued on.

Kang Lei smiled, "She sounds delightful indeed, do you remember where she comes from?", asked Kang Lei, seeing how far he could pry into the old man's jumbled brain.

"Hmmm…I cannot remember, but you can ask her when she gets here.", the old man responded.

Kang Lei glanced at the ground for a moment, disappointed he hadn't gotten the answer he hoped for. Exhaling heavily, Kang Lei finally spoke directing his attention back to the old man, "I'm sorry Grandfather, but I don't think she is coming.", said Kang Lei.

The old man's bright smile, suddenly disappeared, "Why not? Why won't she?", he asked confused.

"The sun has already set Grandfather.", said Hai Yin, trying to be as sensitive as he knew how to be. Hearing this the old man quickly glanced at the two young masters before him and with knitted brows, he began to shake his head, mumbling to himself.

Hai Yin sighed, feeling sorry for the old man, and whispered to Kang Lei, "we must take him back.", he said.

Kang Lei nodded and again kneeled in front of the old man, "Grandfather, let us take you home, your daughter is waiting there for you."

The old man looked back up at Kang Lei, and the confusion in his eyes seemed to dissipate, "Yes, yes. My daughter, A-Tao is waiting.", said the old man as he grabbed Kang Lei's arm, pulling himself up. "Come, she makes the best marinated pork.", said the old man as he began to walk away. Looking at Kang Lei, Hai Yin motioned his head for him to follow and the three made their way back to the cabin.

When the three made it back to the cabin, the old man went in and sat at the table, as if nothing had happened. "A-Tao bring us some pork. I am hungry." The woman A-Tao rushed into the room with tears in her eyes, bowing over and over to Kang Lei and Hai Yin, she couldn't thank them enough, but the two young Master's simply nodded with a smile on each of their faces. Not letting her Father know how worried she had been, A-Tao walked into the kitchen preparing a plate of rice and pork, bringing it over as her Father had requested.

"Have a seat young Masters.", said the old man as he began to eat asking the two to sit with him, and they complied with A-Tao joining them.

"Those are fine swords, I'm sure they cost a fortune.", said the old man as he spoke with his mouth full. "A-Tao, will you bring us some tea? Pour some for your Mother too, where is she anyway?", the old man added. Nodding, A-Tao got up and Hai Yin followed her to the kitchen as she prepared the tea.

"Young Master.", the old man whispered as they walked away, and Kang Lei leaned closer with raised brows. "Why does young master Ru still wear white when you are married? Have you still not consummated your marriage? Are things still tricky?" Kang Lei leaned back quite flabbergasted, bringing the corners of his mouth tight, he nodded lowering his head, figuring it'd be best not to say anything at all. "I see and do not worry; I vow to keep your secret.", the old man added. Although Kang Lei had grown quiet, he was curious, just what kind of friends did this old man once keep?

"Madam how long has your Father's mind been on the decline?", Hai Yin asked, as he stood in the kitchen with A-Tao.

A-Tao sighed, "it has been years since my Father started losing track of the present day or is stuck in the past. It just seems like things are progressing much faster these days."

"He keeps mentioning your Mother…is she?"

"She died when I was little, it's been my Father and I since I can remember.", said A-Tao.

"I see.", said Hai Yin.

"I am sorry to have troubled you so much this evening, I cannot thank you two enough. Are you sure there is nothing else I can do for you two?", said A-Tao as she picked up the tea tray she had prepared.

Gently, Hai Yin grabbed the tray from A-Tao's hands, "there is no need.", he nodded with a smile and the two of them made their way back to the table where the old man and Kang Lei were sitting.

After having tea, Hai Yin and Kang Lei decided they'd better take their leave, thinking it'd be better to leave this family in peace and take up young Master Vu's offer at the inn. The two young masters nodded to the old man and his daughter, all four of them parting with smiles on their faces. Exiting the cabin, Hai Yin and Kang Lei were off.

As they walked, Kang Lei stared up at the sky, he had been rather quiet since they left the cabin. Hai Yin glanced over and directed his attention back to the ground, "Why did you choose not to tell them that they are your Mother's relatives?"

"I don't think they need to get tangled up with the Kang clan, it's better that way.", said Kang Lei shrugging his shoulders. "When we get to the inn, I'm going to need a serious drink.", he added and Hai Yin smirked, he could use one himself after the last two days, who knew what else awaited them in the town of Gu.

Ghostmane1991 Ghostmane1991

A bit of a filler chapter, however necessary for the stories development, thanks for reading :D

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