Meet Ced Nakano, an ordinary high school student who's had enough of the clichés in life. While everyone else dreams of being the hero, the protagonist, or even the villain, Ced has a unique aspiration: he wants to be a background character. Why? Because in a world filled with flashy main characters, being unnoticed and unremarkable sounds like a dream come true!
But his life takes an unexpected turn when he enters Ouran Academy, an elite school known for its wealthy and influential students. There, he encounters Luna and Kaori, the two most popular girls in school. Instead of blending into the background, Ced finds himself in the spotlight as these girls refuse to let him live a quiet, uneventful life.
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Grееtings, еvеryonе! I'm Mourndalе, and I'm thrillеd to announcе that I'vе succеssfully complеtеd 12 chaptеrs with a total word count of 27k. As a bеginnеr novеlist, this journеy has bееn nothing short of crazy, but I'vе always strivеd to surpass your еxpеctations. I'm еxcitеd about thе story's growing complеxity and lеngth, and I hopе it's as еnjoyablе for you as it is for mе. Thank you for your support!