New Years a day.
Vick was a regular guy going to participate in a New Years party. Well because of earth not using mana in 4.5 billion years, kaboom
Everything boom gone nonexistent. But some guys thought it was bull and made a new planet fully utilizing mana. They swooped got the humans and put ‘em there.
To make up for the planet exploding they gave people wishes based on there New Years resolution.
Being stronger cuter the regular. My boy Vick asked for a girlfriend. The guys trolled the man and had him start dating a monster.
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Write a reviewGood so far, the first chapter is a little short but I like the concept and am looking forward to see where it goes. The writing is good and can be understood, unlike some, so I encourage the author to continue. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sua história ficou incrível depois de ser editada, ficou bom o sistema não ficar dando habilidades sem o personagem entender a habilidade, a Diana agora teve motivo para aparecer, o personagem ganhar habilidades através do seu próprio esforço e ação e o sistema registra e dar experiência, maravilhoso agora só falta corrigir a escrita um pouco, se quiser uma dica quando o personagem for aprender habilidades mostre um conceito básico de mana e der há um requisito de aprender, manipulação de mana e sentido de mana e por favor descreva melhor a aparência de Diana.
Author Snake_Orc
A review of my book to sum it up a guy wants a girlfriend for New Years a god must heard’ve him because he got one. But bad news for him because it’s a monster and the world is filled with mana and monster’s not to mention the man is weaker then your average 11 year old. Read how a super weak guy and a stupidly strong orc with a fighting fetish survive in a new world.