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85.71% When A Assassin Reincarnated As A Side Character / Chapter 5: Chapter 4: 1st Brother PoV (2)

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: 1st Brother PoV (2)

When I stepped inside the room, what I saw was a scene from my worst nightmares. Inside was my mother crying her eyes out while lightly holding my sister's hand, while my younger brother just stood there, petrified as a stream of tears flowed from his eyes.

On the bed laid the lifeless body of my sister which was wrapped in bandages which were already starting to get a bit red. The only person missing right now was my father as he had to currently travel to another country due to political issues.

At the corner a bunch of female doctors and priests with their head down, who looked like they were trembling.

Just as I was about to step inside the room, my mother saw me and she started crying even louder. I tried asking her about what going on but instead of saying something she just kept wailing. Now I was seriously freaking out, then the worst thought crossed my mind 'Is she perhaps.... dead?'

At this, though my body shuddered and I reached out my trembling finger to check her breath.' shes breathing.... even if its shallow shes still thankfully breathing' I thought as I finally let myself calm down.

As if my brother suddenly gathered a little bit of determination, he finally started speaking. "We found her at the entrance a while ago...At that time her *hic* whole body was covered in scars *hic* while her clothes were *hic* soaked red from all the blood." Her face was a pale white due to *sniff* loss of blood." after finally managing to say all this he once again starting crying.

Now finally managing to get the mist of the situation I turned the bunch standing in the corner and asked " You there, with dark brown hair. How's her condition?"

Hearing herself being called she flinched as she took a deep breath and said it all in one go "The youngest miss lost conscious due to extra blood loss. The wounds on her body were likely made from a sharp object such as a sword or knife. "There was also a deep wound behind her head, which may most likely cause temporary damage to her brain."

"If they are from a sword then why did the priest heal them already?" I said with clear annoyance.

Hearing this another person dressed in a white robe stepped in front, but unlike the girl, before she a calm face "The weapon that was used was a holy weapon which we priest weren't able to heal. But we have given her plenty of pellets and portions that will help her replenish, so u may not worry about her life being in any danger for now"

When I heard holy weapon my frown deepened as they were relics blessed by the gods during the ancient times. These relics had their own mind and thought process. When they have enough power they are also able to get a human form. These weapons cannot also be wielded by anyone, as the weapon itself chooses its master.

In our kingdom, there are a total of 3 of such weapons which have been handed down from generation-to-generation by our late ancestors. 1 is from our Alphena dukedom, the 2nd one is from the Grastille dukedom. The final one is from the Royal Family.

'But if it was one of those vicious fiends, they would have surely killed her the very first day to prevent any evidence from being left.

Just as I was lost in thought, the person lying lifelessly on the bed finally opened her eyes. But the words she next left us with mix emotions."Who are you people" Her eyes were full of distrust and wariness, and her voice was straight up... cold? After saying this she once again fell unconscious.

The room was filled with silence for a while after which my mother broke the silence saying "s-she d-doesn't remember u-us?" her face filled with disbelief.

As my mother looked like she was nearly going to have a panic attack I said something that even I didn't believe as her eyes looked like they had full focus "Maybe her eyesight was just blurry, as she was unconscious for a while " Hearing this, mother calmed down a little

"B-But didn't the doctor say that she hit her head? Did she really forget us, will she never remember us"

But that idiot had to say something stupid once again 'Way to go brother'

With this, the room once again fell in a suffocating silence.

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