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61.53% What if?… You want to be a Dark Lord? / Chapter 8: Lucius Malfoy

Chapter 8: Lucius Malfoy

At the start of the day Lucius truly regretted coming on this little excursion to meet his sister in law. Frankly he believed his father in law to be a fool who was blinded with the non existent power the Black family name wielded. Was the Black family influential? Yes. Could they do as they pleased? No.

The Black family was currently dependent on glory that had long come to pass. It's current descendants were either females who would not carry on the family name, elders who had little time left to live, males that were either dead or imprisoned, and ironically the only one who could carry on the family name would eventually be Harry Potter. A half blood non direct relative.

This old fool was coming to the Tonks family not from a position of power but of an old man hoping to reinvigorate a dying family name. Despite the old mans true motives however, the old fool was insulting the family and continued putting them on track to pull away from him.

Normally Lucius would not be concerned with the idiocies his father in law committed but today he was regretting being involved with the old man. Lucius could see the Tonks metamorph bloodline slipping out of his grasp.

The only reason Lucius came on this family visit was simply for the goal of brokering an engagement agreement between the young Tonks girl and his son. Unlike his father in law he planned to go with a soft approach and was under the impression his father in law would be intelligent enough to do the same. Low and behold that was not what happened at all. His father in law chose to approach his estranged daughter as if her loyalty to the Black family was only due for the course. Lucius regretted. He regretted ever accompanying this old bastard who would surely ruin all his plans. The fact Andromeda didn't start throwing spells at them was already more than he could ask for.

Luckily the trip didn't immediately go to waste and end at the Tonks front door. While his father in laws attitude was deplorable, he did in fact help protect the Tonks family while under the Dark lords rule. It wasn't exactly the truth but his father in law was not entirely lying to Andromeda either. Lucius had personally kept his fellow death eaters away from the Tonks family. It was however not under the pleading of the Black family but his wife's.

The Black family vehemently supported the Dark lord and the pureblood ideology so they did have enough sway with the Dark lord to protect the Tonks family. Despite that, what they chose to protect was not the Tonks family but Andromeda herself. In their viewpoint with the death of Ted Tonks ,and any tainted offspring, Andromeda could then remarry into a proper bloodline. Narcissa hearing of her families declaration could not stomach the death of the children and directly pleaded with Lucius to do otherwise.

His wife was an odd woman with in the Black family. She may share her family ideology but she was never as ruthless as the rest of the Black family. The contrast would become glaringly apparent when placed next to her sister Bellatrix, who asked if she could go kill Andromeda and the entire family herself. Lucius knowing his wife would never sleep well with any harm coming to Andromeda, or the kids, decided to fulfill her whims as the Tonks family was of little consequence to the Dark lord.

With this information in his back pocket Lucius was once more confident in fulfilling his goals today. He would let his father in law take credit for now and then expose the truth later.

Unfortunately as the conversation moved to the living room he no longer saw any chance of a successful engagement being brokered. His father in law instead of capitalizing on the good will he garnered simply used it as a chance to issue orders and demands.

Lucius knew he was on the losing side and it was time to jump ship. So he shifted his priorities and planned on using this opportunity to mend the relationship with his in laws instead. Only his deranged father in law would expect the exiled daughter to jump for joy and fall in line with merely reinstating her to the family tapestry. That was only something fools would expect.

To better relations Lucius was planning to simply side with the Tonks family in the oncoming argument and towards the end of the visit offer the Tonks patriarchs a job at the ministry. From there it would be merely introducing the Tonks men to a circle of power and influence that they would eventually fall intoxicated with. The elder Tonks was a former muggle, and the allure of magic would surely have taken root by now. Allowing the Tonks elder to wield power in a magical world he never had access to before would be a simple way to corrupt the man. Ted Tonks was no different, there was a reason half bloods were so desperate to become purebloods and as someone who had grown up with magic Ted would surely fall in line. It wouldn't be an immediate change but Lucius was sure he could gradually pull the Tonks men to the right side.

The only real obstacle in Lucius eyes was Andromeda. Andromeda Tonks nee Black was from an ideological standpoint simply incompatible with her family. She previously had access to riches, influence, and power but she still chose to flee that life with a presumed muggle born. What ever he offered the Tonks men would never be enough to change her stand point. With her Lucius could only hope Narcissa would be able to compel her somehow.

As the conversation in the living room progressed Lucius was beginning to think he should just kill his father in law as an act of sincerity to the Tonks family. The girl he was eyeing as Draco's wife fled immediately after their arrival due to his father in laws aggressive approach and the man seemed hell bent on irritating the remaining family members. Then the young boy Lucius had completely dismissed as nothing more than a book worm however ended up distorting his world view.

Who knew the most interesting member of the Tonks family would actually be the boy Draco's age. Forget acquiring the girl, having this boy lead the next generation of blood purists would be far more beneficial.

The Malfoy family didn't entirely keep their hands away from the muggle world as many other blood purist families believed. The Malfoy family still saw muggles as less than but it did not mean they were willing to ignore or erase their existence like other blood purists. In reality the Malfoy family believed muggles were simply house elves waiting to be led on the right path. Just like with the house elves, you would never dirty yourself by breeding with them, but you could use them to profit their Wizard superiors. Unfortunately the boy known as Henry was right, blood purity was leading them to extinction so breeding with their inferiors would eventually become a necessity.

The Malfoy family had discovered this fact and had begun to allow marriages to Half bloods to rectify the issue. In actuality the Malfoy patriarchs were asked to hide this information from the other pure blood families. The reason behind it being that eventually, at some point, they would be the only pure blood family left standing. At least that was the theory. Lucius personally never knew the technical information behind the theory but it seems that this boy did.

This was why even though his father in law disdained to even look at the book placed in front of him. Lucius had no such misgivings and immediately skimmed over the book and its contents.

Now Lucius knew why the pure bloods were suffering, genetics. The muggle known as Gregor Mendel was far more intelligent than his muggle brethren and even some Wizards it seems. From what Lucius knew already, the inter breeding between the main families was lowering their life span despite the fact they were Wizards. Now with the knowledge in this book, if he was understanding this properly, the reason was that the blood-related mating partners have similar genes. Such pairings were not only more likely to carry on positive traits like strong magic, they also carry on the bloodlines negative traits. The biggest proof to this being the now extinct Gaunt family who only created offspring suitable to live in St Mungo's for the rest of their lives. The fact a child was able to extrapolate this information was incredible.

This was the second time Lucius regretted not having a daughter.

Lucius and his fellow death eaters still gathered at any opportunity and promoted pure-blood Wizard interests in any way they could. However with the fall of the Dark Lord, to a mere child no less, the pure blood movement had suffered greatly. That old cretin Dumbledore in particular was the champion of muggles and mudbloods. The mans efforts alone affected them not only in the ministry but even in Hogwarts by poisoning Wizard youths away from the proper path.

The prime idea to restore the movement at the moment actually revolved around the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter. Many of Lucius' cohorts believed the boy to be a greater dark wizard than the Dark lord himself. Slaying the most powerful Dark lord Britain has ever known as a mere babe will do that for ones reputation.

Unfortunately their ability to reach out to the boy was limited with his location being unknown. In reality the only way to come in contact with Harry Potter will be to reach out when he attends Hogwarts. Lucius plan in that regard was to have his son befriend the boy at Hogwarts. A plan that required to place his son in the care of Dumbledore was not his favorite which is why he at all considered sending his son to Durmstrang. His wife maybe opposed to having the boy so far away from home but Lucius would rather not risk Dumbledore turning his son against his family.

Nonetheless having his son befriend the boy was an option but it was a weak option by Lucius' standards. In a perfect world he would have a daughter that he could marry off to the Potter boy instead.

That was the first time he regretted not having a daughter. This would be the second time.

From what Lucius could tell his nephew was intelligent and not as averse to dark magic as he thought the boy would be. Despite the subtle insult to his own past, the boy did say that if he had to learn from a Dark Wizard he had a preference. In these phrases alone Lucius saw that the ideological issues that may arise with the other members of the Tonks family did not apply to the boy. Even when presenting the knowledge of genetics the boy did not elevate the knowledge to show muggles as their equals but merely presented as one would their underlings achievements. The boy was practical and likely only looking at the idea of saving a bloodline by any means necessary. Lucius believed if the boy was given information on purity he would likely agree with the Malfoy families act of only accepting half bloods.

Looking at his own son that seemed uncomfortable even remaining seated and stuck to his mother like a scared mouse. Lucius really wished he had a daughter at the moment. Luckily he was not the only Death Eater among the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

Of age would only be the Parkinson brat which would be a hard sell to any young man but maybe the boy could dominate that nauseating family of sadists. Other than that would be the much younger Carrow twins Alecto and Amycus gave birth to. The only problem being the incestuous couple maybe too extreme for the Tonks family. If need be the Greengrass family would do, they may not have supported the Dark lord directly but they did promote the pure blood ideology.

Currently the Greengrass and Parkinson families were already eyeing the boy themselves. Lucius would be more than happy to promote their cause to his in laws. Ideally he could somehow push them more towards the Parkinson girl or even get the young Carrow twins in the running. Regardless of method it was imperative to bring the boy under the pure blood banner.

" Father in law I'm inclined to agree with the boy."

" WHAT!?"

" Karkaroff is in fact a coward. Having him hold important family heirs like your grandsons in his school could come back to haunt us. I'd rather not hand the man any future hostages."


At these word Lucius looked away from his father in law and put on the most awkward, disturbed expression he could muster. Narcissa also, almost like she had rehearsed for this moment, grabbed Draco closer, looked down and quickly said:

" Father, please I don't want to send my son to a man lacking conviction and backbone. Say what you will but at least Dumbledore would never use my boy as a hostage."

Perfect. Lucius truly loved this woman.

Without him having to spell a single thing out she had already adjusted and supported him. Hopefully Andromeda would see her sisters plight of being controlled by the Black family had not changed and that it had even began to affect her brother in law. The Black family obsession with controlling their descendants was well known and who else could relate other than the woman who fled from it.

Alexdmercer Alexdmercer





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