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42.1% Westeros : Echoes of Warframe / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Whispers of Steel

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Whispers of Steel

Lion in the West

The sun was setting over Casterly Rock, casting long shadows across the warriors in the courtyard. The sound of sword against sword echoed throughout the courtyard. Under the watchful gaze of Tywin Lannister the warriors fought, giving their best. In skill they were evenly matched but in steel they were not. The setting sun gave the Mormont steel a distinct glow. The swords clashed again but this time the Lannister steel broke and mormont steel stood. A piece landed on the table reflecting Tywin's grim face.

As Tywin stared at his reflection his thoughts were elsewhere. His thoughts were of war, War against the Starks, Tullys , Mallisters and the Blackwoods clad in Damascus or as people liked to call them Mormont Steel breaking the Lannisters. The lion of the west couldn't help but shiver his gaze turned towards the latest shipment Among the goods were Mormont steel swords, spears and daggers all with their trademark cloud patterns and beside them were also barrels of ice packed in straw, salt and sawdust.

His maester, Creylen, stood nearby, his eyes wide with the unexpected bounty. "Lord Tywin, these goods have become the talk of the town. The steel is said to be unparalleled, and the ice has been preserved remarkably well."

Tywin's eyes narrowed as he examined a sword. "At first, I thought this Damascus steel was just a ploy to increase the price," he muttered. He motioned for one of his guards to test the sword against a standard castle-forged steel armor. The guard swung the sword, and with the fifth swing the sword cut through the armor with alarming ease.

Tywin's expression turned grim as he watched the demonstration. The implications were clear: if the North, particularly the Starks, were to arm themselves with such superior steel, it could shift the balance of power significantly. "Imagine the entire Stark army fitted with Damascus steel," Tywin said to himself, a chill running down his spine. "It would be a formidable force."

Creylen cleared his throat. "My lord, the prices of these goods are surprisingly low. The Mormonts are selling them cheaply, even more so to the northern houses. And this ice, stored in straw and salt and sawdust is quiet ingenious and a marvel in itself."

Tywin's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and concern. "The Mormonts, were a small house from Bear Island, their history is laughable when compared to us but if they are left unchecked they will become very rich in just a few years and all because of a brat barely ten years old. This cannot be allowed to continue unchecked."

Creylen knew the best course of action now was to keep mum and nod lest he became a victim of the lion's wrath.

A few weeks later…..

Tywin's solar was filled with Lannisters, he atmosphere was tense. Tywin sat behind his massive oak desk, his fingers drumming on the polished surface. Kevan and Tygett Lannister, his brothers, were present, their expressions mirroring Tywin's unease.

"Maximus Mormont," Tywin began, his voice cold, "a child has brought his house out of obscurity and misery within a few moons. His goods are flooding the markets, strengthening the North and potentially the Riverlands. If this continues, it will weaken our power and influence."

Kevan leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "The steel is indeed remarkable, Tywin. I saw it cut through our best armor as if it were parchment. If the Starks arm their forces with this steel, it could be disastrous."

Tygett nodded in a rare moment of brilliance spoke "Moreover the Mormonts have given away the plans on how to make an ice hall to the people for free not only they have washed the shame bought by Jorah but they have also solidified their influence"

Tywin's eyes were hard as he spoke. "We cannot allow this brat to undermine us. We must find a way to curtail their trade and influence. Send ravens to our allies. We will need to use our influence to spread rumors, to discredit their goods. Let the northern lords question the quality of Mormont steel and the safety of their ice."

Creylen nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I will see to it immediately, my lord."

Tywin's fingers ceased their drumming, his expression one of steely resolve. "We will remind the North, and this upstart child, that the power of House Lannister is not to be underestimated."

As the meeting adjourned, Tywin stared out the window, his mind racing with strategies to counter the rising influence of Bear Island. The stakes were high, and he knew that he would need all his cunning and resources to ensure that House Lannister remained the dominant power in Westeros.

Queen of Thorns

Olenna Tyrell was not a women of indulgence but more than one occasion she has found herself craving for chilled wine. The Ice hall or the bear's den as people call it preserved Ice longer which made her enjoy chilled wine all year long. The people said Old Gods whispered secrets of ice and steel to Maximus and when full moons brightens the night sky he turns into a bear! Olenna paid no heed to these rumors but she had to agree the brat was gifted and formidable even.

By making the plans for ice hall free not only he washed away the shame of Jorah's actions he created more demand for ice and specifically Mormont ice; The Bolton's tried but their Ice was salty, The Stark's were more expensive and dozen other ices from the northern houses but none were as good as Mormont Ice.

The Chambers of Highgarden were opulent, Olenna Tyrell sat at a finely carved desk made of fine oak the legs were carved as vines which when reached the top bloomed into roses, she was reviewing the latest financial records. Her skin was wrinkled and her back slouched but her eyes they were sharp and they noting with disapproval as they saw a steady decline in profits in the books. As her fingers started tapping the table rhythmically her son and grandson, and Maester Gormon stood in silence. Perhaps if Creylen was there he would have recognized the tune.

Maester Gormon cleared his throat, drawing Olenna's attention. "My lady, our profits have been steadily decreasing. While grain cannot be entirely replaced, the abundance of salted fish being sold in the North has significantly reduced its demand. Additionally, the use of straw and ice to preserve food has decreased the need for our grains from the Reach."

Olenna's eyes narrowed onto Gormon who had faithfully helped manage the Reach's resources for many years and asked "Who is responsible for this shift?"

Gormon adjusted his spectacles. Cleared his throat and answered knowing full well if he got the answer wrong he will no longer be a Maester to the Reach.

"It appears to be young Maximus Mormont of Bear Island. He has been trading ice to the Vale and Riverlands, which has disrupted the market not only in the North but also in these regions."

Olenna's lips thinned into a line of displeasure. "Explain."

Willas, who had been listening intently and was eager to prove himself, leaned forward. "The Riverlands are using Mormont's ice to preserve meat, which reduces their reliance on our grains since meat no longer spoils as quickly. Meat, being more valuable in these times, is preferred when it can be preserved."

Olenna nodded slowly, satisfied with their response. "So, the abundance of cheap fish from Bear Island, preserved with ice and salt, is not only affecting the North but also encouraging Riverland fishermen to sell their fish cheaply in the South, further reducing our market share."

Willas added, "Exactly. The domino effect is clear. The more fish and meat that can be preserved, the less reliance there is on our grains. The Mormonts have undercut our market significantly."

Olenna tapped her fingers on the desk, her mind racing with possibilities. "This brat, barely ten years old, has managed to disrupt the entire food economy of Westeros. It's impressive, albeit infuriating."

Gormon nodded. "Indeed, my lady. If this continues, it could have long-term repercussions on our wealth and influence."

Olenna's eyes sparkled with cunning. "We cannot allow this to continue. We need to undermine his trade routes and discredit his products. Spread rumors that the ice from Bear Island is tainted, that their fish carries disease. Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens."

Willas looked thoughtful. "And if that does not work?"

Olenna's expression hardened. "Then we must remind the Mormonts and the North that the Reach holds sway over the food supply. We can cut off their access to certain goods, pressure their trade partners, and ensure they understand the consequences of crossing House Tyrell."

Maester Gormon bowed. "I will begin spreading the rumors and coordinating with our merchants immediately, my lady."

Olenna nodded, her mind already formulating further strategies. "Good. We will not let a mere child from a minor house threaten the prosperity of the Reach."

As the meeting concluded, Olenna stared out over the gardens of Highgarden, the fragrance of roses heavy in the air. The Mormonts had proven to be a thorn in her side, but she was determined to protect her house's interests. The game was afoot, and Olenna Tyrell was a master of the board.

Maximus and Ordis

Maximus sat in his solar, the morning light filtering through the heavy curtains, casting a golden hue over the room. He was deep in conversation with his maester, the scrolls and ledgers before them filled with figures and calculations.

"The latest reports are promising, my lord," the maester began, his tone one of cautious optimism. "Our profits have increased significantly. We now have a reserve of 100,000 gold dragons. Recent investments have totaled 1,000 gold dragons spent on new plans and improvements."

Maximus nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "Indeed, our trading ventures have been fruitful. The introduction of ice and salt preservation six moons ago was a turning point. Our overall profits have skyrocketed from 100-150 gold dragons to 10,000 gold per trade across the realm."

The maester adjusted his spectacles and continued. "We have also acquired more ships from Old Town, costing us 30,000 gold dragons, which has increased our fishing capabilities and extended our trade routes."

Maximus leaned back in his chair, contemplating their success. "And what of our Mormont steel sales to Essos and other regions?"

The maester's eyes sparkled with pride. "The Mormont cloud steel swords have become highly sought after. Each sword is sold at 45,000 gold dragons in Essos, 30,000 in the West and South, and 25,000 in the North. We manage to sell one sword per moon, maintaining an exclusive and profitable market."

Maximus drummed his fingers on the table, his mind already racing with further plans. "So, our current balance stands at 100,000 gold dragons after these new investments?"

The maester nodded. "Precisely, my lord. Our financial position is stronger than ever."

Maximus rose from his seat, dismissing the maester with a nod. He made his way to a secluded corner of the room where Ordis hovered, its blue optics glowing with a familiar, reassuring light.

"Ordis," Maximus began, "what is the status of our void energy reserves?"

Ordis's voice responded with its characteristic mechanical hum. "Operator, the successful integration of steel, ice, and salt technologies has resulted in a feedback loop that has increased your void energy by 30 units—10 units for each technology."

Maximus smiled, pleased with the progress. "That's good news. So, we've been able to gather energy as a form of feedback from the world's response to our innovations."

Maximus then sighed, understanding the limitations. "So, I can use the Warframe for about two hours now, correct?"

"Affirmative, Operator," Ordis confirmed. "However, extended use will deplete your reserves quickly. It is advisable to use the Warframe sparingly and only when necessary."

Maximus sat down heavily, feeling the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. "And how long does it take to recharge the void energy after use?"

"One full day of rest is required to recharge the void energy reserves," Ordis explained. "Adequate sleep and minimal physical exertion will ensure optimal recovery."

Maximus nodded, rubbing his temples. "I understand. We need to be strategic. We can't afford to overextend ourselves."

Ordis's optics flickered sympathetically. "Operator, your efforts have already significantly improved Bear Island's prospects. With careful management, we can continue to build on these successes."

Maximus managed a weary smile. "Thank you, Ordis. We'll take it one step at a time."

Maximus nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment and determination. "Let's ensure that our technologies continue to benefit Bear Island and beyond. We've come a long way, but there's still much to do."

As Maximus prepared for bed, he couldn't shake the feeling that challenges lay ahead. The whispers of his success were spreading, reaching the ears of powerful houses.



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