I woke up in a terrible state. My legs were awfully painful, because he was eating them ferally. A a man with wheels for legs, and his teeth aeemed like the chains of a bycicle. I screamed more than ever. This was much worse than a broken leg.
I woke up much earlier than usual, that day. I went about my day as usual. Made some coffee, brushed my teeth and picked up my books. I went to college by foot at 7:30, and my classes were at 8. At the zebra I stopped and waited for the cars to pass. Usually cars don't stop. Sometimes a car stops but usually they either wait for you to start going and then they stop, or they don't stop at all. I waited for a while, and then it seemed like the car was far away enough. I wasn't correct. It started speeding.
"My dear Violet..." an unknown man cried.
"Who are you?" i asked.