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70% Wear / Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

After school that day, Wyatt goes to work at Savvy Threads, as Jackson and Emma go back to the dorm. "I'm never going to get used to this" Emma says.

"To what?" Jackson asks, laying down on his bed.

"Having to share a room with you" Emma says.

"You're telling me..." Jackson retorts. "Your presence really brings the average height down by a few pegs. You're so short that I keep forgetting that you're an adult...".

"Oh, I will end you" Emma growls.

"I'm just kidding... geez" Jackson says.

"Anyways..." Emma says as she sits on Wyatt's bed, "it used to feel so quiet while Wyatt was gone. Now it somehow feels... even more quiet. It's like it's become more awkward to... exist because you're here".

"Not my fault" Jackson says. "We don't have anything to talk about, unless you want me to continue reminding you of how short you are".

"Can you at least pretend to give a shit?" Emma asks.

"Look..." Jackson says as he sits up, "as much as I didn't want friends at the start of the school year, I still somehow became friends with a certain group of misfit morons. Of course I give a shit, but not everyone constantly expresses that sort of emotion".

"Great..." Emma says sarcastically. "Real assuring".

"What? You want me to pretend to have an actual interest in people?" Jackson asks. "I said I give a shit, not I want to know everything you're thinking... isn't that Wyatt's job or something?".

Emma sighs and says "You really do make everything more difficult, Jackson. Then again, I guess we could've been stuck with worse. The day they moved someone else into our dorm, they could've just as easily thrown someone who openly hates laibah. So I guess being stuck with the likes of you isn't that bad, in retrospect".

"Hey, thanks for the compliment" Jackson replies sarcastically. "Now do me a favor and keep your face sucking with Wyatt to a minimum".

"Admit it" Emma says as she stands up and faces Jackson, "the reason your so discontent of Wyatt and I, is because you're still bummed out about Aeris".

"I never said that" Jackson says.

"You've also never said the reverse" Emma declares.

"Yeah, so?" Jackson asks. "You really want me to say it out loud?".

"We're friends, aren't we?" Emma asks as she crosses her arms. "We're supposed to help each other at least a little bit...".

"Fine!" Jackson says as he sits up on his bed. "Yeah, I miss being around Aeris. Truth is, it really bums me out that we came to such an awkward situation. I don't even know if I'd want to consider getting back with her, even if I could. But at the same time, I also wish it never came to an end. You happy?".

"So why don't you tell her that?" Emma asks.

"Because" Jackson says as he lays back down.

"You're scared?" Emma asks. "Aren't you two the ones who told me to be more honest with Wyatt?".

"I feel like everyone has told you that at least once" Jackson says. "It's kinda obvious, when the problem seemed to stack up so poorly".

"Right, but what's stopping you?" Emma asks.

"Probably the fact that it sends the wrong message" Jackson says. "Let me reword this so even someone as socially inept as you can understand clearly. I do not want to think about getting back together. I do not know if that's something I'd want to do. However, and I hope you're still following me here, I wish it were a little... well-".

"Easier to face her?" Emma interrupts. "Yeah, I've got the memo".

"Then why bother asking a stupid question, you nerd?" Jackson asks.

"Because" Emma speaks up, "your miserable ass is making the general atmosphere of this dorm gloomier!".

"Doesn't sound like my problem" Jackson says.

"I will drag you out of here by the ear, you... tall, loud mouthed, piece of shit asshole!" Emma says. "Stop being so miserable! You can clarify it as much as you want with her about not getting back together, but it's going to continue being this awkward between you two if you don't do something!".

Jackson freezes in surprise. "I didn't... think you'd ever... have the guts to say something like that" he says.

"Yeah, well... it's what friends do!" Emma shouts. "Sometimes you've gotta console them, sometimes you've gotta... kick the shit out of them until they realize where they went wrong!".

"I get it, I get it!" Jackson says. "Stop yelling before people start figuring out that Wyatt and I are hiding you in here... geez. Look, I'll make you a deal. You calm your happy ass down, and I'll EVENTUALLY talk to Aeris. Sound like a deal?".

"One week from tomorrow" Emma says.

"Excuse me?" Jackson asks.

"You have until the Friday after tomorrow" Emma says. "If you don't do something about this gloomy atmosphere by then, I'll... I'll".

"You'll what?" Jackson asks.

"I'll hit you with a wooden plank, or... I dunno!" Emma says.

"And this is your idea of helping?" Jackson asks.

"What else am I supposed to do?" Emma asks.

"You have a lot of pent up anger and aggression, don't you?" Jackson asks.

"I have my reasons..." Emma says.

"You're a psychopath..." Jackson says.

"I am not!" Emma shouts. "I've just... been through some things. I think I have a right to be angry".

"Like what?" Jackson asks.

"Oh, so now you give a shit?" Emma asks.

"On second though, keep your secrets" Jackson says. "I have no need to... play these games with you".

"Yeah, that's none of your business anyways" Emma says.

"Does Wyatt know?" Jackson asks.

"Of course Wyatt knows" Emma says. She pauses for a moment and thinks before she continues to say "I've told him about everything... my family, my friends... how they betrayed me. All of it".

"And yet, he's still here..." Jackson says.

"What are you getting at?" Emma asks.

"I mean, I'm surprised" Jackson says. "I always thought all humans are just so shallow. I halfway expected Wyatt to just... leave one day after learning enough about you. I guess I was wrong".

"And what makes you think that?" Emma asks. "Wyatt isn't-".

"Isn't that type of person, yeah yeah, skip the touchy feely bullshit please?" Jackson interrupts. "My point is... when I was in high school, I had some friends. Human friends. We were all really close for the longest time, until one of them found out I was a laibah. Long story short, skipping all of the dry and sappy crap, they chose their human friends over me. Some of them abandoned me the moment they found out, but some of them... well, some of them stuck around for a little while until they realized that being around laibah leaves a bad impression of you. Once they discovered that the other humans won't like them anymore, if they stuck around me, they immediately left too. So, I'm sorry if I just made an educated guess here, but I was wrong and I get it".

"Well... you're not the only one" Emma says. "I was scared for the same reason, so I can't really blame you".

"Yeah well, sucks to suck, right?" Jackson asks.

"What does that even mean?" Emma asks.

"What I mean is, we were both wrong" Jackson says. "But at the same time, it's a good thing we were both wrong. After all is said and done, we still have our group of friends".

"Even after you went and messed everything up" Emma says. "Don't think I've already forgotten about how you're the one that told Wyatt about me!".

"Wyatt already knew" Jackson says.

"What?" Emma asks.

"That's what he said" Jackson says. "He already knew, but wanted to wait for you to talk about it, or some cheesy crap like that".

"I guess that explains why he was so calm when he approached me..." Emma says.

"Yeah, well" Jackson says, "you could've avoided the entire issue if you didn't try so hard to hide it".

"And you could avoid feeling awkward around Aeris if you were more up front with her" Emma says.

"I guess that's true..." Jackson says.

There was a short silence before Emma said "Admit it. After all of that, even you have at least some respect for Wyatt".

"What, are we competing now?" Jackson asks. "Or do you just want to rub it in?".

Emma smiles and sits down on Wyatt's bed again. "I think I have my answer" she says.

"You are such a pain..." Jackson complains.

When Wyatt finally comes back from work, Emma jumps up and hugs him. "Did I miss something important?" Wyatt asks with a laugh.

"Yeah" Jackson says unenthusiastically. "You've missed a super cool party". Jackson then unenthusiastically swings his hands in the air as he continues to lay and bed, and says in a low monotone voice "Whooooooo".

"Right..." Emma says. "Anyways, I'm trying to get Jackass over here to finally fully clear the air with Aeris".

"He didn't already do that?" Wyatt asks.

Emma shakes her head and says "He still feels awkward around her, so I'm trying to get him to be less miserable. He's really bringing down the attitude here when I have to be stuck with him alone".

Wyatt looks up at Jackson with a confused look. "You're not exactly a riot to be stuck with either, you know" Jackson says to Emma.

"Did you two get into a fight while I was gone?" Wyatt asks.

"No" Jackson says, "but she definitely harassed me about clearing the air with Aeris".

"I'm trying to help" Emma says.

"You're failing" Jackson says.

"You're an asshole..." Emma says.

"You're short" Jackson replies.

"Why you-" Emma yells.

"Whoa!" Wyatt speaks up. "Calm down, you two! Jackson, can you please be a little nicer to Emma?".

"Pfft- Whatever" Jackson replies.

Emma sighs and says "Sorry if it seemed like I was prying-".

"That's because you were" Jackson interrupts.

Emma clenches her fists as she continues to say "BUT... I wanted to help at least a little bit, since you seemed so put off for having to share a room with the two of us".

"Is that what this is about?" Wyatt asks. "If you need to say something to me, you can, you know? I'm not going to hold it against you, Jackson".

"What needed to be said" Jackson says, "has already been said. Don't worry about it".

"I always worry..." Wyatt says. "I'm kind of a nervous wreck. I worry about Emma all of the time, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about the rest of you guys as well".

"Cool..." Jackson says, "now can we go to sleep? I'd rather not have to have this discussion".

"Well, you know what to do, Jackson" Emma says. "Just... try to reach out to the rest of us... even if just a little?".

"I'll keep that in mind" Jackson says. "Now, if you don't mind, tomorrow is a Friday. That means we still have classes tomorrow, so... please turn off the light?".

"Are you sure you're alright?" Wyatt asks.


The next day, Friday of January 10th 2020, The Rejects gathered during lunch period. Everyone gathered, including the newest member, Thomas. It was rather quiet, especially since Jackson still has yet to talk with Aeris. Eventually, the door to the roof opened slowly. The Rejects turned their heads towards the door as it slowly creaked open, and through the partially opened door, a female student poked her head out towards the group. "Uh... hello?" The girl asks in a quiet and shy voice. "I-is this... the um... w-where we can find... T-The Rejects club?".

"Oh, aren't you that girl from my class?" Darren asks.

"Oh! Um... sorry" the girl says, "I'll just... go".

"This is the right place" Wyatt says. "This is the club".

"I'm sorry to bother you..." the girl says as she starts to pull her head back through the door.

"Wait!" Darren says. "Didn't you come here for a reason? Don't be so nervous, come on!". The girl looks down at the ground, then opens the door a little more and pulls the rest of her body through the cracked open door. "Did you come here to ask to join the club?" Darren asks. The girl nods her head, and then Darren asks "What's your name? You never introduced yourself to me before".

"T-Tina..." She says in a low voice.

"What?" Darren asks. "I couldn't quite... hear you".

Tina's face grows red as she speaks up. "T-Tina!" She says. "M-my name is Tina Burgandy and I'm interested in j-joining your club".

"Is she trying to force herself to be brave?" Jessica whispers to Emily. "She seems to be really shy, and it's kinda embarrassing".

Emily just shrugs to Jessica in response, then Tina continues to say "I-I'm a second year student, my homeroom teacher is Ms. Weber and I'm a laibah!".

"Wow... talk about the works" Darren says.

"I think you made her nervous" Jackson says.

"Me?" Darren asks.

Jackson looks up at Tina and asks "You know you weren't required to tell us if you're a laibah, right?".

"I wasn't?... I-I'll go now" Tina says as she turns around.

"Hold on" Darren says, "don't get so nervous. I'm a laibah too, so don't worry".

Tina immediately turns around with a surprised look on her face, and a hint of relief. "R-really!?" She asks. "You too?".

"Oh, I think I see what's going on here..." Jackson says.

"Don't make it more awkward than it needs to be" Aeris says.

Jackson takes a quick glance at Aeris and says "Yeah... okay" in a disappointed tone.

"You wanna join, right?" Darren asks.

"C-can I?" Tina asks.

"I don't see why not" Wyatt says.

"You mean it?" Tina asks in excitement.

"Uh... yeah" Wyatt says. "You now there isn't like... a tryout or anything... right?".

"Pfft- ha ha ha ha ha!" Jackson bursts out. "Imagine that! A tryout for being a reject! People competing, head to head, on who's more socially inept and awkward! That'd be a riot to watch!".

"Yeah..." Emily says, turning her head from Jackson to Tina. "Anyways, I'm Emily. Welcome to the club... this is the club president, Wyatt. This is Emma, that's Jackson, Aeris, Jessica, Darren, and Thomas".

Emma sighs and says "Guess I'll have to sew yet another badge".

"What's that about a badge?" Tina asks.

"We'll explain everything" Wyatt says. "Why don't you sit with us, we'll tell you all about the club!".

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