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67.59% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 71: Chapter 70: Cry of the Misjudged Wolf

Chapter 71: Chapter 70: Cry of the Misjudged Wolf

Brought before the front of the immortals was the incumbent God, Jin Ren. The crowd of immortals shouted as he was chained and knelt in front of the high immortals. The elder immortals sat spectating the trial of the traitor who helped Zhuge Liang in almost destroying the ninth heaven and brought harm to another Goddess residing on the human realm.

Jin Ren knelt on the floor with his hands cuffed inabling him to move or even cast a single spell. The high immortals pounded on the gavel and all became quiet.

"Jin Ren, God of craftmasmanship and loyalty, you have committed a grave sin by helping a God lay his hands on a forbidden power source called the ancient evil tree. Because of this, you are accused of treason and will be banished into the mortal realm, stripped of your own immortality."

With the accusations placed on him, his lips were sealed shut. He did not even try to defend himself. As the judges pounded the last sound of the gavel, the decision was then final. The guards led him at the execution platform where he was stripped off his immortality.

"Gods helping other Gods do evil things are not noble. This God here will serve as a lesson for upcoming immortals."

LASH. The whips sounded menacingly as it touched Jin Ren's skin tearing off some of his flesh. The flogging lasted for an hour or more and afterwards he was led on the edge of the exile platform. The one who was going to read him the execution was Wan MianSu. She was given a scroll containing the words that would exactly be said. She flung the scroll open and looked at the pitiful Jin Ren...

With evil intention, she pretended to read the scroll but she made up the words…

"By the decree of the ninth heaven, you are banished on the mortal realm to forever roam…


The other immortals gasped as MianSu threw him overboard the platform. Jin Ren could hear uproar as he felt his body falling down while transforming into a black-colored creature.

'This is my fate… I— I am a worthless God now.'

He felt the ground crack as he reached the mortal realm. He was indeed a Xuan Lang now. Shaking off the dirt from his body, villagers ran for their lives inside their village closing their doors and windows by the sight of him.

'Why are these people afraid of me?'

Other villagers went to their houses to get charms, talismans, salt, pitchfork and torches but yet none of it had shaken fear in his heart.

'I just became a Xuan Lang, could you all give me mercy?'

Finally, he shook off his head leaving the village heading for the town of WenXi. When the village chieftain saw this, he automatically sent a letter to the interior of the Jade Phoenix's Kingdom that a Xuan Lang terrorized their village and is headed on the kingdom.


YingLuo busily sew embroidery on new clothes that she made for her upcoming birth. She's very excited of having to see her child one day and caress his or her in her arms. Beside the window, she wove the threads with intricacy and stayed focused when, a falcon swooped down on the window which made her lose control of the needle and pricked her hand.

'W—What? I'm embroidering here!'

She angrily grabbed the letter under the falcon's claw before making it fly back to it's owner. Due to anger, she did not want to read the message but something inside her wants to open and read it. Finally, she made up her mind and put the embroidery set away and tore open the letter.

As she read the few words, her eyes grew and let go of the letter.


Her scream echoed throughout the walls of the palace and reached FeiXian. As he heard her, he immediately rushed into her.

"YingLuo! YingLuo! What is it?"

"We're under attack. Prepare your weapons. We're going hunting."

"But you're pregnant. Isn't it unsafe for our child?"

YingLuo facepalmed and gave FeiXian a fiesty look on her face.

"It's not like I'm using my tummy as human shield you idiot! Let's go and hunt that Xuan Lang."

Jin Ren was already nearing the entrance of WenXi city when suddenly he felt a pain on his stomach.

'So this is what hunger feels like. No wonder XuanWu wanted to stay in the mortal realm. Feeling hunger is feeling normal.'

He looked over at the scared townsfolk and vendors selling fruits, vegetables, meat and other more. He was very hungry so he asked the owner of the stall...

"Hey. Could you give me five of those apples? I'll lend you my tooth."

"Eh what? A Xuan Lang's tooth? But they all say that Xuan Langs are vicious, tricky and gives jinx."

"Oh no. Do I look like a JINX- GIVER to you? Yesterday I was a God and now… I…"

The vendor sensed his sadness and decided to give him the apples for free.

"I have an apple orchard and a poultry farm. You should come there sometimes."

Jin Ren haven't expected humans to be such hospitable and accommodating creatures. All his life, he'd known that humans are greedy, selfish and prideful animals that relies on the Gods to grant them wishes to fulfill those desires… Now, his false belief shattered in front of him after the vendor gave him the apples. He chowed down on the apples and sat down and thanked the vendor.

Minutes later, a group of armed men arrived inside WenXi city. They seem to be armed and looking weird judging from their appearance. Hair crooked into sides and weird clothing with dark masks on their faces.

"We are the bandits of Zhu XiQie. Give us all of your goods and we'll let you all go."

The vendors were panicked and started giving them all of the goods loading them inside the cart they had brought. The vendor who had gave Jin Ren the apples already had given him the last five apples that he had. The other apples were a day old and the bandits wanted to have some more of it.

"Give us the apples or we'll burn your store."

"P—Please. Don't. I have an apple orchard. We'll go there and get your apples."

"Do not try to fool me old man! How about—"

The bandit looked around the store and found a little child about the age of 10 hiding behind the back of her grandfather.

"You give me that child instead!"

"No! Please… Qinghai is the only family I have. Please don't take her away."

"Ignore the old man. Take the child. We'll sold her to a brothel and milk money out of her!"

Jin Ren could not tolerate what he was hearing so he stepped forth and raised an eyebrow on the bandits.

"Hey." He called them out.

"You, dog… What are you looking at? You would seem fine to be dog meat. Go catch that dog."

The bandits ran up to Jin Ren but all of them froze in place as they stood before him.

"What are you doing? Get that dog!"

"Boss… We can't move our bodies. It's the dog."

Jin Ren howled and bared his fangs and claws against the bandits. He slashed them all in an instant and went for the child. He let the child ride on his back as he fought off the bandits.

"Hold tight Ah Qing."

"Yes. Thank you dogie."

'Huh? Dogie? This kid… I HAVE A NAME!'

"My name is Jin Ren."

"Yes. Thank you very much Ren—Ge."

He finished off the rest of the bandits and went to claw off their boss but let the vendors be the judge to the bandit.

"You can do whatever you want with him."

The angry vendors huddled holding pans, bread rollers, meat dousers and other materials as they beat up the bandit leader black and blue.

As YingLuo and FeiXian arrived at the city entrance, everything was normal. What's more is there was no sight of a Xuan Lang.

A guard then reported a hold up incident where a large wolf belonging to the Hong Family showed up and beat the bandits.

"Huh? Impossible. I thought Xuan Langs are wild and vicious."

"That's all the report that we have received from the vendors Ma'am now, if you'll excuse me, we have to bring this scoundrel to the dungeon."

"Alright. Go ahead."

Without the sight of the Xuan Lang, YingLuo and FeiXian returned to the palace empty-handed yet confused.

"FeiXian… Have you ever wonder?"

"Wonder why buttholes aren't shaped as butt?"

"IDIOT! That's not what I mean! What I mean is, how could the Hong family have a Xuan Lang?"

"If you want, I could accompany you to the Hongs tomorrow?"

"Yes. I need to get this settled once and for all."

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