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42.59% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 44: Chapter 43: Lethargic Decision

Chapter 44: Chapter 43: Lethargic Decision

The ninth heaven has been in a state of unrest eversince Zhuge Liang escaped. Immortals shut the gates preventing anyone from getting in or out. Chang 'e's wound have difficulty in healing.

Kuan Yin tried her best on healing the wound yet the wound never closed and divine powers leaked out from it.

"Kuan Yin—jiejie... How is the High Goddess?"

"Wu—mei... I've done what I can buy her wounds won't close. Until I can find the Shangguan Longyan box and pull out a golden needle from it, maybe I can extract the poison from her wound."

"The wound is poisoned? Zhuge Liang! Just how treacherous he is?"

"Judging from High Goddess Chang 'e's wounds, the blade that is used to stab her contained a poison derived from the ancient evil tree."

"But I thought the ancient evil tree has been long lost. Guan Yu and Ao Tian has been tasked to burn it hundreds of years ago."

"I'm afraid the ancient evil tree... Might still be alive. XuanWu. .. Please return back to the mortal realm and bring back the box. If not, then... Chang 'e might never make it."

XuanWu gripped her hand and slammed it on a nearby table.

'Damn it!' She cursed inwardly.

LanRong noticed her and gave a comforting pat on her back.

"Don't worry XuanWu—ayi. I will come with you in the mortal realm and help you find the box."

XuanWu slightly smiled and put her hand on LanRong's.

"Thank you, Xiao LanRong."

A loud sound of Gong filled the whole ninth heaven calling all of the immortals in a crucial meeting.

The immortals then huddled together at the main hall called the Tenth cloud. The gong rang once again and Qiao JinRen came out of the back entrance and presented himself along with twelve other Higher Gods and Goddesses.

"Sorry for calling you this urgent. We have a matter to discuss."

JinRen eyed XuanWu and pointed his finger on her.

"This matter has nothing to do about you XuanWu. Stay out of this. But, if you want to hear this matter out, you are free to listen."

"If this meeting is about my husband, then I'd stay and listen."

"Hao. Your husband, Na ShaoTian has committed a serious offense against the laws of the ninth heaven. He exhibited the power of the Shangguan Longyan box before the eyes of mere mortals."

"Impossible! My husband could never use the powers inside the box! He's just a mere cultivator."

"Then, explain this!"

JinRen commanded an elder to show the things that happened between ShaoTian and a sea serpent.

XuanWu couldn't believe her eyes. ShaoTian does not possess any immortal blood on his veins but he is able to use the power of the box. She was left speechless before the crowd of immortals.

"The box is a dangerous weapon. XuanWu. We need to make a decision."


ShaoTian awakened from being unconscious all night. Sunlight kissed his skin and the smell of brewed black grain filled his senses. He stood up from the bed and found himself at a room of an inn. He put on his robe and roamed around hoping to find clues to where he is.

"Ah mister. Excuse me mister?"

"Yes what is it?"

"Ah... Where am I?"

"Oh. You're at WenXi City. The capital of the Jade Phoenix's kingdom."

"J—Jade Phoenix?"

"You heard it right sir. Would you like to buy some lotus seeds or a bag of kumquat perhaps?"

"Uhh... I'll take a bag of lotus seeds."

"Good choice sir! Here.."

ShaoTian paid the vendor and then went inside the inn heading for the room where he slept. When he had arrived, he found Qiao Feng and Chen Hao scheming on his bag. He wouldn't want to frighten the snakes away so he decided to stand behind the door. He listened to the two scoundrels as they continued to rummage his things without his permission.

"I saw him wield those shiny things last night but it wasn't here!"

"Shh! Pipe down or he'll hear you."

"If we get our hands on those shiny things then we'll be rich!"

ShaoTian stood behind the door frozen in place. After a while, Gyi arrived and saw him still standing at the doorway.

Gyi gestured him and ShaoTian shook his head in dismay. Gyi already knew what this means and barged into the room finding Qiao Feng and Chen Hao scouring ShaoTian's belongings.

"You two! Explain yourselves!"

Both of them bowed low with their heads touching the floor and fervently asked forgiveness.

"Brother Gyi! We apologize. We thought that ShaoTian hid something like a weapon. We were afraid that if he cross us, we will die by his hand."

"Yes Brother Gyi. Qiao Feng is telling the truth! After what happened last night, we couldn't sleep out of fear."

Gyi rejected the idea. He knew that the two were lying. They were his subordinates for a long time and he knows that apart from being past scoundrels, they have a big reputation such as stealing large sums of silver and gold crowns. He shook his head and hit the two with a stick.

"Do you think that I'm a fool? We promised that we won't steal and kill anymore!"

"Yes Shu—Gyi."

"Understood Shu—Gyi."

"Good. Now, apologize to ShaoTian! ShaoTian, come here."

Pretending to be indifferent like he heard nothing, ShaoTian went inside the room from outside the doorway. His lips were sealed since he never wanted to say bad things against those two.

'Although they may have done something wrong, they're still humans like me. And as a human, we all make mistakes.'

"Brother ShaoTian we are sorry."

"Brother ShaoTian we apologize. Please forgive us."

"It's alright. Since I'm already here at WenXi, I want to say goodbye and thank you for all the things you've done."

"Hao. In the end, we get to go out separate ways like a bird that leaves it's nest."

"Thank you Brother Gyi."

"So long... ShaoTian."


The Gong rung for the fifth time. XuanWu's sweat was like a waterfall. Her heart beat rapidly due to her anxiety. JinRen held the holy decree in his hand and two immortals already raised their hands in favor for ShaoTian's defiance.

XuanWu felt like a turtle inside a jar. No one wanted to take her side especially now that Chang 'E has been confined in bed and needed healing. Only LanRong stood by her but their proof wasn't enough to convince the high immortals of ShaoTian's good intentions.

'If only... If only someone would stand by us... ShaoTian... My love, please be safe.'

The air grew warmer inside the room and after a while, the door flung wide open bringing an aroma of sweet flowers in spring along with the breeze. Two figures stood at the door. One, a young lady clothed in a white robe holding a white fan adorned with white lilies and one, a young lad clothed in black wielding an obsidian sword carved with a dragon.

"Impossible! Why are you two here?! You aren't immortals! Leave at once!"

"How dare you bully our father? Can't you see that he protected those humans that was about to get eaten by the serpent?"

"Hah! How preposterous! I advise to execute Na ShaoTian now!"

Moxiao flew and pointed his obsidian sword at JinRen. The other immortals gasped in horror.

"Did you know that my sword has the capability to kill you so-called immortals of the ninth heaven?"

JinRen gulped and averted his eyes from the sword. The other higher immortals had their eyes fixed at Luo Na.

Yingluo took her fan and flung it open steadily waving it on her face.

"My brother's sword is labeled as Flower-Devouring Dragon and who knows someday it might be labeled as God-Devouring Dragon. You'll be the first one to have a taste of it's power, would you want that? Hmm?"

"Woman! Your arrogance will get you nowhere! Let's see how superior your skills are!"

JinRen kicked Moxiao's blade and sent it flying across the room. Moxiao flew and grabbed his sword. JinRen seized his sword and aimed against Yingluo using his divine weapon.

As he thrusted his weapon on her, Yingluo disappeared leaving only falling petals from where she stood.

"Impossible! Only the flower goddess knows that style... Who are you?"

"I am Na YingLuo. Daughter of Na ShaoTian and JiuTian XuanWu."

Moxiao walked and presented himself. He put the sword back on it's sheath and remained at ease.

"I am Na MoXiao. Son of Na ShaoTian and JiuTian XuanWu."

The immortals gasped upon hearing their introductions some questions and reactions were raised and circulated amongst the crowd...

"Who are they? Why do they know so much about us?"

"Principal Goddess XuanWu already has children. Maybe that's why Principal God Liang was very angry."

"Look how powerful they are. I bet they would make fine immortals."

The gossips lasted for a minute when, JinRen raised his sword signaling the immortals to keep quiet. There was silence all over and the trial against ShaoTian continued again.

JinRen questioned Luo Na first and foremost about his father.

"Does your father harbor greed and ill—will like other humans?"

"When my brother and I were young, all I can remember is a saying that my father repeats over and over."

"What is it then?"

"He says that Greed is like a forest. If you enter once, you'll get lost and never find your way back."

"Why do you think he would say that?"

"My father does not think of worldly possessions."

"I see. How about you Moxiao? Do you think your father will use the Shangguan Longyan box for his own personal matters?"

"No. My father is contented of what he has."

Having questioned for tenth and eleventh time, JinRen finally gave up. He let the issue against ShaoTian fade into void.

"Hao. I'll let you off the hook for this time. But once your father makes something unforgivable, then I'll make sure that he'll be punished thoroughly."

"Thank you... High God, JinRen."

All of them bowed in gratitude and afterwards, JinRen and the other high immortals made their exit.

XuanWu faced her children and laughed happily pinching Yingluo's nose and running her hand into Moxiao's hair.

"Let's all head back to WenXi and warn all of your friends."

"Why mother?"

"Zhuge Liang has escaped the prison and we need to hurry and find your father. One Goddess is harmed and the poison put on her body won't let the wound close."

"Alright Mother. Let's head back."

Three of them went back to the portal of heavenly envoy and found themselves at the streets of WenXi.

A Lotus festival was about to be held in commemoration of the previous leader, Wei Xuan.

The three of then wandered the streets. XuanWu went to the riverside and looked at the lotus seeds and kumquat for sale. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to find any lotus seeds for her to cook with Sichuan chicken.

She was dumbfounded while walking but a man from behind her back called out to her. It was distant yet the man's voice sounded familiar.

She stopped walking and as the man reached her rear, he panthed in exhaustion and held a bag of lotus seeds.

XuanWu looked at the man's hand and turned and faced him.

"M—Miss. I know you need these seeds and—"


LuoNa LuoNa

Gaes sorry for not updating too much! Aiyaaa! This lowly servant of yours is busy too. bohohoho ?? And also, I have to attend 4 o'clock masses in our church. (´,,•ω•,,) Hope you understand gaes. (=´ᆺ`=)

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