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22.22% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Twin Calamities

Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Twin Calamities

Xiao Na and Ning stayed at the inn for a night and then went on a boat together when the morning came.

"We are supposed to chase them out not stay still or steer this boat's wheel into other useless direction!" Xiao Na yelled as Ning gently steered the wheel of the boat.

"Calm down. We are going to do so much more to the point where old Jianghu might consider us to be Gods!" Ning sinisterly laughed but Xiao Na was really displeased. Her acts doesn't match her words and he thought of killing her right now but he resisted.

"Why'd you let the chieftain and his child live? You should have killed them." Xiao Na angrily sneered but Ning stayed calm and composed despite of all his fuming.

"I let them live for a good cause." A sinister smile showed on Ning's face. "I saw vengeance reflected back to me."

Ning let go of the steering wheel making Xiao Na take over it. She tiptoed and hovered to the edge of the ship and touched the mist that's in front of them.

"We can't see clearly. Come down here." Xiao Na shouted but Ning was very hesitant.

She sat down at the ship's bow and played a low tuned melody using her Pipa.

The mist suddenly dissipated revealing an eerie shaped island covered with steep rocks.

"So the tales were true, the island does come out from nowhere." Xiao Na said as he was amazed how the island showed itself.

"Turn the rudder and let's descend into that cave." Ning pointed out a lagoon in the center of the island.

Xiao Na steered and they soon went inside the dark lagoon.

Ning conjured two fire balls that glowed and set suspended it on the air to light the way. As soon as they landed on the dry ground of the cave, they immediately stepped on the ground. Following Ning, Xiao Na was a bit confused about Ning's true purpose about going inside this cave.

"Sounds like an ordinary cave to me." Xiao Na jokingly said and Ning turned to him menacing.

"Shush!" She instructed and Xiao Na closed his mouth and pretended to turn a blind eye into a corner.

Upon reaching the edge of the dark cave, two huge jade boulders were placed in front of an altar-like structure. Xiao Na was bothered about the dead bodies lying all around it but Ning didn't mind it at all. She touch the two boulder with both of her hands and closed her eyes.

"Why sacrifice yourself into a boring piece of boulder inside a very boring ordinary cave?" Xiao Na said as he examined the long dead bodies.

"Oh this is not just an ordinary cave darling. Here, watch."

Ning pulled out her Pipa and played rhapsodic music forcing Xiao Na to place both of his hands in his ears. The fiendish music made the jade boulders break down gradually revealing two women inside each boulders.

One woman wore black robes with pale skin and dark hair and the other woman wore a white robe with a dark skin and silver hair.

"Wh- what on earth?" Xiao Na exclaimed as he saw both of the women opened their eyes slowly. Ning stopped playing and bowed in front of the two unidentified beings which she considered high and mighty.

"Why are you bowing? Who are they?" Xiao Na asked but there was no answer. Instead, Ning forced him to kneel down too.

"They are the twin calamities, Liu Bai and Fei Bai. They are powerful beings that once reigned terror in old Jianghu leading to the great war." Ning whispered at Xiao Na with their heads still lowered into the ground.

"Many mortal servants failed to break open the Jade Coffins that the Seven Immortals used to imprison us but, you... Girl... You set us free." Liu Bai stepped and knelt in front of Ning and raised her up.

"I have done such a little favor your highnesses." Ning humbly said.

The two hovered and resurrected the dead bodies around the altar.

"Shall we pay a visit to old Jianghu, sister?" A dark ominous smile appeared in Liu Bai's face and strange markings which resembled the sign of calamities traced upon her face and body.

"Where you go, I'll go sister." Fei Bai agreed.

Ning succeeded in setting free the two demons that almost destroyed old jianghu.

Meanwhile, Li An awakened from her sleep by the sound of the roaring thunderclap from far away.

"The sky suddenly went dark. We need to land and tie the ship. A huge storm might tip us over." General Hua warned all of them and take a look on his map.

"You heard the general. Let's move." Luo Na ran swiftly and climbed up the poles in the boat and tied the ropes preventing the wind from carrying their sails. Elaa and Zhao helped her too.

Wei Yue is in charge of the map navigating General Hua throughout the large waves made by the strong gust of wind.

Li An sat there with her eyes fixed on her busy friends. Another thunder roared from far away and she covered her ears.

"This can't be happening. This can't be happening." She murmured while sitting in a corner.

Zhang approached her and sat by her side.

"Uh, are you afraid of the storm?" He asked but he got no response from her. She's still in a frantic stage.

"This is not an ordinary storm." Li An faintly replied. Her eyes grew wide as another thunderclap rumbled in the sky.

"We're near the Island of the Seven Immortals! The ride might be bumpy but please hold on to what you can hold to!" General Hua yelled from the ship's front.

This made Li An even more uncomfortable. Shaking all over, she pulled her sword and tried to impale herself. Luckily, Zhang was right by her side and he prevented Li An's suicidal attempt.

"What are you doing?! Are you out of your mind?" Zhang shouted angrily at her. Li An looked at him. Her eyes are wet with tears and she started crying.

"I don't want to be killed by those twins. If I should die, at least I die by my hand not by those... Demons... They are... Merciless." The memory about the slaughter suddenly flashed into her mind but it all vanished when she felt warm, gentle arms wrapped all around her.

She had never felt such warm embrace from a long time.

She remembered her mother, her father and her siblings.

"Snap out of it Li An. We're in a life and death situation now. Please. We need your help, Vice General." Zhang's words struck deep into Li An's soul that made her stand up and pick up her sword and put it back to it's sheath.

"I am not alone now. I have friends to count on." Li An said and ran straight into the poles of the ship and grabbed the ropes. With an incredible amount of strength, she turned the ship about. They all felt tremors underneath when rocks hit their ship. They're on shallow waters and they had arrived safely on the island.

They all abandoned the ship and went into the thick forest covering the whole island.

"This island looks deserted. Seems like nobody lives in here." Zhang was about to cut the tall grasses and trees that are blocking their path but Wei Yue raised his hand indicating them to stop.

"This island is not deserted. We are just seeing what the immortals wants us to see." He grabbed his staff and stroke it on the ground. The thick forest disappeared and has been replaced by large golden temples.

Monks and Disciples of sorts roamed around the temples and after a while, a disciple wearing a mint green robe approached all of them and said...

"Brother Yao has been expecting you, now if you all could please follow me."

All of them had no choice but to follow the disciple. All of them are confused except Wei Yue. He know the Seven Immortals very well since when he was very young, his father would like to read him stories about how the Seven Immortals saved old Jianghu and the world from the great Twin Calamities.

"Wait here. Brother Yao will arrive here soon." The disciple said and then disappeared in an instant.

They all waited at the room for a minute but Luo Na decided to went out to get some fresh air.

"I'm going to walk for a while." She stood up and then went straight outside. Elaa and Zhao want to follow her but Wei Yue stopped and sent General Hua instead.

"Do you not want to follow your future wife? How mean." He insultingly said to General Hua.

General Hua blushed red peppers out of embarrassment and went to fetch Luo Na. He walked for a short while only to find Luo Na sitting on a big rock beside a lotus pond full of colorful and glowing fishes.

He stepped forth and Luo Na saw him. She called him over and they sat side by side together looking at the fishes.

"If old Jianghu falls tomorrow, what would be the last words that you'll say to me?" General Hua asked Luo Na.

Luo Na pondered and looked up in the blue sky. She placed her fingertips at the corner of her mouth.

"The sky's different here from when we were at sea right?" She asked a question back at him.

Dumbfounded, General Hua turned his back and pouted in despair.

"Ah I'm sorry General. What was your question again?" She smiled at him and that made him even more dumbfounded.

"Hmm... I guess I'll just have to hug or kiss you then if that happens."

With this response General Hua turned and faced Luo Na. He was surprised to find her staring directly at him and not at the fishes.


This time General Hua's red face evidently shown that he's still somewhat shy at Luo Na's presence.

Luo Na laughed it off and then walked back to the hall.

"It's just a joke but if you took it seriously... You lose." Luo Na teased him and then ran.

"Why youuuu!" General Hua ran and chased her and finally caught her in his arms.

"Relax it was just a jo-" Luo Na held her tongue and found her lips intertwined with General Hua's. The moment lasted a few seconds when...

"Umm... Sorry to disturb you but could you please kiss some other time?"

Brother Yao arrived and both of them loose each other's arms and bowed in front of him.

"Uh, sorry." General Hua spoke and the room was filled with laughter.

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