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33.33% War Of 300 / Chapter 2: Chapter 1 “Beginnings”

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 “Beginnings”

The year is 207 BE.

The setting is Dulkon Kingdom.

A group of vikings can be seen walking into the kingdom's front entrance after they were just opened by the castle guards.

The group of several men came bearing several dead animals corpses over their shoulders with stern expressions on their face and blood on their clothes.

The men passed by all the nearby villages until finally reaching the doorstep to the Dulkon Castle. They stopped there, calmly entering the castle after Brent whose one of the vikings said "We come bearing food for the kingdom."

The group of vikings made their way to the dining table and placed all the hunted animal corpses on the table.

It wasn't long until they were greeted by the king and queen themselves. The two entered the room while guards are standing nearby at their posts.

It was quiet for a moment, then King Cole spoke saying "There they are.. The prized hunters.. You've done well for us yet again. But this time, not as much huh?"

Queen Fia stood behind him with her hands comfortably wrapped together, seeing this unfold in front of her.

Cole gained a confused look on his face as he walks over the table, looking down to see their three fresh hunt kills, visibly disappointed.

Brent would speak for the hunting group on his behalf, saying "It's the Spartans sir. They've made it hard for us to hunt."

Cole puts two of his hands on the table and looks up at the viking, replying "And how's that?"

Brent looks halfway back to the group before he sighs and looks back to the king saying "They have secured land where the animals are migrating to, my king."

Cole slams the wooden table with his fist, yelling "Damn those Spartan pigs!" as he exhales, the queen comes up to his side saying "You know.. Maybe it's about time we start assembling a worthy fighting force together.. To get these lands they took from us."

Cole takes a minute to think it over, coming to realize that it may be the best option here.

He'd nod in agreement and say "Fine. You're right. We will need an massive army, an unstoppable one. One that's footsteps will make the ground tremble. Nothing less than great."

Queen Fia nods back, saying "Yes. I'll let Ryan know." as she walks out the dining room. He is one of the greatest warriors in their kingdom, Ryan The Impenetrable is his nickname.

Everyone calls him that because of his huge sheer size and seemingly impenetrable armor. A fearless man who knows no mercy.

Fia would exit the safety of the castle with three guards at her side, she made her way to Ryan's quaint little cottage.

Fia knocked on the door, a handsome shirtless large masculine man with short brown hair opened the door and greeted the queen "My queen." he kneeled down on one knee at her royal presence.

Fia looks down at the respectful warrior, saying "You may stand.. I came to tell you that you will be recruiting and training an army of Vikings to follow under your leadership."

Ryan stands up, nodding to her statement and says "You have my word. I will not let you down my queen."

Fia goes on to say "Good. We want an unstoppable force so only the best fighters. You've got two years to get a battle worthy army ready. Nothing more." she'd turn around and head back to the castle with the armed guards following nearby.

Ryan watches her as she walked away. With little time to spare, he puts a shirt on, exiting his cottage and makes his way towards the center plaza of the kingdom.

He would stand there with a sword in his hand and yells out with undying pride in his voice "Men. Women. Gather around. We must fight for our kingdom! The time is now!"

Many people gathered around the large man in the plaza as he spoke out loudly to everyone.

This was the first time you could see Katheline, she was sweeping the floor when she noticed the man yelling something about starting an unstoppable army of knights.

For some reason, this had seemed to peak her interests, though she's never even held a sword before. Let alone tried to attack someone with it.

Her father and mother did always tell her as a little girl that she would find her true calling one day..

Surely this was it?

Intrigued, Katheline put the broomstick down and walked over to the end of the crowd, hearing what the large muscular man had to say.

Her pretty eyes lit up with excitement while Ryan goes on to yell out "The Spartans are no match for us! We will have victory! Join our ranks today and become a knight!"

This was just the beginning of her legendary life.

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