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100% Wait What, I Isekai’d in a Alternate Universe, and I’m Who!?! / Chapter 1: New People, New World, New Body, And I hate it!
Wait What, I Isekai’d in a Alternate Universe, and I’m Who!?! Wait What, I Isekai’d in a Alternate Universe, and I’m Who!?! original

Wait What, I Isekai’d in a Alternate Universe, and I’m Who!?!

Author: Marshall_Early

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New People, New World, New Body, And I hate it!

, So you must be thinking, "Oh, this is gonna be your traditional Isekai story." Well, your right about the isekai thing, but, to me, it felt more like one of those Pokémon mystery dungeon games than an isekai, except with anime characters instead of Pokémon, wait no, because of their technically the same damn thing. Regardless, I'm getting sidetracked. Here's a story about me, a couple of Now-Friends, and a god, well technically two, in a fantasy world as anime characters, trust me; it's as crazy as it sounds.


Tuesday, August 9th, 2022, at 12:45 PM is what the clock says on my smartphone. Usually, I would be at home rewatching Dragonball Super to catch up for the English release of Super Hero or playing Hinokami Chronicles online, but instead, I have to go to the bank to make a deposit; I look up at the line and scowl, even though there was only one other person ahead before I could make the deposit.

But as soon as the person in front of me moves out of the way, I feel a splitting headache come over me, next thing I know; I fall and land on my side onto something that broke my fall, and I can't see a thing, I rub my thigh in pain but stop after I realized something was off; 'weird, my pants feel different' but before I could investigate any further I heard something "Is anyone there?" I was shocked at what came out of my mouth, 'What happened to my voice, and why do I sound so damn familiar!?' I exclaimed internally, "Get off of me!" I heard someone yell from under me.

instantly, I got off of who ever I was sitting one "Sorry about that, I didn't know you were under me, hehehe." I sheepishly said, I could hear whoever I sat on slowly get up, patting themself "It's alright, good news is, even though you seem to weigh like what, 264 pounds give or take 10 pounds, my spine isn't broken, bad news is, the torch is out." The voice not only sounds like a male teenagers, but also very familiar, but then the first half of his remark just sunk in "Excuse you, 264 pounds? Like hell I do, I just checked my weight this morning and I weigh 175, there's no way in hell I could gain 89 pounds in half a day!" I growled.

"Yeah, Yeah, look I've been here for 44 hours, and from what I gathered not only are we in a cave system, and we turned into a random anime character with some of their traits, for example; I have turned into Senku, which means my intelligence has been greatly enhanced, and my survival skills has been increased, though I don't know about you though, my names Elliot by the way." Elliot explained, I didn't believe him, for a second until I thought about it and now I know why his voice sounded so familiar, quickly I patted myself down and my jaw dropped with a shocked gasp.

I felt it, the same baggy pants with a loin cloth, no shirt but a large cloth necklace, metallic arm bands, overweight body, large ears, and short, bent tail, "So, guessing by what I just heard, you also turned into a anime character, which one?" Elliot asked, I dropped to my knees and hands "Champagne," I stutter, "Champagne? Oh, you mean Champa, welp that's perfect!" I look up at where I assume is where Elliott's standing.

"And what do you mean by that?" Elliot answered as if the answer was obvious "Light, if your a character from DBS then you could easily make light, hell you might as well be the strongest one on the planet, since your a God of Destruction and all." But before I could say anything a voice spoke out "Well your mostly correct." Suddenly the cave lit up like new years, and the next thing I see is Elliot, who looks exactly like Senku, cloths and all, which solidify's the believability of our situation for me, and a man with blond hair wearing a suit with a glowing necktie in between us , "And who are you?" Elliot questioned, the man fixed his necktie " I am Sakari, God of Light and Reincarnation, and you my friend are mostly correct, Paul is someone who is a god, but given that he is a god, I had to do a little tampering." He pulled out a lighter and cigarette to smoke.

I got curious at what he said "What do you mean by tampering?" Sakari took a glance at Paul, he blew out a puff of smoke "Well, I sealed most of your power, you still have the same powers, but your vastly weaker then the original, portions of it will become unsealed when your life is at stake but right now, your as strong as a knight." He looked at both of us "If you must know, there's another one like you waiting outside of the cave, one who has some impressive skills, even back on Earth." He walked past Elliot, signaling us to follow.

"What do you mean back on Earth, your saying we're not on Earth?" I asked, Sakari looked back at and nodded "I'm sure your well aware of something you humans call Isekai." Elliot and I nodded "You mean the genre of anime where the main protagonists is transported to another world, either by some phenomena or reincarnation, usually to stop some kind supernatural enemy." Elliot explained, Sakari threw away the cigarette butt "correct, that's actually why you here, and to answer a question I know you'll be asking, why have I turned you into characters of fiction, I was kind of inspired, you see I have made many round trips to earth and during my time there, I have noticed that a lot of humans wanted to be in someone else's shoes, mainly in the shoes of fictional characters, so I thought what if I put a few people in different bodies and tasked them of saving this world." Sakari's tie started to dim and I felt a cold breeze brush past me "We're nearly there." Sakari said.

Immediately I ran past them out of excitement "Here I come world becau-" I suddenly tripped out of the cave entrance, slowly I got up but then felt something cold press against my neck "Move and I'll open up your esophagus." Someone threatened behind me, I look down and see a black katana pressed up against my neck.

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