//get offended, i don't care ♥//
Jason spent a good few minutes yelling his lungs out in the pure joy of losing his nationality, even if that wasn't precisely how biology or psychology worked, he didn't give a rat's ass. His delight overshadows his plight and, well, he no longer had to speak in cursive so that was something he would enjoy to the fullest.
...Were it not for the fact that he was in fucking nowhere, quite literally, and had no idea what the God's game even was! ...But hey! No longer British! Woohoo!
Jason stopped dead in his tracks, he grew silent almost immediately and stayed still as a statue once his mind finally caught up with his heart. He... was screwed, wasn't he? He didn't yet know what "the God's game" even entailed, but it couldn't have possibly been an easy obstacle course or a game of Mahjong now could it? After all, it was the bloody God that made it!
He could die in the first level! Then he'd be double-dead! If that's even a thing... Or maybe he would get stuck in an eternal cycle of death and resurrection, unable to move past a boss, forever dooming himself to failure and pain until the end of time.
"Okay, calm yourself, Jason. You don't even know what the game is! It could be Tic-Tac-Toe! Or... I don't know, hangman?!"
As if to answer his questions, the world itself responded and heeded the call of the only person there for just a few moments in eternity. The ground and sky shook, nearly throwing Jason off balance. Then... the world shifted. The once grey sky was replaced by a bright blue skybox with overhead clouds and the sun hanging high overhead. The detailless white floor was replaced, or rather, cut down in size. Where it once stretched on for an infinite amount of time, it was now only a few kilometres wide circle closed off by sturdy titanium railings and benches. In the centre, a massive fountain was erected with benches around itself, before a small town slowly came into existence all around it. No, a town was too much to call these few buildings. All build symmetrically and periodically in a circular pattern around the main fountain, these buildings appeared to be simple yet elegant in design. A blacksmith's forge, a bar, a restaurant, a shop named THE SHOP, some manner of a ritual monolith, a small hut with the words HELP on a massive sign installed on the roof and a cartoonishly designed home with the words HOME written on the wooden sign in front of it.
Jason blinked five times in total, bewildered by the sight in front of himself before speaking with a tone befitting that of a helium balloon, "Well... shit."
Unfortunately for Jason though, the shops and buildings all had a giant sign in front of them that said CLOSED. So he assumed they would... eventually open? With progression maybe? Fuck if he knows all that he's aware of is that he must WIN! In a game, he didn't yet know how to play... Wait... now that he looked closely... only one building didn't have a CLOSED sign in front of itself. It was arguably the most useful one of them all, and that was the HELP hut.
So, logically, that was the first place that Jason strutted towards. With some level of uncertainty, he looked around and even peeked inside the small wooden building, seeing nobody inside. Shrugging his shoulders, he chimed the bell at the desk twice in hopes that someone heard it.
And they did!
A cheerful, female voice cried out after a very iconic and well-known Discord "join call" sound played. Jason was once again flabbergasted as a tiny, very cute but still fucking tiny human(?) popped up from behind the desk on a comically large stool. It was a girl, he assumed, dressed in a blue getup with a cute little blue detective head on. She also had a huge head proportionate to her body, just like a chibi character.
"...A chibi?"
"I'm Naoto, not chibi," the girl spoke in a matter-of-fact tone before transitioning back to her regular attitude, "So, is there something you need?"
"Uh... yeah? An explanation would be nice."
Chibi Naoto seemed to blinky a few times before a literal lightbulb appeared above her head, "Oh, a newbie! Alright, I'll explain anything and everything you need to know to start playing WTD!"
"Waifu Tower Defense-"
"Fookin' wat m8?!"
"That's the usual reaction people get upon hearing that, anyway, moving on! First, you might wanna get over to that big monolith over there, you see that?" Chibi Naoto pointed her tiny little hand towards the large towering stone in the distance.
The stone was in the shape of a jet-black stone tablet with only a glowing white triangle in its centre. It was rather ominous, but it was far from scary, it just gave Jason the creeps whenever he looked at it for too long.
"That's where you sacrifice these!" Naoto-chan whipped out a pretty white pyramid, it was very small, roughly half the size of one's pinky finger, "This is a Call Stone, it's of common quality so you have a higher chance of getting a Common-rarity Waifu from the gacha!"
"Yep. Your luck is purely dependent on the karma that you accumulated while you were alive. Being a good boy got you a lot of positive karma and boosts your chance for rarer and more powerful Waifus while having a ton of bad karma does the opposite! Your karma cannot be changed now, but consider yourself lucky! It's in the Good+ category!"
"Is that good?"
"Oh, okay?"
Naoto then continued, "First, you smack these into the Black Monolith, got it? Then, you will be awarded a Calling Card, on that Calling Card is your waifu depicted with all of her stats and skills. Don't worry this isn't an MMORPG so everything is kept relatively simple."
Naoto nodded before once again continuing speaking, "After you have your Waifu, you can summon them whenever and wherever, however, fighting and using powers is prohibited here in the Hub World. To select a stage, just throw this into the fountain over there!"
Naoto then proceeded to hand Jason a strange black and white coin. The black side depicted a pentagram with a goat's head in the middle of it while the white portion depicted a tree. The coin floated above Jason's palm, rotating slowly.
"Don't worry, you can't lose it, it will just respawn in your pocket. You can go to the smithy to buy/upgrade equipment. Visit the restaurant too, you know, eat and stuff, go on dates and so on. The shop offers a nice selection of items, any items that you want, hell we even have Wi-Fi here! That tiny house over there is your home, quite literally. It will unlock after you clear the tutorial stage. You can upgrade and change it from the inside with a nifty little interface tool. You can't miss it, looks like an iPad installed into a wall. Any other questions?"
Jason thought for a good minute, trying to soak in all of that information like a sponge before an idea popped into his head, an idea he uttered without a second thought, "Can I fuck any of the girls?"
"Good question! Yes, but be responsible. Becoming a father is not an easy job you know."
"Ah, got it. I guess that's it for now?"
"Okay, feel free to come by any time! Oh, and here's a free Call Stone. It's only of Common rarity but it should suffice. Good luck!"
Naoto threw the pyramid-shaped and white-coloured Call Stone into Jason's hands before waving him goodbye.
"Thanks a bunch, chibi!"
"IT'S NAOTO! Oh and most waifus are automatically in love with you when they are called upon, but some are pretty stubborn, bye!"
And just like that, Naoto despawned with a Discord "end call" sound effect. Jason couldn't stop himself from blinking again before he chuckled and gave a quick glance to the white Call Stone in his palm. Clutching it in his hand, Jason somewhat hastily walked over to the giant stone tablet, the Black Monolith was its name. Now standing in front of the giant stone, Jason couldn't help but gulp upon seeing its massive size. Fiddling with the Call Stone for just a moment, he assumed that the large white triangle on the Black Monolith's surface was the place where it was supposed to go.
And he was right.
Immediately upon touching, the Call Stone turned into white energy that floated into the engraved white triangle on the monolith's surface. The etching glowed before white runes appeared across the entire monolith's surface... before those very runes began to blink in vibrant rainbow light. Jason took a few steps back as the triangle in the centre began to rapidly rotate, glowing brighter and brighter before a flash of light filled the area, temporarily blinding Jason for a few moments.
When the light dimmed, what awaited Jason was a floating card with both of its sides glowing in vibrant multi-coloured light. It was waiting for him to take it... and so he did. Immediately upon touching the surface of the card, the light coating it was dispelled and the card's image and text were revealed to Jason.
[The Love Hashira - Mitsuri Kanroji]
["One of the ten strongest members of the Demon Slayer Corps, Mitsuri brings into the battle not only speed and power but also beauty and flare."]
[★★★★★ - Ultra Rare]
[Affinity: Physical]
[Orientation: Offence]
[ATK • Medium+] (Attack)
[DEF • Medium] (Defence)
[SPD • High] (Speed)
[MAG • Low-] (Magic)
Jason stared at the Calling Card in his hand for a good minute, getting a good look at the girl's stats and her picture and making sure he wasn't dreaming because this was some serious bullshit gacha. Getting a 5★ Waifu on his first draw?! This had to be scripted! Ain't no way! But Mitsuri of all people?! HELL YES! She had a pair of tits so big they could crush his head! And those thighs could probably snap his body in half! In terms of the power he was hoping for something more akin to Tatsumaki or Bayonetta, but DAAAAAMN this is some good shit, my man!
"...Can't I just fuck her till sundown and not bother with the game?"
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