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Volunteer Club (DxD) Volunteer Club (DxD) original

Volunteer Club (DxD)

Author: FiragaFiesta

© WebNovel


A black haired boy walked through the sun lit streets, holding unto a piece of paper and eyes darting at each shop he walked by.

This was Raphael.

"I need a loaf of bread."

He sighed and slumped forward, scratching the back of his neck. He has been tasked by his mom groceries but how was he supposed to know that the nearest open bakery was nearly outside of Kuoh?

Eventually, he came across a sign with a bread. It couldn't be more obvious.

However, just as he was about to enter, a figure about as tall as him rushed out of the store. The figure went pass him and he allowed it, seeing no reason to stop the person that looks to be in a hurry.

That was until the baker came out of the shop waving a roller.

"Thief! Somebody stop that thieving brat!"

Raphael's eyes widened.

"That was a thief?"

"I just said so, didn't I?"

"Cool. Anyways, do you have a loaf of bread, sir?"

The old man stared at Raphael.

"... That boy just took the 2 loaves of bread I had left"

Raphael's mouth went agape in shock.

"Now that's not good. I walked all this way and some delinquent gets the bread?"

Raphael brought his hands to cover his eyes from the sun and scoured for the running figure.

'I can catch him, he's not that fast'

Raphael started stretching and ran after the thief, surprising the onlookers with his sprinting speed, he then suddenly stopped and jogged back to the baker.

"Do I still have to pay for the loaf I get back?"

The baker gave him a resolute gaze.


"Aw. Nothing's free I guess."

He then continued to sprint after the thief.


Ezeheer tightened the sack with the 2 stolen loaves to his waist and looked behind him, pulling down the makeshift mask he had.

"Hey you! Give back those bread!"


He saw a black haired boy running... chasing after him and actually decreasing the distance. His mind went into overdrive and mentally berated himself for not thinking of a scenario where someone actually didn't act like a statue. He looked forward and spotted a sudden turn, he increased his speed with the winds aiding him and did a sharp turn.

Only to find a giant fence blocking his path.

And then, Raphael also caught up.

"It's a dead end thief! You know doing that is a bad thing right?"

Ezeheer relaxed his tense body. He snorted and replied sarcastically

"Oh no~ it's part of the 10 commandments!~"

"Yep! Thou shall not steal! So, you do care!"

Ezeheer looked back and rolled his eyes.

"Add sarcasm into your studies"

He then spun in place, making the wind form a mini tornado under him and elevate him, next he used the nearby walls to help him move toward the fence and stood on top of it. The sun shone from behind him giving his front a dark shadow like shade while Raphael was hit by the light of the sun from the front.

"You can never catch me"

With those words, Ezeheer dropped and flipped on the way down landing on his feet and started to run again.

Raphael looked confused and jumped the entire fence with pure power.

"Says who?"


Ezeheer did a double take and nearly tripped over something, this caused his lead to suffer and Raphael went to grab his shirt.

Ezeheer turned around and allowed his hands to touch the ground and spun his legs as air condensed into wind blades and shot for Raphael, who dodged them by rolling. This was enough for Ezeheer and he used his hands to spring him back up with boosts from the wind and made the lead his again.

He then leapt for a pole, his left hand holding onto it, while the other was pointing down open palmed, soon bursts of air was released from his right hand and propelled him spiraling to the top of the pole, as he reached the top he did a handstand with both hands and used the wind he caused to push him one last time to the roofs and landing on his feet.

Ezeheer gave one last look at Raphael.


Raphael gave him a determined look.

"You're not a normal person are you? Well..."

An invisible air formed behind Raphael similar to wings.

"So am I"

He lifted up from the ground and in an action similar to that of flying, reached the roofs too and gave Ezeheer a thumbs up.

Ezeheer didn't dally any longer and sprinted again, jumping the gaps between building with wind boosted jumps. Raphael followed behind by half gliding, half levitating.

"You're flying? Using wings of some kind?"

"Yeah! Why?"

Ezeheer turned around and clapped, the air around Raphael's wings disappeared and he found himself losing height. He was right in the middle of passing by a gap as well.

"Should've kept quiet"

Ezeheer didn't give a look like last time and took Raphael's sudden distraction and jumped down from a building, landing on top of a window and jumping down from it, the wind softened his fall and he jumped once more and arrived near a riverbank.

Raphael landed straight at the ground, leaving other people shocked at a 13 year old boy dropping from the sky.

"I'm fine! It's all okay! Just a love tap, heh"

He saw Ezeheer dropping from a building and sprinted towards him, eventually he arrived at a riverbank. He looked around but didn't see Ezeheer anywhere.

Suddenly, from behind him Ezeheer appeared from under the ledge and swept his legs, he then pushed Raphael with both his palms open, causing a large amount of wind to push him back to the other side. Taking that, Ezeheer ran to the rivers and walked on water by using the wind as footholds.

Raphael started to fly again and did an angry charge at Ezeheer.

This made the 2 of them land on the forest, rolling around in the dirt.

For the first time, Ezeheer shouted.

"You shit! You're going to ruin the bread!"

Raphael remembered his actual task and jumped away fast to stop the rolling, Ezeheer caused the wind to propel him up and landed softly.

"Why are you so selfish! Other people might need that bread you stole!"

"Why are you butting into other people's business? Plus, who's going to need this more? Some person with money? Or my orphanage siblings who's currently going hungry because we ran out of funds?!"

"T-Then why don't you try and ask nicely!"

Ezeheer gave Raphael and disturbed look.

"Are you stupid? Tch, sheltered brat. You think someone would just give away expensive bread like that? Without money? The world ain't pink and hearts"

Raphael's eyes steeled.

"Still, stealing won't do you good, what if you were caught by the police?! Who would take care of your orphan siblings?!"

"Hahaha! Police? You really think they'll catch me? You who can fly is already having a difficult time, how about them?"

"The question is if"

"You don't add the impossible into equations"

Ezeheer suddenly grinned and, Raphael did not know why but a sudden burst of wind came from behind him.

Ezeheer clapped and the wind pushed down of Raphael.

"Stay down. You can't catch me."

Ezeheer then spun in place, making the winds elevate him to the trees afterwards, he ran from branch to branch leaving Raphael still pushed down by the heavy wind.

'Just what is that?! Wind Magic? But, there's nothing. Aw! Mom, I'm sorry!'

Raphael's black hair started to turn blonde, and the invisible air behind him was revealed to be white wings. A halo appeared on top of his head as he completely forced the wind dissipate.

"You're not coming out of this unscathed"

He flew up to the air with much more control that before. Reaching above the jungle as he spotted the running Ezeheer.

He then charged down with a spear made of light and with speeds that broke the sound barrier, Ezeheer found himself being pushed back by something white and fast to a tree as some spear made of light pierced his shoulders.

"I'm sorry I had to pin you like this, but screw you!"

Ezeheer swallowed the pain and by the voice alone he figured out who the asshole who pinned him was.

"I didn't know bird people existed"

"I'm an Angel!"

Ezeheer gave Raphael a glare, the glare caused the said Angel to be momentarily shaken, but he quickly regained his bearing and removed the spear of light out of Ezeheer.

"I caught you."

"Violently too."

Raphael felt a bit guilty for his all in charge and crouched down near the prone body of Ezeheer. His hands glowed green and the wound closed, after a few more seconds, the entire injury disappeared.

"Just so you know, I had this planned out from the start! I'm a gifted healer after all."

Ezeheer's pained face went back to his previous one, he pulled his makeshift face mask back up and tried to move his shoulders. Seeing as there was no longer any pain he stayed and waited for whatever Raphael was going to do.

"It's healed already right? Good! I can now take you to the police, maybe they'll help you."

'What an idiot. What exactly are the police going to do? Give us their donuts?'

"Say, since you're an angel can you use magic?"

"Not really, but I can do basic ones"

Raphael helped Ezeheer up and conjured light handcuffs for him.

'They're made of light?'

"Really? How basic is the basic?"

Ezeheer feigned interest, hoping for a slip in Raphael's guard.

"Like, water balls or a boulder"

Raphael stood behind Ezeheer and kept him on his vision.

"Is it hard to do?"

"No. I learn by myself, my father doesn't exactly come down to help a lot"

"Who's your father?"

"... Try and guess"


Raphael gave Ezeheer a disappointed look.

"Archangel Raphael"

"Oh, I wouldn't have known. Really."

"Of course not, you don't even know my name. If you did, you would have guessed quickly."

At this, Ezeheer grew interested, a little but interested nonetheless.

"What's your name then?"

"Raphael Jr."


"I'm Ezeheer"

"Nice to meet you then!"

"Yeah, by the way can you show me some of your magic? I'm kind of a magician myself."

Raphael's eyes perked up, he always wanted other people to see him cast magic but he just can't find that someone.

"Okay! Watch this!"

Raphael held out his palms open and a red magic circle appeared.


A huge ball of fire shot off the circle and slammed into a nearby tree. The magic circle changed into a blue one-

"Water Stream!"

A stream of water came out of the magic circle and proceeded to put out the fire before it spread.

"What?! It's cool right?! Heh, I can do a wind and earth one too!"

"I'd like to see the earth one"

A brown magic circle appeared.


And out of nowhere a large piece of rock shot off the magic circle and slammed into a tree.

Raphael's nose was getting kind of longer, but that was just Ezeheer's imagination.

"That's pretty cool. Can you teach others?"

"Not really. I can tell you how to use mana, but you seem to already know how to use it."

"I... haven't seen you use wind yet..."

Ezeheer's eyes had a certain glint to them as he asked those questions.

"Wind magic? I have one too!"

A green magic circle appeared in front of Raphael.


From the green magic circle. A twirling tornado shot out, but contrary to what Raphael expected, the tornado suddenly changed target, it turned and went for him.



The tornado's force was strong enough that Raphael went flying and broke several trees in midair.

As soon as Raphael was hit, the light handcuffs disappeared. Ezeheer rubbed his wrists and jumped up, riding the tornado. He landed near Raphael and was thinking of killing him but stopped.

"Eh. Not like we'll ever meet again. I'm from the another city anyways. I'll make sure he's knocked out though."

Ezeheer formed a wind bubble around Raphael's head and held it long enough to knock out him out, if he wasn't yet.

"May we never meet again."


3 years later, at the entrance ceremony of Kuoh High. A black haired teen stood along with other students.

"Students of Kuoh High! Welcome to another year of class... and yada yada yada. Whatever, screw this. I'm going home, blah blah blah. Be good this year, especially you boys!"

The principal finished her speech and went down. Next was the student representative, the one and only Raphael S. Tennouji, top 1 at school and top 1 at everything else.

"Good Morning my fellow students. Due to our principal's lacking speech, I'm afraid it might've damaged our reputation for a bit, but worry not. My mother was just on her period today. Kuoh High has always been a school of traditions, and only a few years ago did they decide on breaking that very thing and introduce co-ed. I, as a student that was originally first to be invited due to my mother being the principal, was very proud at being a student here. I did my best and worked hard and..."

Raphael's eyes went and stayed at another black haired teenager. It took him a grand total for 5 seconds to immediately remember the being he swore to punch in the face if they ever met again,

"AH! You're that bread thief!"




'Ah, shit. Here we go again.'

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