Amidst the bustling queue for the next digital battle, Iris, with her trademark mischievous grin, sidled up to Luna.
Iris: "Hey, Luna! I couldn't help but notice your intense training session. What's the deal with this secret weapon you've got up your virtual sleeve?"
Luna, initially hesitant, looked around to ensure the conversation remained discreet before leaning in with a conspiratorial whisper.
Luna: "Alright, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. It's a secret, after all."
Iris nodded theatrically, making an exaggerated zipping motion across her lips. Luna, with a gleam in her eyes, shared her secret.
Luna: "It's a gun!"
Iris, suppressing a laugh, widened her eyes dramatically.
Iris: "A gun in a virtual world? Now, that's interesting! Do tell, Luna!"
Luna, bubbling with excitement, explained, "But not just any gun! It's a customized creation that can shoot arrows rapidly. Imagine the surprise on our opponents' faces when they expect bullets, and they get a barrage of arrows instead!"
Iris burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement at Luna's ingenious creation.
Iris: "You never fail to surprise, Luna! A gun that shoots arrows—brilliant! We've got to try this out in the next battle."
As the team gathered for the impending skirmish, Luna, wielding her unconventional weapon, and Iris, with her signature daggers, shared a knowing glance. The battlefield awaited, and with Luna's innovative twist, Team Echo was poised for victory.
In the ensuing battle, Luna's arrow-shooting gun turned the tide, catching their opponents off guard. The rapid-fire arrows, guided by Luna's precise aim, proved to be an unexpected yet effective strategy. Laughter echoed through the digital realm as Team Echo emerged triumphant, showcasing Luna's inventive twist and reinforcing the team's adaptability in the face of challenges.
" A gun :) " lol i love luna!