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81.69% Villains Are My Sponsors! / Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Jeju Raid Begins!

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Jeju Raid Begins!

Chapter 53: Jeju Raid Begins!

Author: Dark_Crown98


7: 26 am

It was a sunny day in Seoul. Alard was sitting on his sofa, meditating.

Naked ladies laid in his bed. They all were sleeping soundly. All had a proud smile on their sleeping faces.


"Master~ Good morning! It's time!" hearing the voice of Nakia. Alard slowly opened his eyes, his slitted red pupils turning into normal. He felt he had increased 1% of his blood control.

"Hmm.. Good morning. So, any reports from those lizards?" Alard questioned, he was currently naked. So, he picked a robe to cover his body.

"Yes! We have 10,000 captured in this country. While counting the jobs Lizards from forgein countries had carried. We have a total of 100,000 under our control, ready to be used at any time." Nakia replied, racking her brain to remember this much report.

"Good. Then, let's go to the Hunter Association." Alard said, smiling. He snapped his finger. Quickly, dressing up - white shirt, black hood and half jogger.

[Korean Hunters Association]

*Noise pollution!


"Hunter Alard!"


Quickly arriving at the Association.

Alard and Nakia with their 300 Crown Hunters arrived - 180 B-rank, 100 A-rank and 20 S-rank.

Where, they were surrounded by reporters. Quickly, giving them some answers. Alard and Alard walked inside the building.

Crown Hunters all outside, they were given the job of just standing.

No need to talk.

No need to move.

Only stand.

(A/N: Of course, it is a secret.)

Soon, Alard, Nakia, Ma Dongwook and Lim Tae-Gyu were led toward the Helipad of the Association.

Because this mission required S-ranks only. Those lower rank than S-rank will stay near the coast of Korea. To kill any ants that may have escaped from the island.

"So, what are you useful for?" Nakia scoffed. Alard was silently resting.

Currently, they are in a helicopter. Moving toward Jeju island.

Korean S-ranks were in two helicopters. Each helicopter consists of four S-rank Hunters.

While, The Japanese were separated into four teams - Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta.

"Ah? Yes, Ms. Nakia. I'm a cameraman from the news agency. That specializes in reporting about Hunters." The reporter said. He was an A-rank Hunter, though he still was sweating in the presence of four S-rank Hunters.

"This raid is going to be broadcast live worldwide." the reporter nervously said.

Currently, the entire world. Be it East, west, south or north.

This stream is being broadcast worldwide. So, everyone around the world is currently watching this very first S-rank Dungeon raid from their television.

While, the one who caused this broadcast to go live is silently resting.

"I can't believe a cameraman is accompanying us on such a dangerous mission. What on earth was Chairman Gunhee thinking…?" Lim Tae-Gyu muttered. He was having a headache, thinking he had to take care of this cameraman, still fighting those dangerous ants.

"Sir, I may not look like much. But, I'm still an A-rank Hunter. So, I can at least not be a dead weight to you all." cameraman said, though he himself didn't believe his statement. He was scared, his hand trembling.

"So, This used to be Jeju city. Huh? It's a ghost town now." Goto stated. He was in the Alpha team. Minoru Hoshino and Mari Ishida behind him.

They were a team of three.

"This is A-Alpha speaking. Requesting roll over." Goto said in his earphone.

"B-Bravo over." Kanae first reported. She and Atsushi Kumamoto were on Team Bravo.

"C-Charlie over." Tatsumi Fukushima reported. Him with Kenzo Tanaka and Akari Shikizu were Team Charlie.

"D-Delta over." Ippei Izawa also reported. He and Kei were Team Delta.

"Everyone, Open the floodgate." Goto then commanded.


A huge surge of mana waves released from all four sides of Jeju Island.

"Whoa! Look at that intensity of the mana waves!" Ma Dongwook exclaimed. When the helicopter gate began opening.

"The Japanese must have launched the operation." Lim Tae-Gyu said, walking over the gate of the flying helicopter.



Hundreds of human size ants began charging forward. Their aim was the helicopter.

"Magic Arrows!" Lim Tae-Gyu raised his bow.





Lim Tae-Gyu created mana-filled arrows from his hands, shooting it from his bow. He killed many ants with his archery.



When, the entire sky turned extremely hot. Fire blazing around the clouds.

Lim Tae-Gyu and Ma Dongwook turned toward their left. Where they saw the cause of this hotness.


"No… Not really. I knew this would happen… This much fire power isn't enough to take them all down." Choi Jong-In said, raising his hand up.


He conjured a huge ball of fire.


Releasing the ball of flame like a beam. He completely eradicate a whole hundreds of Ants.

"The ants have evolved alot. They aren't like they used to be." Choi Jong-In said, managing his glasses.

(A/N: Maybe they were heartbroken? You know, heartbroken changes?)

He immediately jumped from his helicopter.

"Hey!" Baek Yoonho exclaimed. Watching Choi Jong-In jump from the helicopter.

Choi Jong-In, using his fire around his feet, lowered the fall impact.

"Do you think He'll be okay..?" Min Byung-Gyu, the healer asked.

"He should be fine. Especially since his fire magic specializes in fighting multiple opponents." Cha Hae-In said, looking toward the falling Choi Jong-In.


His flame burning everything. Choi Jong-In safely landed in Jeju Island.

"Fire Magic."


He sizzled every ant near 20m of his range.


"You guys can come down now." Choi Jong-In then said. Looking toward the helicopter.

He moved forward.

"Haha… Unlike our previous attempts, we won't have an escape route this time around. So, all the best guys!" Ma Dongwook exclaimed. He also jumped from the helicopter.

"We've got this in the bag! We will complete this raid! Let's go!" Lim Tae-Gyu exclaimed, jumping.

"Master, should we also jump?" Nakia exclaimed, wanting to jump herself.

"You can. I will also follow." Alard said, getting up.

"Let's jump." Both Alard and Nakia jumped.

"Wohoooo!" Nakia shouted, summoning her staff.


She used wind waves to land.

[Japanese Ship]

"We will now commence the operation as well. Activate the jamming signals."

"Yes, Sir! Activating the jamming signals."

'Now activating the jamming signals. Ants won't be able to hear the Queen's call for help.'

'Let's see. If those Korean Hunters can take care of the Queen or not.'

"Flame Prison." Choi Jong-In used his fire magic. Quickly, a large net of flame covered the top of the mountain.

Blocking some ants from coming in or out.

All Korean Hunters were united now. They were walking in a dusty dungeon, many holes all around.

"Ugh.. There are too many caves. Which way should we go?" Ma Dongwook exclaimed, observing the caves. He couldn't feel, which cave was Ant Queen.

"This place is like a Labyrinth. If we go down a random path, we'll end up right back where we started." Baek Yoonho stated.

"It is that cave." when Alard said, pointing toward a left cave.

"Huh? Mr. Alard, how are you sure?" Min Byung-Gyu questioned.

"It is easy, I can smell that Queen. She is down right smelling like a shit." Alard said, getting many weird looks.

'He can smell the queen? Then, why can I smell it? Don't tell me my animal instinct is weaker than his?' Baek Yoonho thought in dissatisfaction.

He afterall was a big bad wolf!

"Whether you believe it or not. Is up to you, me and Nakia will be going there." Alard said, walking toward the cave.

'What is with that attitude! Doesn't he know teamwork?' Lim Tae-Gyu shouted inwardly.

"Guys.. I think, we should follow Mr. Alard. It is better to follow a lead then just waste our time here." Cha Hae-In said, looking toward Alard leaving back. She had an urge to follow him.

"Hm.. I think you are right, Ms. Hae-In." Choi said. He was planning on using his fire magic to find the correct path.

But, If Alard's direction was correct. He didn't need to use this magic, wasting his mana.

"Sigh… Well, let's follow him." Baek Yoonho sighed.



Nakia shot her wind lances, killing many ants.

"It seems like, Mr. Alard prediction was correct. This must be the Queen's royal guards."

"Do you really think the Queen is here, though? What if she betrayed her own subjects and ran away by herself?" Min Byung-Gyu said.

"That's impossible. They're just ants. Besides, we're on an island. There's nowhere for her to run." Baek Yoonho said, his gauntlet soaked in ants blood.

"Look..!" when Choi Jong-In's voice resounded in the dark tunnel.

"It's a spawning ground…" Alard voice sounded next to him.

"...And, the fact that there's more than one here. There must be a Queen's Chamber nearby." Alard said, looking forward. He saw an extremely big egg. That had already been hatched.

"That can't be a egg, can it? No way.. What in the world hatched out of that thing?" Min Byung-Gyu exclaimed, sweating. He took a few steps back in fright. When a stern hand patted his hand.

"Our goal is to defeat the Queen. Forget about everything else." Baek Yoonho said.

Alard giving them an aloof face.

"We should move. Those Japanese Hunters can't hold on forever." Alard said, moving forward.

"Kenzo, You are a hot mess~" Akari said, looking toward Kenzo. Who was half-naked. His body was covered with the blood of ants.

"The flying ants turned out to be…" Kenzo was about to speak. When a extremely dangerous force charged toward them.

Alerting all three Tatsumi, Akari and Kenzo.

"They're coming! Be careful…!"

Two pairs of red eyes glared toward Kenzo.

"You bastard..!" Kenzo tried to attack that monster in front of him. When..



That monster, at the speed of light, cursed the head of Kenzo. His entire head burst open.


"No..!" Tatsumi exclaimed, unsheathing his sword. He leaped forward.



The next second, Tatsumi's head rolled off his neck.


"Kyaaa!" Akari screaming from fright. She couldn't even tell what happened. She just saw Kenzo's head bursting, when Tatsumi dashed forward… just to get his head chopped off.


When, a huge burst of wind hit her body.


Her head immediately rolled out of her neck. Her headless body dropping to the ground.


Few minutes later…


"I can't believe it. We have to check on Team Charlie because we lost connection with them… what the hell are they up to?" Ippei Izawa of Delta Team said, jumped around tree branches. He was being followed by Kei.

"Hey! Slow down a bit man!" Kei complained. He was a mage. So, how could he compare with an assassin?


"Is this where they were stationed?" Ippei questioned, stopping in the scene.

He saw many ants carcasses.

'Evidences of a battle.. Looks like they easily defeated the ants.' Ippei thought, Kei behind him observing the scene.

"I wonder where they went." Kei spoke, calmly observing the area.

'!!!' Ippei's eyes widened in shock.

'Tatsumi's glasses!'

"No way… No.. Impossible." Ippei shuddered, backing off a little.

"Urgh!" Kei began to shiver. Immediately removing his filter mask.

"Blaaaargh!" He vomited, his face turning pale.

"Kei! What's wrong?!"

'What is this smell! It's awful..?! A rotten stench.. I've never smelled anything like it before!' because of his mana smell. He was extremely sensitive toward the smell of mana. So, he couldn't hold himself in front of this majestic energy.


When the monster once again arrived.

"Arghh!" Kei shouted in horror. When four claws splitted his body into four. His internal organs, intestines, bones and flesh are getting ripped off.

"Kghh!" Ippei wailed. The monster's hand emplaced its claw inside him.




Sorry guys, for not uploading for three days.

My exams are over.

So, I took a break.

But, From today.

I will regularly update the chapters.

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