Warden Yakovich's form remained floating in the air. And despite the wind that was violently wafting from the opening that Riley just created, his form that seemed to be made of vapor was completely still– almost like some sort of hologram.
It was previously being erased by the gust earlier, making it seem like smoke. But now that it was still, it would seem that wasn't the case. So was it really some sort of illusion? Riley thought as he glanced at Yakovich for a few seconds.
And Yakovich was doing the same; his eyes focused on Riley and at the vast and slightly dark space in front of him– the area where the top 3 prisoners were residing. Yakovich was confident that he would be able to defeat each of them in a one-on-one fight– but three of them at the same time?
Well... that was anticlimactic. LOL
Peever just donated $100-- you guys know what that means, more chapters! Not today doe, my laptop died T_T. As always doe, thank you for reading!