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61.9% Vigilante in Detective Conan / Chapter 13: Chapter 13 A break in at the Beika Police Department

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 A break in at the Beika Police Department

Haruto stood in his room with his shirt off. His abs and muscles were well accentuated with the lighting in the room. Right now his face was gloomy. The reason behind it was simple.

He came back to his room and while changing his clothes he had switched on the TV to watch today's game of tennis as the US open had started. Unfortunately his plans were interrupted when the first channel played after switching on the TV was the news channel by the Nichuiri TV and in that stood a big photo of Miki.

After watching the news broadcasted he came to know of the now dubbed most horrendous rape and murder case by the media along with voice of enraged public and local woman rights communities.

"This is bad. To think this would happen on the same day I punched her face. Will there be any DNA evidence? And worse of all who would do such a horrible thing. She was pregnant".

With a hint of worry Haruto layed on the bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile in Kudo's residence

Kudo Shinichi had spread pictures and evidence of the case and amongst the pictures laid the photo of Haruto as a person of interest in the case.

Ran waltzed in the room to check up on her childhood friend who decided to leave early from school and after hearing the details of the case she felt sick to her stomach. Just as she was about to leave the room to prepare dinner for him she noticed the picture of Haruto amongst the list of persons whom Kudo called the suspects.

"I know this person".

"He! How do you know him and who is he?".

"If I am not wrong he should be living in this neighbourhood. I have been seeing him for the past 10 years and recently almost everyday when I pass by the park. He works out in that place".

"Oh, I didnt know that. Well amongst these suspects his identity is a bit special. He is the only son of the current Defense minister of Japan Kyouichi Tachibana.

And he is also one of the main suspects in the case as one of the dead girl's friends said that they had a confrontation yesterday evening".

"May be I can confront him tomorrow morning while he is in the park".

"Hmm, if that's the case I'll also come with you. I can tell that he is pretty strong so just consider me as your bodyguard. But to be honest I don't think he could be the monster who did this".

"Why do you say that?"

"You know sometimes you could tell just by looking at a person. When I said that I had seen him, it was almost every single day and he would run even on days with rain and snow. I don't think that someone as diligent and disciplined as him would do something this crazy. And he doesn't give off the air of a psychopath".

"Oh, ok we will meet here around 6 in the morning before leaving for the park".

Inside Tachibana residence

Haruto's room was silent and cold yet the person sleeping on the bed tossed and turned. If one looked at his pale and sweaty face one would realise that he was having a nightmare.

Inside the nightmare he was being confronted by Miki who currently looked horrendous with her stomach cut open, blaming him for her death while a cold voice which kept saying that he was a psycho and should embrace the dark self.

Suddenly his eyes shot open and his eyes were red with veins in the white part of the eye visible.

Beika Police department

At 1.30 AM the Beika Police department was silent with guards doing their work diligently. There were not more than a few desk cops who were responsible for answering emergency calls during night and may be a handful of police officers who were working on ongoing cases and were working overtime.

On a isolated part of the compound where not much light were present jumped in a shadow. The shadow quickly moved away from the blindspot and made his way to the windows of the building to find a way inside.

All the while checking for a way in the shadow kept expertly maneuvering himself in such a way that he avoided all the security guards who patrolled.

Soon the shadow found a way in when he spotted one of the desk cops tottering out for some smoke.

Lighting up the smoke the cop walked around the building without any sense of confidence as if he owned the place. Just as he was about to pass by one of the pillars and into a dark corner he was grabbed in and knocked unconscious with an armbar.

Further the shadow injected something using a syringe and swapped out the access card and made his way in by wearing the same coat and wearing a ball cap to hide his face from the security camera.

Waltzing in with confidence because of lack of guard near the entrance of the building the intruder went inside. The receptionist who was seated behind the desk did not mind the intruder as they didn't really notice the difference between the desk cop and the intruder because of the coat they were wearing.

The intruder first made his way to the window near the place where he hid the desk cop and dragged him inside and covered his body using a blanket near a dark corner of the room which could be seen as a storage room.

Making his way to the files room the intruder tried to find the document he was looking for. Unfortunately it was not there making the intruder stand in deep thought.

An ongoing case file, if not in the cabinet section, will be on the desk of the officers who were assigned to the case. A case of this big should be on the desk of some of the senior officers and with this thought process entered the man with his head still low and covered by a cap inside the hall where all the desks of officers were kept.

With the blessing of good luck no one was inside and the light for the place was switched off. With the help of a flashlight from the pentorch the man made his way to the desk one by one. Despite not having much time he didn't exactly have much of a choice and by a stroke of luck he came across the relevant case file aka the murder and rape of Miki across a desk with the name placard of Officer Sato.

Sifting through the file all he saw were photocopied documents and uncensored pictures which the man took photo using his digital camera. The man didn't forget to switch off the flashlight from the camera and took pictures with pentorch lighting.

After 10 minutes he was done with the work and swiftly headed to the window from where he had smuggled in the desk cop. The entire getting out part became an easy task and the man did not forget to make the desk cop lie down in the floor and gave back the stolen card and quickly escaped the Police department.

The night time in Beika was quiet albeit the sound of fast running cars and sound of siren every now and then.

The man walked through the dark alleys and disappeared into the darkness.

Inside the residence of Hamado Akira

Akira Sudo had stayed shut the entire day. He was nervous and was also unraveling post first murder and his chosen mode unravel was through cocaine.

High on coke Sudo fiddled with his computer checking local porn sites to soothe his nerves.

Just then he recieved a notification. Checking the notification he found that he had recieved a new mail. The mail had no subject except an attachment worth 10 mb and a link pasted in the content of the mail.

Checking the 10 mb video he froze and shuddered in fear as he saw a strip of video containing him shoving a broken glass inside the vagina of Miki.

Already knowing what the link could be, he clicked on it which led him to an hour long video of the rape and murder and the video covered every angle of his face. While watching a quarter of the video he got horny and ended up masturbating to the self made snuff porn and lay on his chair revealing on his post nut clarity while still high on cocaine.

"Who is this? How did he get this video? No what am I even saying. Other than him no one would have this video. Fuck, how dare he scare me like this?".

Picking up his phone Sudo dialled the number and waited for his accomplice to pick up the call.

"What is it. I thought I told you not to call me".

"Fuck you. Why would I call you. What do you think you are doing. Are you threatening me by sending that video. Don't forget that you were the one who destroyed all traces of the woman including dumping her body inside the dumpyard".

"Calm down. What are you talking about? Why would I threaten you. I already got my money for disposing the woman. What happened?".

Sudo told what had happened making the guy on the other end go quiet.

"Don't call me again. I'll call you. If there is anymore updates give me via SNS".

With that the call on the other end cut.

"Fuck who does he think he is, ordering me like that".

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