"How's the weather in Los Angeles today?" I ask my client by phone. And then a second time, since he's elderly and hard of hearing. "I said, how's the weather out there today?"
"Oh, just fine, just fine," he says. "Praying for rain as usual. You? You're where now?"
"Las Vegas. Harold moved me to build the sports business here."
"Sports, shorts," Mr. Riddle says. "Live fast, die young when it comes to longevity. Making money in sports is no good long-term strategy. You know what's been a good long-term strategy for me?"
"If I had to guess, I'd say you did pretty well in utilities and energy."
"Utilities and energy," he says, as if I didn't just say that exact thing.
"Right, you've done very well there, that's for sure. Hey, Mr. Riddle, do you like the package I drew up for this next wave of investments?"