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Chapter 66: Truly Impressive, the Great Devil Zheng Mu! Unknown Beast in the Desert

Hello everyone,

I do apologize for the long hiatus. As AI has become more mainstream the more restrictive safeguards and regulations each big company uses to avoid legal problems have become. This has greatly affected my ability to produce what I consider quality work.

I have had to take a step back from my larger library of publications while attempting to find work arounds and alternatives. I am happy to say I have found an alternative to GPT that does not have me wasting hours redrafting the same chapter to get closer and closer to the actual details covered in the raws.

It is by no means perfect and will occasionally false flag my translation attempts as trying to work with directly copywritten subjects and IP but it's outputs have been far more stable and in the style I prefer compared to what GPT has become as of late. 

 Please enjoy the next 5 chapters that I will be mass releasing today. There will not by any fixed scheduling releases with this book until I can find an AI solution that is not overly restrictive when dealing with IP, copywrite, fair use, and public domain.


Nearly 20 days of the month-long exam period had already passed, but the Devouring Desert's core region was exceptionally lively.

"Your campsite got raided by that guy too? Damn, this is which one now already?"

"Hey don't chat about that. That busty S-rank Shadowless Assassin belle from our Hanlong University, Huo Xiangyun, said Zheng Mu bullied her as a group so she challenged him to a duel alone. Guess what happened?"

"There's no way that could be accepted right? No matter how beautiful the girl, a mage can't accept a duel against an assassin!"

"Heh, that's where you're wrong. Zheng Mu directly agreed! He just stood in place without moving. Yet each time Huo Beauty snuck close to him, before she could even attack, she was smacked on her bottom!"

"What?! Zheng Mu actually doesn't show tender affection to such a great beauty?! Smacked the legendary Huo Xiangyun's bottom 18 times and even said for her to remember him for life?!"

A certain unknown simp: "..."

Ignoring where that heartbroken sound came from, as Zheng Mu's sphere of activities gradually expanded in scope over the past days, more candidates from other schools also escaped from the regions he travelled through, gathering together in the central area.

And likewise gathering here were all sorts of half-true, bizarre rumors regarding Zheng Mu.

Some said Zheng Mu's hands were already stained with the lives of hundreds, mostly women.

Others said Zheng Mu possessed some mechanical creation that surveilled everything from the skies like the Fei Yun Zhou ships, so that all of them were under Zheng Mu's watch.

And some even directly said Zheng Mu wasn't actually some A-rank mecha master, but a S-rank career that only resembled mechanics.

All sorts of news wove together. Ultimately, in everyone's hearts were only unease and anxiety.

Amongst the pitiful few S-rank career holders present even, all had gathered together exceptionally.

"I asked quite a few people passing through. We can now confirm the S-rank Elven Archer Wu Chunjung and S-rank Shadowless Assassin beauty Huo Xiangyun both fell at Zheng Mu's hands."

"No helpers at all, just head-on duels."

As Yellow Wind mage Sang Luo stated this, clear heaviness showed on his face. Hearing him, the only woman present, Jiang Lalan, immediately puckered her lips and whispered to her nephew beside her:

"Little Feng, do you think that Zheng Mu doesn't like girls? A bombshell that even I'd salivate rivers over, yet he publicly smacked her bottom. What girl would like a man like that?"

Ge Feng was completely awkward, not knowing how to reply.

Mouth opening and closing, all he managed to squeeze out was:

"I'll protect my auntie. If it comes down to it, I'll block him and you run first."

The others shot speechless looks at the two. We're still discussing how to respond, yet you two have already decided to flee helter-skelter?

Is there not even a shred of the pride an S-rank career holder should have?

However, they didn't know these aunt-nephew pair hadn't even remotely treated this exam seriously at all. With their family's connections and capital of being S-rank holders, they could casually pick whichever first-rate university they wished. On the contrary, they had long grown somewhat weary spending everyday sun-baked and wind-blown in this wretched Devouring Desert place.

If not for some remaining curiosity over seeing the fabled Great Devil mecha master Zheng Mu, Jiang Lalan could directly activate her defensive talisman and choose to forfeit on the spot.

Seeing the two completely ignore them, fury flashed in Sang Luo's eyes for a moment. But in the end, he still chose to tolerate it temporarily due to the excessive pressure Zheng Mu exerted.

He looked towards the others. "We currently have two options. Everyone's points have already broken past 10,000. If following convention from previous years, passing the exam won't be an issue. We can directly rush the evacuation points, but we'll most likely be intercepted en route..."

Saying this, he pointed at the sky. One could faintly spot several eagles circling about.

Word of the Patrol Eagles had already spread this past period.

"As for the other path, I assume everyone understands my meaning - await passively, gradually surrounded, stealth attacked by who knows what explosive methods one by one until eliminated, or band together for an active strike."

Yet Gu Ming, who had been silently gripping a sword this whole time, only coldly shook his head.

"Five days ago, his region was by Golden Sea University. Two days ago, Hanlong University. Yesterday was Profound Flame University... Where do you think he is today? We don't possess probing abilities like him. This boundless desert leaves us clueless where to even start looking."

His words instantly dulled the atmosphere somewhat. But right then, the previously silent Wang Long suddenly spoke up.

"I actually have a third route, just not sure if you all would dare take it..."

Seeing all gazes turn his way, Wang Long organized his words:

"As you all know, my career is S-rank Beast Master. This career sharply boosts my senses towards beast auras - I can perceive the existence of unexpected monsters from a kilometer, two kilometers away."

"Whether above ground... or below ground."

Gu Ming wrinkled his brows. "Stop beating around the bush. You discovered something?"

Wang Long nodded, taking out a map from his embrace. Attention was instantly drawn to the eye-catching red circle marked on it.

"My senses discovered empty underground space here. And inside lurks an exceptionally terrifying monster aura. Based on my estimates... at least lv40."

Sang Luo knitted his brows.

"So you're suggesting we use that monster against the incoming Zheng Mu? A lv40 monster isn't something we can overcome! If we overreach, we may encounter unexpected trouble!"

"Zheng Mu would choose to withdraw after our protective talismans activate. But a lv40 monster wouldn't just refuse to withdraw. Our protective talismans likely can't withstand that degree of attack either."

Wang Long shrugged.

"Thus, it comes down to your choice. Worst case, we simply rush the evacuation point. With my prowess, I'm not sure what odds I have against Zheng Mu, but successfully escaping, I have ample confidence."

"If you all can accept yourselves as S-rank career holders getting trampled under an A-rank mecha master... then pretend I said nothing..."

Everyone's expressions changed at this. In the end, Sang Luo grit his teeth first and stood up.

"Let's try it. My elemental affinity at least gives me some advantage in this desert. Perhaps we can find a way to temporarily control that monster."

Seeing Sang Luo step out, Wang Long cheered up and also promptly rose to his feet.

"I was the one who discovered that location and sensed the monster aura, though it seems to be slumbering without any reactions. We just need to rouse it after Zheng Mu arrives."

Hearing this, the others also finally stood, agreeing one by one.


"I don't know how long more you plan on staring at me like that. Are you trying to permanently go cross-eyed?"

Inside the cruising base vehicle, Zheng Mu was enjoying a rare afternoon tea when he noticed Leng Bingyue's eyes staring at him sideways, instantly spoiling his initially delightful mood.

Leng Bingyue coldly laughed hearing him. "You don't even wash your hands before eating. Just how reluctant are you to part with it?"

Zheng Mu: "..."

He soon understood her implication.

"I can only say everything's a coincidence."

"Eighteen consecutive coincidences."

Zheng Mu: "...Alright, I admit that by the end, I indeed couldn't help myself. But it wasn't my fault! Who could resist when it feels that amazing?"

Seeing Leng Bingyue's expression turn even colder, Zheng Mu instead suddenly smiled.

"Sis Bingyue, could it be you're jealous?"

The abrupt counter-question left Leng Bingyue stunned. Her complexion instantly went beet red.

"J-jealous, jealous your sister! Hmph, scum!"

Watching her flee in a huff after throwing down those words, an odd expression showed on Zheng Mu's face.

She thinks I'm blind or something? Reaching this stage yet still putting on airs of denial here?

"Tsk tsk, Bingyue, you need to seize the opportunity! Otherwise your Brother Mu may get snatched away by other women..."

As Cai Shengkun walked over, he happened to overhear this pretentious line of Zheng Mu's. He instantly became speechless.

However, his boss's maneuvering truly had been exceptionally 'brilliant' over these days. Let alone himself, even the spectators around them had been left flabbergasted beyond words by Zheng Mu's audacious conduct.

"Boss, the remaining candidates have already gathered together in the central region. Looks like they're preparing for a final huge battle against us there."

Hearing him, Zheng Mu faintly smiled.

"Isn't that precisely what we hoped for? Since that's the case, let us directly head over to the central region. As for Holy Clarity University and North Wu University's candidates, we ought to formally meet them too."

When the numbers of Patrol Eagles in the skies above suddenly spiked, everyone understood that Zheng Mu who had been stirring chaos over the entire exam location recently was about to arrive at their side.

"No time to delay, we depart immediately!"

And seeing this, Wang Long's group also reacted decisively...

The collective mobilization of five S-rank career holders naturally instantly attracted Zheng Mu's side's attention.

"Boss, those fellows are clearly heading in the evacuation point's direction!"

Cai Shengkun panicked. These were key "revenge targets" of theirs! How could they let them escape?

Zheng Mu's expression faintly changed. "Change direction, full speed towards the evacuation point!"

In the skies above, word of Zheng Mu's rampages over the past days had finally reached the upper echelons' ears.

Right now, inside an enormous aerial battleship far exceeding the Fei Yun Zhou in scale, a white-haired elder watching the scene on the light screen before him suddenly laughed loudly.

"Heh heh, this brat has quite the nerve. He directly went to blockade the evacuation point, unwilling to let a single other academy's candidate slip by. What imposing manner!"

Qin Zhi, Liu Weiqi and the rest all stood nervously behind the elder, complex emotions beyond description on their faces.

Especially Liu Weiqi and his group - none had expected this exam to end up alarming this legendary figure said to have been in seclusion for many years!

"Elder Li, you can't blame Zheng Mu for this. It was all because Holy Clarity and that bunch of weaklings..."

Qin Zhi wanted to plead and explain for Zheng Mu, but was interrupted by the elder laughing and waving him down.

"Relax, old geezer. I didn't come here to nitpick. This brat isn't bad. He is quite suitable for your Southwest Martial Academy. In a certain sense, even Holy Clarity University and them did a good deed this time."

Liu Weiqi and party: "..."

They truly didn't want this 'honor' at all!

Noticing the changes in these people's expressions, a fluctuation flashed through Elder Li's eyes before he indifferently spoke:

"Our Dragon Nation hasn't lacked S-rank career holders compared to other countries these years. The ten Imperial Guardians are already exceptionally mighty and influential. Our national power doesn't lose out to the United States and them."

"Yet regarding career holder nurturing, we've been consistently suppressed by other nations year after year."

"A great nation actually can't even enter the top eight of the global career competitions?"

Elder Li's gaze calmly swept over everyone.

"It's time to change this situation. I feel letting that Zheng Mu brat serve as the vanguard isn't bad at all."

Hearing this, Qin Zhi and the others from Southwest Martial Academy automatically stood straighter as intense excitement flushed their faces.

Though it hadn't been directly stated, their famous first-rate institution's reputation seemed temporarily preserved!

Just then, someone seemed to notice something as he cried out:

"Huh? Why did Wang Long and them head to the evacuation point? Weren't they going there?"

Everyone watched the image. The five people they assumed had been intending to rush the evacuation point before Zheng Mu could blockade them had actually stopped somewhere en route!

As the image zoomed in, Elder Li's brows faintly knitted together.

One could see Wang Long suddenly let out a beastial roar there, activating his Beast Master skill as he transformed into a gigantic pangolin. Right where he was, he frenziedly started burrowing into the sands. Beside him, the others all busily helped excavate too.

"What are they doing, digging for treasures in the desert?"

Everyone was completely confused.

Wang Long and his team's speed was very fast, seemingly having an extremely clear target. In merely half a day's time, they had already dug a sizable large pit. And just when everyone was still oblivious, amidst the desert...


A sudden resistance bounced Wang Long's pangolin claws back. Everyone swiftly looked towards the sound.

Yet they only saw a rock-like object, a very huge rock. Almost like the head of some creature's stone statue.

Wang Long was exceptionally excited. As a Beast Master, his urges had already made him lose some rationality at this moment.

Wiping some sweat, he once again transformed into an excavator. In merely two hours, everyone finally dug out an oddly-shaped stone monster statue.

"Hiss, it's an insect?!"

Seeing the stone carving's true form, Jiang Lalan, as the female present, instantly revealed clear disgust on her face.

What made her even more unacceptable was how this statue currently looked practically identical to some titanic insect larva. Hideous chomping mandibles were exposed outside, exuding an indescribable nauseating feeling.

"What is this thing? My probing skill level is too low, I can't make out any info at all."

Sang Luo was clearly somewhat nervous at the moment. It seemed he feared some enemy they couldn't handle would charge out from around them at any second.

And Gu Ming had also silently drawn his longsword at the ready.

"Wang Long, where's the monster you mentioned?"

Hearing the inquiry, Wang Long's expression instead turned peculiarly distorted. As he turned to look at everyone, even his tone changed, becoming oddly unfamiliar.

"Monster? Can't you see it right here before you? I can sense its power - exceptionally mighty. At least lv50, no less."

As he spoke, ignoring everyone's dumbfounded stares, he directly walked forward to caress the 4-5 meter tall monster statue with both hands. And even let out disturbingly enraptured sounds from his mouth.

Jiang Lalan's petite face crumpled as she pulled the arm of her nephew Ge Feng beside her.

"Let's scram, nephew, this guy's a freak! Going straight to the evacuation point..."

Speaking, two frightening wraiths had already emerged behind them, seizing both people as they prepared to fly off upwards. However, right then, a burst of intense quaking suddenly came from below.

The sand started caving in towards the massive pit they were in.

"Retreat quickly!" Sang Luo bellowed loudly. With a wave of his hand, his skill activated as a waterfall of sand that had been pouring in from above was abruptly manipulated by some force to scatter away.

Yet the very moment he prepared to fling himself out, a wretched scream suddenly came from behind him.

It was Wang Long's voice.

"Ahhh, save me!"

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