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84.61% Unexpectedlys / Chapter 11: What Now?

Chapter 11: What Now?

Dani burst into the Mystery Shack with a bang, startling a woman looking at key-rings in the Gift Shop.

Mr Pines raised an eyebrow from behind the counter, "Yeesh kid, you look like you've run a marathon!" He remarked.

Dani, instead of responding, continued to breathe heavily as she held the door shut. She realised she probably looked crazy, but she was still worried the ghost might try to get in, pretending to be the doctor.

"Hey, Dani are you okay?" A concerned voice asked beside her.

The girl looked with wild eyes to her right to find Mabel, "I need to talk to-you!" She blurted out before gripping onto the brunette's sweater sleeve and tugging her all the way up to the attic.

The pair came to a stop and Mabel watched her friend with confusion, who was attempting to control her erratic breathing, "What's the matter? You look like Dipper when he starts freaking ou-"

"My doctor is a ghost." Dani revealed, getting straight to the point.

The bubbly brunette blinked repeatedly before it clicked, "What?! Ooooh, I thought there was something odd about him. And not the good kind."

"Shh Mabel!" The Halfa ran to the window and searched outside before rejoining her friend, "Look, basically the doctor's been possessed this whole time and the ghost is after me!"

"Wow! Well, what are we gonna do?"

Dani looked at the girl incredulously, "We?"

"Yeah I want to help!"

The ravenette pinched the bridge of her nose, "Ghost fights are dangerous Mabel."

"Then why did you to tell me? And by the way, I can totally handle myself." Mabel smiled proudly.

"I dunno I just did!" She flailed her hands in the air, "And yeah, I don't doubt that you can handle yourself but..."

"But what? Ha ha, butts." the younger girl stopped to giggle.

"But...ah heck! Just, show me some sort of weapon that can help me out here!"

"I have a grappling hook? It's super awesome too!"

"No," Dani shook her head, "It needs to be better than offence."

"I will take offence anyway, but, what exactly do you mean?"

"Do you know of any supernatural thingamabob that can stop this guy? The thing I usually use is kinda broken at the moment and well," she scratched the back of her neck, "simple ecto-blasts just ain't gonna cut it."

Mabel hummed and tapped her chin with a finger, "The Journal only really talks about monsters but- Aha!" She snapped her fingers excitedly, "I've got it. You want this ghost to stop bugging you right?"

"Well duh." Dani replied flatly.

"Then we make him forget you!" The bubblier of the two finished with a flourish of her hands.

"Forget me? How?"

"There may or may not be a memory removal gun in the Shack somewhere." Mabel grinned deviously.

"Oh Mabel that's genius, thank you!" Dani praised her.

"If I'm correct, it will either be under Dipper's bed or in the closet." Mabel bounced over to her brother's bed and rummaged a hand around underneath it, "Gotcha!" She exclaimed before revealing an old funny looking golden gun.

Dani blanked, "That's it then?"

"Uh huh. Now what are we waiting for? Let's go stop this guy!"

"Whoa whoa," The Halfa waved her hands wildly and shook her head, "No way."

"What? You said I could help!"

"Yeah, help me find something not help me fight! I never actually agreed to that part."

"Oh come on please!" Mabel pouted.

Dani huffed indignantly and finally caved, "Fine! If Sam and Tucker can do it, so can you."

Mabel beamed, "I don't know who they are but thank you!"

"Here ghostie ghostie."

"Mabel, what are you doing?"

"I'm luring out the ghost obviously."

Dani rolled her eyes and took another sip of the energy drink she brought with her to replenish her health. "Could you maybe not? He's not supposed to know you're here."

"Okay fine. Spoilsport." the brunette muttered the last part under her breath.

"Heard that."

The two came across the clearing Dani fought the ghost at and stopped to take a look around. The scorch marks and scuffs were still clear as day on both the trees and ground. Mabel whistled at the sight.

"Mabel, I want you to hide here," Dani instructed, pointing to a cluster of perfectly untouched bushes, "I'm hoping he won't be able to see you from here but you should be able to see what's happening. Therefore, when I signal you, jump out and give me the gun or shoot him with the memory wiper yourself."

"Got it!" The girl in the sweater confirmed with an 'okay' hand gesture.

"Super. Now let's get into positions and- ooh my bag!" Dani cut herself off upon noticing the blue backpack beside a log.

She jogged over to it and snatched it up, carefully examining the contents within.

"Phew, everything's here. Hey Mabel, catch!" She called out as she slung the bag towards the girl.

Fortunately, the brunette caught it. She glanced at it with a perplexed expression and felt its weight. Mabel wanted to open it but didn't want to disrespect her friend's privacy.

"Guard that bag with your life okay? Keep it behind the bush."

"Yes mam!" She mock saluted her in response before making a move to hide the bag from view. However, just as she went to, a question crossed her mind.

"Hey, Dani?" the brunette started hesitantly, "What happens if he doesn't show?"

"Then we search for him. I'm not leaving until we make sure this guy has stopped. He's threatened to tell everyone my secret and well, he threatened my life too so..." She trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"That can't be good."

"Exactly. Anyway come on, let's do this."


The steady insistent beat of a foot tapping the ground had been going on for about six minutes. The Halfa and the sweater enthusiast waited and waited for any sign of the ghost. Dani wanted nothing more than to get the ghost out of her way, and her mind.

"Maybe he really isn't here."

She glanced into the bushes at her friend, "I don't believe that, he was after me and isn't gonna stop and Mabel, you need to get back in case he suddenly shows up." Dani cleared her throat, "Hey! I know you're there so just come here and face me!"

Another 30 seconds of silence stretched on and Dani's frustration was building up before the temperature plummeted slightly. The recognisable chill up her spine could be felt once again followed by the blue wisp escaping her mouth.

"Back for round two?" A disembodied voice asked, "You should know you won't escape this time."

"I don't plan to flee! GOING GHOST!"

A burst of soft giggles erupted out of Mabel behind the bush. The girl quickly slapped a hand over her mouth to shush herself so as not to be discovered. What a funny catch phrase.

Her chuckling halted altogether as the blue halos passed over her friend's body, allowing Phantom to appear. Now able to actually observe the transformation while not in a stupor, Mabel held back a squeal of excitement.

She was actually helping a superhero take down a villain!

A bang snapped her out of the daze and she stared at a tree across that way that had burst into flames.

And being there could have some serious consequences.

A few minutes passed as Dani and the ghost fought on. Punches were thrown, kicks were landed and Mabel watched it all in in awe as the clearing lit up in green. If only she had some popcorn.

Eventually, the ravenette roundhouse kicked the ghost in the face and he crashed, lying weakly on the ground blinking blearily with dizziness.

"You really think you can stop me?" He wheezed, fighting back a cough.

Dani scoffed at him. Did he honestly expect to succeed at that point? Beaten up to all heck but still trying to challenge her?

She floated down in front of him and jabbed a gloved finger in his face.

"We are done here. You won't be taking my pelt back to Skulker, You won't be getting any credibility, I'll be taking your ass back to the Ghost Zone and I'll be getting some peace!" She declared tiredly.

The ghost scowled with disdain at her and actually hissed back, "Why would any of that happen? You were so weak not too long ago and you still are now."

Dani smirked and shook her head, "Because," she started, "I have a little help! MABEL NOW!" She yelled towards the bush.

The brunette jumped out and ran towards the two. The gun jumped in her grip and she held it tighter with determination.

"Here." She smiled as she handed the funny looking weapon to the Halfa.

"Thanks." I turn back to the ghost and chuckle as he tries to get up, "You're running away now?"

"No, my energy is coming back. I'm about to take you dow- OW!" He fell back onto the charred grass and rubbed at his sore leg.

"Weak!" Mabel hollered.

"You two are just children! You can't have stopped me! You realise I'll still be after you later! When I'm back to full health I'll be coming for you again Halfa!"

The two girls glanced at eachother with knowing grins.

"That's the thing, I do know that, and that's why Mabel gave me this." Dani began, lifting the object up for him to see clearly.

"What in the Ghost Zone is that atrocity?"

"I'd tell you, but it's not like you'd remember anyway."


"It's time to rewind!" the Halfa shouted triumphantly before aiming at the ghost and firing the beam into his face.

A cry escaped his throat for a split-second before he sat there, unblinking and silent. Dani hesitantly stepped closer and waved a hand in front of his face.

"Mabel, did it wor-"


The girls jumped back in alarm and the sudden outburst The ghost's eyes zipped around the forest in panic until ultimately settling on the pair before him.

"Wh-where am I? Who Am I? Who are you?" He stuttered in a jumble.

Dani blinked a couple of times and then smiled a little, "Nice." she whispered.

"High five!" Mabel shouted before the two high-fived in celebration.

"Seriously, what's going on!?"

"Here you go sir."

"Thank you two so much for returning me home. I feel like I've been possessed for the past week."

Dani and Mabel laughed nervously.

"So you say I was unconscious in the middle of the forest?"

"Yeah," the ravenette piped up, "Me and Mabel were just walking through and there you were."

"Wow," he scratched his head with a grimace, trying to replace his memories, "Well I'm sorry if I gave you both a fright... I still don't understand how I got there though."

Dani folded her arms over her chest, "When we found you, there was an empty bottle of alcohol in your hand, so maybe you were overworked and felt you needed a break."

The doctor slid a hand down his face and groaned, "Once again, I'm very sorry you had to see me like that. At least this is a lesson to you that you shouldn't drink like that when you're older."

"Of course, oh and we promise to tell no one about what happened to you." The ravenette smiled sweetly and Mabel nodded behind her with an equally innocent smile.

"Thank you again, I don't know how I can make this up to you two."

"No need, we're just happy to help people, a bit like you sir."

He chuckled, "I won't have a happy conscience if I let you two just go without anything so here's ten dollars for each of you."

The pair's eyes widened as he took the money out of his wallet.

"Wow! Thanks!" Dani grinned, picking the money out of his hand.

"But you didn't have to!" Mabel reminded him, but grabbed her share anyway.

"Now, I wish you two a safe journey home." The doctor said with a wave before turning back to his home.

"Goodnight Mr Gregson." The girls responded in unison and then it was their turn to turn away as they made their way back down the street.

Not too far from the house, Mabel spoke up, "So, you're a really good liar." she cocked a brow.

"You think?"

"Mhmm, the way you just came up with that on the spot was amazing. It reminded me of Grunkle Stan actually."


Mabel nodded, "You know, I used to be flat out against lying but then I realised that sometimes, you have to. Like when protecting others or important secrets. That only I know!"

The Halfa chuckled. Contrary to the brunette's belief, five other people knew of her secret. But that was a long story she'd have to save for some other time.

"Mabel, you say that, but you're the one who told the ghost that his name is Marty McSparklepants!" Dani said between laughter.

"Yeah, to protect us."

"How!? At least I told him that he was a ghost and needed to fly invisibly back to Amity Park."

"His name might've been dangerous."

The two stopped walking and stared at each other before howling with laughter.

"Come on, we need to get back before Mr Pines worries and Dipper starts freaking out."

Mabel frowned at the mention of her brother. Noticing this, Dani rubbed her neck awkwardly.

"I know you want to tell him what's been happening...but trust me, it's not safe to keep bringing people into this mess...And I'm sorry but it's my secret and I don't want anyone else to know."

The sweater lover kicked a nearby pebble, "Don't worry I get it, it just kinda sucks."

Dani cast her eyes away, feeling sorry for her friend and shoved her hands in her hoodie pockets. Silence followed and a heavy sense of misery settled over the two for the remainder of the walk until the Mystery Shack came into view.

Mabel brought up a new point, "You never explained what the broken object was."

Worrying her lip briefly, Dani answered her friend, "The object is a thermos made for catching ghosts. Fortunately, I've never had the pleasure of being trapped in one but I'm lead to believe they shrink you into a large empty space. I'll tell you more about it if I can fix it soon..." she glanced at the shack, "Anyway, here we are, let's get inside."

When the two reached the door, Dani smiled as Mabel opened it and they shuffled into the Gift Shop.

Dipper's voice sounded from the Living Room.

"Mabel where have you been?!"

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