“Penny for your thoughts,” Peter said, stroking my cheek gently with his hand. I didn’t look up, but I wanted to answer him.
“I don’t think I have one.” To be honest, I wasn’t sure why he asked for one to begin with.
Peter laughed. “Okay, then how about you just tell me what’s on your mind.”
I scrambled trying to think of something, anything, that would shield my true thoughts. Yet, nothing came forward. Do I dare tell him, I wondered? No, that would make me sound crazy. Hell, I didn’t even believe it, and I’m the clone. Well, supposedly.
In my mind I was trying to think of words that expressed how I felt at that moment, but I wasn’t sure if any were appropriate. Safe? Maybe. Happy? Definitely. But how could I be sure since I have never actually felt safe or happy. At least not in a way that was truly mine.